476 Uppsatser om Ecological modeling - Sida 11 av 32
Träd och buskar i kantzoner : en undersökning av kanteffekter i några av östersjöregionens skogar
Around the world, forests are generally being fragmented and as plant populations decline in both sizeand number of individuals, the genetic variation will also decrease whitch in the end leads to totalextinction of the plant. In this paper, I wanted to investigate what specific species of trees and shrubsyou usually find in the edge and core habitats in some of the forests in the Baltic Sea region. I alsowanted to identify the edge effects and their sources and finally compare the results between thedifferent regions.The data sources used are derived from the ongoining research project Landscape structures, patterns ofbiodiversity and conservation strategies in the Baltic Sea region by Kari Lehtilä, Patrik Dinnétz ochTiina Vinter who have made a record of all herbaceous plant species in four randomly chosen forestregions situated around the Baltic Sea: Estonia, Skåne, Södermanland and Germany. I made statisticalanalyses, using the computer program R, concerning the distribution of species in the edge habitats ofthe forests as well as in the core habitats. I performed generalized linear models and then variationanalyses with the factors light and biomass in order to investigate wether edge effects might appear dueto these factors.
Naturvärden i en värmländsk bruksskog : en skogshistorisk studie av Åbengtshöjden/Bogranghöjden
In this study I have analysed the history of a forest belonging to Saxåhyttan in Värmland. The study area is 448 hectares and has been used by iron industry since the 16th century. A forest that has been used by man during at least 400 years should have few ecological values. This inventory however shows the opposite.
The aim of the study is to interpret the history of the forest in the area, i. e.
BIM som Informationsbärare in i Förvaltningen : En studie vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp
BIM, Building Information Modeling, börjar vinna mark inom byggbranschen i Sverige och är en vedertagen process i vart och vartannat byggprojekt. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp står inför både upprustningar av sina anläggningar och nyproduktion av bland annat kontor, verkstad och hotell. BIM framstår nu som en lukrativ metod för att dra ner på projektkostnaderna, men även för att få ytterligare ordning och struktur på den enorma mängd dokumentation som ackumulerat under de dryga trettio åren av drift.Syftet med detta arbete är att ta fram ett underlag för implementering av BIM på byggkonstruktionskontoret på Forsmarks Kraftgrupp, som även ska kunna användas för att marknadsföra BIM utåt i organisationen. Målet är att peka på nyttan av att tillämpa BIM på Forsmark, med särskild fokus på förvaltning. Som undersökningsmetod har simulering, intervjuer och platsanalys av Forsmark valts.Då Forsmarks befintliga byggnadsbestånd är omfattande krävs konsensus kring hur framtida förvaltningsmodeller bör se ut och hanteras.
The role and influence of the Architect in industrialized building
An emerging trend within the construction industry is the expectation of the customer to experience and sense the product, maybe even in a customized manner. The latter trend would extend the necessity of incorporating not only function and aesthetics, but also perception and sensation. To meet this trend while at the same time improve the productivity the use of information technology such as BIM and technical platforms has increased in construction projects. Nevertheless, in spite of large investments, the construction industry has not managed to increase the effectiveness and productivity as much as other industries. Evident is that successful use of information technology depend on the integration and collaboration of various experts in a continuous and dynamic process.
Från 2D till BIM i ett trähusföretag : Transition from 2D-CAD to BIM in a timber frame home company
A prefabricated timber frame house previously built by Villafabriken AB has been modeled in Autodesk Revit Architectural, a 3D-program based on BIM-technology. This has been done tosee if it?s possible to produce the publications that Villafabriken demands from the designengineer?s work, and examine which possible extra values that may arise compared to traditional 2D-CAD drawing.BIM is short for Building Information Modeling. Everything is stored in a single database and a change in the project file is automatically updated across the project. BIM provides more than just drawings since information from the model can be retrieved in various ways such as lists and quantity schedules.It was possible to produce the publications that Villafabriken demanded using Revit, but BIM doesn?t only mean a new way of drawing, it also require a change in the company?s process were the information from the model is being used..
Ambition biotop och succession : en studie av nutida naturinspirerad landskapsarkitektur
Fresh Kills park and the The High line park in New York, Downsview park outside Toronto the birch landscape at Shiphol Airport have something more in common than being big new park landscapes.They all include thoughts and images about ecology. These images are neither typically nature picturesque nor typically garden stylish. In Sweden we have the biotopes of Ankarparken, the new design of Kristinebergsparken. At Chelsea Flower Show in England Swedish nature put in a garden format is winning awards. There are some new ecological influence in the air.
