

167 Uppsatser om Empathy - Sida 11 av 12

Gränser och gränstillstånd : Möten med det övernaturliga i den naturmytiska balladen

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

Utomhuspedagogik i skolan

Nature is in many ways considered a source to both physical and mental health among people. Trends in today?s society reveal that children become more distanced to nature. Seen from the perspective of sustainable development this trend is considered crucial: it is of importance that children in their early ages experience nature positively in order to develop a dedication towards environmental issues as adults.The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers use outdoor learning as an educational tool. Research data were collected through a series of interviews.

"Den boken hade jag aldrig läst annars" : Om barns deltagande i bokcirklar

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

Jag förföljer dig inte, jag följer dig fina du! : En essä om förskollärarens profession och solidaritet

This essay is about my meeting as an educator at a preschool with a child who is deemed to be in need of special assistance. I have worked in preschools and schools for nearly fifteen years and have met a great many children with different needs during these years. I tell in this essay about my relationship with Lucas who is a child I feel need special support in his everyday life. Lucas has what we in the preschool world call impulse controlled behavior. I also feel that he is disturbed by external stimuli such as sound and he has difficulty with social interactions with friends.

Konsten att mäta tjänstekvalitet : En utvärdering av tre instrument för att mäta tjänstekvalitet i kollektivtrafiken

The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the suitability of the three instruments SERVQUAL, SERVPERF and Zone of tolerance to measure service quality, from the respondents' perspective. This study has been carried out by a quantitative method in which respondents answered three questionnaires, which was based on the three instruments. The SERVQUAL instrument is a revised version based on criticism by Carman (1990). It is based on the five dimensions; reliability, responsiveness, assurance, Empathy and tangibility, with 22 items in which each dimension is associated with a number of items. SERVPERF is the instrument most similar to SERVQUAL and is also composed of the same five dimensions.

How to work with parents of malnourished children: The experience of six Kenyan nurses

Background In Nyanza in western Kenya are 30,5% of children estimated as malnourished. It is a family situation that nurses often come in contact with. Therefore it is of interest to know how nurses work with parents of malnourished children when they have a significant role in developing the family's knowledge and child health. Aim. The aim is to investigate how nurses experience that they are working with parents of malnourished children.

Kommunikation i djursjukvården : ett arbete om god kommunikation för bästa möjliga vård

SammanfattningDet här arbetet är en litteraturstudie. Arbetet tar upp litteratur om kommunikation i vården främst från humansidan, men även en del veterinärlitteratur. Arbetet tar upp grunden för kommunikation och olika kommunikationsmodeller. Vidare tas sjuksköterskans roll upp och hur den kan påverka relationen till patienten genom professionalism, empati, människosyn och medmänsklighet. Det handlar även om vad litteraturen säger om effekten av behandling som ett resultat av kommunikation samt hur man kan mäta effekten av behandling.

Levande Skogsbruk : om problem i ett naturvårdsärende

In this study, some aspects of communication that are creating problems in a chosen forest conservation case are explored. Focus is on how the manager of a forest experience how he is treated during a formal decision of conservation. The paper also gives introduction to communication theory as well as to present forest policies in Sweden. Explanations of the most common concepts and terms in forest conservation is presented and such a understanding is necessary if the reader is to acquire enlightment from the material and the following discussion. This paper focus on a conflict between the county administrative board, a Swedish regional authority, and a private forest-manager. This is a case where the manager feels that the authority is forcing a sale of land, because the forest is being turned into a conservation area. The problems are not just economical, the manager feels mistreated and left out of the discussion, and the negotiation is long and problematic as shown in the interview and the case study. In the study, an in-depth interview is made with the manager of the forest, and a case study has been made based on the documents in the case attained from the county administrative board.

Hundars förmåga att tolka mänskliga signaler och känna empati

Hunden och människan har levt med varandra i ca 15 000 år och vår relation har ständigt utvecklats. Det finns mycket forskning som bevisar de positiva hälsoeffekter som hundar har på människor, men vad betyder vår relation för hunden? Vad får den ut av det hela? Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva hur hundar tolkar vår icke-verbala kommunikation, hur mycket den förstår och påverkas av vår sinnesstämning, vad ägaren betyder för hunden och vad vi som hundägare kan göra praktiskt för att påverka hunden positivt. Hundar har ett naturligt sätt att förstå våra signaler, hur subtila eller tydliga de må vara, pekningar som blickar. Hundar kan urskilja detaljer i vårt ansiktsuttryck och förstå när vi är glada och föredra den känslan över när vi är neutrala, äcklade eller rädda. De reagerar t ex på ett specifikt sätt när vi gråter, men i dagsläget är det svårt att säga vad det är hunden reagerar på.

