

2817 Uppsatser om Educational and occupational choice - Sida 18 av 188

Det kommer en dag, när vi alla biter försiktigt i brödet. En studie av motivet tänder i svensk arbetarlitteratur utifrån ett intersektionellt och litteraturdidaktiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this text is to show how social class is (re)produced and created in the short stories?Draksådd? byMaria Sandel and Ivar Lo Johanssons ?Nya tänder? from Statarna I and to point out ways that the short storiesmay be useful from an Educational Perspective. Maria Sandel was the first (recognized) female author to writein the genre of Working-Class Literature in Sweden and Ivar Lo-Johansson is a recognized authorship who ismost famous for his novels portraying Statarna. The analysis focuses on how the teeth motif is portrayed in theshort stories. My analysis proves how the teeth motif is important in portraying the construction of class.

Utbildning i våld i nära relationer. En kvantitativ studie om betydelsen av personalutbildning för att främja det preventiva arbetet.

Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a large public health problem that foremost affects both women and children, nationally and globally. Several accessible reports about IPV and education for staff that in their occupation can meet battered people shows the importance of increased education for several occupational groups to decrease the large number of unrecorded cases.Purpose: The study explored how six occupational groups, in the municipality of Kungälv, related to IPV in their professions, were influenced by whether they had education in IPV or not.Method: We chose a quantitative approach, a cross sectional study. A questionnaire was constructed and handed out to 156 participations. The occupational groups were a section in a hospital, the police, the home care services, an elementary school, a pre-school and the public dental care. The answer frequency was 86 %.

Modellbaserad systemutveckling i komplexa verksamheter. En fallstudie av Coremetoden

In system development it is today increasingly common to use a model-based system development method. These methods that are suited for Agile work with simple and quick updates and implementations of new applications in systems conform to the requirements that are becoming more important today, namely more flexible and less expensive system that still maintain high quality and safety.A company that has been working with this type of system development method for a long time is Genicore AB, which also has developed their own tools and model language in order to better model the information management systems in complex and abstract operations. Genicore AB is trying to spread their method other developers and have therefore taken the initiative to start this study. The method is evaluated and tested by two students with relatively little experience in model-based systems engineering in order to gain a new perspective on how the method functions. The method has been applied to an educational activity in order to test it in a new domain, and this led us to our research question;?What criteria are of particular relevance in the implementation of a MBSD method on on complex businesses??Through literature reviews and interviews, we formed an idea of how model-based system development works from a theoretical perspective, and then continued to the case study conducted on the educational activities at the faculty of IT at University of Gothenburg.

AD/HD i förskolan

In this work, I have studied whether if one can detect AD / HD in preschool. I have read some literature and searched on the Internet. I have also tried to get to interview people who are familiar with this topic, which has not been easy. I have questioned 13 persons if they would participate in an interview, but most have refused because they do not have time. I succeeded anyhow to get three persons, two special educators and a nurse on the BVC.

Interaktiva, digitala lärresurser : Med underhållning kommer motivation

Earlier research has shown that combining education with entertainment can improve students motivation in school. With this study we aim to learn more about interactive digital learning resources and how they should be designed to entertain and thereby contribute to motivation. We have identified aspects of educational games that also could be considered when developing interactive digital learning resources, to make them more entertaining and motivating. We have chosen to study and evaluate an interactive digital learning resource called ?Grasp the Disaster?, a fictional online adventure created for students in the ages between 13-15.

Varför är Qatar inte en demokrati? En fallstudie med utgångspunkt i moderniseringsteorin

Qatar är ett ekonomiskt välmående land, med ett starkt auktoritärt politiskt system. Landet är därför ett avvikande fall ur moderniseringsteorin, som menar att ekonomiskt välmående leder till demokrati. Vi börjar med att förklara varför Qatar avviker från moderniseringsteorin, och fortsätter sedan med att pröva ett antal teorier och perspektiv, för att se om dessa bättre förklarar frånvaron av demokrati i landet. Följande teorier och ämnesområden diskuteras: politisk kultur och civilt samhälle, islams inverkan, sultanism, aktörsteoretiska perspektiv, rational choice, och slutligen oljans inverkan på Qatar. Två företeelser talar för demokratins frånvaro, islams starka närvaro i kulturen och politiken, samt landets ekonomiska beroende av oljeintäkter.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Lagval vid utomobligatoriskt skadestånd - Särskilt vid upphovsrättsintrång

This essay seeks to explore which country´s laws should be applied when a dispute concerning damages in non-contractual obligations arises från illegal copying. In Europe today we have merely a few documented laws regarding choice of law concerning illegal copying. Thus, a proposition regarding a regulation which shall control the choice of laws applied on disputes in non-contractual obligations has been prepared. Another main reason for the existence of such a regulation is the need for a united set of laws to enable recognition of other countries´ judgments in Europe. This proposal will be called the Rome II-regulation.

