

811 Uppsatser om Drug therapy - Sida 11 av 55

Effekter av stresshantering utifrån Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) och övningens betydelse för förändrat förhållningssätt hos universitetsstudenter

The aims of the present study were to implement and evaluate a three-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) stress management intervention in a non-clinical group of university students (N = 25) and to investigate the importance of practice in an ACT-intervention. A design with pre-test and double post-test was chosen. A comparison was made between a nine-hour ACT-intervention containing practice for the participants, a two-hour lecture on ACT and stress management containing no practice for the participants and a control group. Psychological flexibility was assessed with Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 and mindfulness was measured with Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Perceived stress level was measured with Perceived Stress Scale.

Läckagets konsekvenser : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om illegalt bruk av buprenorfin

Title: Consequences of diversion ? a qualitative interview study regarding illicitbuprenorphine use.In year 1999 buprenorphine was introduced in Sweden and is used in treatment for opioiddependence. An issue concerning substitution treatment programmes is the occurrence ofdiversion and the following illegal sails of buprenorphine on a black market. The aim of thisstudy was to explore how people who have used illicitly obtained buprenorphine describessuch abuse. The study was conducted using qualitative method, where a total of fiveindividuals were interviewed about past experiences of having used illicitly acquiredbuprenorphine.

ADHD och fetma hos vuxna personer : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

Boendepedagog: strävan från yrke till profession : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av boendepedagogik

The aim of the study was to look at a particular work group of housing supporters, whomhave implemented two special working methods in their work. The methods have been implemented by two of the housing supporters that also have special education in the methodsSOC (Sense of Coherence) and solution focused brief therapy. The study is based on anethnographic observation and analysis of documents that are used in the implementation. To analyse the information that was given at the observation and in the document I´ve used a theory which illustrates the significance of developing professions so their knowledge become legitimate. I´ve also used a theory that illustrates the importance of implementation and how it´s done at its best.

Att leva i långvarig hemlöshet : Berättelser om vägen till och från hemlöshet

The aim of this study was to highlight homelessness through the perspective of formerly homeless men and women. The research questions focused on the informants experiences of the process into and out of the homeless situation and how their experiences could contribute to the knowledge about the social problem of homelessness. Besides the theoretical perspective of narrative and life course research, Fuchs Ebaugh exit theory and Honneth confirmation theory were used as theoretical guidelines.The empirical material consists of five life stories obtained through indepth interviews. The results of the study indicate that alcohol and drug use was of importance for the process towards homelessness. External factors as the change in the organization of the housing market in the 1990´s may also had an impact on the lifes of the informants.

Förbättrad Kravhantering med hjälp av Lösningsinriktad Pedagogik

Abstract The purpose of writing this thesis was to improve methods during requirements engineering phase. Usercentred system engineering has some problem areas, which are examined and verified to create a new guideline for developers. This guideline tends to make requirements engineering more effective and help developers create more concrete requirements. It is not uncommon that system development projects ends up with unsatisfied users or delay in deliveries. The reasons are different kinds of communication problems between users and developers during verification of requirements. There is a therapy model, called solution-focused therapy, used in family and individual therapy. The model focuses on solutions for the future instead of problems in the past.

Benzodiazepinanvändning bland äldre - Konsekvenser av långtidsanvändning -

Benzodiazepines are drugs used to treat insomnia and anxiety. This group of drugs should be prescribed with the duty of care to the elderly because of it´s negative effects. Life expectancy is increasing because of the progress of drug development. Aging brings physical and psychological changes leading to changes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic features. Drug treatment is becoming increasingly widespread and contributes to the increasing number of interactions and complications for the elderly.

Olika kommuner: olika eftervård? En jämförande studie av hur tre kommuner definierar och arbetar med eftervård efter LVM.