Säljarens förmåga att visa förståelse och empati i interaktionen med kund : En kvalitativ studie om den affektiva och kognitiva empatin 

Syfte: Syftet med vår undersökning är att skapa bättre förståelse för hur en säljare förmedlar empati för kunden i en säljrelation. Tidigare forsknings uppmärksamhet för förståelsen och empatins påverkan utgör grunden till att vi mer specifikt vill undersöka; hur kunden uppfattar att fastighetsmäklaren förmedlar affektiv respektive kognitiv empati i en säljrelation.Metod: En studie av kvalitativ art valdes med bakgrund till studiens syfte. För insamling av kvalitativ data använde vi oss av tidigare forskning samt semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka utfördes med respondenter som anlitat en fastighetsmäklare inom de närmaste tre föregående åren. Well-grounded theory användes sedan som analysmetod av det empiriska materialet.Slutsats: Studien indikerar att kunden uppfattar både affektiv och kognitiv empati i mötet med fastighetsmäklaren. Vi har genom analysen uppmärksammat skillnader och likheter i respondenternas svar, mer specifikt har vi funnit att kundernas uppfattning av empati upplevs olika av olika personlighetstyper och situationer.Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi anser att vidare forskning bör ta hänsyn till fler variabler, exempelvis ålder, kön, personlighetstyp eller situation.

Även skoltrötta elever vill något med sina liv : Hur gymnasieelevers motivation påverkas i mötet med läraren

The starting point of this study is national as well as international surveys which show that the study motivation and general level of knowledge among Swedish students have decreased. The Swedish Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System (Lpf94) states that each student shall be given the possibility to strengthen their will and ability to learn. The teachers are expected to play an important role in the effort to increase student motivation. The opinions of the students are a valuable source when trying to understand what motivates them. The purpose of this study is to provide a more profound understanding of what students express about their motivation in the interaction with the teachers.

Förebyggande djuromvårdnad mot post-anestetisk myopati hos häst

Post-anaesthetic myopathy (PAM) is a serious occasional complication of general anaesthesia in horses. It causes not only pain and suffering to the horse, but also suffering (trauma) to the owner with increased veterinary costs. In the worst case PAM can be fatal. The anaesthetic nurse must know which parameters have to be taken into consideration in the prevention of PAM, to be able to prevent it, and use that knowledge for the animals safety. The aim of this literature review was to investigate and make a presentation of the factors and measurements associated with PAM, with focus on how to monitor these measurements to prevent it from happening, and the advice a Veterinary nurse can give to the horse owner regarding this condition. According to literature there a few factors that greatly increase the risk of PAM, these include- hypotension, periods less than 60 mmHg significantly increases the risk.

Kunskap som vaccin : - En kvalitativ studie av Svenska Röda Korsets lokala kommunikationsstrategier och relationen till det globala

AbstractPurpose/Aim: This essay deals with The Swedish Red Cross Society and their work concerning strategical information and communication about HIV and AIDS in the Swedish context. In a broader sense the relation between the global and the local will be investigated and a discussion about what it means to work in an organization operating on a global arena will be held.Material/Method: This essay is based on relevant theories about culture and health communication which I have studied, selected and put together, with purpose to analyse The Swedish Red Cross Society and their informational work with HIV and AIDS- prevention. Furthermore I have interviewed four of the organizations co- workers to collect data about their experiences in working in the Red Cross organization with this specific mission. Moreover I and my colleague Hillevi Good attended at seminars and lectures to observe activities held by the organization and to get inside information about what people working with HIV and AIDS are discussing and considering as critical issues. The study holds a qualitative approach focusing on understanding this typical case rather then generalizing facts in a larger sense.Main results: The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross has a difficult mission in their work to inform the public about HIV and AIDS, although it is the perfect organization when it comes to communication due to their well-known profile and a huge geographical spread.

Om konsten att möta elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En retrospektiv fallstudie

The development of five individual pupils? writing abilities, as reported by six of their teachers, is analysed. The thoughts and reflexions inspired by the everyday interaction between the teacher and the pupil suffering from some kind of reading and writing disability are presented. The purpose is to capture what was unique and characteristic in the measures that triggered a positive response in the pupils. Some of the questions answered in this study are: How does the phenomenon of reading and writing disabilities manifest itself in the classroom, and what are the consequences for the individual pupil of the various pedagogical measures available?One conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that there is no cut-and dried method for working with pupils suffering from reading and writing disabilities.

Från känsla till handling : Empatins betydelse för frivilligas engagemang

Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.

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