

3840 Uppsatser om Effective teachers - Sida 27 av 256

"Vaktmästaren är tokig på oss" : Förskollärares syn på inomhusmiljön i Reggio Emiliainspirerad verksamhet

The aim of this study is to examine what preschool teachers within Reggio Emilia inspired early childhood education express as important regarding the physical indoor environment in preschools. The study is implemented with a qualitative method and is based on four interviews with preschool teachers that have been involved in a course on Reggio Emilia. The interviews were complemented with four observations on the departments where the preschool teachers work. A second aim of this study is to examine how the relationship between the teachers statements correlate with the environment they have created at their preschool. The collected material was gathered and then categorized.

Uppdraget - en skola för alla. Omöjligt eller möjligt? : En studie av fem lärare

This study is about what teachers in primary schools say that they are doing to create a school for all.The purpose of this study is to find out what teachers in primary schools say that they do on their mission to create a school for everyone and how they organize teaching to achieve this. The study was conducted as an interview of five teachers from elementary school of different gender and with a qualitative method because it provides a great opportunity to problematize, interpret and understand the responses of the interviewees.The results show that all the teachers think that their mission is to teach so that they can give each student what they need to achieve the goals. This may not be every day but over time, they hope that all students feel that they get so much of the teacher's time that they need..

Digital elevdokumentation : från implementation till praktiskt arbete

It is statutory that teachers shall document their student's development of knowledge in different subjects. The teachers employed by Sundbybergs municipality have been commissioned to do the documentation in the web-based electronic system Projekt- och Omdömesdatabasen, P.O.D.B. The purpose of this study was to investigate witch effect the IT-solution P.O.D.B has brought for the teachers in their task of student documentation. By conducting interviews and questionnaire studies I have been looking for answers to if the target achievements have increased by using the IT-solution, and if the teachers are aware of what they may or may not write about their students in the system. The conclusions I have been able to draw through my studies are that the teachers have accepted the commission to use P.O.D.B.

Om textval och genus : Textval med ett genusperspektiv i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning

The thesis of this essay is how literary texts are selected in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary school, and how teachers reflect upon gender in these selections. To answer the thesis question three methods have been used. Firstly interviews were held with five teachers of Swedish, which have been the primary source for the essay. In addition to the interviews, I have examined two literary anthologies used as teaching aid in the teaching of Swedish and lastly I analyzed the literature and authors that the teachers explicitly express that they use in their tutoring. The secondary sources of this thesis contain research on selections of fictional texts, literary canon and students? re-production of gender.

Att hantera konflikter i grundskolans tidigare år : Pedagogens delaktighet

The subject of this study is conflict management. The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary education. The purpose is also to get more insight on what a conflict is and show different strategies to manage conflicts. To learn about how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary school, I chose to do interviews. I interviewed four teachers. In the interviews we talked about: their definition of what a conflict is, what kind of conflict that are most common, and how common it is with conflicts in the school which they work at, how they handle conflicts between students, how they believe that they manage conflicts, if they have received any training or education in conflict management and if the school they work at have any special guidelines for handling conflicts. My questions are: How do the teachers think about their own involvement in students' conflict management? How do the teachers think about which types of conflicts that can be difficult to manage? The result of the study is that the teachers often let students handle conflicts themselves and they think it is good for them to do it because it is a knowledge that we humans need have.

Modersmålsträning på förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur modersmålsträning är utförmad i förskolor

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what a few preschool teachers and mother-tongue teachers consider the influence mother-tongue training has on children. The thesis also looks into how these teachers cooperate and view about the mother-tongue training organization structure and what support mother-tongue teachers get in the concerned preschools. More specifically:What influences do three preschool teachers and three mother-tongue teachers consider that mother-tongue training has on the development of the children?Which support do the three mother-tongue teachers receive from the preschool principals and other preschool pedagogues in their work? - Is there any cooperation between them?In what way do the three preschool teachers and the three mother-tongue teachers think that the mother-tongue training organization structure affect the children?s status in the group?Method: In order to achieve a deeper understanding of the context, a qualitative method based on interviews and observations was employed and relied upon. Three preschool teachers and three mother-tongue teachers from two different preschools in the same municipality were interviewed to acquire answers to the questions concerned.Result: The result of this enquiry shows a direct and explicit comprehension that mother-tongue is immensely important for children?s development.