Aftercare is an important condition for the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abuse Act (LVM) to be successful. According to the law, the municipals are responsible for the aftercare. We compared how three municipal in Skåne, Sweden, define and work with the aftercare after treatment under LVM. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with social workers, division managers and politicians from each municipal. As a theoretical reference the theory of total institutions and empowerment theory were used.

Återinläggning av patienter 80 år och äldre på medicin- och kirurgklinik

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

Hälsofrämjande egenskaper av djurassisterad omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Animals are used in several health care areas and have been shown to promote many aspects of patients? health. Animals have potential for use in nurses? health promotion work. Nurses need a deeper understanding of the importance and health-promoting properties of animal-assisted therapy.Aim: The aim was to describe the importance of animal assisted therapy for patients? health.Methods: A literature review was conducted based on ten nursing science studies with both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which were selected after critical review.

Socialtjänsten och mödrahälsovårdens arbete och samarbete kring gravida risk- och/eller missbrukare

The aim with my study is to highlight, illuminate and examine the social and maternal health care motivational work of pregnant women with a risk or abuse of alcohol and / or drugs, and what actions can be considered for these women. In addition, the aim is to explore how social services and maternity care might interact in this type of case. The aim is to convey the subjective experience of each of the interviewees. For the purposes of this study, I have chosen to use the qualitative research method. I have interviewed social workers in individual and family care, and midwives.

Borta bra men hemma billigast? : En studie av vad som påverkar socialsekreterares val av insatser i Karlskrona och Karlshamns kommun

The purpose of this essay was to investigate and analyze affecting factors concerning social workers in two different municipality social services, Karlskrona and Karlshamn, working with cases of youth drug abuse. We wanted to see what affects social workers in their choices of assessments of youth drug abusers. We wanted to find out whether the organizational aspects or the cliental qualities affect the social workers more than the other in the choices of assessments. Among the cliental qualities we used in this essay, gender was the most important quality and therefore the quality we wanted to pay special attention to. When it came to the organizational aspects we paid special attention to the social workers boundaries of agency.

Svenska och ryska barns alkohol- och tobaksbruk, trivsel och hälsa

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Djur i omvårdnaden av patienter med ångest : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Antalet patienter med ångest ökar och orsakar ofta ett lidande för patienten. Sjuksköterskan har omvårdnadsansvar att lindra detta lidande. Olika djurterapier förekommer i vården för att behandla olika besvär, till exempel Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT).Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken påverkan djur har på patienters ångest. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier(n=12).Resultat: I samtliga studier framkom en sänkning av ångest vid djurterapier och i sju av studierna var det en statistiskt säkerställd sänkning. Resultatet visar främst en sänkning hos patienter som vårdas inom psykiatrin men även patienter inom den somatiska vården påverkades positivt av djuren.Diskussion: En sänkning av patienternas ångest visar att djur inom vården har en lugnande inverkan.

Therapets : animal Assisted Therapy ur ett etologiskt perspektiv

C-uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Författarens Syfte är att ge en översikt av Arbetsformen AAT samt teoretisk och vetenskaplig bakgrund. Övergripande frågeställning är: Kan husdjur/hundar användas som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete? Underliggande frågeställningar är: Vilka för- och nackdelar kan finnas med att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?, Finns det vetenskaplig grund för att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?, Vilka teorier ligger till grund för att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?Metoden är en kvalitativ, explorativ och kombinatorisk översikt av material om AAT, bandet mellan djur och människa samt vetenskapliga resultat om detta.Teoretiskt anknyter uppsatsen till etologi. Författaren tar upp Darwins teori om det naturliga urvalet tillsammans med Lorenz teorier om instinkter och prägling, Bowlbys bindningsteori och Ainsworths teori om modern som barnets trygga bas.Uppsatsen behandlar hundens kvaliteter och fördelar som therapet (medhjälpare i terapi), nackdelar och fördelar med AAT som behandlingsform samt metoder för testning och träning av therapets.Mina slutsatser pekar på att AAT är ett bra alternativ och/eller komplement till andra terapeutiska behandlingsformer.

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