

987 Uppsatser om Dynamic thinking - Sida 23 av 66

Värdet av Enterprise Arkitektur i en verksamhet. En kvalitativ studie av hur man förklarar värdet av att använda Enterprise Arkitektur i en verksamhet i olika mognadssteg

The purpose with this report is to highlight the value which Enterprise Architecture (EA) can bring,including the effects that can emerge, for a business. In the report we also study how Enterprise Architecturemay serve as basis for generating even more business value. The study is based on a theoretical frameworkwhich covers the following perspectives; architecture design, strategy development, management of changeand evaluation of IT-investments. Gathering and analysis of empirical data has been performed using acustom-developed model which is based on a model from Sogeti called Dynamic Architecture (van DenBerg and van Steenbergen, 2006) and Innovation Value Institute?s maturity curve (Innovation ValueInstitute, 2008) for Enterprise Architecture management.Explaining the value of Enterprise Architecture is invariably an important topic since many organizationsexpect to be able to generate quick value of the investments made in Enterprise Architecture.

Knowledge management på en dagstidning

The purpose of this study was to describe how journalists do research for their articles and whether there is a need to create a knowledge bank of the material that journalists use for writing these articles. I also looked at how knowledge management could be used at a daily newspaper to add value to the information used by the journalists. The thesis is based on four interviews with journalists, a literature review and a practical project. I helped a journalist with his information seeking and later tried to organize the material. This project gave me an understanding of how varying the material that journalists use is and how difficult it would be to try to organize it in order to create an organizational knowledge resource of the material.

Granskning av kvalitetssäkringsarbetet vid en ICC-profilbaserad trycksaksproduktion

To make your company change from a conventional workflow to an ICC-based workflow you need tomake investments in time and money. On the other hand you get your reward in terms of a stable andquality safe production. To choose this way of adjusting your company to new routines requires accuracyas well as a great deal of commitment. It is not only about having the right equipment. There area lot of factors that affect the quality of production.Our ambition with this report is to bring out the importance of general thinking when it comes toICC-profiling and to discuss on which basis printing profiles should be created.

4 organisationer och 825 chefer : En studie om chefslösa organisationer

This Bachelor?s thesis is about bossless organizations. We have observed that the hierarchical structure that the majority of organizations is structured by today is a remnant of a time long gone, and can be an obstacle for independent thinking and responsibility inside organizations. We want to question the accepted perception that an organization is best structured in a hierarchic form.The purpose of the thesis is to provide an understanding of how a bossless organization works and to give a concrete explanation of the consequences of this kind of organizational structure.The thesis is of a qualitative nature and is designed with an inductive approach at an organizational level. We conducted a case study on a bossless company and supplemented this with secondary sources from three other bossless organizations.It concludes that the bossless approach can work and that there are a number of advantages to benefit from it.

?Den är för tjejer och den för killar? ? en studie av åtta 12-åriga pojkars och flickors serieläsning

The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of eight 12-year old boys and girls about two comics; Sabrina ? tonårshäxan (Sabrina ? teenage witch) and Spiderman. Do children see gender differences in the two comics? Do boys and girls identify with the heroes in the comics and does this affect the children's own gender socialisation. We interviewed four boys and four girls from different parts of Sweden.

Att leva i två världar : En studie om professionella inom socialt arbete och deras syn på barn i åldern 0-3 som lever i ett växelvis boende.

The purpose of the study, "Living in Two Worlds" is to try to find out how the professionals in social work reasoning and thinking about children 0-3 years living alternate residence and how children 0-3 years are affected by form of housing . Questions are how they professional reasons and think about the type of housing, what advantages and disadvantages they consider are and the conditions under the professional must be satisfied that the child will not get hurt. Study is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The theory that the study is based on the attachment theory explaining the relational processes that occurs between the child and its care person.      The results of this study show that if the parents are in great conflict with each other is important for the child cope with the alternating form of housing well or not.

Humanitära interventioner. Europeiskt handlingsutrymme i förhållande till ett modernt interventionsbegrepp

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of international conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of international law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community? The conclusion of the thesis is that international law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the nation, but also as a responsibility.

Nytt ljus över dagbesvär vid insomni: spelar psykologiska processer en underskattad roll?

This study examined the psychological processes of autonomic arousal and distress, erroneous beliefs about sleep, worry about sleep, selective attention and monitoring and safety behaviours related to sleep, on the subject of daytime impairments associated with insomnia. The psychological processes were evaluated against as follows: sleep measures, anxiety, depression, medical disease and the use of medications. The measure daytime impairments complied with the established research diagnostic criteria. A correlation analysis indicated that psychological process, anxiety, depression and one of the sleep measures are associated with daytime impairments. The results of a multiple regression analysis proved that only erroneous beliefs about sleep, worry about sleep and safety behaviours related to sleep are linked to daytime impairments associated with insomnia.

