

313 Uppsatser om Embedded Maps - Sida 2 av 21

Från papper till pixel : Kvarnholmen studerad utifrån historiska kartor med stöd av GIS

Sweden has a long tradition as a mapmaking nation. Tens of thousands of historical maps,dating from the sixteenth century and onwards are still preserved in archives today, providinga rich resource for studies of city growth and changes in the landscape through time. For morethan ten years an effort has been made by public authorities to transfer this material frompaper onto digital media. Due to modern technology, as for example GeographicalInformation Systems (GIS), researchers have been given improved possibilities to study andanalyze this material. This study uses a qualitative approach, based on both literature studiesas well as map studies.

Strömsparande arkitektur för inbyggnadslinux

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Styrning av eldrivna skjutluckor med EIS-teknik (Embedded
Internet System)

Vår uppgift har varit att utveckla och förbättra Svalsons produktsortiment av eldrivna skjutluckor. Vi som har arbetat med att utveckla produkten är tre studenter från Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen i Skellefteå. Under arbetets gång har vi gjort det möjligt att reglera skjutluckornas hastighet, vilket inte är praktiskt möjligt på de produkter företaget har ute på marknaden i dag. Utöver det har vi utvecklat en fjärrkontroll, som kommer att ge personalen större flexibilitet då de idag bara kan använda sig av en kontroll som vanligtvis är placerad precis intill luckan. Slutligen har vi utvecklat en möjlighet att kontrollera och justera skjutluckorna via Internet.

Karttillämpningar för rikstäckande accessnät

Denna rapport aterger arbetsprocessen kring att utvärdera geograskatjänster, och att utveckla karttillämpningar för nätverk av rikstäckande omfattning. Arbetet utfördes pa plats hos DGC, en datakommunikations-, tele- och nätoperatör som distribuerar kundförbindelser i hela Sverige där konsumenter ansluts till stamnätet. Uppgiften bestod av att utvärdera möjligheter till att slå upp koordinater för etablerade kundplatser, rita ut accessnätet i ett kartgränssnitt och ta fram ett eller flera stödverktyg för bland annat orderprocesser. Användningsfall utifrån önskemål, arkitekturmönster samt analys av yttre leverantörers tjänster för geocoding avgjorde hur det slutgiltiga systemet var utformat. Mjukvaran som utvecklades integrerades både i bentliga system och som ensamstående tillämpningar.

Gaussiska heltal

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Miniräknarmania : eller hur att få ut så mycket som möjligt från en enkel reklamräknare

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Fibonacci och hans matematik : En titt på Fibonaccis matematiska liv och det han lämnat efter sig

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Järnåldersboplatser och historiska byar : En studie av agrara bebyggelsemönster i mälarbygder under 1500 år

Following paper deals with the questions about prehistorian and medieval settlements in the Mälar Valley and their relations to the historically known hamlets or single farmsteads from the 17th- and 18th-century cadastral maps. Models over settlement development through the period A.D 200 to 1700 done by geographers Ulf Sporrong and Dan Carlsson are tested and compared to the knowledge won by recent archaeological excavations. Is there a connection between the older settlements linked together by dry-stone walls and the late Iron Age settlements? Does the picture differ from the one presented for the Gotland region? How well are the general theories about different settlement development depending on basic natural conditions as for the potentials for cultivation and topography, corresponding to the physical remains?  Are there other factors involved when the settlement structure takes its form?The methods that are used here constitutes mainly of a comparison between different locations in the Mälar Valley that has got a well known prehistory thanks to extensive archaeological excavations. Cadastral maps, soilmaps, topography maps and maps over ancient monuments are intertwined to the same map and analyzed through works in Geographical information systems.The results of this study reveal an interesting suspicion in the continuity-question through the Iron Age.

Bibliometrin och humaniora: En bibliometrisk analys av litteraturvetenskapen

The aim of this Master's thesis is to study whether bibliometrics can serve as a method to analyse the humanities.To investigate this a literature study was conducted that examined previous studies concerning bibliometrics and the humanities. Furthermore a bibliometric analysis of comparative literature was carried out. These research findings were then further examined through the perspective of theories on intellectual and social organization of the scienceThe bibliometrical study includes 38 literature journals (11 855 articles in total) which were downloaded from ISI's Web of Science. The material was analysed by using co-citation analysis and co-word analysis. The results of the study are presented in five co-citation maps.