När en patient flyttar : Patientens upplevelser inför förflyttning från högsäkerhetsenhet till annan vårdenhet

The aim of this essay is to create an understanding, of how teachers comprehend knowledge, grades and tests in a school context. It is important to get a grip of the different parts of the teacher?s reality. The test, the grades and knowledge are deeply connected as a part of a whole. The teachers view on knowledge can not be understood without asking about the practical parts of their work and understand how the different parts are dependent on each other.The main material consists of interviews with four teachers that work in a public mandatory school in the south suburbs of Stockholm.

Musik och kunskapsskillnader : -En studie om musiklärares upplevelser kring kunskapsskillnader inom musiken

ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.

Biblioteket i lärarutbildningen : intervjuer med 13 blivande samhällskunskapslärare

A qualitative study of high school student teachers' ideas about libraries and school libraries.Interviews have been conducted with future teachers about the library's role in their education,their views on library functions in high school and whether they as teachers will use theschool library. The results show that the students have had some instruction concerninghow to use the library as students, but very little as regards their future teaching. The professorsof teacher education focus on the fact that the library should be used in high schoolteaching, not how to use it. Despite this, the student teachers look very positively upon libraries.Libraries play an important part in their education and they are all sure that they asteachers will use the school library, which includes interacting with the librarian. To them, themost important school library function is to allow pupils to seek information..

En förändrad livssituation. Hur anhöriga upplever att livet förändras när partnern får en synnedsättning

The purpose of my study is to investigate teacher?s perceptions of their mission in the preschool class, and how they work to promote children?s written language development. What methods and working methods they use to awaken curiosity and motivate children to read and write. I am using the qualitative research method to get answers to my questions. I have made four qualitative interviews with four teachers in preschool classes from different schools.My questions are:What conceptions does teachers have about their mission in a preschool class?What different methods and approaches does teachers use to stimulate and wake children?s curiosity for reading and writing development?The theoretical basis for my study is the socio-cultural perspective, where learning occurs in interaction.

Kulturarvet i textilslöjden : En undersökning om hur textillärare i grundskolan använder sig av kulturarvet i slöjdundervisningen

The educational directive for the school subject textile handicraft (slöjd) claim, that the pupils should have knowledge of handicraft traditions from historical and present perspective. Teachers in handicraft, teaching in schools for the first nine years of a child education forwards a cultural heritage. The purpose of this essay is to find out what the teachers opinion is about what constitute the Swedish textile cultural heritage. How the teachers relate to it and how they use it, then teaching. The essay is based on a qualitative method and consists of interviews with teachers.

Läromedel i spanskundervisningen : Hur spansklärare och spansklärarstudenter använder, ser på och väljer läromedel.

Little research has been done within the field of the use of textbooks and teaching aids in Spanish asa foreign language (SFL) teaching in Sweden. This study attempts to find answers to how teachersand teacher students use, view and choose SFL teaching aids. To accomplish this, qualitativeinterviews were carried out with Spanish teachers and Spanish teacher students in a city in northernSweden. A survey was also sent to all current SFL teachers in the central coastal region of Norrland.The study indicates that SFL textbooks are of great importance to the participating teachers andteacher students. Furthermore, a wish to enhance the level of interest of Spanish and Spanish/LatinAmerican culture, provide a varied teaching experience and improve their students? self-esteem arefactors influencing teachers in their use and choices of teaching aids..

Aktiebolag utan revisor : ett bolag utan extern finansiering?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Krishantering : Granskning av krisarbete i grundskolan

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

Undervisning av dyslektiker : En kvalitativ studie av två svensklärares arbetssätt med elever som har diagnosen dyslexi

The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers? efforts to teach students with dyslexia in Swedish. The intention with this study is to get the right tools to work with these kinds of students in a more improved and giving way in the future. My questions of issue are:- How can teachers facilitate the learning process for students with dyslexia?- Are pupils with dyslexia included in the teachers? education in the classroom?- How do the other pupils integrate with the dyslexia pupils in the classroom?- How does the teacher manage the situation to teach the whole class at the same time as he/she helps the pupils with dyslexia?- How do you practice when to assess and rate the students with dyslexia?The method used in this paper is a combination of participant observation and interviews with two teachers and their classes.

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