

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 8 av 406

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda barn palliativt

Background: Children?s death is unexpected and unnatural irrespective of a long time of illness or a sudden death. Nurses working with palliative care of children experience a range of different emotions during the care. Palliative care is health promoting even though the purpose no longer is to cure. According to the nursing theorist Katie Eriksson health is possible to achieve even though the patient has got a deadly disease.

Elevers upplevelser av extra anpassad skolidrott- en intervjustudie

The Swedish curriculum says that the education will adapt and take notice of every child?s individual condition and needs. Every child has the right to development, to feel the happiness of growing and to experience satisfaction of making progress and overcome difficulties. In every class it is often children who need adapted physical education. The earlier these children can get support and practice, the bigger the chance is that they will catch up.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.

Talltimmeraptering - påverkande faktorer

In this work, I describe the factors that affect the bucking of pine logs on the basis of the machine operator. The aim is to find an explanation why the bucking differs so greatly between requested length results and the actual length results in pine bucking. The used methods in this study were data from simulated pine outcomes, data from earlier length outcomes and analysis of the harvesters' PRI files. This is to identify the problem. To explain the background to the problems a qualitative research interview was used.

The Carlforsska Experience : - uppfyller reklamfilmen sitt syfte?

Syftet med studien var att beskriva överensstämmelsen mellan elevernas uppfattning och Carlforsska gymnasiets menade budskap med ?The Carlforsska experience?. Eleverna i detta fall var elever som gick i årskurs åtta på Skiljeboskolan i Västerås. För att beskriva överensstämmelsen gjordes en fallstudie där empiri insamlades genom intervjuer, där det togs reda på om vilka skillnader och likheter som fanns mellan elevernas uppfattning och den varumärkesidentitet som Carlforsska gymnasiet ville förmedla med ?The Carlforsska experience?.

Webb Couture : En studie om hur modedesign kan inspirera och förändra webbdesignprocessen för att utmana User Experience standarder

Webbdesign är ett hantverk med potential till oändlig variation och oräkneliga möjligheter, men det är även en process styrd av standarder och förhållningssätt för att optimera resultatet för slutanvändaren. Begrepp så som user experience och framför allt user experience design har i och med utvecklingen blivit allt viktigare aktörer inom webbdesign. Samtidigt som de underlättar i utvecklingsprocessen genom att diktera hur design bör utformas, skapar de inte också då begränsningar av potentialen för webbdesign? Antalet variationer och möjligheter minskar drastiskt när webbdesigners anpassar sig efter dessa standarder.Den här undersökningen syftar till att utveckla nya metoder och strategier för att främja innovativ webbdesign och undersöka hur modebranschens konstanta strävan efter innovation skulle kunna inspirera och kanske till och med förändra webbdesign utvecklingen. Genom att bryta ner, analysera och sammanfoga designprocesserna för haute couture och webbdesign skapas en designmetod som ger medvetenhet i designval och hjälper att ifrågasätta standarder samt att undersöka alternativa lösningar.

Studiebibliotekarier som pedagogisk resurs på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis was to explore how Swedish librarians working with educational matters In Swedish: studiebibliotekarier experience his/her pedagogic work in the context of a public library. My intention was thus to reach an understanding of how they experienced their educational work. The following questions were asked: 1 How do the librarians experience the physical environment created for their students? 2 How do the librarians experience the co-operation with others involved in their work? 3 How do the librarians experience the formal task that he/she now is given? 4 How do the librarians experience their own pedagogic qualifications regarding the demands that are made upon them by the students? I have interviewed six librarians and incorporated theories on pedagogic roles in an educational context. I reached the conclusion that these librarians believed the environment to be important for the outcome of the students success with their studies.

"Säg aldrig till ditt barn att matematik är svårt" : Sex pedagogers tankar och resonemang kring sitt arbetssätt i matematikundervisning för elever i år F-6

There has been a lot of debate in media about mathematics teaching in grade school in Sweden. Many students experience that mathematics in grade school is abstract, which leads to decreased interest of mathematics in early years. An international study indicates that Swedish students in class 4 do not fulfill the mean for mathematics according to EU/OECD countries. The study also shows that Sweden practice a textbook driven education, compared to other countries. The aim for this study was to find out how a few pedagogues for class F-6 teach mathematics, and why they have chosen to educate the way they do.

