11887 Uppsatser om Dual Process teorin - Sida 18 av 793
Planerar du barn eller föräldraledighet? : En uppsats om arbetssökandes skydd vid anställningsförfarandet.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is discrimination and unfair treatment in the employment process where employers discriminate against job applicants. The purpose of this study and research questions is to investigate and clarify the legal protection available against discrimination and unfair treatment of pregnant women and persons on parental leave during the employment process and how this protection differs between men and women. This thesis highlights the Swedish law and EU law regarding discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals. The concept of discrimination and its requisites will be accounted for and exemplified by case law. This statement will be analyzed along with the relevant case law of the EU-court and the Labor-court.
Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen
Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st.
Intellectual Capital Statement -The German Process Approach
The Intellectual Capital Statement facilitates the mapping of interdependent and simultaneously impacting intellectual capital factors in a unique way. The process-orientation of the German approach differentiates it from its predecessors and gives an advantage over alternative procedures. By combining these aspects with the possibility to communicate the company?s efforts and progress in the field of intellectual capital, the German Intellectual Capital Statement (Wissensbilanz) provides an effective management tool..
Byggnadsarbetarens syn på att bli involverad i projekteringen : En intervjustudie i byggprojekt
Title Becoming involved in the planning process - from the construction workers perspective.University/Institution Halmstad UniversityKeywordsEmpowerment through participation, construction workers involvement in decision making in the planning process, knowledge management and communication in the planning process, partnering, human resource managementAimThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide knowledge and examine how construction workers perceive involvement in the planning process of partnering projects, what they can contribute and what they get out of the planning process.Methodology The study was conducted with a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews. The interview studie consist of 10 interviews with construction workers who are specially educated in participating in the planning process at the company ByggDialog AB.ConclusionAll respondents are positive to be involved in the planning process. The main advantages they can see is that they are able to influence technical solutions and methods that will be used later on in the production. Therefore it is important to consider when construction workers should be involved in the planning process so that they get the chance to influence in this decisions.When it comes to the decision making the construction workers should be involved in the decisions that are related to their tasks in the production such as technical solutions, choice of methods and materials. Their main duties and working hours should be in the production.Involvement in planning does not automatically mean that the construction workers are involved in the decision making, it is up to them how much they participate.
Medborgerligt deltagande, demokratisk kvalité? - En fallstudie av Lomma kommuns medborgarpanel
It seems like Swedish municipalities are dominated by beliefs that all citizen participation is good for the development of local democracy. A critic of this certainty is rising among Swedish scholars of political science. However, a critic with an ambition of such generalization is harsh. Different democratic projects contents different qualities and thereby diverse problems in the democratic process. If these democratic problems within the process can be recognized, a deeper understanding can be found and in the prolongation a strengthening of the democracy.This essay examines the democratic process of Lomma municipality's democratic project of citizen participation.
Spelar geografi roll? : En studie av Bolognaprocessen ur ett policy transferperspektiv
AbstractDoes Geography Matter? A Study of the Bologna Process from a Policy Transfer Perspective.Essay in Political Science (D-level) at Karlstad?s University by Beatrice Högå, Spring 2007Tutor: Susan MartonThe purpose of this essay is to generally see how theories of policy transfer can help us to better understand the process through which the Bologna Process is being spread throughout Europe, and to specially see if geographic placement, i.e. in the heart of Europe, plays a role in how well and how fast the Bologna Process is implemented.To be able to answer the purpose, I have used Evans and Davies theoretical model on policy transfer network to describe the Bologna Process. Furthermore, Sweden and France are the countries being examined when they differ on the independent variable. From there, I have applied an analytical tool, namely process tracing, to examine whether there are differences in the two countries? work with the implementation of the Bologna Process.I have designed six specific research questions:Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to implement the two-cycle system?Have France performed this work earlier?Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to recognize awards and periods of study?Have France performed this work earlier?Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to quality assurance?Have France performed this work earlier?After applying the analytical tool to be able to answers these research questions, the answer to the general question Does geographic placement, i.e.
En undersökning av miljöbedömning för RUFS 2010
Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.
Att Marknadsföra Döden : En jämförande studie mellan tjänstemarknadsteori kontra begravningsbyråers arbetssätt.
