

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 29 av 267

Syntaktisk komplexitet hos ungdomar och vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are any differences regarding syntactic complexity in written language between persons with (phonologically based) reading and writing difficulties and a control group. Earlier research has pointed to such a difference, indicating that texts written by subjects with reading and writing difficulties display a lower grade of syntactic complexity than text written by control groups.Two texts each from 48 subjects (24 from each category) were collected. The subjects were divided in two age groups, one consisting of 15-year-olds and the other of university students (adults in various ages). The subjects were selected through a word decoding test and a spelling test, where the lowest performing formed the group of reading and writing difficulties and the highest performing formed the control groups. All subjects had Swedish as their mother tongue.The syntactic aspects studied were number of words per syntactic sentence (Sw.

I väntan på något annat : en studie av tillfälliga platser ur ett planerarperspektiv

The term Temporary places could be used to describe a wide range of shapes, functions and not least different time sets . In this thesis, however, the intention of temporality should be seen as the main definition regarding this subject. This thesis is based on a literature study and the aim is to explore temporary places, their values and their functions. Furthermore, the purpose is also to highlight temporary places as a method to be used by urban planners, in order to create more flexibility in the city planning of today. The thesis describes the underlying factors and conditions creating an increased interest in flexible planning. Furthermore, a number of tactics and applications are presented, all drawn from current research on the topic.

Den äldre människans behov av omvårdnad på akutmottagning : En litteraturstudie

Inom akutsjukvården är en stor del patienterna 65 år och äldre, vilket innebär att en stor del av vården vid en akutmottagning omfattas av bemötande och omhändertagande av äldre patienter. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur äldre personer beskriver att deras behov av omvårdnad blir tillgodosett av omvårdnadspersonal vid akutmottagning. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 13 artiklar granskades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att många äldre hade en negativ upplevelse av sin vistelse på akutmottagningen. Många fick vänta länge och fick inte sina basala behov tillgodosedda såsom t.ex.

Ethanol for Scania's Future - A Scenario Based Analysis

Abstract Title: Ethanol for Scania?s future ? A scenario based analysis Authors: Anna Hansson and Julia Persson Tutors: Annette Cerne ? Department of Business Administration, Lund University Jonas Holmborn ? Head of Advanced Combustion, Engine Development, Scania Lennart Thörnqvist ? Department of Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Problem: Oil-based products are the dominating fuels in the transport sector but alternative fuels are currently challenging the world-wide dominance. The large number of alternative fuels that are under development at present makes the future fuel-market impossible to predict. Scania?s ethanol project is associated with a number of uncertainty factors that are beyond the company?s control.

Tolkning av dubbelbeskattningsavtal : mot bakgrund av OECD:s föreslagna ändringar i kommentarerna till artikel 5.1 i modellavtalet

In recent decades, demands has emerged that the companies shall take a greater social responsibility for the impact that they have on their environment and that this impact shall be reported, which is known as Sustainability Reporting. The Sustainability Report is based on a number of general principles that ensure the content and the quality of the Sustainability Report. One of these principles is the principle of completeness. In the research, this principle seems to have been interpreted in terms of number of reported aspects and indicators, which can be a limited view where only the existence of the aspects and indicators is observed. By including the degree of the reporting in terms of full, partial and no reporting as well as a comparison between the real and the alleged reporting, our intention is to extend the principle of completeness and to develop a tool that we also apply through an empirical survey in a particular area.

All the Web, Alta Vista och Google: en effektivitetsstudie av tre söktjänster på webben.

The purpose of this essay is to perform an evaluation regarding retrieval performance of three web search engines. The search engines included are All the Web, Alta Vista and Google. These have been tested using ten queries within different subject areas chosen by the author. The first twenty hits for each question have been analyzed for relevancy. Relevancy is judged on a three-point scale; 0, 0,5 and 1 where 0 goes to irrelevant and inactive or duplicate documents, 0,5 point goes to partially relevant documents and 1 point goes to highly relevant documents.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda patient med psykisk störning : En kvalitativ studie

Psykiska störningar är tillstånd som kan drabba alla oss människor. Krav om kompetens på hälso- och sjukvården har ställts för att kunna erbjuda patienter med psykisk störning ett effektivt omhändertagande. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med psykiska störningar. Metoden är av deskriptiv kvalitativ design och semi-strukturerade intervjuer utgör grunden för den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen med manifest utgångspunkt som genomförts. Resultatet omfattar tre huvudkategorier såsom följer, ?svåra möten skapar rädsla och frustration och försvårar interaktion?, ?svårt bedöma tillstånd och lämpliga åtgärder? och ?vård byggd med autonomi, erfarenhet och uppfinningsrikedom?.

