

4554 Uppsatser om Economic systems - Sida 2 av 304

Produktivitet, tillväxt och rättvisa - En studie om landreformen i Västbengalen, Indien

Landreformen i Västbengalen, Indien, påverkade inte bara produktiviteten utan även de sociala relationerna inom staten. Decentraliseringen av den politiska makten är även den starkt kopplat till denna diskussion. Denna uppsats diskuterar detta och försöker analysera vad som var så unikt med just Västbengalens reformförsök. Blev resultatet det väntade och i så fall varför?.

Påverkan på TED- spread under den nuvarande finansiella krisen

The purpose of this essay is to test for significance between TED- spread and four different macrovariables, housing prices, Federal funds rate, Asset Backes Securities and mortgage volume. Multiple regression has been used to search for significance between the dependent and the four independent variables. Our data consist of quarterly reports from January 1998 to June 2008. Our conclusion is that all of the four variables show a significant relation with TED- spread. The model explains 76 percent of the variation in TED- spread..

?Contract-For-Difference? - en studie om den optimala faktiska marginalen

We have two aims with this thesis. The first aim is to describe CFD as a financial instrument in detail by highlighting its potentials and disadvantages. The second aim is to try to find the optimal real margin for each of the underlying stocks.We have adopted an inductive approach, combined with a quantitative method. We have worked with data and tried to come up to conclusions from the results we got.The conclusion of our thesis is that it is optimal to enter a CFD-contract with own capital covering at least 20 % of the value of the contract..

Ickeparametrisk värdering av optioner

Vi undersöker den ickeparametriska optionsprissättningsmodellen med namnet kanonisk värdering. Vi visar att den kanoniska modellen fungerar väl på svensk data. Vi visar också att kanonisk värdering kan generera ett volatilitetsleende som stämmer överens med det vi observerar på marknaden. Dessa empiriska resultat är konsistenta med tidigare forskning. Ett teoretiskt motiverat resultat är att den kanoniska värderingsmodellen kan härledas från ?Large Deviation Theory?..

En jämförelse av Sveriges och Storbritanniens producentansvar för förpackningar :

The purpose of the thesis is to compare Sweden's and Great Britain's total costs for their systems regulating producer responsibility for waste packages. Producer resonsibility is a strategy implying that producers are responsible for their waste also after its use. Sweden and Great Britain introduced different systems systems after an EU directive was adopted in 1994 (94/62/EC), and they have resulted in entirely different recycling levels in the two countries. In the Swedish system, responsibility has been delegated to the industry who are responsible for reaching the determined goals. The economic instrument used is a fee, set and managed by the industry. The British system is more centrilised, and the economic instrument used to finance recycling of waste is a system based on transferable permits. The thesis compares the four different alternatives: delegated and centralised methods, and fees and transferable permits analytically.

Leder integration till priskonvergens - En analys av de europeiska bilmarknaderna

This study attempts to examine the existence and development of price differences in the car sector in Europe. The time period is between 1995, the year of the Swedish entrance in the European Union, and 2003. The study is based on data supplied by the European commission, on a bi-annual basis. Both price differences in general in the EU, and price differences between Sweden and other countries in the EU are examined. The theoretical law of one price is related to the economic integration of the EU and the car sector.

Varför ränta?

Uppsatsen handlar om ränta. Varför finns det ränta och vilka faktorer påverkar räntenivån? Uppsatsen är dels doktrinhistorisk men också något nyskapande. Den ?nyskapande? teorin läggs fram i all ödmjukhet, och är snarare att betrakta som en sammanställning av tidigare insikter.

Handelsrelaterat Tekniskt Bistånd - Ett effektivt medel för fattigdomsreducering?

Abstract This essay discusses whether or not the technical assistance given by The WTO will effect the reduction of poverty in LDCs. The liberalization of trade is considered to be one of the main forces behind economic growth and the reduction of poverty. Can trade reduce poverty?The WTO formed The Integrated Framework pro to the Doha Round in 2001 to assist the LDCs in aiding them implement the WTO's framework. Has this implementation been effective?The WTO also created The EPRP program to the Doha Round in order to create poverty reducing projects amongst developing countries.

