

378 Uppsatser om Electric cars - Sida 17 av 26

Spridning av idrott, innebandyns expansion och kommunal planering

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Tillväxt och integration ? en granskning av Skånes regionala tillväxtavtal

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Utvärdering av ett Bränslecellsdrivet Flygplan.

 With the increases in fuel costs due to the depletion of the world oil reserves and the increase of greenhouse gasses as a consequence to using oil as a fuel many companies are looking to new and innovative ways to power their aircraft. One of these new ways to power an aircraft is using fuel cells powered using hydrogen and oxygen, thus producing nothing but water vapour and small amounts of nitrogen dioxide as well as trace amounts of other emissions. Both Boeing (1) and Politecnico di Torino (2) have shown that it is possible to build an all-electric aircraft powered by fuel cells. Both flights used small, two-seater aircraft and a constant between them was the loss of the co-pilot seat due to weight and lack of space. As this paper will deal with a commercial aircraft a primary concern is the cargo and passenger capacity and whatever impact switching propulsion system has on these.

Varför bor Luis i slummen? : En kvantitativ undersökning om hur folk framställs i en serie skolböcker

Teching aid in form of schoolbooks plays an importent role. The teacher uses schoolbooks as a tool in its tutoring. I have examined how and whether the pictures in the schoolbooks are presenting people and ethnic minorities biased and stereotypical. The material I have examined consisted of a series of schoolbooks (So-direkt 1-3, samhällskunskap av Bonnier 2003).To find out if that is the case I have used a theory by Stuart Hall, his theory is about people and how they are represented in different types of media, like pictures and text. I studied it by using the method of image analysis where I investigated and interpreted the denotation and konnontation of the pictures.

Utformning av vägen och dess omgivning : med fokus på bilförarens upplevelser

This thesis focuses on the driver?s experience of the road and its surroundings. ?The view from the road? takes place every day and a high-quality ?road experience? is therefore a question of importance. Since cars made their breakthrough in the 1920-30, the approach to ?the driver experience? has varied notably.

En analys av centralkylan i Slakthusområdet i Stockholm

In Stockholm, Johanneshov the Slaughterhouse area (Slakthusområdet) can be found. A number of companies have gathered there providing the Stockholmers with meat products. This area has a great need for cooling to supply large cold storages. To facilitate this, a central cooling system has been built, supplying the area with effective and safe cooling.The aim of this master thesis study is to give hints to energy efficient and reliable changes that can be put in place at a low marginal cost depending on the future activities in the area. The suggested changes will be presented to the company Bravida (managing the system), which also desires a deeper understanding of the energy flows through the central cooling system.Firstly visiting the site with proper guidance, we have then tried to understand the function of the system including which machines and media that are used.

I huvudet på en lapplisa : En studie om hur parkeringsvakter upplever sin arbetssituation

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Effekten av intra- och extraoralsensorisk intensivbehandling med eltandborste : Hos nio barn med Down syndrom

Barn med Down syndrom (DS) har problem med hypotonus och hyposensitivitet som begränsar rörligheten i ansiktets och munnens muskulatur, vilket därmed försvårar tal och sväljning. Målet med en intra- och extraoralsensorisk behandling är att öka medvetenheten och kontrollen av munnens muskulatur, dess rörelser, spänning och känsel.  Syfte med föreliggande studie var att undersöka effekten av en intra- och extraoralsensorisk intensivbehandling med eltandborste hos en grupp barn med DS och hypotonus. Effekten valdes att studeras utifrån områdena orofacial funktion, läppslutning, talproduktion och oralsensorik. Nio barn i åldrarna 6 till 12 år genomgick behandlingen med fyra behandlingstillfällen i veckan under fyra veckor.

Mindre åkeriföretags konkurrensstrategier

The amount of cargo has since the 1970s increased in Sweden and the road traffic accounts for a large part of the transported volume. In Stockholm County the amount of cargo is calculated to be doubled in size from year 2001 to 2020 which means a greater need for transport is required. Much of these transports are being carried out by haulage companies of varying sizes which acts externally as carriers for their customers. All of this despite a greater awareness, laws and demands regarding environmental performance.The trend shows that the haulage industry in Sweden are moving towards fewer but larger haulage companies, which means that the competition is getting tougher for the smaller haulage companies. Smaller haulage companies and research about their competitive strategies is a neglected part of this industry.