Timing i sångundervisningen

Since my experience is that teachers in singing hardly ever talk about when to sing a tone, I have chosen to examine this fact through interviews and earlier research in this matter. The interviewed singing teachers belong to different genres (classical music, pop/rock, jazz and folk music). I asked them to share their thoughts about the word timing, when it comes to music. I also wanted to know if they have any methods when it comes to teaching students to improve their timing. Further on, I have been discussing the results and the literature in order to make clear in what way singing teachers give priority to when a tone is being sung.

Stereoskopisk 3D-film : En studie om tittarens upplevelse av 3D-film

Since the release of Avatar in 2009, the 3D movie industry has experienced an apparent growth. Almost all blockbuster movies are being released in 3D at the cinema, but the 3D format has been met with mixed opinions by the consumers. Some argue that 3D is the future, while others believe that the 2D format is enough for an appreciated movie experience. Through a qualitative survey, twenty participants with 3DTV in their homes answered questions regarding their experience of 3D movies and what improvements they desire. We suggest that 3D film creates immersion, realism and effects that 2D films can´t handle.

Värdeskapande i Leveraged Buyouts i jämförelse med noterade företag

The purpose of this thesis is to study the difference in value generation and its drivers between leveraged buyouts and listed companies. The primary objective is to observe if differences exist. A secondary objective is to understand the differences and attempt to provide an explanation based on earlier research on Private Equity. A selection of large Swedish LBO-transactions, carried out between 1998 and 2012, are analyzed and their value generation drivers subject to comparison with a weighted index of companies listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. A clear difference in value creation is observed, both in size and composition.

Bild / Typografi / Bok - abstrakta illustrationer till lyrik och ett undersökande av arbetsprocessen av en boks tillkomst

This is a project about learning from an experience, about trying to have fun and not getting overwhelmed and draining your work. The thing that wraps this whole experience together is the making of a book. The purpose of making the book has been to bring two interests together, illustration and graphic design.The content of the book for this graduation project is written by Fredrik Mårtensson. His poetry tells about the unnatural state of the modern society. I have interpreted the poetry in six abstract illustrations that I made digitally, with the intent to maintain the feeling of something organic.The process of making this book is a lot about learning what it actually takes to finish it, about trying to tell something and a lot about experience practical work..

Användandet av maskuliniteter i återanpassningen till ett liv utan kriminalitet - En kvalitativ undersökning om maskuliniteter inom föreningen Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället (KRIS)

Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection. .

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med ADHD: En kvalitativ studie

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to analyze the experience of being a woman diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Another aim was to analyze how the women think itwould have influenced them, if they had been diagnosed during childhood.In the study, with a qualitatively approach, three women diagnosed with ADHD were interviewed. The data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis.The result shows that the women perceived affirmation when they received their diagnosis but they also pointed out that they had wished to receive the diagnose during childhood to avoid unnecessary suffering.The conclusion of the study was that it is essential to, as early as possible, follow up deviances in children and adolescents. Therefore, there is a need for more knowledge of how symptoms of ADHD in girls present itself.It is reasonable to believe that if healthcare and school have increased knowledge of symptoms of ADHD in girls, then these girls would be diagnosed at an earlier time.Keywords:ADHD,women,girls,treatment,self?esteem.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett cancersjukt barn : en studie av självbiografier

Background:Approximately 300 children get a malign cancer diagnosis every year in Sweden, 80 % of them survive. Parents of the children who have a cancer diagnosis experienced that they didn't have mental health, nurses care of parents are to keep a mental health so they can handle their parent role. Nurses should meet families through their life-world because caring should be done with dignity and integrity.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe how parents experience the daily life with a child who has a cancer diagnosis.Method:The method used in this study was a literature study based on autobiography, which means analysis of autobiographies. Four books were analyzed.Results:Four categories emerged from the analysis of the autobiographies, experience of powerless, desire of a regular, experience of anxiety and fear, to experience joy and have hope.Conclusion:This study shows how life changes when a child in the family gets a cancer diagnosis and how it affected the parents. The study points out the importants to create a great relationship between the nurses and the family so they can have a good care..

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