

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 51 av 737

Sambandet mellan emotionell misshandel, grad av självkänsla och riskbeteende hos unga kvinnor

   To work and live in the same place where ones employer also is the landlord, can create a situation with many special requirements for the individual. Constrains regarding time, space and impact on social life is likely to appear. Based on theory and empirical research about the Boundaryless work and the Psychological contract the purpose of this report is to examine employees who live and work at the same place. This is done by studying the regulation regarding time and space factors and the psychological contracts in expectations and in violation of the psychological contract and the risks associated with this like Locked-in factors. The study includes interviews with managers and employees (n=9).

"Lek är viktigt! Väldigt, väldigt viktigt". : En inblick i synen och arbetet med lek i förskolan i Nepal.

The purpose of this study is to create knowledge about the view on play and work with play in Nepal?s preschools. To do that I travelled to Nepal and interviewed people who had an insight in either work regarding play in preschools or the view on play. I used a kind of interview were the person I interviewed got the phenomenon ?play? to discuss and to reason about, without my values.

Kartläggning av metoder för arbete kring levnadsvanor i primärvården - en litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Our lifestyle habits affect our health and unhealthy habits are a contributing factor to disease. Health care is an arena that should work with health promotion. MI (motivational interviewing) is a method used in various forms of care to work with lifestyle. Aim: To map methods with intention to be used in Swedish primary care, to work with the lifestyle habits diet, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco. Method: This is a literature based study.

Uppdraget möter verkligheten : En essä om korstrycket på pedagoger

This essay is about the meeting of the pedagogic mission and the reality of the conditions in preschools. It is about the frustrations that I, as a pedagogue, experience when I cannot fulfill this mission. An example of this is working when understaffed.My purpose is the acknowledgment of two main areas of the curriculum: caring and learning. This essay demonstrates the diversity of the occupation and it ?s constant need of positioning.

Revisorers internationella mobilitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka vad som påverkar revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt och i vilken mån detta påverkar honom.Eftersom vi inte fann någon passande teori beslöt vi oss för att skapa vår egen. Denna teori utgår från egna antaganden och andras teorier och har byggts upp med hjälp av fem hypoteser, vilka vi rangordnat efter hur mycket vi antar att de påverkar revisorns val. De fem hypoteserna är: legala, stabilitet, sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska. Då vi ville gör arbetet mer intressant valde vi att undersöka tre länder: Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien, detta medförde att vi kunde göra jämförelser mellan revisorer från dessa länder.För att det skulle vara möjligt för oss att uppfylla syftet och för att kunna testa om vår teori var korrekt samlade vi in primärdata och sekundärdata. Primärdatan består av svaren vi fick på våra e-postenkäter medan sekundärdatan innehåller information om revisorsutbildningarna samt information om Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien.Utifrån analyser på dessa data drog vi slutsatsen att vår teori inte var korrekt fullt ut då hypoteserna legala och stabilitet ej påverkade revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt i den utsträckning som vi antog.

Svenskt projektledarskap i multikulturella grupper : är en anpassning nödvändig?

Background: Having chosen to take a degree in international business, we have had many opportunities to meet people from different cultures. These encounters have, we believe, made our lives richer, but they have not always been problem-free. When different cultures come together, the differences inevitably become apparent. Being among friends, one can maybe laugh at these differences or it may be a good opportunity to get people to talk to each other, taking the time to explain why they do things a certain way. Being at work and experience these differences might not at all have the same ice-breaking effect - rather the opposite sometimes.

Företagsmodell för byten av systemutvecklingsmetod : från vattenfallsmodellen till Agila metoder

As changes occur more frequently in IT- and software development, it is important for the companies to meet the demands and needs of its customer. The companies have to be able to adapt themselves continuously in order till fulfill its customers changing needs in an effective way, which results in big changes of the companies? structures. The more traditional way of working is often replaced with more alternative approaches as a response to the reputable deficiencies of its predecessors. As an effect of the rapid change and development some companies now see big potential in switching to more Agile and flexible methods and some companies have no choice but to change their way of working.

