

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 39 av 406

Utveckling av karriär inom en organisation : - Att få medarbetare att stanna

Background and problem: The background to this study is the organizations increased difficulty to retain employees in the organization when more and more employees today choose to do their career in several organizations. The problem to keep the employees in the organization leads to several problems where the loss of experience reduces efficiency and increased risks and cost associated with recruitment are some problems that arise. The problem therefore faced for this study is: How can opportunities for career development within an organization created to get employees to stay over time?Purpose and method: The purpose for this study is to describe how organizations can create opportunities for the development of career that gets employees to stay within the same organization and make their career in this organization. The method used for this study is a qualitative approach where data is collected through semi-structured interviews in a case study.Empiricism: The empirical result have shown there are four factors that an organization should overhaul to create an opportunity for the development of a career that gets employees to stay in an organization over time.

Pensionärspooler : Pensionär med fortsatt anställning efter ett yrkesverksamt liv

A qualitative survey has been carried out in a manning company whose business concept was to employ pensioners. Six pensioners have been interviewed regarding their views on resumed employment. The results of these interviews have been analysed supported by analytic induc-tion. Areas investigated cover: promotion of better health through work, motivation factors, groupings and control, experience and learning, work and spare time and finally strategies that appeal to an older workforce.The purpose of the survey was to investigate whether the manning company utilizes pension-ers? experience and work skills from their former working life.

Upplevelsebaserat ledarskap: En modell för att skapa meningsfulla arbetsupplevelser inom projekt

Uppsatsen beskriver upplevelseproduktion med fokus på skapandet av meningsfulla arbetsupplevelser och ledarskap. Denna uppsats har skrivits under vår utbildning på Institutionen för Konst, kommunikation och lärande vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om upplevelsemodellen Total Experience Management och ett exempel på ledarskap från verkligheten kan kombineras för att skapa en teori för upplevelsebaserat ledarskap.Genom ett induktivt arbetssätt och med Grundad Teori som forskningsmetod har vi tagit fram ett exempel från verkligheten av ledarskap. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med företaget Liveside Safety för att skapa detta exempel. Med hjälp av exemplet har vi modifierat modellen Total Experience Management och anpassat denna för Upplevelsebaserat Ledarskap.

Yrkeslärares erfarenheter - styrkor och svagheter : En studie om identitetsskapande inom tre olika arenor

The focus of this study is to identify important factors affect, how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after teacher training. Study's focus is to identify important factors bearing on how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after a teacher training. Respondents included in study are all teachers in vocational subject in upper secondary school. They also have experience from at practical profession before they began to work as teachers and started the teacher training. Method used in this study is the life stories of narrative nature.

Rosengårdens Barn och Den Svenska Kulturen

This dissertation is about children in a district in Malmö, Sweden that is called Rosengård. This district is known for its high amount of immigrants and foreigners and all the children interviewed for the study are foreigners.We wanted to bring out their story, how they experience the cultures they are in touch with, the Swedish culture that they live in and their foreign culture that they experience at home with their parents. How do these children socialize into the Swedish culture while living in a district that is hardly exposed to it? We have been working from a different perspective, this due to the fact that we have both grown up in Rosengård and are still currently living here. Therefore our perspective is more from the inside, we can relate to the children?s stories and we can tell about it in a way that seems more natural.These children are not more different than other children, they have the same interests and hobbies as is considered to be ?fashionable? in youth culture today.

Revisorns oberoende i förhandlingen med klienten : Vilken betydelse har relationen?

Aim: Earlier studies have investigated what impact the relationship between the auditor and their clients have on the auditor?s objectivity. There are different opinions about whether a close relationship harms or promote the auditors work. Furthermore there are studies that show what strategies the auditor (and client) tends to use in the negotiation between the two of them. On this basis we have chosen to study if there are any correlation between the nature of the auditor client relationship, the auditor?s negotiation strategy against the client and the auditor?s objectivity.Method: Because of our purpose to study if there is any correlation between the relationship, the negotiation strategies and the auditor´s objectivity we have chosen to implement a quantitative survey.

IKT i skolan : Hur några pedagoger och barn ser på IKT i skolan utifrån Arne Tragetons modell Skriva sig till läsning

In this essay, I have examined what has been studied and presented in the theory of ICT in schools. I have based my theory on Arne Trageton?s book Att skriva sig till läsning ? IKT i förskoleklass och skola (2005) and theories on children?s reading and writing development.The purpose of this study is to determine how teachers and children experience teaching with Trageton?s ICT-based model Att skriva sig till läsning and whether the model is beneficial for children's first reading and writing.Through qualitative interviews with two pedagogues from the same school and some children from first grade, I have received answers to my two questions:How do pedagogues and children experience ICT-based teaching in the context of children's first reading and writing?How do pedagogues experience the reading and writing development in first- and second-language students when using ICT-based teaching?The results showed that both pedagogues and children were positive about the model in which the computer was used as a writing tool in learning to read and write. The teachers felt that the model was suitable for all children according to their conditions.The children saw the writing as very enjoyable. For the ICT-based teaching to work properly, the technology has great significance.

