

987 Uppsatser om Dynamic thinking - Sida 8 av 66

USA och FN- samarbete eller konflikt

AbstractUniversity of Växjö, School of Social SciencesCourse: PO 5363, Political Science 41-60Title: US and UN, cooperation or conflict?Author: Charlotta BjuvlingSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtDate: Autumn 2007The international society changed a great deal after the end of the cold war. It gave the United Nations a new oppertunity to act after the deadlock during the war, and it gave the United States a new hegemone role in the world politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate wheter the United States foreign policy action have been accordence to a realistic way of thinking since the end of the cold war. I will do this with the help of my research questions:? Have the United States followed the guidelines of the United Nations in their foreign policy?? Are there signs that show of a change, either towards more or less cooperation between United Nations and the United States?To answer these questions I will use the theories realism and Hedley Bulls concepts of fairness and his ideas of an international system in his book ?An Anarchical Society?.

Den olfaktoriska l?sningen. Lukt i Sara Stridsbergs Happy Sally

This essay examines the olfactory reading as a possible way to make sense of a fragmented novel, in this case Sara Stridsberg?s debut Happy Sally (2004). Through close reading, the essay identifies the source of the smells, who perceives it, and how this is portrayed in the text. The smell?s position in the text is understood in relation to Maurice Merleau-Ponty?s phenomenology, where the body, as created in the literary text, is considered as a source of knowledge.

Den gudomliggjorda människan :  En analys av E.W. Kenyons lära om tro och perfekt hälsa

This essay analyzes the doctrines of the revival preacher E.W. Kenyon (1867-1948), such as perfect health, faith and positive thinking. Two of his late works from 1941 and 1942 is analyzed and contextualized referring to the contemporary New Thought movement, Christian revival movements and religious pragmatism in America during the late 19th century continued into the 20th century. Kenyon?s anthropology, his soteriology and epistemology is showed to be pneumocentric in a way that can be compared with the New Thought movement, but also has connections to Christian revival theology and Christian mysticism.

"Folk kommer att dö" : Framtida krigsveteraner och hur samhället ska kunna möta deras behov

The aim of our study is to research what the future help-needs and expectations on the civilian society are among Swedish soldiers before they are sent on their first deployment abroad, especially to Afghanistan. The fact that Sweden sends soldiers to a warzone is something that is new nd research according the help-needs from the returning soldiers are missing.This study is based on a qualitative method where the data consists of four focus group interviews with at least two participants in each focus group from three different military bases in Sweden. The results indicate that the soldiers´expectations on the civilian society are low but that they would like to have more support from the civilian society. An important notice during the study, we encountered the fact that the participants in some way feel stigmatized. The results also show that they want the Swedish armed forces to be in charge and provide the care for the soldiers where health professionals involved have som military background.

Att gestalta utan plats : en redogörelse för en teambaserad gestaltningsprocess

The Landscape Architecture Program at SLU, Ultuna provide several design courses. Within these courses, students are mainly introduced to one type of design process, a process based on the specific site and its conditions, known as Genius Loci. This report presents a course and a design methodology from Cornell University which aims to provide students with tools for a more conceptual way of thinking about design and architecture. The design method is presented in two stages. First an introduction to the course description and objectives.

Modularisering : Modulbaserad arkitektur ? flexibel motormodulline

 We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.

Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader

The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.

Hantering av QoS i Distribuerade MPEG-videosystem

With the advance in computer and network technologies, multimedia systems and Internet applications are becoming more popular. As broadband network is prevailing, more clients are able to watch streaming videos or to play multimedia data over the Internet in real-time. Consequently, there is an increasing demand in the Internet for streaming video systems. As the run-time environment of such applications tends to be dynamic, it is imperative to handle transient overloads effectively. The goal of this work is to develop an algorithm that would provide a robust and controlled behavior of the video system so that important data is delivered on time to the video clients.

En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av Lean

TitelEn kvalitativ fallstudie om hur företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av LeanNivåKandidatuppsats FörfattareIgor Jovanovi? och Linnea Juhlin HandledareStig Sörling och Tomas Källquist DatumMaj 2014 ProblemTidigare forskning har påvisat att det finns ett gap i företagens användning av styrverktyget, där företagen i stor utsträckning förbiser vikten av den strategiska delen av Lean. Detta har gjort att företag har haft svårigheter att uppnå sina mål med användandet av styrverktyget. SyfteSyftet är att skapa förståelse för hur tillverkande företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av Lean, samt belysa de beståndsdelar gapet består av. MetodStudien har antagit ett hermeneutiskt och socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv där tematisering och ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt har använts. Studien har genom kvalitativ metod med fallstudiedesign studerat fyra stora företag med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. TeoriEn genomgång av Lean-konceptet görs för att skapa förståelse för styrverktyget sedan fördjupar vi oss på den strategiska delen av Lean för att kartlägga de olika beståndsdelarna som kan överbrygga gapet. BidragGapet framträder inte lika tydligt i vår studie, fallföretagen har i sitt tankesätt störst fokus på den strategiska delen av Lean. Kultur och ledarskap är huvudbeståndsdelar i jobbet med att överbrygga gapet där den strategiska delen ämnar skapa positiv energi hos medarbetarna.

