

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 3 av 737

Polyfona positioner i pendlande praktik

The purpose of this study is to contribute to our knowledge about what methods? teachers say they use in the work with pupils? early reading acquisition, and how they evaluate the pupils´ reading development. I also like to find out what educational interventions teachers believe that pupils with reading difficulties need, and how they say they work to meet the needs of these pupils. The project is based on the following questions: What methods do teachers say they use in the work with pupils early reading acquisition? What extra resources do teachers consider that pupils with reading difficulties need? How do teachers evaluate children's reading development? In order to answer my questions, I've done qualitative interviews with three teachers, at two schools, in two medium-sized municipalities.

Matteklipp på nätet : Ett stöd i matematikundervisningen

 ABSTRACTThis master thesis defines a new concept ? Math Videos on the Net. The term refers to short,educational videos of mathematics that are freely available on the internet. The videos aredesigned to offer a complement to other course material for a specific element of a specific mathcourse and are directed to the target group of students studying the latter. Within this work, MathVideos on the Net have been created for the Swedish upper secondary school courses Matematik1b and 1c.The study aims to describe, analyze and interpret whether, and if so, how Math Videos on theNet can help support the work of teachers and students? development of knowledge in the firstmathematics course of the Swedish upper secondary school.

Lera för livet i lek & utforskande : en studie om pedagogers syn på estetiskt arbete i förskolan

This study intends to examine teacher´s thoughts and perception of esthetic activities at preschools. I have chosen to restrict the esthetic area to the significance and function of clay to the teachers and children. On the basis of the belief that children can, and need access to a variety of ways to express themselves, we used the interviews to take part of teachers work and thoughts concerning clay, and the esthetic work. I have in this qualitative study addressed four questions: How do the teachers use clay in preschool activities? What do the teachers think about clay as a tool in the Educational work at the preschool? Are the teachers working from the perception of children?s rights to express themselves in different ways and with the help of different tools? What function does clay fill for the children?I have interviewed eight teachers and taken part of both older and more recent theories around children and the creativity in esthetic contexts.

Välkommen till Åtgärdsprogrammet! : Om gymnasieelevers syn på åtgärdsprogram

The individual educational plan (IEP) is a document used in Swedish schools. The purpose of the document is to help and support students who have difficulties in their schoolwork in various ways. In my experience, the student does not always understand the importance of establishing an IEP as a support and help at school. In this study I try to understand the students? experience of its relevance and purpose and the impact which can be achieved by an IEP.

Kampen om studenten : Kund och råvara på samma gång

A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.

Branding by Swedish e-tailers : Varumärkesbyggande bland svenska e-detaljhandelsföretag

A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.

UGL -kursdeltagares upplevda nytta av kursen. : En jämförande studie mellan två utbildningsanordnare

UGL-courses (Understanding Group and Leader), given in Sweden since the beginning of 1980, are a frequently used leadership course in all sectors of the working life. This essay purpose was to compare course members experienced benefit between two educational organizers. No earlier studies in the subject where to be found. The method chosen was quantitative. A questionnaire was sent to participants in Swedish Defence Forces and The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees.

Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialet

?Childs pedagogic material ? A qualitative study of child?s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material?In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials.

Den krokiga vägen till läsning : En kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med elevernas tidiga läsinlärning

The purpose of this study is to contribute to our knowledge about what methods? teachers say they use in the work with pupils? early reading acquisition, and how they evaluate the pupils´ reading development. I also like to find out what educational interventions teachers believe that pupils with reading difficulties need, and how they say they work to meet the needs of these pupils. The project is based on the following questions: What methods do teachers say they use in the work with pupils early reading acquisition? What extra resources do teachers consider that pupils with reading difficulties need? How do teachers evaluate children's reading development? In order to answer my questions, I've done qualitative interviews with three teachers, at two schools, in two medium-sized municipalities.

Datoriserat lärande. Ett pedagogiskt perspektiv på datorprogram för barn.

