

1249 Uppsatser om Electoral participation - Sida 2 av 84

Demokrati och Statskapacitet i Latinamerika

This thesis, drawing from several empirical investigations, reaches the conclusion that there seems to be a positive correlation between the level of democracy and the level of state capacity in Latin American countries. This correlation is explained by a hypothesis derived from Rational Choice theory. With some important caveats, this conclusion is then applied to the discussion about democracy as a form of government. Within democracy, the thesis also offers an insight into different electoral systems and its possible implications, mostly on a theoretical level. The thesis only exists in swedish as of yet..

Ett Radikalt Högerpopulistiskt Parti i Regeringen : En studie av FPÖ och dess valframgång i Österrike 1999

In this research paper I have interpreted and analysed how it is possible for a Radical Right Populist Party such as FPÖ (The Freedom Party) to obtain electoral success in the end of the last millennium. In 1999 they were elected into the national legislative parliament with 26.9% of the votes and participated in the Shüssel government from February 2000. I believe this is an extreme case study and my method is the so called Disciplined-configurative case study. I?ve conducted this study by using earlier published research and than dividing these old theories into to three analytical categories.

Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv

Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward.The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden.The essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being.This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way..

Demokratiteoretisk analys av läromedel i Samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie om det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY-2011

This qualitative study is done with the purpose of creating understanding for the theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education courses 1a1 and 1b during GY-11, so teachers create an intentional approach when using educational materials in their democratic education. This was motivated as important considering the reduction in obligatory Civic Education for the vocational programs. The study was conducted using a hermeneutic qualitative reading method where the educational materials, more specifically two series with one book for each course, was read with purpose of creating understanding for the democratic content according to ideal democratic models: deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy. A text voice analysis was also conducted using Bakhtins theory of dialogic and monologue text that contributed to the general result concerning the democratic content. The results show that the electoral democracy ideal is dominant in all educational materials, there is hence no striking difference between the democratic content in 1a1 and 1b educational materials.

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare : ? En studie av hur Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet2010Författare

AbstractTitle: Electoral campaigns, social media and young voters ? a studie of how Moderaterna andSocialdemokraterna are going to reach out to the young voters in the electoral campaign of2010. (Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare- en studie av hur Moderaterna ochSocialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet 2010).Number of pages: 45Author: Sara RothmanTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn semester 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Departement of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this essay is to research how the two largest parties in Sweden,Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna, are going to reach out to the young voters in theelectoral campaign of 2010. I will also find out how the young voters are going to collecttheir information before the election. That information will be compared to the strategies ofthe parties, in that way I can tell if their strategies match the young voters plans ofinformation search.Material/Method: In my eximination I chose to use two informant interviewes and fourdifferent groups of discussion.

Förskollärares föreställningar om aktivt deltagande i leken : Deltagare eller åskådare?

The purpose of this study is to highlight how preschool teachers reason about their own beliefs about their active participation in the play. The study is a qualitative research method where interviews have been used to talk with four preschool teachers to obtain their perceptions of their participation in the play. I have approached my questions through previous research and theses which turns to play and preschool teachers' involvement. The result of my study shows that preschool teachers see differently on their active participation, but they think that active participation is essential for the development of the play and that by being involved in the play in different ways will create interaction and interactivity. The result also shows that preschool teachers find great joy in participating in the play, and also that many relationships will be established by participation in the play..

Internet som politiskt medel : Hur Web 2.0 kan användas för att bryta trenden av politisk desillusion

Political disenchantment and detachment is proven to be growing in well established democracies. This development brings along concerning behavior regarding general political participation. Fewer citizens participate in elections, parties are losing members, and the trust in politicians is steadily decreasing. IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance) has been registering voter turnout worldwide for the last 60 years and their publications show a decline in voter participation since the 1980s.During the same period of time another development has caught attention, namely the fast progress of the medium Internet. The new generation of Internet functions is called Web 2.0 and allows users not only to create content, but also to interact with each other.This dissertation aims to explore the possibilities emerging when integrating Web 2.0 in political processes.

"Vart fjärde år är det val och då har du möjlighet att påverka" - En komparativ idéanalys över vilken demokratisyn som förmedlas utifrån Region Skånes och Stockholms läns landstings hemsidor.

