

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 29 av 280

KONSTRUKTIONEN AV ETNICITET - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och studerande upplever etnicitetsperspektivet på socionomprogrammet vid Göteborgs universitet

The primary purpose of this essay is to study and describe how the concept of ?ethnicity? is introduced, defined and constructed at the Universities of Social Work Education through the perspectives of students attending and teachers/researchers currently employed at the University of Gothenburg. Also, this study attempts to describe what differences there are between the two groups and how these are expressed. The theoretical perspectives which we have used to analyse the empirical data are social constructivism and postcolonial theories. We have applied a qualitative method based on four interviews with teachers/researchers and two focus group interviews with 14 students.

LVU i ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av LVU 3§ Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

The aim of the study learn about if the court assesses boys and girls on an equal basis, or if there are norms of gender constructed in society that appears in the Administrative Court of Appeal. And we want to find out how norms, in this field, are different between boys and girls. We used the judgments of the Administrative Court of Appeal and went through the descriptions of the girls and boys. What basis was used in the judgment of LVU, to do this, we used discourse analysis. We summarized all judgments and then described the outcome of each requirement in LVU, we categorized the results for three requirements, other socially destructive behavior, criminal activity and abuse.

Reklam med god kvalitet : ? en studie av fem guldäggsbelönade annonser

In this thesis, high quality adverts are examined from the perspective of the advertisement contest Guldägget. The study discusses award-winning advertisement, both in terms of content and design, according to Guldägget?s jury members, industry experts and various theorists. Semiotics is used to analyse Guldägget?s winning adverts.

Lever imperialismen ånyo? : Relationen mellan Kina och Afrika

Since Africa?s decolonization a number of foreign economic actors have begun toemerge in several African countries and they prove a vital role in many ways. China isone of the largest actor and they have a long history of political and economic ties withAfrica. China act primarily in Africa to meet their growing economy?s demand fornatural resources, and by providing aid and trade with development countries in Africathey get important natural resources like oil and iron ore in return.

Vem vill inte vara med de stora? En revidering av Brubakers teori behövs.

This paper has its aim to investigate in which way the theory about the dynamic of the triadic nexus, presented by Brubaker, needs to be revised. In the first place this theory is presented and after then applied on the triad formed by: the Hungarian national minority in Transylvania, Romania and Hungary. Through the empirical evidences, that are presented here by following up the political relations and its dynamics over time between the three fields, is shown that the theory is usable for the case in question. Further as we approach the more actual development of the political life in the triad appears a need to deal with one more field which would be for example the NATO or/and EU.This means that Brubakers theory has to be revised so it would take in account a forth field and that of an international organization/institution. The arguments for this needed change is put forth through empirical evidences on the political relations that the two states has with NATO or/and EU and the huge influence these have on the states..

Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet

In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.

Kunskapsöverföring inom studentnationer : En kvalitativ studie av Uppsalas studentnationers överlämningsarbete

AbstractThis study examines how knowledge transfer works within the student nations of Uppsala. The purpose is to describe and analyze how the knowledge is transferred when the officials are being exchanged within the student nation. Furthermore the purpose is to explore if the student nations work active to preserve the knowledge and how it is done in such case. Eight out of Uppsalas thirteen nations are part of the study and the survey was conducted by qualitative interview. The study mainly assumes from Argotes theories on the organizational memory, Davenport and Prusaks theories on knowledge transfer and Nonaka and Konnos SECI-model. The study reveals that the student nations work in different ways and more and less active with knowledge transfer.

"If I had been there I could not have seen it this plain" : Minnesforskning och William Faulkners Absalom, Absalom! 

In this essay I employ memory theories to examine Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner. How are the memories depicted and how do they function in the novel? What are the characters ?allowed? to remember? Scholars that have written about William Faulkners usage of memories and narrative time in his novels, often claim that they together represent and create a sense of determinism and/or fatalism. Even though I agreed with that opinion, regarding time and memory in a lot of Faulkners novels, I wondered if these features in the text might not represent/mean something more, beyond that. One scholar have expressed the view that William Faulkners characters resemble blind marionettes of Destiny. I instead claim that the characters themselves, via their individual memories and temporal relations, create an internal determinism, connected with cultural memory, norms and traditions. I try to examine both the individual memories, as depicted in the novel, and the novel in its entirety, using different memory theories and narratology. .