In search for sustainable alternatives to lawns : connecting research and landscape design
A large part of Sweden?s green, urban landscape is covered by lawns. Approximately 80 000 ha of maintained grass lawns are part of public courtyards, schoolyards, parks, golf courses, sport fields and traffic environments. Beyond this figure, the lawn is also an essential element in most private villa-gardens. Lawns have become a universal phenomenon through the dispersion of landscape aesthetics from the Western world.
Infallsvinklar och angreppssa?tt fo?r en svensk livsmedelsstrategi : En utredning av angreppspunkter och betraktelsesa?tt hos livsmedelsstrategi-intressenter samt ha?llbarhetsaspekter av dessa.
Understensho?jden is Stockholm's largest eco-village which was built in the early 1990s with the vision of enabling ecological living for people. However the ecovillage is no longer considered as environmentally friendly because of its relatively high energy consumption, and non-updated energy system. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how Understensho?jden should reduce their energy consumption and upgrade its energy system by using Blower-Door, IR-camera and Design Builder.
Ifrågavarande kronopark skall benämnas Skatan : en skogshistorisk analys av Ekoparken Skatan
People have utilised and influenced the boreal forest for many centuries. Prior to the industrial revolution during the 19th century, however, human use primarily only had a low impact on the forest. When the timberfrontier swept over the country, the Swedish forests came to change for ever. The study site for this thesis is situated in the northern part of the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, and has previously been a National forest. Today the area is an ecopark and the land is owned by the forest company Sveaskog.
Understensho?jdens framtida utveckling : ett arbete om energieffektiviseringar i ekobyn samt uppgraderingar av dess energisystem utifra?n ett ha?llbart perspektiv
Understensho?jden is Stockholm's largest eco-village which was built in the early 1990s with the vision of enabling ecological living for people. However the ecovillage is no longer considered as environmentally friendly because of its relatively high energy consumption, and non-updated energy system. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how Understensho?jden should reduce their energy consumption and upgrade its energy system by using Blower-Door, IR-camera and Design Builder.
Sustainable business practices : a review of eco-efficiency
The current demanding business environment requires corporations to act fast in finding effective solutions to problems given the myriad of challenges they face (Dyllick & Hockerts, 2001). The challenges include the impact of climate change on business practices, natural resource consumption, chemical pollution, technological change etc. Moreover, the forces of globalization, heightened concerns about the deteriorating quality of the physical environment and increased stakeholder power are also increasingly having a real influence on business practices (Rainey, 2008).
Since 1992, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has encouraged the adoption of the concept of ecological efficiency (eco-efficiency) to support business efforts aimed at addressing some of these challenges. The aim of eco-efficiency is to reduce the amount of energy and materials used in production processes to achieve economic and environmental benefits (WBCSD, 2000).
Virtuell 3D-modellering som verktyg : vid kommunikation av Gruvstadsparken
3D modeling is a common tool in landscape architecture. Today, there have been new ways in which virtual 3D models are successful tools in the dialogue with the public. These new methods involve children and young people who are groups that is hard to reach and engage in citizen dialogues.
The purpose of this work was to investigate how a virtual 3D model works in the landscape architect?s communication with the public through the project Gruvstadsparken in Kiruna. Through workshops, I wanted to communicate Gruvstadsparken to get ideas from participants on how the park can be used and be revisited.
From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya
Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.
Building Information Modeling
Den här rapporten presenterar vad BIM är på ett överskådligt och grundligt sätt. Rapporten är anpassad till den som inte vet vad BIM är för något och som behöver en grund att stå på då det kommer till att förstå en tårtbit av begreppet BIM. De aktörer i Sverige som använder sig av BIM, 4D och 5D BIM och de fördelar som BIM har är något som behandlas i rapporten.Sverige är ett av de nordiska länderna som inte riktigt har gått hela vägen med BIM och därför anser jag att det är viktigt att försöka sprida information om vad BIM egentligen står för och vilka fördelar som finns med BIM.Rapporten redovisar vilka nyttor BIM har gentemot den idag vanligast använda 2D-CAD. Det som kännetecknar BIM är att hela systemet är uppbyggd av objekt och information. När dessa sedan slås ihop till en 5D-modell går det att göra simuleringar, energimodeller etc.
Socialtjänstens behandlingsarbete för män som utövar våld mot kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie om vilken innebörd teori har för behandling
The purpose of this study has been to increase the awareness of what significance models of explanation have for intervention programmes, aimed at perpetrators of intimate partner violence, within the Swedish social services. The study is not gender neutral, it centres on male batterers in heterosexual relationships. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five people working within the topical field. I analyzed their statements using an ecological model of understanding violence. The main finding was that the people I interviewed had a multiple understanding when it came to comprehending the violence, but that when it came down to the actual intervention they targeted mainly on elements in the individual spectra, such as feelings of frustration.