Aspects of computerized learning in terms of educational situations in kindergarten andschools where the teachers use software either made for children or for adults, is thesubject of this paper.The market for software produced in Sweden and intended for educatilonal situationswith small children is discussed and analysed by qualitative method. The software, theusers, the producers and other related groups are looked upon from an educationalperspective and a mode1 of this process is presented in the paper.The software is categorized and discussed according to area of use and underlying educationalperspectives. The educational situations in which the users are a part are discussedfrom an educational perspective and examples from use of software in kindergartenand schools are given. The images of their target group which the producers haveare categorized according to phenomenographical method. A proposal of a classificationsystem for software used in educational situations is made..

Demokratiteoretisk analys av läromedel i Samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie om det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY-2011

This qualitative study is done with the purpose of creating understanding for the theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education courses 1a1 and 1b during GY-11, so teachers create an intentional approach when using educational materials in their democratic education. This was motivated as important considering the reduction in obligatory Civic Education for the vocational programs. The study was conducted using a hermeneutic qualitative reading method where the educational materials, more specifically two series with one book for each course, was read with purpose of creating understanding for the democratic content according to ideal democratic models: deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy. A text voice analysis was also conducted using Bakhtins theory of dialogic and monologue text that contributed to the general result concerning the democratic content. The results show that the electoral democracy ideal is dominant in all educational materials, there is hence no striking difference between the democratic content in 1a1 and 1b educational materials.

Kroppen är vårt ankare i världen

The purpose of this thesis is to study how preschool teachers can reach the goal of the swedish educational plan to prevent traditional gender roles for children ages 3-6 through drama in education.This is answered by four hypothesis based on Judith Butler's queer theory, George Herbert Mead's social psychological theory and Gavin Bolton and Dotothy Heathcotes drama pedagogical theories. The hypotheses are tested against four teachers' examples of their work.The hypotheses areHypothesis 1: By using the expert's mantle and active observation in teacher-in-role indrama educational exercises, we can see how the children internalize the heterosexualmatrix and the outline of the internalized other.Hypothesis 2: By using the "mistakes" that occur when children repeat performativeacts that do not fit with the heterosexual matrix, these other possible behaviors can bestrengthenedHypothesis 3: Through drama exercises that are not normative teachers can widen theheterosexual matrixHypothesis 4: Through drama pedagogical methods like teacher-in-role teachers canprovide possibilities of other performative acts and the creation of a more tolerantinternalized other.The analysis show that the respondents work within all these hypotheses in different ways and thathypotheses 2 is the one with the weakest support in the interwievs. The examples are also weakregarding the use of Boltons drama pedagogical methods, but that there are a number of othermethods in use.Some of the conclusions are that more theoretical knowledge in the preschool drama pedagogics tocounteract traditional gender roles and patterns, as well as the drama of educational theory need tobe linked to queer and social psychology research. There is also no monitoring of the long term effects of the work..

"Miljön är A och O" : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med planering och utformning av förskolans pedagogiska miljö

This graduate work is about didactic issues related to the preschool environment. The study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how the preschool teachers can plan and design the indoor environment to promote children's development and learning. We will also examine how the work of the preschool indoor environment relates to the kindergarten curriculum. This will be examined through qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool in Botkyrka municipality. The thesis is based on an inductive study method so the theoretical approach has been chosen by the informants' responses.

Pedagogiska datorspel - Designandet av en teoretisk applikationsmodell för pedagogiska spel ämnade för gymnasieskolan, med elevperspektivet i fokus.

In this work we?ve been focusing on how to adjust educational computer games in order to make them suited for the educational context of upper secondary school. Our opinion and entrance to the study is that the related developers of the subject, in some ways, have failed to successfully combine and find the balance between the entertaining and pedagogical aspects in the games. Our main questions is which aspects in the games game developers need to take in consideration to satisfy the pupils, but also what qualities that is needed for them to function in their educational context. In order to do that we had to investigate the people of the target groups own perspective on what technological and social aspects in the computer games they assess as important.

Traumahantering hos nyanlända flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma ? damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience.From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in Järfälla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like.

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