411 Uppsatser om Dynamic 6 to 4 - Sida 20 av 28
Föränderliga stadsrum : flexibilitet, dynamik & interaktivitet
The number of inhabitants of the towns and city centers have generelly increased, concurrent as the population in smaller towns has decreased. In Stockholm, the migration is very fast and here is also the most populous place, if one compares with other Sweden.
In order to respond to the increasing population and the pressure they put on city spaces has Stockholm's town a town building strategy that says "build inwards". It means that one stem seals the town with spaces and business activities in central locations.
The increased population in the towns and the densification of buildings leads however to an increased pressure on parks and public places.
Stockholm temporary : relevancy & potentials for implementing temporary architecture in Stockholm
Temporary architecture is an alternative urban planning concept which has been adapted in many cities worldwide during the last decade. There is however no common definition for temporary architecture and it is diversely labelled and applied. In 2013 it also became publicly introduced in Stockholm via the approval of the city's first architectural guideline.
Temporary architecture is presented in the guideline as a potential tool for exploring public spaces among other architecture related themes. The ideas for temporary architecture are ambitious and promising. The problem is that they are vague and leaves questions regarding
performance unanswered.
Konstruktionstudie av en ångexpander
This thesis applies to a novel steam expander, one part of a steam engine system, a wobble plateengine. The piston in the expander moves axially with the outgoing rotating shaft and is locatedon a plate, why the engine type is called axial engine. When steam is applied to the plungers theplate wobbles creating a rotation on the shaft going thru the wobble plate. The steam expander issupposed to be used in exhaust gas recovery (bottoming cycle) applications and small scaleenergy production. The commissioner is Ranotor Utveckling AB.
Axelssönerna (Tott) : Ett ekonomiskt imperium inom gränsadeln i 1400-talets Norden
This essay explores the economical and social paradigms surrounding one of the most influentialNordic border dynastic noble families in the second half of the fifteenth century - the AxelssonTotts. How mercantile possibilities and opportunities offered to them, reflected on their politicalactions and social bands. The Axelsson brothers of the Tott Dynasty would become of one of themost powerful noble families within the Nordic Union between 1444 och 1487.Axel Pedersen (Tott) would through well chosen marriage alliances into the noble families of bothDenmark and Sweden, and with political prowess lay the foundation for one of the most dynamicfamily empires of the fifteenth century. In the year 1442, the Axelsson brothers swore loyalty toeach other; to protect and defend their mercantile and economical interests in Denmark andSweden. They would eventually control the trading routes in the border areas of the Union, and byexploiting the political chaos within the Union they would gain access and influence to the landtrading routes for export and import within the Union and the shipping export routes in the BalticSea allowing them access to the Russian market through Finland and Estonia.The island of Gotland, with its tactical and important geographical position in the Baltic Seabecame the key to the Nordic Union.
Att påverka sina preferenser: en analys av rationalitet och preferensdynamik (v 1.1)
Actors deliberately change their preferences, contrary to the assumptions of rational decision models. This study shows why, and to some extent how. Preferences are necessarily ambiguous and unstable. Rationality is a regulating myth which has had a profound influence on Western conceptions of what an actor is.The aim of this study is to help individual actors understand the theoretical grounds of their actions. The analysis provides tools for examining decision methods and preference changes.
Utvecklingsprojekt Easy Load
In order to increase the independence in everyday life of the elderly population, we have developed a lifting aid for loading in the private car trunk. Independence from outside assistance affects self-esteem in a positive direction and can help increase the quality of life for a large group of individuals. As people age and experience changes in performance, it is important that aids and support is available, particularly to reduce the experience of aging and it?s increasing physical limitations. The aim was to develop a function prototype characterized by simplicity, which facilitates loading of the private cartrunk.The project was conducted at the request of Autoadapt AB, which is one of the leadingactors in car adaptations for individuals with disablilities.
Framväxt och utveckling av radikala högerpopulistiska partier i norden : En jämförelse mellan Sverigedemokraterna och Sannfinländarna
Populism has been an integral part of the Finnish political system since the late 1950's. At that time the Agrarian Populist Party, better known as The Rural Party, emerged and thrived for decades until the party financially broke down in the 1990's. Reemerging on the political scene as the True Finns, the party is more radical and more influential than ever, gaining enough support to be the third largest party of the 2011 parliamentary election. Sweden, Finland?s neighbor, in contrast has a history with very little populist presence or radical right populist parties (RRP-parties).
