

9 Uppsatser om Earthquake - Sida 1 av 1

Bachelor nurses? experiences of working during a natural disaster: The earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 27th 2006

This is a Minor Field Study (MFS) which is a scholarship financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The study was held in 2007 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and is based upon retrospective qualitative interviews with five Bachelor nurses who experienced the disaster work during the Earthquake 27th of May, 2006. The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, feelings and thoughts of Bachelor nurses who were involved in this natural disaster. The interview, transcription and analyse work were made one year after the Earthquake were a qualitative content analysis method was used. Two group interviews were held at the University of Gadjah Mada.

Katastrofal rapportering : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om jordbävningen i Haiti respektive översvämningen i Pakistan 2010

This study deals with the distinct difference in media attention the Earthquake-disaster in Haiti and the flood-disaster in Pakistan got in 2010. There may be many reasons to this divergence, but this study focuses on how news articles can create compassion.   This study, with its critical perspective, examines how two daily papers in Sweden portray the suffering of the victims of the catastrophes in Haiti and Pakistan, and create compassion for them. Furthermore it asks the question who benefits from the newspaper?s description of human suffering in the third world.   The result shows that the manner of which Swedish daily newspapers report from the catastrophe in Haiti creates an emotional involvement, which most likely leads to compassion. Furthermore it shows potential to lead the readers to identify with the suffering people in Haiti.   The Swedish daily newspapers report of the catastrophe in Pakistan on the other hand, does not involve the reader on an emotional level, but gives them the role of a spectator.

Det politiska beslutsfattandet under Tsunamikatastrofen: Vilken roll spelade media?

In December 2004 an Earthquake coursed waves that hit Thailand. Over 5000 people died, and Sweden was the tourist country that has been effected the worst. The catastrophe precipitated Sweden in crises and the demand became high for Swedish government to act. Swedes followed the development via media, why media became the crucial element for how the public perceived politicians? acting.

Tsunamikatastrofens politiska efterspel - En fallstudie av ansvarsutkrävandets värde i demokratin

The Swedish society woke up Boxing Day 2004 to the greatest disaster in modern times. As a result of a strong Earthquake in the Indian Ocean tsunamis occurred that devastated resorts where thousands of Swedes were. In the disasters tracks were uncovered government paralysis and shortcomings of the systems control. The purpose of this study is to examine the capacity and means to demand accountability of politicians and officials of the Swedish political system. Extensive studies and the report from the commission of disasters will form the basis for the study.

Landskapsarkitektens potentiella roll i arbetet med återuppbyggnad av katastrofdrabbade områden ? samlade synpunkter

Förekomsten av naturkatastrofer runt om i världen tycks intensifieras och drabba allt fler människor. Människor som plötsligt står utan mat, vatten, tak över huvudet och med bristande energiförsörjning. Till synes som en reaktion på detta, växer det runt om i världen upp nationella och internationella organisationer i arkitektvärlden som vill utgöra en roll i återuppbyggnadsarbetet efter dessa katastrofer. Det verkar finnas ett stort engagemang bland både yrkesverksamma och studenter ? en vilja att vara en del av en världsförbättrande verksamhet.

Risken för översvämningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken : en statistisk och historisk extremvärdesanalys

This thesis investigates the overall risks of flooding over the Design Basis Flooding Level (DBFL) at the Swedish nuclear power plants (Oskarshamn, Ringhals and Forsmark), using statistical data and methods, but also considers historical events which might affect the overall risk of flooding at the specified sites.Considering the nuclear accident which happened in Fukushima in conjuction with the Earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on 11 March 2011, operators and licensors of nuclear power plants all over the world conducted reviews and investigations on the overall risks posed to the plants from external events. One important such event is extreme water level.One part of the thesis includes an extreme value analysis (using Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution) of water level data from SMHI (Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) measured at stations close to the Swedish nuclear power plants. The results of the statistical studies indicate that considering the return period used in the thesis (100 000 years), the water levels at the Swedish nuclear power plants are not expected to exceed DBFL.The other part of the thesis consists of a historical study of extreme weather-related events. The results of this study indicate that no historical events seem to have occured which would indicate a higher risk of flooding than the one suggested by the statistical study. .

Hur en ökad marktemperatur påverkar fotosyntes och markrespiration i en boreal skog

During the year of 2008, a powerful Earthquake hit the southern part of Iceland, which changed the geothermal conditions in the area around the city of Hveragerdi. Elevated soil temperatures in a nearby forest plantation have contributed to a unique opportunity for researchers to study how an increased soil temperature affects the boreal forest ecosystem, something that partly can be connected to the climate changes which are happening today. The boreal forest is representing a carbon sink and a buffert for the emissions that occurs. Changes in this ecosystem will for that reason contribute to major impact for the global carbon cycle. To study the impact of how elevated soil temperatures affects different processes in a plantation of Sitka spruce, studies were made on the photosynthesis of the trees and the respiration from the soil.

Katastrofsjukhus : En ny robust typ av fältsjukhus

Denna rapport beskriver framtagandet av Katastrofsjukhus, robustare fältsjukhus med förbättrad standard. Jämförelse görs mellan det framtagna Katastrofsjukhuset och uppblåsbara tältsjukhus samt standarden i svenska sjukhus. En färdig produkt finns ännu inte framtagen och rapporten lämnar en hel del lösa trådar, men är en bra grund för mer omfattande utveckling av konceptet och som en idéstudie till en vetenskaplig avhandling eller annan fortsatt forskning.Problemet med befintliga fältsjukhus är främst miljön i operationsavdelningen. Detta är något det lagts stor vikt vid och en strävan att uppnå svensk standard har genomsyrat hela processen. En annan viktig punkt vid framtagandet av Katastrofsjukhus har varit konstruktionens vikt, vilket är tältsjukhusens största fördel.

Det politiska beslutsfattandet under Tsunamikatastrofen: Vilken roll spelade media?

In December 2004 an Earthquake coursed waves that hit Thailand. Over 5000 people died, and Sweden was the tourist country that has been effected the worst. The catastrophe precipitated Sweden in crises and the demand became high for Swedish government to act. Swedes followed the development via media, why media became the crucial element for how the public perceived politicians? acting.