

8713 Uppsatser om Effektivisering av process - Sida 53 av 581

Kaizen i praktiken inom Primärvården

The aim of the study was to support the ongoing kaizen work at a medical centre. Two main topics have been addressed in this study:? Find a solution to ensure that the kaizen decisions are followed and will get a strong grip in the organisation.? Support the kaizen process by giving advice on how to structure the meetingsand how the kaizen work could be done more effectively.The study started with a visit to the medical centre to observe the kaizen process and the attitudes among the employees. The employees were asked to fill in a survey about the kaizen work at the centre. The final recommendations given have been based on this and also information gathered from other medical centres which work after the same kaizen principles.

Energieffektivisering av bostäder : En analys av åtgärder som kan förbättra energiprestandan i flerbostadshus

Efficient energy use in the housing sector is crucial for achieving a sustainable society. The expansion of this sector only represents a fraction of the existing houses, hence it?s within the existing houses the potential for energy savings lie. This potential has been analyzed in order to determine if it?s possible to cut the current energy demand in half.

Socialtjänstens barnskyddsarbete En studie av socialsekreterares riskbedömningar avseende barn som utsätts för våld eller sexuella övergrepp i hemmet.

The overall aim was to examine how the public interest to protect children from violence and sexual abuse at home, is realized by social workers. The study´s central focus was the risk assessments as Social services are obliged to do when they receive a report containing concern that children are being exposed to violence or sexual abuse at home. The study addresses the following questions:o How do social workers go about practically, and what support and knowledge is being used to determine whether the Social services need to intervene for the protection of a child?o What risk and protective factors are taken into account by social workers in the assessment process?o What contextual factors do social workers experience are affecting them in the assessment process?o Which support does the documentation system BBIC provide in the assessment process?The study material was collected through qualitative group interviews, with a modified vignette methodology as tools. The study included a total of twelve social workers, with varying numbers in each interview group.

En fallstudie om en IT-process inom landstinget i Värmland : Ett föråldrat IT-system kräver verksamhetsförändring

Organisationsförändring behövs för att bevara hög effektivitet i organisationer när omvärldenförändras. För större organisationer behövs en tydlig avgränsning arbetas fram innanorganisationsförändringsarbetet startar. Landstinget i Värmland behöver utföraorganisationsförändringar på grund av ett föråldrat IT-system som används i verksamheten. Enmålgruppsanalys har genomförts av IT-systemet vilket resulterade i tre målgrupper. Intervjuer medpersoner ur de tre målgrupperna har genomförts vilket resulterade i data som användes till attanalysera och svara på rapportens två forskningsfrågor.

Att drabbas av kronisk sjukdom : En studie om livsomställningen efter hjärtinfarkt

This study aims to highlight the crisis and adjustment process in individuals who suffered myocardial infarction. The research questions focus on the informants? experiences of the crisis and life adjustment process, and illuminate the coping strategies that the informants describe important. By using a narrative method and applyingthe crisis theory and coping theory as theoretical guidelines, this study endeavors to illuminate individuals' experiences of the disease from their own perspective. The empirical material consists of four life stories gatheredthrough semi-structured interviews.

Verksamhetsstyrning Gävle Hamn

Denna hermeneutiska studie är utförd på uppdrag av Gävle Hamn. Gävle kommun som ägare av Gävle Hamn via Gävle Stadshus har som målsättning att hamnen skall bli regionens logistiknav. De investeras i både infrastruktur och maskinpark, för att kunna expandera och göra det möjligt för hamnen att bli den tillväxtmotor i regionen som ägaren hoppas på.Expansionen av Gävle hamn och dess verksamhet skall på sikt leda till att fler företag etablerar sig i Gävle hamn och i dess närliggande område. Det i sin tur kommer att medföra fler arbetstillfällen, kommuninvånare och företagsetableringar. Gävle kommuns tillväxtprogram har som målsättning att bli fem procent bättre år 2007 i förhållande till år 2004.Faktorer som internationalisering av ekonomin med ökad globalisering av marknader, snabb teknologisk utveckling, ökad miljöhänsyn och en ständig strävan efter hållbar utvecklig, medför att många företag möter en ökad konkurrens, samtidigt som privatiseringar, avregleringar och minskade resursramar ställer hårdare ekonomiska krav på offentliga verksamheter.

Information vid dagkirurgi - patientuppfattningar

För att klara krav på besparingar och effektivisering inom hälso- och sjukvård har dagkirurgi som behandlingsform ökat men även som ett led av ny forskning och utveckling av kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Patientens behov av kunskap för att kunna klara egenvården efter ingreppet blir större då vårdtiden är kortare vid dagkirurgi. Den valda metoden är litteraturstudie och syftet var att undersöka hur patienterna uppfattade information vid dagkirurgi. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar är granskade och bearbetade och därigenom har ett resultat framkommit. Informationen har störst genomslagskraft när muntlig och skriftlig alternativt visuell information kombineras.