Våga se barnen! Personals upplevelser av sitt arbete med barn till missbrukande förälder/föräldrarDare see the children! Personnels experience of their work with children of addicted parents

The purpose with our study is to increase our knowledge about how personnel in different activities experience the work with childrens who is growing up with addicted parents. What the personal experienced as important facts was structure and flexibility to take care of all children´s special need.Something else they experienced was, during discussions with children it´s important to listen to them and confirm their self-esteem.We have found that there are many well-functioning activities of this kind of children, but there are difficulties to have the parents to take the children to the activities.The personal believe that this is because the parents do not realise their addiction problem enough. The respondents expressed a which to get closer to the school so they can increase cooperation and reach more children in this way, and a lot of these respondents also point out that the community where ever the children are has a obligation to report or notify the social service if there are any children that need care..

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

The background to this study is an interest for teacher?s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher?s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school.

Underbart är kort?: En utvärdering av reklam- och upplevelseeffektivitet vid reducerad reklamtäthet i TV

The high and seemingly increasing degree of consumer avoidance and disliking of television advertising breaks should raise many questions for commercially financed television networks as it can be argued that benefits sought by both viewers [seeking a fulfilling viewing experience] and advertisers [seeking advertising effectiveness] are eroded by this effect. This thesis studies effects on advertising effectiveness [RecallBRAND; AttitudeBRAND; AttitudeAD] as well as on the viewing experience [SatisfactionPROGRAM/CHANNEL; Attitude PROGRAM/CHANNEL; IntentionPROGRAM/CHANNEL] given a reduced degree of advertising clutter. By conducting an experiment two breaks are compared, one having the standard primetime nonprogram time units (5 min and 30 sec *3?16minutes/hour) and the other the standard nonprogram content cut in half (2.45 min *3 ?8min /hour).Results show that the reduced breaks award advertisers with higher commercial effectiveness. Measures of RecallBRAND demonstrates no differences between the standard and the reduced break, implying a significantly increased likelihood to be recalled and an equivalently lowered risk to be forgotten in the reduced break.

"Balansgången mellan den äldres rätt och anhörigas rätt är inte alltid så lätt" Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av samverkan med anhöriga inom äldreomsorgen"The balance between the rights of the elderly and the rights of the relatives are not always easy"

The aim of our study has been to come to an understanding of how the executive officials within the care of the elderly experience the cooperation with relatives to elderly people who is in need and apply for public home help according to the law of social services. Our expectation of this study is that we gain an increased insight how they as executive officials manage this cooperation situations. The method we used in this study has a qualitative research approach. This design was chosen as the most appropriate approached to illuminate and exploring the experience of the executive officials. Nine executive officials has described their experience in this matter in an interview were we both participate.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineers with focus on static analysis

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Lärarstudenters erfarenheter av förhållandet mellan modersmål, identitet och inlärning

ABSTRACT Our main objective with this essay is to provide a description of old people?s stories about aging. The essay is based on the empirical source of four qualitative interviews with older people over the age of eighty years young. The main goal is to inquire answers about; their time in the workforce; retirements; healthissues; media/advertisements; adolescence/youthfulness and attitudes. The following main questions have been dealt with: What do the elderly emphasize when they describe ageing? Are healthissues the prime subjects the elderly talk about? Do the elderly experience positive or negative attitudes towards ageing? What is their point of view of younger generations? In what way do they describe their years as workers? In what way do they describe aspects about their retirement? We reserved to consider the opinion of their own, to be the most valuable source in our study.

Förskolans matematik : De yngsta förskolebarnens matematiserande i den fria leken

This study aims to visualize the youngest preschool children matematical learning in the free game. In my study the mathematics will be analyzed  based on the interactions children participate in, and how children experience mathematics through the lived body.I have chosen to undertake a qualitative research in form of observations. Through this research method, I would approach the child's perspective, which means that i analyze the material that the children in the observations reveals to me as a researcher.The results of the study show that children experience mathematics skills both through the lived body, as well as in interaction situations between children. The mathematics are around among us, all the time. This is very important to take into account for children's continued development of mathematical knowledge..

Föräldrar till barn med funktionshinder : upplevelser av samhällets stöd

The aim of this essay is to study how parents to children with learning disability experences the support they get from society. My main question has been: what kind of support offer does society offer this parents? What is good and what is less satisfactory in this support? The study is based on a qualitative method. Five parents with children who has learning disabilities has been used as base. The material has been analysed with a narrative, hernmeneutic perspective.The study concludes that the parents, use in this case, find that society does not offer the necessary understanding for their problem of their family.

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