Författare: Alexander Falck, Ekonomprogrammet inriktning marknadsföring Sebastian Ivarsson, Enterprise and Business DevelopmentHandledare: Kåre SkållerudExaminator: Frederic BillTitel: Att marknadsföra döden: en jämförande studie mellan tjänstemarknadsteori kontra begravningsbyråers arbetssätt.Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Produkter och tjänster marknadsförs på olika sätt, för att marknadsföra tjänster så har den ursprungliga marknadsföringsmixen från Kotler utökats med ytterligare tre delar för att beskriva det som är viktigt i tjänstemarknadsföringen. Begravningsbyråer befinner sig idag i en efterfrågesituation som kallas negativ efterfrågan. Negativ efterfrågan innebär att kunden inte vill veta av företagens produkter. Denna situation skapar frågetecken till hur begravningsbyråer egentligen marknadsför sig då kunden inte är intresserade av företagets produkter. Vid vår förberedande forskning visade det sig att det hade författats väldigt lite på området.
Ekonomisk utveckling : Nigeria och FN:s millennieutvecklingsmål
In which ways have composing processes in music appeared over the past 300 years? How may composing processes work today? What does new technology do to this processes?The key purpose of this study is to investigate various composing processes. A further purpose is also to gain an awareness of how we use modern technology by computers and their notation programmes.The research design of this thesis includes a display of literature related to composing processes. along with an analysis of the writer?s own experiences in the area.
Kapitalanskaffning och bolagsstorlek : - En studie utifrån pecking-order teorin
Problembakgrund/frågeställning/syfte: Ju mindre ett företag är, i desto mindre utsträckning utsätts det för granskning, vilket leder till att mindre information och analyser om företagets värde finns. Vidare är små företag i högre grad utsatta för finansiella påfrestningar, då de generellt sett är mindre konkurrenskraftiga än större och mer väletablerade företag. Pecking-order teorin avser att förklara företags finansieringsbeteende och grundas på informationsasymmetri, dock tar teorin inte hänsyn till att informationsasymmetrin är högre ju mindre företaget är. Pecking-order teorin menar alltså att alla bolag, oavsett storlek, bör uppvisa samma finansieringsbeteende. Då en hög informationsasymmetri leder till större svårigheter att anskaffa vissa typer av externt kapital, borde skillnader föreligga i kapitalanskaffning mellan bolag med olika storlek.
Aktörsanalys i interorganisatoriska samarbeten
Andelen äldre invånare i Sverige har ökat stadigt sedan 1950-talet. Trygg Hemmakonsortiet arbetar med att utveckla nya sätt att ta hand om de äldre. Deras vision är attskapa ett intelligent hem som kan stödja de äldre i sitt kvarboende. Konsortiet består inuläget av elva företag och ett antal organisationer i Halmstad. Syftet med vårexamensarbete är att utreda hur Stakeholder Theory kan appliceras på ett konsortiumunder utveckling.
Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.
Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.
Vinst eller icke? ? En studie om incitamentens tillämpning på icke-vinstdrivande friskolor i Sverige.
Sedan friskolornas start har skolmarknaden utvecklats och numera existerar det ett flertal variationer av organisationsformer samt driftsformer på den Svenska marknaden. Teorin redogör för ett antal styrande incitament som är av betydelse för icke-vinstdrivande skolors existens, vilka främst har observeras i skolor utanför Sverige. Baserat på olikheter mellan länder såsom Sverige och USA aktualiseras frågan om incitamenten kan appliceras på den svenska friskolemarknaden. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med två friskolor i Stockholmsområdet där jag har sökt svar på uppsatsens centrala fråga; om incitamenten bakom icke- vinstdrivande skolor i teorin stämmer överens med realiteten? Resultatet antyder att skillnaden mellan vinstdrivande och icke-vinstdrivande friskolor ej är av den karaktären som teorin påvisar.
Hur påverkar nöjes/fritidsaktiviteter ett köpcentrums attraktivitet?
Köpcentrum har under de senaste 20 åren utvecklats och blivit en plats för mer än bara inköp av varor. I och med nöjesrevolutionen är nöjes/fritidsaktiviteter inte längre ett främmande inslag i köpcentrum för konsumenter. Flertalet författare har identifierat faktorer som skapar attraktivitet och ofta nämns dessa aktiviteter som en faktor. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur dessa nöjes/fritidsaktiviteter påverkar ett köpcentrums attraktivitet. I teorin förklaras begreppet attraktivitet och hur det kan påverkaa konsumenternas syn på köpcentrumet.
Forskarservice vid Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek : en dokumenthanteringsplan
We have produced a process mapping and from there developed a document management plan for the research service at the Labour Movement Archives and Library (ARAB) in Stockholm, Sweden. The project was conducted during five weeks in the spring of 2011 at ARAB and the resulting classification structure and document plan has been formulated and presented to the staff at a seminar. We found that the institution in some cases were suffering from an inadequate documentation in a number of the identified processes, and also in their records management and archiving. In this additional memorandum follows an analyzing discussion of activity-based document- and archive management, e-archives and process mapping. We have accordingly tried to standardize the process of research services and contribute to a more adequate document management within the institution.