Hur kan arbetsscheman föra kunskapen vidare?

This report focuses on work schedules in the retail sector, where work schedules are dynamic and change according to the needs and work schedule is a requirement for an effective structure of the work. This structure is important for maintaining a good order and all this is a requirement for a profitable business for both long and short term future. Work schedule also contributes to safety at the workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the transfer of knowledge by work schedules. The HRM employee we interviewed worked in Reitan Servicehandel Sverige AB which includes 7-Eleven, Pressbyrån and Shell.

Energianvändning för markkonstruktioner förlagda med ytvärme : En teknisk och ekonomisk utredning av fördelarna med att isolera under värmerören

The need for snow-free surfaces at squares, bus stops, platforms, car parks and sports facilities increases and at the same time energy price rise and the environment is becoming a hotter issue. The construction of the ground heating systems often lack thermal insulation under the heating pipes, which means that the heat from the pipes not only warm up the soil surface but also heats the surrounding soil. The insulation also has more features, by insulating the risk of frost damage is minimized. The goal of this report is to demonstrate the large heat loss and energy costs in the absence of insulation under the heating system.The report begins with a scientific way to study and treating the soil heating system uses, and the theory involved. Furthermore it also deals with different routing principles of heat pipes depending on the facility.All calculations are made with so called finite element method (FEM), in COMSOL Multiphysics 3,5a, where models are created with different conditions.

Att möta det okända : Utmaningar vid implementering av ett processorienterat arbetssätt inom offentlig verksamhet

This paper aims to shine a light on the challenges connected to the implementation of a process focused way of thinking in a public service organization. To this we have conducted a series of qualitative interviews, primarily from participants of a university driven project. The project aims to teach decision making employees of public service organizations how to use process modeling techniques to increase their efficiency. We have also interviewed the teachers who have taught the courses included in the project. As a final point of view we have also interviewed a researcher and IT consultants to compare novice users with experienced users of process modeling techniques.

Dynamisk kunskapsorganisation: teoretisk ansats och implementering

Knowledge organization is perceived as a central, constituting activity defining the notion of libraries. Critique calling for a new theoretical foundation voiced by active researchers within library and information science concerning the current knowledge organization has been utilized as a point of departure. Specifications concerning a new theoretical foundation implied by these critiques are considered within this thesis and theory found in The Order of Things by Michel Foucault proposed as an alternative theory for understanding knowledge organization as a human science where meaning, value and representation, by which the ordering of things is possible, is acknowledged as a result of human activity and history. Thus meaning, value and representation must be perceived as dynamic. An example of implementation of the proposed theory has been achieved by the use of bibliometrics.

Datahantering vid dynamiska webbteknologier - PHP eller ASP?

The last couple of years the use of Internet has changed in the way that the web pages can be affected of the person that uses them. Because of this dynamic Internet technology has emerged that makes it possible for a web page to receive information from a web browser. This information can then be used to affect the appearance of the page. PHP and ASP are two dynamic Internet technologies. They are integrated in HTML and are executed on the web server.

Lärandemål för informationskompetens, en studie av förhållningssätt till informationskompetens och kritiskt tänkande inom högskolebibliotekens undervisningsverksamhet

In this Master thesis interest is directed towards approaches toinformation literacy (IL) and critical thinking in the educationalactivities of university libraries. The aspiration of universitylibrarians to promote the critical abilities of students isproblematized. At the center of attention is the project?Lärandemål för informationskompetens? [Learning outcomes forinformation literacy], which in 2006 was carried out incollaboration between the Swedish university libraries, in responseto the educational reforms connected to the Bologna Process.Through the discourse analytical framework of NormanFairclough, documents related to the project ?Lärandemål förinformationskompetens? are studied in order to identifydominating approaches to IL. The purpose is to investigate anddiscuss the possible implications of the dominating perspectives,with regard to the development of critical thinking amongstudents.The study results in the identification of two main discourses, thestandardization discourse and the discourse on employability.

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