

2817 Uppsatser om Educational and occupational choice - Sida 12 av 188

Socionomutbildning i internationellt perspektiv : En komparativ studie av Sverige, Tjeckien, Italien och Skottland

The aim of this study was to compare educational systems in Sweden, Czech Republic, Italy and Scotland. In the light of the Bologna Declaration signed in 1999, I was particularly interested in comparing social work educations in these four countries. Especially to clarify how far they have come to fulfill the goals of the common European educational policy.Central questions asked were: How do the educational systems look like in each of the four countries? How are the social work educations organized in each of them? In what ways do the social work educations differ? How can we explain such differences?Each country in this study represents a different welfare regime, and therefore I was challenged to find out if this has an impact on the implementation of the incentives of the Bologna Declaration. By studying various documents from the European Union, documents from each country and presentations of various social work programmes, I have come to the conclusion that the differences found mainly depends on the historical and socioeconomic traditions in the countries.

När elever interkulturella kompetens blir en styrka : En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända elevers upplevelse av den sociala interaktionen i en mångkulturell skola

This study investigates how social interaction affects newly arrived pupils? views on their study situation in the Swedish educational system. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion on the notion of including ?the Other? in educational practice in multicultural schools. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted to explore how the intercultural perspective and the theory of inclusion can be used to explain the dynamics of social interaction.

Kartläggning av utredningsprocessen vid Arbetsförmedlingen Rehabilitering i Sverige : en pilotstudie

The Swedish National Labour Market Administration wishes to acquire further knowledge about how the evaluation process of vocational rehabilitation at the employment service operates as a part of the quality assurance of this activity. The primary task for vocational rehabilitation at the employment service is to investigate the work capacity of unemployed people, to give them increased knowledge and better understanding of their own capacity concerning work or education. The aim of this study was to survey the evaluation process of vocational rehabilitation at the employment service in Sweden. Data were collected through telephone interviews with 15 occupational therapists employed at the employment service, who were working with vocational rehabilitation. The result shows that the investigation of work capacity can take place in different environments and that the space of time for an investigation can vary.

Köp av bostad efter införandet av bolånetaket : Hur påverkar konsumentens förutsättningar valet av finansieringsalternativ?

Introduction: A general guideline was introduced on October first 2010 regarding a mortgage cap, limiting the degree of leverage of housing as collateral. Through the new guidelines the marked conditions concerning consumers? choice of mortgage has changed. The consumers are limited in the sense that they can?t only use mortgage when purchasing a house.

"De vet att jag läser, med de vet inte vad jag läser." Utbildningsledarskap som tillgång eller hot. Studerandes upplevelser av bemötanden på arbetsplatsen.

Over the period as a student at the Master's Program for Educational Leadership, I have learned thatsometimes the participants School?s management shows concern regarding the purpose of studyingat such a program. The curiosity of what that might devolve upon got me to immerse myself in theapproach to and attitude towards competence development within educational leadership.The essence of what I wanted to examine was how the students from the above mentioned Master'sProgram perceived the treatment they received from supervisors and colleagues and if it waspossible to explain the attitude that the participants in the study reported. I also wanted to examinewhat issues, related to competence development and leadership within the school system, highlightsthe treatment of participants in educational leadership.The results are based on questionnaires and interviews and are divided into four categories; thesupportive, the unaffected, the discouraged and finally a side category to explain how to handle thediscouraged?s lack of support.

Arkivens dag : En bildande erfarenhet eller marknadsföring?

Archives Day is celebrated in Sweden on the second Saturday of November every year since 1998. The aim of this study is to examine how and why Archives Day is celebrated at five archives in the Stockholm region.My empirical material consists mainly of semi-structured interviews with archivists at five archival institutions in the Stockholm region. I have chosen to only interview archivists and not any visitors due to the time con-straints and the scope of the thesis. I have also examined how the goals stated in a government report are carried out in the work with Archives Day.The theoretical framework of the investigation is gathered from educational theory as well as archival theo-ry. For the educational approach I have used John Dewey?s theory of what makes an experience educational to examine whether Archives Day is an educational experience or not.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Design för lärande och multimodala texter i svenskämnet : En produktorienterad studie av två läromedel i svenska

This paper presents a study of educational materials used in Swedish language education. The aim of the study is to understand in which way multimodal resources can be used in texts, to benefit in the process of meaning making among pupils in the nine-year compulsory school. The theoretical framework used as a basis for understanding and analysing these educational materials is the social semiotic multimodal perspective and the design theoretical multimodal perspective. The study is a multimodal text analysis but it also involves analyses of the syllabi connected to the subject of Swedish language education. The extended concept of text was introduced in the year of 2000 in the syllabus and today multimodal texts are supposed to be part of the Swedish language education.

