

1502 Uppsatser om Educational association - Sida 45 av 101

Institutet för språk och folkminnen : En arkivförteckning för teckenspråksmaterial som överlåtits av Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund

This thesis at the Institute for Language and Folklore has as its purpose to lay a foundation for a continuinginventory work. The tasks I have performed during my time there was to create an archival description, anintroduction to the material and a process map showing the process of incoming delivery of documents. The aimwas never to finish the list of work, but to structure the material to get an insight into the material and to theproblems that existed within. The documents are of a very unique nature and require that the archivist is familiarwith and have knowledge of sign language. One of the problems I encountered was how fragmented the materialwas.

Avhopp bland ishockeyungdomar : En intervjustudie om hur ischokeyföreningar arbetar för att motverka avhopp i ungdomsishockey i Ångermanland

Ångermanland has at the last five years lost 420 hockey players. This is a qualitative study that focus on investigating the main problems of dropouts among young hockey players and how ice hockey associations in Ångermanland act to find solutions to the problem. The main questions of the study are: How can the dropout problems in Ångermanland be understood or explained in terms of youth operators' perspective and what are the potential strategies that the ice hockey associations are using to deal with the dropout problem and what approaches to youth hockey is reflected in the youth operators' statements? The study was based on semi-structure interviews with 6 different ice hockey sports clubs in Ångermanland. The results showed that the leadership programs ought to be more educational, and more oriented toward understanding the children instead of mainly technical learning objectives about how to shoot, dribble, and skate.

Våga prova något nytt : En design av ett webverktyg för att engagera barn i kostvalet

Syftet med detta projekt var att utveckla en design åt projektet Meal Planner för att få barn mer engagerade i matvalet. Designen fokuserar även på att hjälpa föräldrar i kostvalet och motverka matneofobi hos barn. Matneofobi är en tveksamhet eller motvilja till att prova nya maträtter vilket kan hindra barn från att äta maträtter som är potentiellt nyttiga och näringsrika för barnet. Tre teorier hittades som kan användas för att motverka matneofobi. Dessa kallas i denna uppsats för exponering, association och presentation.

Klövhälsa registrerad vid rutinmässig verkning i lösdrift eller uppbundna system med ekologisk eller konventionell mjölkproduktion :

KRAV-certified organic dairy herds generally have a lower milk yield than conventional dairy herds. A high-level of milk yield requires a feeding regime with high amounts of concentrates, a factor known to contribute to the development of claw lesions (Bergsten, C. 2003). The aim of this study was to compare claw health between organic and conventional dairy herds in free and tie stall systems. The number of herds from different domestic animal health associations was chosen in proportion to the association´s total portion of Swedish dairy producing herds of each type, respectively.

Väpnade religiösa konflikter - Fundamentalismoch terrorism : En intervjustudie om hur religionslärare och religionslärarstudenteranvänder och resonerar kring begreppen fundamentalism och terrorism iskolundervisningen.

This paper?s main goal is to study how religious studies teachers and religious studies teacherstudents reason concerning armed religious conflicts, with fundamentalism and terrorism ascentral concepts. The study does this with the use of semi-structured interviews. The resultsare analyzed with a phenomenographic analysis with the interviewees? understanding of thecentral concepts being the target of the interviews.

Effektivisering av logistiklösningar : En jämförelse av nya och gamla logistiksystem vid ROT-projekt

A persistent problem in the construction industry is its low margins of profit. It is often difficult to earn money due to low efficiency and high costs. Logistics on the construction site answers for a large amount of these costs and it is therefore of interest to find new, more efficient logistic solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to compare two different logistic systems and further to evaluate which one that is the most efficient and profitable. A comparison is made between the traditional logistic systems used for years and a new logistic system developed by an industry association called BEAst.

Trötthet och fördomar : en studie i diskriminering av överviktiga vid mental trötthet

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om mental trötthet leder till ökad diskriminering av överviktiga. Genom att använda en dual process-modell, inleddes undersökningen med en bedömningsuppgift som deltagarna fick utföra i labbmiljö. Vid ett senare tillfälle fick var och en ombesörja att de genomförde ett implicit associationstest (IAT), följt av en explicit graderingsfråga, där deltagarna uppskattade en eventuell skillnad i normal- kontra överviktigas mentala prestation. Syftet med dessa tester var att ta reda på om diskriminering mot överviktiga existerade inom gruppen i sin helhet på såväl implicit som explicit nivå. Hälften av gruppen hade genomgått en kraftig mental trötthetsbelastning före bedömningsuppgiften, med avsikt att se om bias mot överviktiga ökade vid mental trötthet.

