

3643 Uppsatser om Economically disadvantaged children - Sida 26 av 243

Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet

In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.

Älskar dig för den du är: att adoptera äldre barn

The purpose of my study was to examine adoptive parents' experiences of adopting children older than three years of age. I wanted to look into what kind of information, help and support every adoptive parent had received. I also wanted to examine if the adoptive parents worried about anything concerning the children's emotional needs and in what way the adoptive parents prepared themselves for this, before the adoption. I asked the adoptive parents about their knowledge regarding the children's experiences from the time before the adoption and how things had been going since the children came to Sweden. To achieve my purpose I interviewed six adoptive parents from five families, with a total of eleven internationally adopted older children.The research findings of my study showed that a risk exists for older adopted children to suffer emotionally because of earlier experiences.

Nycklar till frihet : Hur idrott, jazzmusik och dans påverkade ett afro-amerikanskt identitetsskapande och rasrelationer i USA under åren 1925-1939.

The aim of the study is to show how children and adults are described in three picture books, examining how children and adults are portrayed in text-and-picture narrative and how this has changed over time. We have analysed how the characters in the books are presented and how the representation of children and adults has changed in our own times.The material for the study consists of three picture books from different periods, with the focus on how children and adults are described as the common point of departure. The analysed picture books are: Tomtebobarnen (Beskow 1919), Aja baja, Alfons Åberg! (Bergström 1972) and Snäll (Dahle 2008).We have arrived at the conclusion that a text-and-picture narrative is in very large measure a reflection of the outlook on children, childhood and child rearing at the time when the book was published. The result shows that the greatest change that has happened is that parents? and adults? dominance in the books has declined over the years, and that children have been given a more prominent role.

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

Matematik i förskolan : Barns antalsuppfattning i de tidiga åren

Purpose: The current thesis assignment aims to explain, understand and follow the strategies the young children employ into a conception of numbers. This thesis is based on a study performed by Doverborg and Pramling Samuelson.The following research questions serve to refine the stated goal:How mathematical thinking regarding conception of numbers occurs within younger children and which strategies they use?How is the interaction between the teacher and the younger children?Method: The study is organized as a qualitative study and was conducted in a pre-school with a group of four children. The children that have participated within my study are between two and three years old. They were filmed in four exercises.

Musikalisk barnteater : Musikens funktion i barnteaterberättandet på Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg

Muscial theatre for children ? the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. Sweden, Växjö, 2006.The aim of this essay is to examine music in theatre for children. There is not much recent research about the subject so this essay is a way to discern this part of the theatre and to get more people interested in the matter. The survey will focus on how music is used in an institutional theatre (Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg) that works with plays for children.

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar : Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

De allra minstas språkutveckling i förskolan : Pedagogers syn och estetikens betydelse

The study has been conducted to find out whether aesthetic expressions and experiences can benefit the smallest children's language development. How do the teachers at the preschool relate to aesthetic expression? Do they think that aesthetic expression and experience will be favorable for stimulating children's language? Children perceive through their senses, logically aesthetic expressions should promote children's learning and development. How does this claim stand in relation with the smallest children's language development and teachers' views on aesthetics as a pedagogical tool for language stimulation? To get closer to the answer a survey have been done.

Disciplinär eller curlingfostran : En kvalitativ studie om vilka strategier fyra mödrar använder sig av för att fostra sina barn

The vast majority of parents want their children to succeed and become successful in one way or the other. The very first is that the child will graduate from school. In today?s society which is characterized by career-driven parents, especially mothers, one wonders if somewhere along the way parents are prioritizing their own careers over their children?s school achievements. This might be true in some cases, but in others it could merely be that parents are expecting more from their children?s future.

Miljöarbete i förskoleklass : Jämförande studie om hur pedagoger integrerar miljöarbete i verksamheten och barnens kännedom om återvinning

The purpose of this study is to investigate what knowledge children in preschool have about recycling, and to examine how teachers work with environmental efforts to increase children's understanding of environment and sustainable development. And if there is differs between the two preschool classes, one of which has a environmental profile. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interview methods of teachers and children, and observation of the children during a sorting exercise with a number of garbage objects. The result shows that teachers in the environment profiled preschool spend more time per week on work related to environmental and natural issues and worked more thematic. Similarity between this preschool classes is that the use of outdoor education to get into environmental awareness.

Sagor i förskola och skola : Tio lärares och tolv elevers syn på sagans roll i förskolan och skolan

The purpose of this study was to explore preschool- and primary school teachers? perceptions of fairytales, why they use fairytales and what thoughts they have about the impact of fairytales on children?s reading and writing development. We interviewed seven teachers and three preschool teachers in northern Sweden to find out how work with fairytales is carried out in preschool and primary school. We also interviewed twelve pupils who were seven and eight years old to find out what they thought of fairytales in primary school. The result showed that preschool- and primary school teachers had a positive attitude towards fairytales and the opportunities provided by fairytales.

Masibuyelembo : living in harmony - att leva i harmoni

The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:-          What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?-          What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?-           How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of  the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.

Faktaboken i praktiken : hur ett antal barn- och ungdomsbibliotekarier arbetar med faktaböcker i sin lässtimulerande verksamhet

The purpose of this thesis is to study how children's librarians in public libraries use non-fiction books in their work to promote reading. My research questions are: What methods do children's librarians use för promoting non-fiction books? Are there children who can gain more from non-fiction books than other children do? Are there any differences in working with fiction and non-fiction books? To answer these questions I have interwieved five children's librarians about their methods, attitudes and thoughts on non-fiction books.The result shows that all of the librarians use non-fiction when it comes to promotion reading but not to the same extent. Some hardly use it at all, mainly because the schools that they are serving demands fiction books when practicing reading skills. while others use it but in less extent than fiction, as a way of separating the library reading from school work either because they want to keep the experience of reading in the library apart from school work or because they find it more efficient to do so.

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar. Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

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