

366 Uppsatser om East Africa - Sida 11 av 25

Karaktärisering av äpplesorter : för framställning av juice och cider

The purpose of this study was to evaluate which apple cultivars are best suited for production of juice and cider. The study was limited to 41 cultivars. Common as well as uncommon apple cultivars were selected from available cultivars in the cold storage at Balsgård, Department of Horticultural Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, SLU.The practical part of the study consisted of the apples being pressed, and then the juice characteristics being assessed by appropriate criteria and methods of analysis. The analyses consisted of measurment of soluble sugars with a refractometer (Brix), titration of total acidity, determination of total phenolic content with a spectrophotometer, estimation of alcohol content by density meters and qualitative taste tests.The study did not account for different maturity of cultivars. Different apple cultivars were pressed on separate occasions, before and after Christmas 2010.

Det Nya Sydafrika : Nationell identitet och bygget av en regnbågsnation

The South African nation and society have experienced significant changes and reforms over the last decade. Less than ten years ago black and white people were not even allowed to share a bench in a park. Today they are expected to live side by side in what is called a"Rainbow Nation". When a new society is built language plays an important part. The language constantly reproduces daily the small things that identify a nation and the people living in it.

Dromedarens roll vid spridning av Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) är ett virus som först observerades hos en patient år 2012 på ett sjukhus i Saudiarabien. Viruset orsakar luftvägssymptom och ibland gastrointestinala symptom. Dödligheten hos människa är över 30%. Eftersom tidigare erfarenhet har visat att nya coronavirus ofta har sitt ursprung i en djurpopulation har många studier gjorts för att undersöka spridningen av MERS-CoV och förekomsten av en eller flera reservoirer. Denna litteraturstudie har som mål att undersöka vilka bevis det finns för dromedarens roll i smittspridningen av MERS-CoV. Då flera seroepidemiologiska studier gjorts som visar att MERS-CoV eller ett nära besläktat virus har cirkulerat i dromedarpopulationen i över 20 år har man gått vidare och undersökt bl.a.

Utvärdering av strömmätningar vid Höga Kusten : Strömmars betydelse för lokalisering av odlingslokaler och utformning av kontrollprogram i kustområden

A study was made to evaluate how current measurementscould help to determine how particles from fish farms are dispersed. During sixweeks of the summer 2012, two different current measurements were conducted.One of them consisted of measurements each fifth minute at 5 m and 15 m atthree locations for 14-16 days each. The other consisted of profilemeasurements at each location at four times during the period of six weeks. Forthe current measurements two instruments (model RCM 9) were used. A two weekmeasurement can give enough data to make an evaluation of how the currents at alocation will transport litter from a fish farm.

Regionbiblioteken i Tanzania en fältstudie av den offentliga biblioteksservicen

This masters thesis concerns the Public Library Service in Eastern Africa, Tanzania. Our subject was developed through a feasibility study that gave us comprehension that developing countries have individual problems concerning books and libraries. We understood that the main problems were the libraries financial situation and their dependence on aid. We also understood that the libraries do not have the resources to satisfy the society as a whole. The major questions raised in this study are: - How do the regional librarians describe their work situation? -Which role do the Regional Librarians have in society? Data was collected through interviews and observation, and the study is a qualitative case study.

Övergången från natur till kultur

Göbekli Tepe is an 11000 year old religious center where Totem has been exercised. It was raised by megalithic hunters and collectors that still during the construction lived in small-scaled mobile groups in order to find food and therefore should not have had time to raised costly stone monuments. The religious center consists of four enclosures with two T-pillars decorated with pictures of different animals and birds. Any dwellings have not been found. The place has been constructed by a well-organized elitist organization that has been capable of raising constructions in order to exercise their religion in a way we did not thought was possible such a long time ago. Analysis and findings from the near east existing from this time shows however that social changes happen in the communities around the region. Can archeological finding from the excavations on the religious center give any answer or clue regarding how man came to develop from hunter and collector to farmer? Do the findings reveal that the religion has changed Mans way to think and organize so that she was prepared to introduce the agriculture that occurs? The aim of thesis is to clarify whether Göbekli Tepe has played any role in the complex origin of agriculture..

Biologin hos svenska Lilioceris arter och åtgärder för att begränsa deras skadeverkningar :

Summary The leaf beetles, Lilioceris lilii and L. merdigera have existed in Asia, Europe and in North Africa for a long time, but have become much more abundant the last twenty-five years. Even North America has been affected during the last years. The purpose of this investigation of Lilioceris species in Sweden, is to give advice to gardeners, which type of control measures is the most effective in order to restrict their damage to lilies. Lilioceris species overwinter normally as pupae in the soil under the host or close by. Literature and contact with advisors have described the life cycle and spreading of Lilioceris. Under favourable conditions these leaf beetles have two generations/year in the south of Sweden. Both the adults and the larva eat the foliage, and by strong attacks even flowers can be eaten and only the stem is remaining. My own observations include different treatments of both lily foliage and of the leaf beetle.

