

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 12 av 280

Förtroliga medarbetarsamtal : chefers och medarbetares uppfattningar

This master?s paper first presents some of the principal theories and concepts developed by the poverty researchers Rowntree, Titmuss, Townsend, Sen and Lister. These theoretical frameworks are then related to two documents from the EU and Sweden concerning combating poverty and social exclusion, bearing on the establishment of the ?Year 2010 against Poverty?. Finally, I discuss the value in practice of these theories and policy documents, as regards reducing poverty in Europe.It has become clear in this investigation that the theories and concepts from earlier research are still relevant to the formulation of contemporary policy programmes, and that earlier research helps us to avoid old traps in fighting poverty.

Modellering av en panna med rörlig rost :  

The aim of this master thesis was to create a dynamic model for the processes in a solid fuel boiler of the moving grate type. Another aim with the model was to keep it as simple as possible but still able to catch the dynamics of the processes in the bedplate of the boiler. The creation of the model had its origin from drying and combustion equations used in earlier modeling work of boilers. The represented model has been used to simulate different kinds of disturbances in a boiler and different ways to control the boiler. These tests show that controlling a number of parameters in the bed of the boiler is an effective way to keep the grate stable during disturbances.

Feministiskt självförsvar - för eller emot?

The aim of this thesis is to discuss and analyse the media debate about feminist self-defence, by pointing out the pros and the cons. The arguments in favour could be separated into three different parts: statistical arguments, psychological arguments and justice arguments. The counter arguments could also be separated into three parts: general arguments, violence-related arguments and gender-related arguments. In short, feminist self-defence is built on women's experiences of men's violence. It contains three different parts to help women avoid violence, threat of violence, insult and sexual harassment.

Den förvandlade kommunen : Ekonomisk och social tillväxt i Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007

The transformed municipality ? Economic and social growth in Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007Author: Kristina HanssonThis thesis focuses on the economic and social growth in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. It is a single case study and the municipality is studied through economic theories concerning regional growth in the period of 1997-2007. The aim is to analyse whether these theories, such as Åke E. Anderssons and Ulf Strömquists K-society, and other more or less microeconomic assumptions, also are applicable in smaller local contexts.

The Comprehensive proposal for Kosovo Status Settlement utifrån olika synsätt på demokrati, demokratisering och multikulturalism

The purpose of this paper is to analyze Martti Ahtisaari?s comprehensive reportfor Kosovo, CPS, based on theories about democracy, democratization andmulticulturalism. The essay is a way to make a contribution to research on howthe international community can contribute to democratization processes ingeneral, as the CPS gives the expression and democratization of contextscharacterized by multicultural problems in particular. In this paper, we implementa qualitative text analysis of our main material CPS. The qualitative text analysiscan be applied in studies as ours when sought contents of the text are hidden underthe surface.

Yttrandefrihetens gränser : En prövning utifrån tre fall och tre teoretiker

Freedom of speech has been a well discussed subject. Great philosophers and theoretics like Plato, Voltaire, Locke and Mill have again and again showed the importance of freedom of speech. Since the world have become bystanders to a series of events that can only classify as crimes aganst freedom of speech, it has become more important to study the phenomenon and analyse it. By finding cases where the freedom of speech has been compromised and analyse them in frames of three different theories, the argument of truth, the argument of democracy and the argument of tolerance, this paper makes the boundaries of freedom of speech a little clearer, and also makes a discussion about how reasonable the boundaries are possible. Everything according to the three theories.

TAT Tutorials - En färg-kodande editor och hemsida för ett interaktivt läromedel till de xml-baserade programmeringsspråken Cascades och Kastor.

TAT?s Cascades and Kastor are programming languages used to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mobile phones. TAT Tutorials is a dynamic, interactive tutorial site for these xml-based programming languages. An editor will be available for download to enhance the learning process..