En studie av IFLA/ALP:s utvecklingsarbete i tredje världen

The purpose of IFLA:s Core Programme ALP Advancement of Librarianship in the third world is to further the objectives of the library profession, library institutions and library and informationservices in the less developed countries in the third world. This essay deals with how and with what purpose IFLA/ALP managing developing work in the third world. What roles do they consider that the public library could play for development of the society? The essay also deal with purposes that have resulted in the close cooperation between IFLA/ALP and other organizations.till comparing their work with SIDA and UNESCO. Finaly I try to connect this work with a development theory and a global context..

AI i verksamheter: Ett effektiviserings- och riskhanteringsperspektiv. En studie om till?mpningen av AI i organisationer

The purpose of this work was to investigate and provide understanding regarding how AI can be used to make organizations more efficient, where risk management is also discussed. The basic model for the study is the Resource-based view, which is about making use of one's resources which are described through many different perspectives. The method used for this study was a qualitative analysis, which was applied through interviews with several people with high positions within companies and relevant skills, based on insight and experiential knowledge.These people work in different industries, therefore a large part of the work was intended to carry out a comparative analysis between a line of different businesses. The results showed that AI is in a developing phase, and based on the respective industry, it has developed in different ways. Finally, it turned out that AI can make businesses more efficient by, among other things, managing data and automating various work processes faster compared to humans.

Ergonomisk arbetsmiljö för kundtjänstpersonal

In today?s society, there are many people who suffer from physical pains due to their work situation. To work sitting down by a desk long hours every day is quite normal but this is a problem. People that sit down and work in the same position all day long the whole week will eventually be affected by long-term work injuries.Large multinational companies around the world offer a customer service where they serve customers who have experienced a problem with that company?s products or services.

Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008

My essay is on the subject of teachers work environment with focus on noise and communication. In the essay questions are raised on how a teacher can influence his or hers noisy work environment. A school is a large work place with many employees and is owned and administered by the county municipality which is an even bigger workplace. How big an acting space does a teacher have in such a large organization?My methods of research on these questions have been to conduct interviews and analyzing documentation from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.

The High Line : hur väl fungerar promenadstråket som grön kil i New York City?

This study was made to compare construction companies for gardens way to work with up following, with purpose to see if there was an efficient and not resource demanded system which gave much value. To achieve the purpose a case study was made. The delimitation for the case study was only to compare the work with up following on individual project. The delimitation on the companies in the study was from ten to sixty employees. That because to reach companies were it´s not the same person how calculates on tenders and than perform the projects. The study was delimitated to the west side of Skåne. T o be able to compare the companies and to find trends, an interviewguide was made and was used during the interviews with the companies.

Informationskompetens i det svenska och bayerska gymnasiet : En jämförande analys av det svenska och det bayerska gymnasiets läro- och ämnesplaner

This study is a comparative study of the occurrence and function of information literacy in the curricula of the Swedish and Bavarian Gymnasium and investigates the occurrence of the term ?information literacy? and shows through what other linguistic means the notion of information literacy is expressed in the curricula. The study also wishes to analyze how the notion of information literacy manifests itself in the different school systems. Relevant textual passages of both curricula are compared to each other through the theoretic lens of Bruce?s phenomenographic model of information literacy.

Slagverk och dans

The purpose of this work is to explore the artistic processes of an ensemble where a musician and one or more dancers play together, either by improvising or by interpreting music that is written for the ensemble. The main themes are about finding ways to work with written material and still keep the communication between the music and the dance alive. The author is also interested in finding ways of identifying himself in the medium of dance although he is a musician. The result of this work can be seen in this text and in the attached film material..

Arbetssätt kring värdeflödesanalys för tillverkning av marina båtmotorer på Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta has been producing boat engines since 1907 and are world leading in this seg­ment. They have today an extended range and also sell industrial power stations. Quality, safe­ty and environmental care are three core values for Volvo and together they strive to give their customers the right product with the right quality.Volvo has developed a production system named Volvo Production System, VPS, and one of the pillars is continuous improvements. Within this pillar you can find value stream map­ping, which is used to analyze the value stream through the process. This tool gives a wide perspective and helps to keep focus on the entire process instead of just parts of it.Volvo Penta in Vara has earlier done value stream mapping but without good results since they didn?t take set-up times and imbalances in account.

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