

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 11 av 280

Upprorsbekämpning i Anbar-provinsen

During 2004 to 2008, The United States Marine Corps (USMC) executed counterinsurgency operations in Anbar Province with the purpose to stabilize one of the most violent areas in Iraq. The Marine Corps successfully managed to suppress the insurgency as violence dropped dramatically in late 2007. What did the marines do in order to suppress the insurgency? Why did violence drop in the province? The Marine Corps approach and procedures have been examined earlier through theories of organizational learning and adaptation. However, there is an absence of studies aiming to analyse the Marine Corps? counterinsurgency approach through the analytical lens of counterinsurgency theory.

Europeiska Unionen- en demokrati? : En studie om demokratins utbredning och utveckling inom EU:s institutioner.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the level of democracy within the European Union (EU). To do so the following issues were examined: How the EU works and the efforts it has made to improve levels of democracy; and the degree to which the EU fulfils the criteria set by Robert Dahl in his theory of polyarchy.The study is based on a qualitative text analysis. The focus of the analysis is documents released by the EU that can be connected to democracy, and human and fundamental rights. The theory of polyarchy proposed by Robert Dahl and Joseph Schumpeter?s theory of democracy are the principal theories applied.

Public Relations - Positivt, negativt eller något däremellan? : En komparativ studie av unga och äldres syn på kommunikationsformen public relations

The public relations business has grown from almost nothing to a large international industry the last decades. Throughout the history the industry has struggled with a lot of critique and public relations has become a negative symbol for manipulation of information. Because of this negative view of the industry and the medial change taking place, the purpose of this study is to investigate how two different generations think about public relations. More accurate, the study will through a qualitative interview study explore how young people from a highschool in Luleå and elder people from Luleå township thinks about pubic relations, and most imortant why they have this particular view. By creating four focus groups, two with men and two with women, this also enables a comparative study between the gender. The focus groups were later analyzed and compared to two selected groups of theories on public relations, the theories were positive and critical theories compound in two categories.

Sverigedemokraterna Skåne - val 2006

The aim of this thesis is to discover facts about the Sweden democrats by looking at statistics of five different municipalities. The main question at issue is: What can you say about the Sweden democrat's voters by researching the voter statistics of the voter districts in the municipalities. The five municipalities who are the object of the study are, Helsingborg, Hässleholm, Landskrona, Svedala and Trelleborg.The Method for this thesis is a case study of five municipalities in Skåne. I have been researching the voterstatistics in the local voterdistricts of 2002 and 2006. I have compared The Sweden democrats with the Social democrats, the conservative party (Moderaterna), and the liberal party (Folkpartiet Liberalerna).The theories that this thesis is based on are voterbehaviour and rightwing-party theories.The Results are that one can not see any signs of the Sweden democrat's success being a result of a far-reaching right wave.

Bildrendering med intermodulerat Atomkraftmikroskop

Intermodulated force microscope (ImAFM) is a type of dynamic AFM. ImAFM opens up possibilities for mapping the topography and making quantitative determinations of material parameters at the same time. With increased information the need to generate more informative images of the sample emerges. In this Bachelor's degree project I have created tools for rendering images of a sample. The topography is plotted as the height and a material parameter is color coded on topography.

Folkbibliotek som mötesplats för flyktingar : En undersökning av två folkbibliotek och deras potential att öka socialt kapital i samhället

This essay points at the importance of public libraries as arenas of meetings between refugees and the local population, and by this - creating social kapital in the society as a whole. The researchers Aabø, Audunson and Vårheim have created theories about low-intensive meeting places, that means ? neutral, public places where accidential meetings with different strangers can happen, which can create social capital and trust among each other. To complement these theories I also use Vårheim who have implementet social capital-theories to the sphere of public libraries. These two theories complement each other and can help me investigate two public libraries in a rural area in Sweden.

Multimedia eller inte multimedia, det är frågan.

Is it possible, and suitable, to use multimedia in classic literature studies at Swedish upper secondary school? What alternatives are there?  Is there any foundation in the curriculum for an expanded conception of text as in multimedia?  Will the conception literacy support use of multimedia in classic literature studies, and in what ways? How do we generally look upon the definition text, is it only printed letters, or something more? To get an answer to the questions we decided to examine a number of theories, Gardner?s theory about the different intelligences, the conception literacy and the expanded text concept. In these three theories we took our starting-point for the following work. The main subjects became two interactive sights on Internet and one CD-ROM, all containing classic literature. Our previous knowledge in this subject field was very meager.  This work has given us an opportunity to discover some of the multimedia that is available, and the result we have come to is that multimedia absolutely belongs in studies of classic literature as well as in other subjects.

