

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 33 av 406

Distriktssköterskors syn på sin yrkesroll : en intervjustudie

The district nurses' duties with all organisational changes, above all during the last 20 years, have been changed. Economy and listing governs which visits that to be prioritized. The aim with this study was to examine what district nurses in the primary care in Uppsala län has for view about their occupational role. The method was qualitative and the selection comprized ten district nurses in Uppsala län that were interviewed individually on the basis of a semi structured interview guide that the authors the actual created. In the wide analysis of the results could a theme, As a rubber screw in a shrinking hole and three central categories be discerned, Occupational role, Diversity and Organisation.

Akademikers "moment 22" : - En studie som underso?ker rekryterares insta?llning till ho?gskole-­ och universitetsutbildade kandidater utan arbetslivserfarenhet.

The main purpose of recruiting is to find a job candidate who meets the demands of formal and informal competence at the same time as the candidate should be seen as the right person to the right place. Several job advertisements in the areas of finance and administration has at least two years of work experience as a demand before individuals can be seen as an appropriate job-candidate, hence it becomes a sort of ?catch-22? for graduates with no prior work experience. The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding for recruiters? approach and attitude to hiring individuals who only have a university degree.

Språklig utveckling : Pedagogers arbete med språklig medvetenhet och språklig stimulering

The aim of my study is to investigate if and in that case how the writing process and texts written by students in the upper secondary school are affected by the writing tool; does it matter if they write their texts on a computer or by longhand? Another objective is to compare such an effect with the findings of previous studies performed on earlier generations of writers. The first part of my study was a survey. It showed that two thirds of the 67 students participating thought that they would have written better texts in the national writing test if they had been able to use computers. In the second part of the study each of the fourteen participants wrote one text on computer and another by hand.

Uppväxtmiljö och i uppväxtmiljön förvärvad djurvana hos elever vid naturbruksgymnasium : Home environment and in home environment acquired animal experience in students of agricultural college

In all types of learning situations, it is important to find each student where they are at the moment in knowledge. I have reflections about  what animal experience students have with them when they begin their education. This thesis is about what home environment and in home environment acquried animal experience student at agricultural college have. This work is based on data collected through questionnaire survey done in two agricultural colleges in middle Sweden in the spring of 2007. Questions were divided into four blocks, historical data such as on the environment in which pupils are growing up, animal habit, why they read on agricultural school and future data on what plans students have for future education and careers.

Psykisk ohälsa i primärvården : en litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser av mötet

Background: Mental illness is a growing public health problem which can cause significant disabilities and lead to poor quality of life. As primary care nurses often are the first to encounter these patients they need knowledge to be able to respond appropriately to this group.Aim: The aim was to describe how the sufferer of mental illness experiences the introduction to primary care. Method: The literature review was based on the results of 11 scientific articles which were analyzed with the inspiration of a metasynthesis method.Results: Four categories emerged: the experience of being treated like a human being, the importance of a therapeutic space, the experience of time and availability as well as the importance of competent personnel and the importance of continuity. Patients described different aspects deemed important when encountering nursing staff. Conclusion: Patients experienced that they received good care when they felt listened to and seen as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

Service i privat sektor ? En kvalitativ studie om servicearbetarens upplevelse av sitt jobb

The aim of this qualitative study of service work in the private sector is to examine how the service worker experiences his/her work. There are three dimensions of the service workers experience in focus, and they are the base of my formulation of questions. The first dimension refers to how the service worker experiences the emotional labor demands from the employer. The second dimension concerns the relation between service worker and customer, from the view of the service worker. The third dimension problematizes how service workers experience efficiency.I have interviewed three call center customer workers and two hotel receptionists, using semi-structured interview technique.

"The spirit of ayahuasca" : de kognitiva grunderna i erfarenheten av substansen ayahuasca: en fältstudie genomförd i Pisac, Peru

This essay aims at understanding the experience of the use of ayahuasca, and similarities and differences between interview protocols and socio-cultural identities. The work is based on field studies conducted in the Peruvian Andes, in the village of Pisac September to November 2009. What has emerged is that the experience does not seem to be dependent on cultural manifestations as much as it is dependent on general human cognition. Theories have been applied on an empirical phenomenological descriptive study. Various brain activities, along with mental mechanisms contribute to a deeper understanding of the findings in the descriptive analysis.It seems that the cultural differences, which I have classed as typological in the phenomenological study, mostly are expressions of meaning for the informants.