Handelsprocedurer -omfattning, effekter och vinster av förenkling

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the most common economic effects of countries pursuing trade facilitation. Trade flows are constrained by non-tariff barriers and through trade facilitation these barriers can be decreased. We will study the effects of trade facilitation from a theoretical perspective and evaluate a number of empirical studies. Several different trade barriers will be identified as well as those regions and countries that will gain the most from trade facilitation. We draw the conclusion thatlarge gains would prevail for all countries and that the consumers, businesses and the state all benefit from trade facilitation.

Teknologier för fordonsdiagnostik

The capacity to extract information from vehicles has the potential to be very beneficial. Performing analysis on information about fuel usage, emission values and other driving properties of a vehicle can lead to great economic and environmental benefits.This report contains descriptions of two prominent systems for retrieving information of this nature from a vehicle, On-Board Diagnostics and FMS-Standard, and of an implementation of FMS-Standard.The conclusion drawn after this investigation is that these systems do indeed offer access to the benefits mentioned earlier, although to varying degrees and with differing prioritisation..

Fältbiologerna i Lunds Miljöpolitik

Fältbiologer in Lund : A study on how the NGO Fältbiologerna has affected environmental politics in the municipality of LundThis paper examines, through interview and literary studies, if the environmental NGO Fältbiologerna has had any impact on the environmental politics of the municipality of Lund. The study is based on a case where Fältbiologerna were protesting against the establishment of two shopping centers near the outskirts of Lund.The study is inconclusive, but provides a few interesting questions for further studies in this subject..

Arbetskraftsmigration och EU:s utvidgning - Potential och omfattning

This paper analyses the potential extent of labour mobility in the European Union after the eastern enlargement that took place in 2004, but focuses on movements from the 10 new member countries to the old EU -members. In this study, a number of economic models are used to investigate if there is a large potential for labour mobility in the enlarged EU and also if this potential has large effects on mobility in reality. The potential for labour mobility is, to a large extent, discussed in terms of theoretical migrating incitements for workers and different types of labour migration obstacles. Many factors indicate that such large potential for migration actually exists, mainly due to high difference in wages and unemployment and because of the common EU market. At the same time, the presence of natural and constructed obstacles is likely to restrict migration for a long period of time..

Lönar sig utbildning? - en CBA på den högskoleutbildade studenten

This paper analyses education regarding its profitability from an individual?s perspective. The method for conducting the analysis is an ex ante cost-benefit analysis and the time period examined is between the days the education begins until retirement age. The conclusions of this paper are that tertiary education is not profitable for an individual given the conditions stated in this examination. Furthermore the longer the education lasts, the more unprofitable it is.

Ränterisk för bostadsköpare - betydande eller marginell?

Med dagens låga ränta lånar privatpersoner mer än någonsin för att finansiera sina bostadsköp. Denna uppsats behandlar ränterisken en privatperson utsätter sig för vid bostadsköp då denne skall ta lån med fast ränta. Vanligtvis brukar det ta tre månader (90 dagar) från det att köpekontrakt skrivits på till att köpet genomförts. Genom att anta att ränteförändringarna är lognormalfördelade har jag kommit fram till att tvåårs och femårs räntan inte stiger betydande under 90 dagar. Slutsatsen jag dragit är att ränterisken är låg med dagens låga ränta..

Effekter av ett minskat exportstöd- en studie av EU:s fjäderfäköttnäring

Denna studie behandlar EU:s fjäderfänäring och undersöker effekterna av den nya policyn som huvudsakligen består av ett minskat exportstöd. Uppsatsen studerar effekterna på produktion och export. De förväntade effekterna vid ett avskaffande av exportstöd är att både produktion och export ska minska. Denna studie visar, genom att undersöka förändringarna i producerad och exporterad kvantitet från och med 1995 då den nya poliyn började gälla, att i detta fall påverkar andra faktorer produktion och export mer än det minskade exportstödet. Förändringar i konsumenternas preferenser är en faktor som inverkar på produktion och export..

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