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Patotyptest av potatiscystnematoden :

There are two species of potato cyst nematode (PCN), the yellow, Globodera rostochiensis, and the white, Globodera pallida. Each of them can appear in different pathotypes. These are separated by testing the nematode ability to multiply on a number of potato cultivars with different resistance properties. The aim of this project was to examine the virulence of Swedish and foreign PCN populations and to compare two test methods. Biotests are today the only available tests used to study virulence.

Undersökning av förekomst av okända virus hos svenska fjällrävar med encefalit :

The artic fox is under threat of extermination in Europe. The population decreased strongly at the beginning of the twentieth century because of intensive hunting. The artic fox was placed under protection by law 1928 in Sweden but despite this the population has had difficultly to recover. This can depend on several reasons, but the main threats are shortage of food and competition from the red fox. Along with Norway and Finland, Sweden has carried out a project called SEFALO (Saving the Endangered Fennoscandian Alopex lagopus), whose objectives were to prevent continued decreased populationnumbers and through, for example supplementary feeding, help the population to recover.

Högläsningens betydelse för barnens språkutveckling

The main thing we wanted to find out with this thesis was, can reading aloud help the natural language development. We also wanted to know how libraries in Sweden work with reading aloud and if children with reading and writing problems are being helped by being read to. We also wanted to find out what authoritarians on literature think a good reading-aloud novel should contain. To find this out we decided to do a literature study, we have taken part of a number of authoritarian opinions on this matter and we also studied some theories on this subject. We also decided to do a couple of interviews to exemplify how regular libraries work with reading aloud.

A comparison of transporters? paddle use when unloading pigs at slaughter

Today, pigs are moved on farm, between farms, between countries and to abattoirs. This movement of live pigs requires handling practices that are designed for the purpose. The objective of this study was to research the use of paddle in moving pigs, to investigate if there were different methods of paddle practice, explore the time efficiency of different kinds of paddle use and if there were any time variations in methods that varied in intensity of touch. This study was done on two Swedish abattoirs for a total of five weeks. A total of 22 transporters working at two different abattoirs where studied during unloading of pigs at the abattoirs.

Resultatet av sjuksköterskans användande av smärtskattningsinstrument vid akut smärta : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Smärta är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att människor söker akut vård. Adekvat smärtbedömning är förutsättningen för god smärtbehandling. Syfte: Att belysa resultatet av sjuksköterskans användande av smärtskattningsinstrument för bedömning av akut smärta hos vuxna patienter på akutmottagning. Metod: Litteraturstudie med ett systematiskt arbetssätt. Resultat: Val av smärtskattningsinstrument: VAS och NRS är tillförlitliga instrument för att bedöma akut smärta.

Resan mot Web 2.0 : En studie om var populära resmåls webbplatser befinner sig i webbutvecklingen i relation till Web 2.0

This essay is inspired by an earlier essay written in 2012 by Sanna Johansson and Erika Winther. In their essay they examined Sweden?s municipalities? tourist websites and graded these based on a number of Web 2.0 criterias. In this essay we examine tourist websites belonging to the 15 most popular tourist destinations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Ireland. The purpose of this study is to give a general overview of how far these countries? tourist websites have come in terms of web development, in relation to Web 2.0.

Inokulering med två hjorttryfflar på arginingödslade täckrotsplantor i Gideå plantskola :

The effect of inoculation on containerized pine and spruce seedlings in a nursery with two ectomycorrhizal fungi was investigated in regard to the development of mycorrhiza and plant growth. The fungi were Elaphomyces muricatus and Elaphomyces granulates and the inoculated seedlings were compared to an uninoculated control. These seedlings were all fertilized with arginine. Five mycorrhiza species were found after DNA sequencing of the mycorrhizal root tips with different found morphotypes on seedlings from all treatments. Thelephora terrestris was the type which had the greatest distribution on pine seedlings and Tylospora asterophora was found at big extent on spruce seedlings. The inoculated species was not found, if it was due to the species hadn?t colonized the roots or if the DNA sequencing failed we can only speculate about.

Herrelösa katter i Skåne : problem och hantering

The large number of surrendered and feral cats is a big animal welfare problem all over the world. Populations of feral cats arise through a large number of unwanted cats which can lead to surrender of these, through cats allowed to roam free outside which can lead to the owner losing these and through the reproduction that occurs amongst these surrendered or lost cats. One aim of this study is to give an account of this problem. It is however difficult to draw general conclusions about these populations of cats since studies all over the world has been carried out on different types of populations, during different conditions and different periods of time. The welfare of many of these cats is presumably low because they are exposed to risks as disease, starvation, climate, traffic, other animals and humans.

Utveckling av produktionslina

The company is currently in a stage of improvement and has therefore taken the help of students at School of Engineering, Jonkoping University. The current production is batch, production layout is fixed. A bottleneck is created after the first station which leads to large efficiency loss.  The meaning of this report was to provide a layout suggestion with balanced workstations to a new production line. The conditions were that the production line would be one-way, driven by customers order and meet a demand of 40 products per week.

En jämförelsestudie av JavaScript-bibliotek Med fokus på mjukvarukvalitet

JavaScripts popularity is increasing and the number of libraries too. This report focuses on well-known software metrics in complexity, maintainability and different size-metrics. A few different JavaScript libraries are compared and analyzed. The result shows that there are indeed differences, mostly in size- and complexity-measures where some functions are implemented with a higher complexity..

Sensorsystem till hinderhanterande robot

The projects goal is to construct and program a robot that is controlled from a computer but also have an obstacle handling function that allows the robot to navigate around the object by itself.The robot is a simple construction and the number of components and functions is kept at a minimum. A tricycle construction was chosen because it?s the simplest. Communication between the robot and the computer also kept as simple as possible..

Manpeace? - Victims on equal conditions?

Abstract The meaning of this essay is to bring you a picture of a growing unnoticed society problem. The statistics talk for itself. The low number of men who report domestic violence, where they are the victims, shows that the society doesn?t have a good way of meeting this type of problem which is based both on structural and individual problems. The lack of science and the legislation are insufficient and discriminating because they are built on a picture where women are the victims and men are the perpetrators.

Värderingsskillnader mellan amerikanska och svenska bioteknikbolag

Background: Companies with a high level of research, such as biotech companies, rarely generates any profit in the begining. Mostly their history is short and their pipelines usually consists of one or a few products only. Significant for the line of business is also a future very uncertain, where relevant objects of comparison are few. Altogether the facts above makes valuation of Biotech companies difficult. Swedish Biotech companies, compared to their american competitors, seem to be of relatively low value.

Produktivitet vid stubbskörd :

Stump harvest could be found in the late 1970?s and the early 1980?s. And now when the prices on energy are high it has become an interesting topic again. This work has been conducted within Holmen Skog?s stump harvest testing in Norrköping.

En IT-forensikers kamp mot IT-brottsligheten : En studie om arbetssätt hos polisens IT-forensiker

The use of information technology (IT) is exploding. Today, it is in our daily routines to use some kind of information technology. The increase of users increases the number of cyber crimes, ie, crimes that in some way involve IT. As the cyber crimes grow in numbers, the workload for technical investigator increases, these are called digital crime investigators. The thesis is about how police digital crime investigators work and what problems they may encounter during an investigation.

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