"Då rökte jag på. Sen började jag lite med tjack och sånt också." :en studie om hur ungdomars missbruk påverkar familjen
The purpose of our report was to analyze the effects of youth drug abuse on the families concerned. Youth drug abuse made us wonder about the effects on the family as a whole, of those involved with drug abuse. To answer this question, we decided to employ an empiric study in the form of interviews with four teenagers, five parents and four drug counselors. Because our intent was to understand rather than try to measure the problems involved, we decided on a qualitative method. Our method built upon semi-structured interviews using open questions, where the interviewees were free to express their own thoughts and opinions.
Bibblan svarar ? ett tecken i tiden : En virtuell referenstjänst ur ett postmodernt perspektiv
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the virtual reference service Ask the Library [Bibblan svarar] from a postmodern perspective. Ask the Library is a Swedish online reference service that is run by the country?s public libraries. The postmodern theories of Jean-François Lyotard are used to study how information is managed and transmitted within the service.
Migrering från IPv4 till IPv6 : En studie i komplexitet
Den här rapporten grundar sig i problematiken med att kombinera TCP/IPv4 ochTCP/IPv6 med varandra. De två protokollen är inte kompatibla att skicka paket mellansig och bara delar av internet använder sig av, eller har stöd för, det nyare protokolletIPv6. På grund av att de publika IPv4-adresserna är slut i världen så måsteförr eller senare en fullständig migrering ske på internet. Fram till dess behövs dockmigreringsmetoder som kan hantera både de äldre och de nyare TCP/IP-protokolletsimultant.I rapporten kommer olika migreringsmetoder plockas fram där fokus ligger påkomplexitet, alltså tidsåtgång för implementering. Metoderna som presenteras utgören laboration där testpersoner har fått utföra simulerade migreringar med de olikateknikerna för att få fram tidsdata.
City branding i med- och motgång : - En fallstudie av Örebro stads varumärke
Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.
Regressionsmodellering av dynamiska råemissioner från statiska mätningar
By using steady-state measurements for predicting emissions under a dynamic drive cycle wouldsave a lot of time and money for the exhaust aftertreatment specialists at Volvo cars. The idea forthis thesis has been to investigate if statistical regression models can be used with good accuracy.Questions included are for example if common operating variables such as engine speed, air-fuelratio etc. is sufficient to predict engine-out emissions over the engine operating range with goodaccuracy. Focus was set on the modelling of warm engine, but also the more complex engineheat-up phase was investigated since it is a great contributor to total emissions. While NOxcouldnot be measured because of malfunctioning measurement equipment, only HC, CO andtemperature at inlet of first catalytic converter has been modelled.
Effekter av funktionell träning och medicinbollkast för att optimera kinematic sequence och x-factor stretch i golfsvingen
The interest for functional strength training in golf has grown the last decade and scientists are always trying to find training stategies to improve the biomechanical aspects of the swing. Kinematic sequence contains a proximal-to-distal sequence order towards impact, and an effective kinematic sequence in the down swing begins with a rotation in the pelvis and follows by an activation in thorax, arms and club in the respective order. The rotational torques in the proximal segments wanders through the body and to the more distal segments to create an effective energy ? and power transfer at impact. The x-factor stretch is the seperation between the rotation in the pelvis and the thorax at the top of the back swing and at the beginning of the down swing.
Smart consumer. En studie om påverkan av den digitala kommunikationen på konsumentbeteendet
Dagens dynamiska situation på marknaden sätter spår på den befintliga marknadsfilosofin med fokus på kommunikationen mellan företaget och konsumenten. Den moderna teknologin och Internet har utvecklats och blivit mer tillgängliga, vilket har bidragit till att den moderna konsumenten tillbringar en stor del av sin tid på Internet. De digitala nätverken och kommu-nikationen inom dem förändrar konsumentbeteenden och attityder, främjar konsumenters självständighet samt ger kontroll över köpbesluten. De här trenderna påverkar dagens detalj-handel, där konkurrensen och kampen om kundernas lojalitet ökar. Konventionella marknads-föringsstrategier föråldras snabbt under dagens förlopp och kräver mer kreativitet och enga-gemang av företaget.
Att styra säkerhet med siffror : En essä om (att se) gränser
Work, especially that in complex, dynamic workplaces, often requires subtle, local judgment with regard to timing of subtasks, relevance, importance, prioritization and so forth. Still, people in Nuclear Industry seem to think safety results from people just following procedures. In the wake of failure it can be tempting to introduce new procedures and an even stricter "rule following culture". None, or at least very little, attention is given to tacit knowledge and individual skills. I am aiming to highlight the inadequacy of putting too much trust in formalization and that reporting and trending of events will contribute to increased learning, an increased nuclear safety and an efficient operational experience.