Hur bidrar Ipad till samspel i förskolan?

This is qualitative study of, four teacher´s views on the use of iPad in teaching and learning. In addition, I will examine the disadvantages and advantages of iPad use as a teaching tool in preschools.My questions are:What is the practical use of tablets in preschools today?Are preschool teachers using the tablet as a teaching tool? If so, how?Is the use of tablets in preschools contributing to children´s social interaction, as well as between children and teachers` social interaction?The purpose of this study was to find out how the four teachers uses the iPad as a teaching tool in the interaction between children in preschool. I have chosen to use Vygotsky?s and John Dewey´s theories.

Bättre eller sämre på jobbet? : en jämförelse mellan olika yrkeskategoriers arbetsrelaterade hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvården mellan åren 2005-2009

People spend much of their timeat work and health is affected by how we experience our everyday work situation. Health in the workplace is important for public health and seems to improve the occupational health of theemployees. The pace of work and requirements have hasincreased at work and it's not equal accepted to have an obstacle that makesyour work capacity decreases. Despite this, there are health factors that enable us meet therequirements and can maintaingood health in the workplace. Theaim of the studywas to see if there has beena change in healthcare workers work-related health over time.

"Ibland tror jag man kan ha en dubbelmoral inom sig själv..." : - En studie om gymnasielevers förståelse av jämlikhet på en principiell och konkret nivå

The purpose of this study is, by groupinterviewing students in upper secondary school, to investigate students comprehension of equality on a principle level and a concrete level. The questions at issue are as follows; how is the comprehension on respective levels described and is there any difference or similarities between the two levels? Further more, this study also aims to end with a discussion regarding the result from the mainpurpose in relation to the educational environment. In my conclusion there is to be find a certain difference between the comprehensions of equality on the two levels. The conception of equality is in the beginning principled and there is no exception from the worth of every individual but however, when the conception is brought out in reality it gets depended of its context and the comprehension for equality becomes more dynamic. The project will be completed with a discussion regarding the results in relation to the educational environment. .

Arbetsgivares ansvar för rehabilitering : Vägen tillbaka i arbete, lång eller kort?

Aim and questions: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the responsibilities employers have for rehabilitation and to explore how it conforms to an employers' actual condi-tions. Furthermore, the intention is to increase knowledge of how employers interact with other partners in the rehabilitation process and what affects sick people to return to work. The following three questions form the basis of this paper: What are employers? responsibilities for rehabilitation under the law and how is it consistent with an employer's actual conditions? What is the role of employers in the rehabilitation co- operation with other actors? What factors influence sick people to return to work?Method: The paper has used a true scientific and a legal sociological method to examine how the regulated employer responsibility for rehabilitation relates to what is practical in re-ality. To achieve the purpose, four empirical interviews were conducted with Örebro Municipality, Insurance, occupational health Previa and a doctor, which all of them have an important role in the rehabilitation process.

Avgörande faktorer vid val av bank: en undersökning bland
studenter i Luleå

The financial sector is an important part of the infrastructure. As a consequence of deregulations on the financial market, several new actors have entered the market. This has made it even more important for banks to identify the factors that are decisive when customers chose a bank. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify which factors that are decisive to students choice of bank. A survey was performed among students at Luleå University of Technology.

Gymnasiefriskolans effekter på kunskapsutfallet : En studie av utfallet i slutbetyg, högskoleprov och övergång till högskola

Friskolereformen 1992 innebar att den svenska skolan konkurrensutsattes. Expansionen av friskolor var snabb och idag går mer än 25 procent av alla gymnasieelever i en friskola. Denna studie avser att studera kunskapsutfallet av friskolereformen i den svenska gymnasieskolan. Studien baserar sig på en jämförelse mellan 19 län och studerar de förändringar som skett under åren 2004 till 2011 när andelen elever i friskola har förändrats. Som utfallsvariabler studeras gymnasiets slutbetyg, högskoleprovsresultatet samt övergången till högskola.

Musiklärares musicerande - några musiklärares tankar och värderingar

Title: Music teachers' practising of music - thoughts and values from a few music teachers. This study is about music teachers' valuation of practising music. The study is focused on the music that these teachers are devoted to but is not a part of their teaching in music. The papershows how the relation between music teachers and their ability to be devoted to practising music of their own choice, affects them as individuals. The study is carried out at a Swedish upper secondary school which has an educational programme that is focused on music.

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