Felsökningssystem för bankomat

NMD 100 is a notes and media dispensing machine, manufactured by De La Rue Ltd, located in Flen, Sweden. The customers, mainly bank offices, have expressed a need for a more comprehensive description of errors occurring from time to time in their machines. In order to acquire a BSc-degree in Computer and Electronics Technology at the University of Linköping I have carried out a diploma work, regarding new computer programs to fulfil the customers? wishes. The machine NMD 100 is connected to its PC through handshaking.

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare

The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed.

Förekomst av salmonella spp hos katter i Sverige

Salmonella in cats has been documented for many years. Infection with S. Typhimurium,which is often referred to as Songbird fever, is believed to be caused by birds whoinadvertently infect cats. The disease is often seen during the springtime when songbirdsreturn from their winter habitats, while other birds who have stayed during the winter are intheir weakest condition of health. In the spring of 1999 an epidemic of S.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnad vid smärtlindring på akutmottagning

Antalet patienter som söker sig till akutmottagning på grund av smärta är mycket omfattande. Smärta är en subjektiv upplevelse, därför är smärtlindring en komplex omvårdnadshandling som ställer höga krav på sjuksköterskans kompetens. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vad som påverkar sjuksköterskors omvårdnad vid smärtlindring av vuxna patienter på akutmottagning. Studien genomfördes med en systematisk litteratursökning med utgångspunkt i problemformuleringen. Genom strukturerade sökningar identifierades, granskades och analyserades relevant forskning inom området.

Mode bakom kulisserna: - Praktik och förutsättningar för snabbhet och flexibilitet i inköp

Purpose: To explore the purchasing function, mainly the supplier selection activities, in the fast fashion apparel industry. The purpose is 1) to explore the criteria associated with supplier selection for fashion products, and 2) to analyze the purchasing activities in order to find characteristics and trends which are considered to be strategic for the buying company. Method: The empirics consist of qualitative interviews with employees with responsibility for the companies' purchasing activities, as well as information gathered from articles, annual reports, and company websites. Result: The study indicates that qualitative criterias have increased in importance, and have become an important part of supplier selection for fashion goods. A number of characteristics where identified as important for purchasing fashion goods, which can affect choice of supplier; examples are increased collaboration, increased re-buys and increased use of logistics services.

Fertility before and after installation of Herd Navigator?

The fertility of dairy cows is of great importance in order to maintain high production. The decline in fertility of dairy cows the latest decades can have several explanations. The large emphasis on high yielding cows and the negative genetic correlation between milk production and fertility traits could be one of the main factors for impaired fertility. To find heats and inseminate the cow at the right time is crucial to receive high conception rate. Delaval has, in corporation with FOSS, developed Herd Navigator which is a management program that measure four biological parameters in the milk; progesterone, betahydroxybutyrate, lactate dehydrogenase and urea.

Jakten på vårdplatser som inte finns : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Vårdplatserna på svenska sjukhus har minskat drastiskt det senaste decenniet.  Detta har inneburit en högre beläggning på de kvarvarande och medfört längre väntetid på landets akutmottagningar. Platsbristen skapar, ibland dagliga, överbeläggningar och utlokaliseringar av patienter.Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor och läkare upplever att vårdplatssituationen påverkar deras arbete och vad detta får för konsekvenser för patienterna.Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre läkare och nio sjuksköterskor från akutvårdsavdelning med inriktning infektion, mottagning med akutintag och akutmottagning. Analysarbetet genomfördes med Malteruds (2009) innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vårdplatssituationen kommer sig av en brist på vårdplatser inom främst medicindivisionen, samt en oförmåga att hålla de platser som finns öppna på grund av sjuksköterskebrist. Bristen på vårdplatser har inneburit en oförmåga för läkare och sjuksköterskor att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med sin kompetens och beprövad erfarenhet.Slutsats: Svårigheterna med att finna platser till patienterna på deras hemavdelningar samt de ständiga omflyttningarna av patienter medför svårigheter för vårdpersonalen att ge god medicinsk vård och omvårdnad vilket medför stora risker för patientsäkerheten.

Hotell i förändring  : Om vikten av att ständigt arbeta innovativt

This paper examines how themed hotel companies work with innovation and innovation processes to meet the demands of todays market.. To get a deeper understanding the paper is focused on three separate hotel companies in Sweden. The paper is based on a qualitative method. The paper starts with a methodology chapter, followed by an explanation for a number of concepts that are central in the paper. Here, the reader will also read about the concept of innovation, and innovation processes. This is followed by a number of innovation processes in tourism.

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