The division of Electricity at Uppsala University runs a project called Lysekil project, they have designed a buoy that uses the waves to create electric power from a generator attached to the bottom of the sea.Uppsala University is closely connected with the company Seabased and the university makes use of their facilities in Lysekil. When they designed the buoy issues occurred, the geometric design was flawed, brackets with a short shelf life and it is generally uneconomic.A study visit was done in Lysekil on Seabased facility. With this visit the project started, which is to improve the design of the buoy and the attachment of wires leading to the generator. In this project we have chosen to use a beam system with three beams that are attached to the buoy. Then a wire attached to a plate that sits between the beams will be leading to the generator. Two proposals for construction are created, what distinguishes them are the brackets between the beams and the buoy.From these constructions, the design that is considered most optimal for our project is chosen.All parts of the buoy have been modeled and the drawings are designed in ProEngineer software.The two constructions are compared with each other, but the whole focus is on the second and final structure. The report begins with an introduction describing Lysekil project, and a task description of our project.The project aims to produce an optimal buoy that will be easy to design, materials restrictive with good durability and an economical solution.Wave power true function has been studied, mechanical and finite element analysis of beams, buoy and plate design.This has been presented in this report, where in the various chapters can read more about the processes. Although the relevant facts and information on this project and buoy development is included.

Underlag till energieffektiviserande åtgärder i nätstationer

Umeå Energi are working towards a goal, that in the year of 2018, they will be completely climate neutral. As a part of this, one target is to reduce their grid losses by 4 % of the 2012 level, which corresponds to an overall reduction of the grid losses of just over 1.7 GWh. In many residential areas, the distribution grid is designed and rated for electric heating as the heating in the houses. As many of the houses later has been converted to other types of heating, their electricity use has decreased and the total power output from many of the secondary substations has decreased significantly. Because of this, many of these stations today are well oversized, which in turn means that the energy losses in these stations are unnecessarily high.In this degree project, 25 secondary substations have been studied, all located in residential areas in and around central Umeå.

Energianalys av luftbehandling

Elanvändningen till ventilation har ökat med 40 % sedan 1990 i Sverige. Ventilationen är en miljöbov enligt undersökningar som visar att elanvändningen till ventilationssystemens fläktar kan reduceras. Minskning av elförbrukningen kan t.ex. uppnås genom utbyte av fläktmotor till en EC-motor eller till en fläkt med bakåtböjda skovlar och direktdrift. Effektivieringsåtgärder kan ge en lägre elförbrukning på upptill 50 % i vissa applikationer.Ventilationsfläktarna i Sverige förbrukar 12,3 TWh per år.

EG-rättens kontroll av företagskoncentrationer; en fusionskontroll i förändring.

Enligt rådets förordning 4064/89, om kontroll av företagskoncentrationer, är det kommissionen som kontrollerar och granskar företagskoncentrationer. Den så kallade ?one stop shop-principen? innebär att företag som genomför en fusion med gemenskapsdimension endast ska behöva vända sig till en instans, det vill säga kommissionen för att få en bedömning avseende fusionens förenlighet med den gemensamma marknaden. Eftersom kommissionen är ensam beslutsinstans är det därmed också kommissionen som har fått utforma standarden för vilken bevisning och vilka antaganden som anses tillräckliga för att bevisa att en skadlig företagskoncentration föreligger. Förstainstansrätten har sedan den installerades 1989 haft funktionen att handlägga överklaganden av kommissionens beslut i konkurrensärenden.

Fallstudie av kostnader i tornsilo och plansilosystem på en mjölkgård :

I have through a case study looked on a milkingfarm in Dalarna and been counting on what it would cost to increase the silagestorage. Today they have to little capacity on the existing towersilo because they built a bigger farm with more cows. The reason is that two families decided to start having the production on one farm together and moved all animals from one of the farms to the other farm. So for that reason I have looked on the costs to build a new towersilo or levelsilo. The goal has been not only to look at the buildingcost but also which operatingcost that is included with the different alternatives. I have taken tenders from two different towersilocompany, Bjurenwall and Svenska Neuero and taken tenders from Abetong for a levelsilo with roof and one without roof. The overall feed requirements on the farm is on 240 tonnes dry extract and the old towersilo hold 110 tonnes dry extract so the need for a new foundation is on 130 tonnes dry extract. I have through cost estimate been counting on the specific buildingcost for each buildingaltenative.

Power supply monitoring for wireless sensor platforms

Most of the portable electronic devices use a battery as a primary power source. Nowadays, when the applications are becoming smaller and smaller and more power efficient, the designer needs to concentrate more on reducing power consumption, using secondary power sources and introducing power storage devices. Multiple power source availability and a power storage device on the board will make the applications much more useful and efficient in everyday use. This thesis proposes a power supply unit (PSU) for wireless sensor platforms which is capable of supplying a sensor node with energy from multiple sources, as well as status information from the PSU. Present power storage devices, like electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and batteries, have become more and more common as their characteristics have developed.

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