Bitchblickar och giftpilar : En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån skolpersonals tolkningar av fenomenet mobbning bland flickor

The purpose of this study was to examine how school personnel describe and interpret the phenomenon bullying among girls, and also what their interpretations are based upon. More specifically its aim was to find out what characterizes and causes girl-to-girl bullying, according to school welfare officers and teachers. We wanted to find out how school personnel look upon aggression among girls and social expectations on girls behavior. The analysis was based on two kinds of perspectives: one focusing on gender and one focusing on power in relationships. Research shows that girl-to-girl bullying is hard to observe and that this problem has been invisible in earlier studies.

Att delta eller inte : En enkätstudie om elevers icke deltagande i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Palliativ vård i hemmet - närståendes erfarenheter

Abstract Background: More and more people receiving palliative care in the home, leading to increased responsibility for the next of kin. Being a caregiver and at the same time next of kin is a complex situation for everyone involved. Next of kin´s everyday life changes drastically when everything revolves around the one who is seriously ill.Aim: To describe next of kin´s experiences of being caregivers to a palliative sick person at home. Method: A literature review in which eleven qualitative scientific articles were analyzed and summarized. Results: The results revealed three themes; experience of support, experience of changes in life and experience of strategies.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser av att vårda personer med demens som uppvisar BPSD-symtom.

Dementia is a concept that describes different conditions when memory and cognitive abilities degenerate. Approximately 140 000 persons in Sweden suffers from some kind of dementia. Many are stricken with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, BPSD. The aim of this study was to illuminate nursing staff?s experiences of caring for persons suffering from dementia and BPSD within municipal and institutional care.

Ämnena Bild och Musik ur ett historiskt perspektiv

This research project is about how the subjects` art and music has been described under the 20th century in the Swedish school until today. The purpose with this research project is to do a text analysis that describes these subjects now and the last century, to illustrate the differences between today and the last century. Hence the size of this subject I have chosen some random samples out of the 20th century until today. I started to take these random samples from the first lyric I found about these subjects, and continued with these random samples in other lyrics from the middle of the 20th century until the year 2006. I just took these random samples from what I had found because I did not found some lyrics from earlier period of the 20th century.

Arkivens dag : En bildande erfarenhet eller marknadsföring?

Archives Day is celebrated in Sweden on the second Saturday of November every year since 1998. The aim of this study is to examine how and why Archives Day is celebrated at five archives in the Stockholm region.My empirical material consists mainly of semi-structured interviews with archivists at five archival institutions in the Stockholm region. I have chosen to only interview archivists and not any visitors due to the time con-straints and the scope of the thesis. I have also examined how the goals stated in a government report are carried out in the work with Archives Day.The theoretical framework of the investigation is gathered from educational theory as well as archival theo-ry. For the educational approach I have used John Dewey?s theory of what makes an experience educational to examine whether Archives Day is an educational experience or not.

Porslinskonsumtion sett ur ett generationsperspektiv: Köpbeteende - Generationskohorter - Porslinsindustrin

During the latest 50 years, the Swedish porcelain tableware industry has gone from being rather successful to experience significant problems. Our empirical study attributes these problems to underlying changes in consumer buying behaviour, whereas current generation theory supports our findings. The younger generation has significantly different preferences compared to older generations, with less focus on quality and more focus on variability, and there is reason to believe that these findings also are applicable to other consumer purchases. The successful porcelain companies of tomorrow will be the ones that continuously can adapt to these and further changes in consumer buying behaviour..

Bättre användarupplevelse med responsiv webbdesign

The use of mobile devices has increased dramatically in recent years and the development of newtechnologies has made it difficult for developers to know what screen size and device the visitor isusing. This has resulted in the fact that today there is a problem with the interface for web pages onmobile devices. They are not adapted to the flexibility required for the interfaces to be recognizedon various mobile devices. Instead of developing two separate web pages, where one is designed formobile devices and one for desktop and keep them both continously updated, responsive webdesign simplifies the work process. Responsive web design is a flexible and dynamic interface thatadapts to mobile device and screen sizes.

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