Turkiets väg till EU - en studie om makt,motiv och icke-beslut inom unionen

This essay is about Turkey and its relation to the European union. EU is originally an economic organization; today it has developed to involve other aspect like culture and history. By using theories like motivation and non-decision making I have studied the reason why Turkey is still waiting in the agenda of the union. With the help of the theories I have discussed about Turkey?s possibilities to become a member of the European union.

Märks lärares kunskapssyn i bedömningen?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan några lärares bedömning och olika pedagogiska grundteoriers kunskapssyn samt hur de tillsammans med lärarens egen kunskapssyn påverkar bedömningen. Utifrån uttalanden från 5 stycken utvalda lärare, tillsammans med den litteratur som vi läst har vi försökt att hitta samband. Den metod som användes var enskilda intervjuer, ur vilka uttalanden kopplades till den litteratur och de pedagogiska grundteoriernas kunskapssyn. Vi ställde frågor om hur dessa personer konstruerade sina prov samt hur de bedömer och dokumenterar sina elevers lärande. Hur lärarnas bedömning påverkats av de olika teoriernas kunskapssyn och hur skolväsendet har påverkats av dessa teorier försökte sedan knytas till behaviorism, kognitivism, konstruktivism och sociokulturell teoris olika kunskapssyner.

Lokal identitet på arbetsmarknaden

This thesis deals with local identity and the workplace. We have taken part of stories dealing with local identity and the workplace, by using a qualitative method. We interviewed eleven men working at the same company. The group contained of men from urban areas as well as rural areas. The data from our interviews have been applied to theories of local identity and social theories by sociologists such as Durkheim, Simmel and Tönnies.

#yogaeverydamnday : En analys av religiösa och andliga uttryck och beskrivningar på Instagram

In recent years, the Internet has exploded with different kinds of social media, where a significant function is to share your life in text and images. This changes how we form our identity, our religious identity included. The aim of this paper was to study how Instagram forms a space for the creation and development of religious and spiritual beliefs. For this purpose, Instagram updates from five women with yoga oriented Instagram accounts have been analyzed in relation to two theories: Paul Heelas? och Linda Woodhead?s theory of a spiritual revolution and Heidi Campbell?s theory of networked religion.The aim of the study was to explore how these women presented themselves in their Instagram flow and what part religion and spirituality had in their presentations.

Internationalisering av Born Global-företag : En studie om bakomliggande faktorer vid internationalisering av Born Global-företag

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .

Intern marknadsföring: en fallstudie av Malmia hotell AB

Internal marketing is according to the theories especially important in the service industry. The purpose of this thesis was to study how service companies work with internal marketing and especially motivation. Our case study, based on interviews conducted on Malmia hotel in Skellefteå, showed that internal marketing plays a vital part in the companie´s success, and that internal marketing is an ongoing process at Malmia hotel. Our study also showed that Malmia hotel works with internal marketing according to the recommendations of the theories..

Produktplacering : ett sätt att kommunicera varumärkesidentitet?

Background: The consumers of today have the possibility to choose from a wide range of products and services. Consequently, the ability to differentiate the products is essential for the brand owners. If a brand owner does not manage to differentiate its product, it can be difficult to make the consumers realise the benefits of the product and convince them to buy it. One way to differentiate the product is to create a distinguished brand identity. However, it is not enough to create a strong brand identity, the brand owner must also be capable of communicating the brand identity successfully.

"Man kan inte vara ledare om man inte har några följare" : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer upplever sin position

According to science internal communication is a complicated, yet very important, issue of organizations today. An organization with a successful internal communication shows better results both economically and in terms of coworker satisfaction. The two main theories on communication are sensemaking and transmission. After a century with a transmissionary point of view, researchers stress the importance of sensemaking internal communication.Main question of this thesis is ?Which of the two main theories is the most useful when anchoring important messages in large organizations??According to the results of this study, conducted by interviews, neither one is more useful than the other.

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