This thesis examines the democracy theories that can be found in the internet websites of Region Skåne and Stockholm county council. Within the framework of deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy, the author tries to distinguish democratic aspects by empirically studying these websites and their communicative effect on the internet users.This research shows that Region Skåne is slightly better in implementing democratic aspects at their home page, which is probably due to an active work with these issues carried out by the politicians and the report on the democratic development from 2004. However, a great deal of work regarding democracy and the possibility of civic participation in the decision- making process is still to be done.The problems and challenges in using internet as a democratic tool shows that citizens run a risk of being neglected, due to their uneven participation in using internet in daily life. The conclusion of this thesis is that the politicians have to make an active choice in deciding to what extent the internet is allowed to be used when it comes to developing democracy. This work has to be done in cooperation with political scientists and IT experts, in order to assure a correct democratic model..

Elevers värderingar av föräldramedverkan i grundskolan. : En enkätundersökning

AbstractParental participation is something that is included in school either we like it or not. Several studies have been done about this phenomena but not many of them have examined the pupils estimation about parental participation. Therefore did we get interested about the pupils situation because why haven?t almost anyone asked the pupils about this phenomena when it?s constructed fore them? To learn more about the pupils estimation did we a questionnaire in twelve different classes with children in the ages between 10-16 years. The results we got from the questionnaire concerning the pupils estimation about parental participation were both expected and unexpected.Keywords: Parental participationQuestionnairePupil estimation.

Datormedierad kommunikation i politikens tjänst : En studie av attityder till datormedierad kommunikation

This essay examines the recent electoral success of the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the Swedish municipal election in 2006 and 2010. By using statistical methods it aims to explain which of three contradicting theoretical frameworks best can explain how a populist radical right party could penetrate one of the most stable party systems in the world. The theoretical approaches tested in this essay are: a demand-side, an external supply-side and an internal supply-side approach. By using theoretically anchored proxies to determine the effect of the contradicting theoretical approaches this essay concludes that the internal supply-side explanation measuring the local party organizational ability of the SD had the most substantial effect when it comes to explaining their recent electoral success in the Swedish municipalities, as opposed to a more commonly believed demand-side driven explanation..

Alternativet till ett misslyckande? Stadsdelsorganisationen i Malmö. Idag och imorgon.

From a democratic point of view the existing organisation with municipality sections in the city of Malmö, Sweden will be examined. The matter of how an alternative organisation should be structured will also be discussed. Two incompatible models of democracy theories will be arranged: libertarian democracy and participation democracy. The intentions with the reform were primary to increase the civic participation. By applying those values that are used to characterize participation democracy it will be shown whether the local participation has actually increased.

Lyssna på mig! : Barn & ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar vill vara delaktiga i möten med samhällets stödsystem

Children?s participation in their planning in health and social services is important. To make children?s needs more considered they need to be involved in the cision-making processes. Children have the ability to reflect.

"Delaktighet är engagemang" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av delaktighet hos mellanchefer inom hemtjänst  

The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the experience of participation among first line managers within community home care. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers operating in a metropolitan area in Sweden. A majority of the interviewees worked in private companies.We have used two theories to interpret our empiri: Lean Production and Human Resource Management. The analysis resulted in seven themes: economy, leadership, participation, view on the organization, first line manager, private or municipally operated organization and expectations on the manager. Our results showed that all the interviewees experienced that they were participant in the organization.

Barns inflytande, delaktighet och intresse : En studie om samspel och förhållningssätt i förskolans vardag

The aim with this study was to give and receive an insight of children?s participation during one day in a preschool. Answers we were interested in finding out were how pedagogues act in relation to children´s influence, participation and interests and how this shows in the pedagogical context. Our own interest of children´s participation was influenced by the new revised curriculum that took place in 2010. Nowadays the pedagogues? have to be more active and reflect and document children´s influence and participation, and therefore we wanted to use this opportunity to create a picture of how pedagogues deal with these new guidelines.We have with an ethnographic inspired approach performed a qualitative study with data collected during one day with focus on children´s influence, participation and interest in one preschool section.According to the result children?s participation and influence this day were controlled by the pedagogue.

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