RELATIONSMARKNADSFÖRING : Att skapa relationer över Internet

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Läsundervisning- att följa en metod eller ej? : En jämförande studie om lärares val av metod i arbetet med den tidiga läsinlärningen

This is a study of how four teachers work with pupils? early literacy learning. Interviews were conducted with two teachers who chose to use a specific method, Writing to Read (WTR), for teaching pupils to read, and with two teachers who had not chosen a specific method. The aim of the study was to compare how the teachers worked, their motives for their choice of method, and the ideas the teachers have about early literacy learning. To see whether the teachers? choice of method was related to the individualization of the teaching and their views of pupils? learning in interaction, Vygotsky?s theories about children?s learning have been used.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med begränsad handfunktion på grund av artros eller reumatoid artrit

Syftet med denna studie var att genom en litteraturstudie beskriva arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med begränsad handfunktion på grund av artros eller reumatoid artrit (RA). Datainsamlingen har skett genom sökning i databaser utifrån i förväg av författarna ställda inklusions och exklusionskriterier. Tolv stycken artiklar inkluderades i studien och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I analysen framkom fem olika kategorier av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner. Kategorierna är ortoser, värme/kyla, information/utbildning, styrke- och rörelseövningar och ADL-träning.

Aktivitetsutförande och livskvalitet hos anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom

Syftet med denna kvantitativa enkätstudie var att studera om skillnader fanns i aktivitetsutförande och livskvalitet hos anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom, samt om någon skillnad fanns könen emellan. Data samlades in från två enkäter Occupational Gaps Questionnaire (OGQ) om upplevelsen av aktivitetsglapp i dagliga aktiviteter samt Alzheimer´s Carer´s Quality of Life Instrument (ACQLI) om upplevelsen av livskvalitet. Enkätsvaren sammanställdes via SPSS och presenteras med deskriptiv statistik. Resultaten visade att anhöriga upplevde aktivitetsglapp inom de fyra aktivitetsområdena. Flest glapp upplevdes i aktivitetsområdet fritid.

Lärarna och Studi.se : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om användande av det digitala läromedlet Studi.se

This study is a thesis project for the program Civilingenjör och Lärare at KTH. The study was conducted in spring 2014 in collaboration with Komplementskolan AB which has developed the educational material Studi.se, the focal point of this study.The overall aim of the study is to increase the knowledge of the participant teachers? conception and use of the educational material Studi.se. The second purpose is to increase knowledge about the forms of use some of these teachers apply or claim to apply when using Studi.se. Theoretical framework used is constructivism and the notions of Piaget: adaptation, assimilation and accommodation.

Den torftiga ekonomismen : En kritik av rational choice theory utifrån Weber och Habermas

Uppsatsen handlar om huruvida sociologin fortfarande är relevant när ekonomivetenskapen breddar sitt studiefält till att inte längre vara självklart ekonomisk utan också ställa frågor som traditionellt legat på sociologins bord. Genom en teoretisk analys av statistiska resultat angående användandet av inköpslista i samband med matvaruinköp undersöker uppsatsen huruvida ekonomins klassiska handlingsteori, rational choice, och dess antaganden om homo economicus är tillräckligt för att förklara de resultat som uppkommer. Jürgen Habermas teori om kommunikativt handlande, och Webers handlingsteori används som exempel på utpräglat sociologiska handlingsteorier vars förklaringsförmåga av de uppkomna resultaten jämförs med rational choice theory. Arbetet visar hur ekonomivetenskapen i sin strävan att bredda sitt studiefält behöver ifrågasätta vissa klassiska antaganden, något som under senare årtionden har inträffat, och att sociologin kan ge förklaringar där klassisk ekonomisk teori faller kort..

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

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