Etnisk diskriminering i rekryteringssituationer : Hur skyddet ser ut i Sverige och vad arbetsgivare kan göra för att förhindra diskriminerande rekryteringar

Ethnic discrimination is still a problem in the Swedish employment market. The Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination received 154 complaints relating to discrimination due to ethnicity in the working life in 2012. In addition, reported unemployment rates in Sweden differ markedly between native-born and foreign-born. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how protection against ethnic discrimination in recruitment looks like in Sweden and describe different methods an employer may use to prevent that ethnic discrimination occurs in recruitment situations. The first and second issue of the essay concern what protection there is in Sweden against ethnic discrimination in recruitment situations, based on international and national law. The traditional legal dogmatic method, which describes the valid law, is used in these sections.

En analys av testprocesser med TMap som testmetod

Today there are many system development projects that break both budget and time plan. Often this depends on defects in the information systems that could have been prevented. The cost of test can in some cases be as high as 50 % of the projects total cost and it's at the same time an important part of development. Test as such has moved its focus from the software it self and its faults to a wider perspective on whole infrastructures of information systems where assure a good quality is important. Sogeti in the Netherlands have developed a test method called TMap (Test Management approach) that can be used for structured testing of information systems.

Birino AB : Arbetsprocesser - verktyg för förändring

Assignment Birino AB are aware of the fact that their work tasks can be improved. The author?s assignment is to identify one task and improve it with relevant tools.Purpose See if the authors can improve health and effectiveness by changing the work task.Method The authors have conducted qualitative interviews, a quantitative survey and an experiment to see how the change worked in practice. The data the authors have collected will then be presented with relevant theories to answer our research questions/issues.Conclusion The authors have done a work process that can be used as a tool for change and improvement of health and effectiveness. This process can be implemented in different companies and not just the company that the authors have chosen to work with. .

Arbetssätt kring värdeflödesanalys för tillverkning av marina båtmotorer på Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta has been producing boat engines since 1907 and are world leading in this seg­ment. They have today an extended range and also sell industrial power stations. Quality, safe­ty and environmental care are three core values for Volvo and together they strive to give their customers the right product with the right quality.Volvo has developed a production system named Volvo Production System, VPS, and one of the pillars is continuous improvements. Within this pillar you can find value stream map­ping, which is used to analyze the value stream through the process. This tool gives a wide perspective and helps to keep focus on the entire process instead of just parts of it.Volvo Penta in Vara has earlier done value stream mapping but without good results since they didn?t take set-up times and imbalances in account.

Utformning av laboration inom Fourieranalys vid Vetenskapens Hus : Musikens matematik - En matematisk förståelse av ljud- och musikinstrument

This report documents the process of designing a laboratory exercise in Fourier analysis at Vetenskapens Hus (House of Science) in Stockholm. The lab is designed for high school students studying science or technical education. It focuses on the physicalunderstanding and mathematical description of sound, in particular music. A model of such a lab is presented in this work; containing a review of the mathematical theory, summary of educational research in the field, descriptions of the design process and of the investigativework that led to the final result. The designed material for the lab includes developed computer programs, visit leader tutorial and description for teachers. .

If they say why? Tell'em that it's human nature

My working process is craft based and influenced by devotion for the textile material and techniques, but the concept is just as important. I mainly do sculptural objects where I treat fascination, frustration and disgust for the human body from a personal perspective. I am also deeply fascinated with Michael Jackson; an iconic figure that I adore above all else. A man with an inner musical ability, dedicated his entire life to tame and signify it through his body. My master work is an investigation where I look upon similarities and connections between my fascination with the body and the admiration and fascination with Michael Jackson.

Könade argument i vårdnadstvister : En studie av argument i vårdnadstvistsdomar från 2011

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the experiences from the country of origin affects on the experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

De osynliga möjligheterna - Hur synergi uppfattas i praktiken

Syftet med den här studien är att empiriskt undersöka hur ett relaterat diversifierat företag kan ta tillvara de möjligheter till synergieffekter, som flera olika produktgrupper ger. Vi har undersökt detta genom en kvalitativ fallstudie på Procordia Food. Där undersökte vi tillvaratagandet av synergier som genereras av osynliga resurser - kunskapsöverföring. Utifrån en analys av Procordia Foods organisation, i förhållande till den referensram vi har valt att använda oss av, formulerade vi följande hypoteser: Hypotes 1 - Den begränsade medvetenheten om synergiers innebörd hos relaterat diversifierade företag förhindrar att en potential för effektivisering utnyttjas. Hypotes 2 - Relaterat diversifierade företag går miste om potentiella fördelar då de inte utformar organisationsstrukturen efter synergigenererande faktorer.

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