

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 6 av 267

Luftutsläpp från järnmalmsproduktion : - Strategier för systematisk luftkvalitetsmätning

The mining company LKAB extracts iron ore in three areas in the north of Sweden, Kiruna, Malmberget and Svappavaara. The iron ore is refined and in the pelletizing plants the material is rolled to finished pellet product. The different steps of pelletizing plants causes among other things emissions to the air. It occurs occasionally stops in the production and the emissions are vented via an emergency chimney without purification. The aim for this work is to look into how LKAB may improve their monitoring of air emissions and control of ambient air quality and the analysis methods which are suitable for measuring.

Vår beredskap är god : folkbibliotekets beredskap inför framtiden

Our state of emergency is good - is the public library prepared for the future?Our state of emergency is good! These are the words spoken by Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson in 1939. He claimed that Sweden had nothing to fear from a future war, we were safe. Today we know it was not so. Is this the situation for Swedish public library of today? Is the public library ready to face the future, or is it only fancy words?We have to form the future, not let the future form us.

Beredskapsvattenförsörjningen på Sjukhuset i Varberg -En källa till problem?

The hospital in Varberg has a somewhat outmoded solution regarding the state of preparedness in its water sustentation. Today?s solution is both cause to a number of mishaps and high energy consumption.The report is initiated by looking into the present situation to get an insight to the problem.Today?s media depletion is measured and analyzed.Furthermore, it also looks into some earlier performed studies. These studies are followed up in order to see if measures have been taken.The report presents a number of arrangements which should be taken, amongst those a minor re-build of the current solution and a number of arrangements which leads to decreased water consumption..

Läsa och samtala : Vad betyder folkbibliotekets bokcirkel för användaren?

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the meaning the reading group of the public library has to a number of users. To fulfill the aim the following three questions have been formulated: 1) What do a number of users expect from the reading group of the public library? 2) Which approach/attitude or approaches/attitudes do a number of users have to reading and to talking about reading? 3) How do a number of users experience the ongoing reading group?The research is founded on qualitative interviews with five users that take part in three different reading groups in public libraries. The theories that are used is the theory of three so called strategies - the pragmatic, the traditionalistic, the emancipatory ? and the theory of flow.

Bevarande av de svenska lantraserna, populationsgenetiska och molekylärgenetiska metoder

Today?s community requires an increase in food production. Animals are today bred so that they produce more than their ancestors did. Production has been the most important and breeds with the highest production levels have therefore become popular. Many of the old local breeds have become extinct or are about to become extinct because of this trend.

Anpassning av .NET-funktionalitet för Microsoft Excel

The .NET Framework is a widely used system component for MicrosoftWindows. This thesis describes how the functionality of the framework canbe adapted to Microsoft Excel. Specific operations, such as integration ofuser interfaces, database connections and the ability to divide programs intosmaller components, are discussed. A number of architectural - and designpatterns to facilitate development are analysed.Several techniques have been made up in consultation with experiencedprogrammers. These techniques were further developed by implementinga number of test programs.The results of the study are a number of standard classes for future usageand a larger pilot project containing most of the analysed functionality..

Styrning och nödbroms av ModuLith

The purpose of this project is to get a fully functional, automatic steering system and a variable breaking system with an emergency breaking function to an off road vehicle. This off road vehicle is supposed to work as an aid in military situations. A team of two, Sebastian Attervall and Nichlas Gustafsson, got an order from Jonas Nyårds and the PreeRunners Project to construct a steering system that could manoeuvre an off road vehicle without any human involvement. To make this possible the vehicle would be guided by onboard sensors, cameras and computers. The team where also assigned to construct an automatic breaking system, there also no human would be involved.

"Inte så att jag har lust att inte ge dem vård bara för att de är gömda..." : Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att vårda gömda flyktingar

 The number of hidden refugees in Sweden is estimated to be at least 15,000. The law, which only allows this group a very limited access to health care, can be considered to clash with the human rights and the ethical codes related to the health care professionals.The aim of the study was to examine how the personnel in public health care may experience treating hidden refugees and which ethical conflicts that may be connected to this. The study, which is of a qualitative descriptive design, is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were trained nurses and mid-wives in an emergency room, a maternity ward and a health care centre for asylum seekers.The experience of treating hidden refugees amongst the informants was limited. The study proved that the knowledge of laws and guidelines regarding hidden refugees amongst the interviewed health care personnel was poor.