Musik som ett specialpedagogiskt verktyg för barns språkutveckling : Fem sydafrikanska pedagogers syn på musik som pedagogiskt verktyg

The purpose of this essay is to study if and how five South African educators work with music as a special pedagogical tool in children's language development. To achieve the purpose of this study, two research questions were created. As method, interviews of a qualitative character were chosen.  The aim of the method is to give the educators the opportunity to think about and use their own experience before answering the questions.The result shows that the South African educators are not using music as a special educational tool. They rather use music as an everyday educational tool to promote children's language development. The result indicates that music in educational activities promotes children?s communication with each other.

Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.

In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.

På väg mot en elektronisk era: En fallstudie av automatiseringen på Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda

This thesis is a case study which describes the automation of a university library in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the case study is, firstly; to find out which actors and factors have started and influenced the automation and the implementation of ICT at Makerere University Library in Kampala, Uganda. Secondly; it also discusses if the automation has changed the librarys condition. The empirical material consists of fifteen interviews with librarians and students. The empirical material itself has functioned as a base when discerning the analytical themes.

Förändringen av tall- och granbestånden i eklandskapet söder om Linköping, 1927 jämfört med 2013

The aim of the study was to compare how the population of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) have changed between 1927 and 2013 in the oak landscape south of Linköping. A field study was carried out in 22 two kilometre lines which also had been studied in 1927. In these lines, which where ten meters broad and had a direction from west to east, the pines and spruces were counted, measured and classified by steam diameter. The obtained result was that the basal steam area (m²/ha) had increased for pine (44%) and spruce (57%) between 1927 and 2013. The amount of trees had increased in all diameter classes except thinner pine and spruce with a diameter of 5-10cm.

Nivåbaserat läromedel för läsinlärning : En läsbarhetsanalys av Den magiska kulan

The aim of the study is to examine a book used as level-based teaching material, Denmagiska kulan (Wänblad, 2011), to analyse the progression within and between thedifferent levels, A, B and C, intended for use in grade 1. The material is designed so thatpupils at different levels in their reading development can share the same literature.Another aim is to study the connection between illustrations and text. This literaturestudy is based on both a qualitative and a quantitative method of analysis. Thequalitative method applies a readability analysis with the focus on the graphic form andthe language of the text. The quantitative method measures the LIX (readability index)of the texts.

Betydelsen av matematiken som språk för elevernas lärande i matematik : En studie i Sverige och Sydafrika

Detta examensarbete är en del av ett utbyte mellan skolor i Sverige och skolor i en kåkstad i Sydafrika. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka matematiklärares medvetenhet om sitt matematiska språk och lärarnas uppfattning om betydelsen av det matematiska språket för elevernas lärande. Betydelsen av det matematiska språket är inskrivet i både svenska och syd-afrikanska läroplaner för matematik på gymnasiet. Tolv lärare har blivit intervjuade bland annat om sin medvetenhet och om de tror att det matematiska språket är viktigt för elevernas lärande. Resultaten visar att alla intervjuade lärare är medvetna om sitt matematiska språk men även att lärare väljer att använda sig av det matmatiska språket på olika sätt.

My patience ran out on Hasad a long time ago? - varför blev Syrien en ondskans axelmakt?

In 2002 George W. Bush held a speech where he classified six nations as being the main threats to American security, one of them being Syria, a state with a secular constitution, no resent offence towards the US, and with an improved diplomatic relationship to the US during the Clinton years.Being an ally to the Soviet Union during the Cold War Syria was forced to redefine its role in the region. Using neorealistc theory one part conlusion is the fact that the new Syrian leader, Bashar al-Hasad, in the early 21th century determined to set higher goals for the Syrian power ambition in the Middle East, threatened to destabilize the region and leave the US and its allies in a caotic situation.In the US, however, the new administration after 11/9 sharpened its tone towards states that did not cooperate in the new ?war on terrorism? or/and were likely to harbour terrorists. Syria was accused of doing both.

Av egenintresse eller solidaritet? - Gulfkriget ur realistiskt och liberalistiskt perspektiv

AbstractIn this theory-testing case study I will analyze and discuss the Gulf War which took place in the Middle East in 1990-1991 and has become an important topic for discussion among IR scholars in the post-Cold War era. The events that led up to the Gulf War, as well as the war itself, will be analyzed from two different perspectives; Realism and Liberalism. Within these differing theoretical frameworks I have chosen to use elements from, on the one hand, Classical and Structural Realism, and on the other hand, Idealism and Liberal Institutionalism. Focusing on these specific schools of thought I aim to derive essential, ?key?, concepts that will then be tested against empirical fact.The overall purpose of this study is to try to logically explain, through detailed analysis, the actions of the actors involved in the Gulf War and, in addition, why this war ever occurred.

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