Identifiering av stelkroppsmodell för industrirobot

In this masters thesis we consider a method for experimental identification of the inertial parameters of an industrial robot, using measured torques and joint angles. A dynamic model of the first three joints of the robot has been identified.To achieve good identification results, it is important to carefully choose the trajectory for the experimental identification. A method to generate trajectories using two suggested design criteria has been used and evaluated using an ABB industrial robot, and one of them yields good identification results..

Gör det själv! Fansinet i Sverige

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine the fanzine, a form of amateur publication, in Sweden, both in the traditional paper form and the more recent electronic form. It deals with what is distinctive about the fanzine as a publication and also as a social and cultural product. It also looks upon how the fanzine uses the Internet and the new possibilities it brings. The people behind 18 fanzines, 10 electronic and 8 in paper, have answered a questionnaire about how they produce, publish, distribute and promote their fanzines, what they think about the fanzine as a mode of expression, and how they use the Internet. The masters thesis uses theories within cultural studies as a theoretical approach to the fanzine.

Går det att sälja kläder via Facebook? : En fallstudie som undersöker ett företags möjligheter att använda sig av sociala medier i marknadsföringssyfte

This Bachelor thesis is a case study that explores the possibilities and complications to use social media in marketing purposes. The case involves a company that sells garments for men. The company, named Mouli, has decided to use social media as their marketing platform. The company makes an interesting case, since they are still quite new on the market and have all the possibilities to succeed.The purpose for the thesis is to examine Mouli?s use of marketing in social media and to evaluate what could be done to amend the communication.

NATO:s luftkrig i Kosovo utifrån Wardens teorier

John A. Warden III is one the most mentioned air power theoretic of his time.He has written a number of theories concerning air power and the best way to use this to win wars.The author of this paper gives a short resume of what he consider are the central thoughts in John Warden´s theories. These thoughts result in four factors; Enemy as a system, centre of gravity, parallel attack/concentration and finally air superiority. These factors are then being used to inves-tigate if NATO used Wardens theories during the Kosovo war in 1999.The reason for the author to choose the Kosovo war specifically is due to the fact that NATO during the war only used air power as an instrument to get Serbia´s president Milosevic to the negotiation table but also the fact that this would turn out to be quite a challenge for NATO.The conclusion is that out of the four factors only one is traceable throughout the entire operation, and that is air superiority. Regarding the other three factors they can only be found in parts of the operation..

I mötet med människan träder historien fram : om hur ett gestaltande av enskilda människor från förr kan beröra och engagera dagens museibesökare

The purpose of this study is to analyze different aspects of a portraying of individuals from a time past. It is concentrated around questions about why it is important to show the people?s stories in, for example, exhibitions and under which conditions this would serve as a good use of history according to different theories about history and the portraying of it.I have chosen the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche and Georg Simmel as a tool to analyze different aspects of the portraying of people from the past. Nietzsche?s theory about the different ways in which we use the past and Simmels theory about the meeting between a viewer and a cultural experience.

Teorier om socialt liv på offentliga platser : med applicering på Selma Lagerlöfstorg

The undergraduate thesis "Theories on Social Life in Public Places - Applied to Selma Lagerlöf's Torg" consists of two parts: the first part presents theories concerning social life in public places; the second part presents a program for developing Selma Lagerlöf's Torg (a center in a suburb to Gothenburg) into a well-functioning social environment, i.e. a place where the social life has positive consequences on its participants and on society..

Digital Storytelling

The purpose of this paper is to analyze and map out the cyber culture of the Internet and its all users, identity, design theories and services. How people communicate and how they build up their identities are some of the baselines. I will also discuss the important aspects of Interaction design and how this can be used in a Community for digital storytelling. The Internet, or new media, was founded in the 60?s by some great philosophers (McLuhan, Rheingold, Lambert and more). With influence from their books I will discuss and analyze what kind of media the Internet is and how it can be seen as extensions to our senses, as McLuhan claims.

Säkra lån utan säkerhet : En studie av mekanismerna bakom utlåning i utvecklingsländer

I denna uppsats undersöks hur moral hazard påverkas i grupplån vid frånvaro av sociala band, övervakning, och kontinuerliga krediter. Undersökningen förklarar grupplån i teori men presenterar även empiriskt material från andra författares artiklar. Undersökningen visar att de sociala banden inte har den avgörande betydelsen som teorin förutsätter. Vidare konstateras att nära övervakning och låntagarens behov av framtida lån har stor betydelse för att reducera moral hazard..

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