Heat Maps : En metod för att uvärdera banor

Denna rapport har undersökt om game metrics genom heat maps kan användas för att hitta en choke point i en bana gjord till spelet Team Fortress 2. Game metrics och kvantitativa  metoder  erbjuder  ett  objektivt  och  nästan  automatiserat  alternativ  till kvalitativa metoder när det kommer till balansering. En bana har konstruerats med en choke point och har speltestats för att generera en heat map. För att undersöka om det går att hitta en choke point med hjälp av en heat map så har en enkät gjorts där respondenter   bads   hitta   choke   pointen   med   hjälp   av   den   heat   mapen   som genererades från speltestningen av banan. Alla respondenter lyckades hitta mitten av choke  pointen  med  hjälp  av  heat  mapen.  I  framtiden  skulle  arbetet  kunna  utökas genom  att  undersöka  om  användandet  av  bottar  eventuellt  skulle  helt  kunna automatisera  balanseringsprocessen.  Det  skulle  också  gå  att  undersöka  hur  olika klasser rör sig i en bana..

Upptäcka matematik utomhus : Vilket förhållningssätt till matematik utomhus har förskollärare som inspireras av olika pedagogiska inriktningar och hur beskriver förskollärarna att de arbetar med matematik utomhus?

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Normal Mapping för Hårda Ytor : Photoshop och Maya Transfer Maps för Normal Mapping av icke-organiska geometri i datorspel

I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt om det lämpar sig att använda en manuell metod för att skapa normal maps till icke-organiska polygonmodeller avsedda för datorspel. Jag har använt mig av Photoshop för att måla normal maps som jag sedan applicerar på lågdetaljerade modeller jag skapat, för att höja detaljgraden avsevärt. Då icke-organisk modellering inbegriper modeller som ska representera hårda ytor, och därmed inte animeras med deformation, så antog jag att denna metod skulle lämpa sig väldigt väl åt dessa ytor som ofta har extremt mjuka former och precisa vassare kanter. Min metod har varit att studera litteratur om Normal Mapping och hur man använder Photoshop för detta. Jag har sedan utfört praktiskt arbete för att utvärdera hur effektiv metoden är samt vilka fördelar den bidrar med. Jag går igenom teori för normal mapping som jag stödjer med hjälp av faktatexter och instruktions-DVDer i ämnet för att sedan redovisa metoden jag använt i mitt arbete. Jag avslutar sedan med en diskussion kring mitt resultat och redovisar vad jag kommit fram till genom mina experiment. Jag kommer fram till att Normal Mapping med Photoshop är mycket väl lämpat åt hårda ytor och även bidrar med optimeringar i arbetsflödet både vad gäller organisering, tidsåtgång samt kontroll över resultatet.

Optimering av ultraljudssändare- och mottagare avseende räckvidd, strålningsvinkel och energiförbrukning

Embedded Systems Lab at Umeå University is currently part of a research project with the purpose to examine the behavior of dairy cows inside a barn. Each cow needs to be tracked with a precision of 50 cm, and since GPS-technique has poor functionality at indoor environments, an indoor positioning system needs to be developed.Embedded Systems Lab has already developed an indoor positioning system using IR-light and radio, but since this system demands extensive infrastructure and is rather expensive, an alternate positioning system using ultrasonic pulses and radio is being examined.In this report the range, beam angle and current consumption of ultrasonic transmitters- and receivers are investigated. Three different driver stages for the transmitter is tested, and two amplifier solutions for the receiver. The report also describes how the length of the transmitted ultrasonic pulse affects the received signal, accessibility of a ?shadowed? signal, and the effect of different sound frequency..

Mångfaldens Jakobsberg : En plats för alla

The municipality in Uppsala has set up goals for the future work concerning climate-and energy issues. As one way to achieve these goals the municipality started aproject called Uppsala climate protocol. During one of the project meetings anabatement map was presented. The map showed what savings in carbon dioxide andmarginal costs for different actions can be made. Statistics show that 40 % of thepopulation in Uppsala lives in a condominium.

Utvärdering av åtgärdskartor för bostadsrättsföreningar : ett verktyg för val energieffektiviseringsåtgärder

The municipality in Uppsala has set up goals for the future work concerning climate-and energy issues. As one way to achieve these goals the municipality started aproject called Uppsala climate protocol. During one of the project meetings anabatement map was presented. The map showed what savings in carbon dioxide andmarginal costs for different actions can be made. Statistics show that 40 % of thepopulation in Uppsala lives in a condominium.

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