Sjuksköterskors kompetens inom traumavård på en akutmottagning : en pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor som arbetar på akutmottagningar förväntas ha en hög kompetens inom traumavård. Med hög kompetens menas att de utför ett komplext och avancerat arbete och har ett stort ansvar i det initiala omhändertagandet av traumapatienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors självskattade kompetens inom traumavård på en akutmottagning Metod: Studien är empirisk suveystudie med kvantitativ data som samlades in genom att en enkät delades ut till sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning. Sjuksköterskorna fick skatta sin kompetens inom traumavård utifrån svensk sjuksköterskeförenings sex kärnkompetenser samt efter deras formella och kliniska kompetens. Resultat: Huvudresultatet är att nästan alla (94%) av sjuksköterskorna vårdar traumapatienter oavsett erfarenhet och formell utbildning.

Viking Future Centre : Vision om en identitetsbyggnad i Göteborg

This thesis project is a vision of an identity building in Gothenburg, situated on the pier called Bananpiren. The purpose of the project is to create interest and stimulate discussions around the place and the building.In order to gain inspiration of what such a place can contain and express, a number of similar projects have been analysed, for example the Sydney Opera and the Yokohama International Port Terminal.A number of suggestions was then created and analysed, all of which are presented in chronological order in order to show the rejections and the developed designs that resulted in the final formation to proceed with.The result was finalised in a number of presentation images of the project that can be used by Cullbergs Arkitektkontor AB when presenting the project..

Kvinnors erfarenhet av postoperativ smärta och smärtlindring efter kejsarsnitt

Background: Many women experience high levels of pain after caesarean birth. Adequate postoperative pain treatment is important for the mother to be able to breastfeed, take care of the infant and experience a positive birth. Objective: The overall aim is to study women?s experience of postoperative pain and pain relief after caesarean birth. Method: A quantitative retrospective survey.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser under ett bestämt ambulansuppdrag då LUCAS? användes

Aim: The aim was to investigate the ambulance nurses experiences during a specific ambulance missions that led to usage of LUCAS ?.Method: Participating ambulance nurses were randomly assigned from a total sample group of 12 women and 39 men. Five women and five men participated. Qualitative interviews were conducted, where the Critical Incident Technique approach was used. Collected interviews were valued using qualitative content analysis.Result: Interview texts were divided into three domains, 10 subcategories could be identified which were sorted into three categories.

Rapid emergency triage and treatment system (RETTS): Test av interbedömarreliabilitet -En pilotstudie

Inledning: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att testa interbedömarreliabiliteten för det i Sverige vanligaste triageinstrumentet Rapid Emergency Triage and Treatment System (RETTS). Instrumentet består av 42 kontaktorsaker (ESS) som kombinerat med mätta vitalparametrar, t.ex. blodtryck och puls, ger en triagefärg. För att kunna bedriva evidensbaserad omvårdnad krävs att instrument, skalor och metoder är valida och reliabla. Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering anser att RETTS saknar både validitets- och reliabilitetsdata.Metod: Två ESS från instrumentet valdes.

Långvarig ventialtorvård hos patienter med hög ryggmärgsskada- tid för urträning och bakslag i form av returer till intensivvårdsavdelning

Background: Patients with cervical spinal cord injuries are often dependent on a mechanical ventilator due to the damage on the innervation to breathing musculature. During rehabilitation they have to be trained to regain own breathing. This unweaning process may give respiratory complications, which are main causes to morbidity and death. These respiratory complications are traditionally treated in an intensive care unit (ICU), which means that the patients have to return back to these emergency units.Aim: To investigate number, length and causes of returns to intensive care units and the length of the weaning process. Further, to compare if a multidisciplinary approach to the weaning process may reduce ICU returns and to shorten the weaning process.

Manliga romers upplevelser av bemötande inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården

Background: In studies about Romani people?s health, it becomes clear that the Romani inseveral countries have a poor health and avoid seeking health care.Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore Romani men's experiences of treatmentin the Swedish health care.Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with respondents about theirexperiences in individual interviews. Seven male Romanis were elected with a purposefulsample. A content analysis by systematic text condensation on the data obtained was made asdescribed by Granheim & Lundman (2004).Results: The summed up impressions of the responses was perceived to be good, however,many men believe that the information is inadequate. Staff at the emergency department inUppsala should listen more to patients.

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