Adaptiv nivåreglering : Dynamisk expansion av ljudsignaler i en reell arbetsmiljö

Fo?r att implementera en adaptiv niva?reglering av ljudsignaler i en industriell miljo? kra?vs ha?nsyn till ma?nga faktorer info?r en reell implementering. Rapporten avser identifiera dessa faktorer, bedo?ma deras betydelse, samt presentera en grundla?ggande o?versiktlig implementeringsmetod. Fo?rutsa?ttningarna a?r ett verklighetsbaserat scenario, i form av ett nyinstallerat larmsystem i ett kontrollrum pa? ett pappersbruk, da?r ett av huvudma?len a?r att fo?rtydliga ljudande larmsignaler fo?r personalen.Da? fysisk tillga?ng till implementeringsmiljo?n var begra?nsad, samplades ljudmiljo?n sa? att analys av pa?verkande bruska?llors betydelse fo?r niva?regleringen kunde utfo?ras.

Motorväg till det omedvetna? : Fem psykoterapeuters upplevelser av att lära sig arbeta med Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

Inledning: Psykoterapeutiskt arbete med bearbetning av omedvetna känslomässiga konflikter innebär ofta terapiprocesser som varar över lång tid och kan bedrivas med skiftande tekniker. Psykodynamiskt inriktade terapeuters arbetssätt speglar deras teoretiska övertygelse och personliga läggning. Många arbetar intuitivt och med ett eklektiskt förhållningssätt. Att arbeta efter en sekventiell, tydligt formgiven metod är ovanligt inom den dynamiska/analytiska traditionen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka fem psykoterapeuters upplevelse av att lära sig arbeta efter en specifik metod med fokus på affekter; Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.

Analys av incidenter rörande DP-operationer inom "500-meterzonen" - En studie baserad på incidenter under 2008-2009

Detta examensarbete är en undersökning av The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) statistik rörande operationer med dynamisk positionering (DP) inom 500-meterzonen. Statistiken har sedan jämförts med resultaten från en enkät som skickats ut till berörda nautiker och personal i land. I enkäten har deltagarna fått ge sin personliga uppfattning om hur fem övergripande kategorier för orsaker till incidenter, härledda ur IMCAs inrapporterade material, bör rangordnas efter vilken kategori som anses mest trolig att orsaka en incident. Resultatet visar på en skillnad vad gäller operatörens roll i IMCAs statistik och vad som upplevs inom offshore-industrin. Samma resultat återfinns oavsett hur lång arbetslivserfarenhet man har av DP och oavsett om man arbetar till sjöss eller på en säkerhetsavdelning i land..

Värdelöst värdeskapande : En studie om co-destruction

The study proceeds from a phenomenom called co-creation. If value can be created, it is logic to asume that it also can be destroyed. This phenomenom has earlier not been applied to long-term relationships such as business to business. In a business relationship it is important to identify factors, that leads to co-destruction, to be able to prevent them from appering. The purpose of this study is to identify which factors leads towards co-destruction.The study have used theories from Echeverri & Skålén (2011) which has designed a model explaning the outcome of co-creation and co-destruction.

När världen kom till Föra : om forskningens syn på Ölands kristnande

This paper aims to give an account of, and to discuss the view-points and theories of different researchers on the christianization of Sweden, especially the province of Öland, during the early middle ages. Its purpose is to investigate how, and in what sense, their positions can be said to correspond to what we may know of the historical ?facts?. This will be possible by comparing different points of view with a study of the development in a single parish. An overall difficulty however, is the nature of the sources relating to the time in question, they are scarce or even non-existent.Part I of the paper consists of an outline of the field of research and the different theories put forward on the subject.

Socialsekreterares agerande gentemot ungdomar med ?problemskapande beteende" : En kvalitativ studie av hur användandet av BBIC upplevs och vilka beteenden som anses skapa problem 

The aim of this study is to examine what social workers consider as ?challenging behaviour? among adolescents, but also to examine the connection between investigation and intervention in cases where such behaviour is being displayed. The questions of the study are to examine what social workers think of the instrument of assessment BBIC (Children?s Needs in Focus) and how the usage of BBIC affect social workers understanding of challenging behaviour. Moreover, it is a qualitative study and the respondents are all social workers with various length of professional experience who work with making decisions in juvenile welfare cases.

Om värld och bevakning : en studie av en företagslednings omvärldsbild och dess samband med omvärldsbevakningen

Background: Increasing globalization makes companies more influenced than before by actors and factors in their environment. For some this has lead to a more dynamic and complicated business context. Therefore it is of strategic importance to understand what is currently going on as well as to have a general idea of what the future brings. Purpose: To contribute to a deeper understanding of how a corporate management can perceive its business environment and how it affects he gathering of business information from a strategic perspective. Realisation: In-depth interviews were conducted with all four members of the management in the studied company, Volvo Competence Center in Skovde, Sweden.

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