Evaluating the effects of a tax increase : how the Swedish demand for snus will react to the new tax increase proposed by the government

This thesis deals with the concept of how price affects demand for a good by estimating various price elasticities of demand for snu sold in Sweden. Information was gathered on price development for snus and cigarettes as well as sales data from Swedish Match, the largest supplier of snus in Sweden. Income-, price- and cross-price elasticities were estimated based on log-log regression. Results show that snus is an inelastic good since the coefficient for price of snus was -0.536. This proved that a 1% increase in price causes a 0.536% decrease in quantity demanded.

HACCP-Implementering och tillsyn

 The food-safety legislation in Sweden were changed and updated in 1996, much because of demands from the European Union for a common legislation regarding the food-safety issues in the EU. This report discusses how the Swedish authorities are dealing with the new legislation in Sweden. Further on the report presents how the food safety officers in the municipalities in Sweden are implementing this new legislation in their daily work, especially the requirements regarding the HACCP, Hazard Analysis Control and Checkpoints. The report shows that the implementation is quite slow and that many foodsafety-officers don?t implement the legislation in the same way all over the country.

Kraftfoderstation till hästar : äter hästen grovfoder eller halm efter konsumtion av små kraftfodergivor?

The German equine housing system, HIT Active Stable?, are adjusted for keeping horses in groups, and are well establishes in Germany. Now the system attracts attention here in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the horses have any be-haviours need of free access to roughages like straw or hay, after they have been visit the concentrate feeding station. A study was carried out at family Krohn?s active stables in Bönningstedt, Germany.

Biblioteken och censuren: om försök att censurera HBT- litteratur på amerikanska folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to look at censorship and attempted censorship of books about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) people in public libraries in the USA. People from the public can submit formal challenges to a book at the library when they find the material offensive which can lead to those books being taken away from the library shelves. The questions asked are why GLBT- literature is being challenged, and sometimes banned, and how do the libraries deal with the challenges to the books.It is nowadays the people from the public, rather than the government or the librarians that are behind many cases of removal of books with homosexual themes. The study presents some of the fictional GLBT- literature that has been cause for much controversy in the USA. All the five examples mentioned are children?s books concerning GLBT- themes and are among the most challenged books in American libraries in the past twenty years.

Inte utan min blogg! : En studie om hur unga kvinnor uppfattar och påverkas av produktplacering i bloggar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att få förståelse för och beskriva hur unga kvinnor uppfattar produktplacering i bloggar. Vi ämnar även undersöka hur bloggarna och de som skriver dem påverkar de unga kvinnorna. Produktplacering i bloggar är en intressant aspekt att undersöka då det är ett relativt nytt och outforskat fenomen. Vår teori har utgått från hur kommunikation går till, opinionsledare samt balansteori. Till vår empiri valde vi att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer med nio respondenter.

Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken

Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge.The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to student, and in which form the knowledge about the method of eurhythmics is existing. The tools for analysis are the theories on tacit knowledge. Interviews and written surveys are used as qualitative research methods. The content of these interviews and surveys are presented in the results chapter.

Några förskollärares syn på föräldrakontakten i förskolan

Preschool is a place where children, parents and teachers meet. Preschool is for children but also for the parents, they should feel confident about the place where they leave their children. We who made this study have a common interest to examine how teachers´ attitudes to parental contact in preschool works. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers relate to parental contact.What do the educators think of their professionalism in the profession? Do educators believe that parental contact is important? And how do they work to obtain a good parent contact?The study has three questioners holder: How does teachers relate to parental contact in preschool?What do the educators think of their professionalism in the profession? And how visible educators child development and learning in daily contact with parents?We chose to do qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at two different preschools in Sweden, to seek answers to our questions.

Lexikal organistaion hos flerspråkiga barn - enligt den förkortade Kent-Rosanofflistan på svenska och arabiska

The aim of this study was to examine bilingual childrenslexical organization and to investigate weather bilingual children hadundergone the syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift in grade four. Thirtychildren from multi-ethnic areas were tested with Kent-Rosanoff wordassociation test in both Swedish and Arabic. The results showed thatmore than 40% of the children had undergone the shift in bothlanguages, 20 % had undergone the shift in only one of theirlanguages and almost 40% had not made the shift in any language. Acomparison with results from monolingual Swedish children in gradethree in a previous thesis, showed that the bilingual children in thisstudy did not reach the corresponding level of lexical organization.The study points to the necessity of including tests regarding lexicalorganization when assessing both mono- and bilingual children withsuspected language impairment. The study also underscores theimportance of supporting mother tongue development in bilingualchildren by for instance adequate mother tongue education.

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