Bland boktips och länksamlingar : En undersökning av de svenska folkbibliotekens webbplatser för ungdomar

The public libraries were quick to adapt to the changes that the Internet brought on, and today library websites are an important part of the public library. To meet the needs of teens today, the library website could offer a range of contents to make it an attractive place on many levels; both the academic needs as well as social and recreational needs should be addressed.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate public library websites for teenagers in Sweden, and to examine how well the websites address the developmental tasks and needs that teenagers have. The method used is website evaluation, one quantitative and one qualitative. A total of 60 public library sites for teenagers were evaluated, using 11 criteria based on Havighursts developmental tasks. The quantitative evaluation measured how many functions each website had per criteria, and showed that the majority of the sites had one or two functions for most of the criteria.

Beröringens betydelse vid depression och nedstämdhet : En litteraturstudieThe importance of gentle touch related to depression and depressed mood:A literature review

There are an increasing number of people suffering from depression and depressed mood. Concurrently important benefits have been noticed from the effects of massage, effects that can be assumed to restore individual?s health with depression and depressed mood. The aim of the study was to examine the importance of gentle massage in connection with depression and depressed mood. The research was based on scientific studies that were applied through the databases Cinahl, elin@Kristianstad, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, PubMed and the journal Vård i Norden as well as by manual searches.

Ensamkommande flyktingungdomars upplevelse av integration i det svenska samhället

The purpose of the study, "Living in Two Worlds" is to try to find out how the professionals in social work reasoning and thinking about children 0-3 years living alternate residence and how children 0-3 years are affected by form of housing . Questions are how they professional reasons and think about the type of housing, what advantages and disadvantages they consider are and the conditions under the professional must be satisfied that the child will not get hurt. Study is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The theory that the study is based on the attachment theory explaining the relational processes that occurs between the child and its care person.      The results of this study show that if the parents are in great conflict with each other is important for the child cope with the alternating form of housing well or not.

Frihetens bakgård en litteratursociologisk studie om självets identitetsvåndor i det senmoderna samhället

This Masters thesis is analysing four Swedish novels written by first time authors published between 1993-2002. The purpose is to make the fictitious main characters illustrate what conditions and obstacles there can be for the individual of today to create a self-identity. Anthony Giddens ideas about the self in the late modern society are used as a theoretical framework. In the core of Giddens theory is the concept of reflexitivity which means that the self must be constructed in a continuous fashion because the overall conditions in society are subject to constant change. The questions posed in this study are dependable on Giddens in general and the concept of reflexivity in particular.

Spelar politiken någon roll? : En jämförelse mellan Kalmar kommun och Karlskrona kommun

Currently, the whole globe is faced with serious problems which negatively affect people around the world: increased pollution, excessive waste, and weather pattern changes. ?Left? and ?right? wing political parties alike have embraced ?green? politics and for many of these parties, environmental issues have become a top priority that is very much reflected in their manifestos. This study examines the environmental goals of two of Sweden?s largest political parties and how these ambitions are reflected at a local level.

Barns tankar kring naturvetenskap - 4-5-åringar förklarar regn / Young Children´s Thinking about Science ? 4-5-year-old Children Explain the Mechanism of Rain

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka vardagsföreställningar 4-5-åringar har kring naturvetenskapliga fenomen, i detta fall regn och vattnets kretslopp. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av individuella kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka videofilmades och transkriberades. Ett kodningsschema grundat på tidigare studier användes vid dataanalysen. Resultatet visar bland annat att flertalet av barnen, fem av sju, har en initial förståelse av vattnets kretslopp då de ofullständigt förklarar begreppen avdunstning respektive avrinning, samt att regn kommer från moln. Barnen förklarar även att det regnar på grund av att moln krockar, det blåser alternativt att Gud eller solen släpper regnet.

Eld som naturvårdare : Kärlväxtflora och vegetationsutveckling efter naturvårdsbränning i två småländska naturreservat

This study has taken place in two nature reserves in the municipality of Uppvidinge in the Kronoberg region in southern Sweden. These have been chosen by the County Administrative Board to be part of a bigger landscape of fire affected nature, and prescribed fire has been implemented in these. The areas are called Ösjöbol and Berga fly and have been burned 2012 and 2013 respectively. Non-burned areas have been inventoried as well. Vascular plants and mineral soil have been inventoried with the Hult-Sernander-Du Rietz scale of five levels. Issues emanate from the County Administrative Board?s goals for prescribed fire: how sticks and herbs were affected, how much soil was uncovered, how the structure and fire favoured species were affected, and how deciduous trees and spruces (Picea abies) were affected. The study shows that the soil increased, as well as the fire favoured species.

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