

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 19 av 33

Föräldrars missbruk och barnets bästa : en dokumentanalys av LVU-mål

The aim of this essay was to examine how the decision-making in LVU cases are motivated in the judicial decisions. How has the principle of whats in the best interest of the child been noticeable in these judicial decisions and how are the child's needs and the consequences for the child of the drug abuse been described? When the parents have been judged to have given a non acceptable consent, how have they been described and how has the parents described the situation?Our research is of a qualitative nature, a document analysis of judicial decisions in LVU cases. We analyzed eight court cases containing decisions from County Court, Fiscal Court of Appeal and The Supreme Administrative Court.Our results showed that parents were described in the judicial argumentation as negative stereotypes and a picture of unreliability were created. What was best for the child were not expressed in words but woven into the children's needs and in most cases the consequences of the abuse of drugs were not made clear..

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Universitetsstudier utanför hemorten och dess samband med studenters alkoholbeteende och depressiva symtom

Universitetsstudenter har ofta ett riskabelt alkoholbeteende ochupplever depressiva symtom under studietiden, vilket kan ha svårakonsekvenser. Förklaringarna till alkoholkonsumtion blanduniversitetsstudenter har ofta fokuserat på studenters motivation tillsocialisering med andra studenter. Litteraturen har också fokuserat påförstaårsstudenters övergångsfas i förklaringarna till depression.Denna studie involverade 117 universitetsstudenter i ett medelstortsvenskt universitet. Studiens huvudsyfte var att undersöka omstudenter som bytte ort för att studera dricker mer alkohol ochupplever flera depressiva symtom än studenter som studerar i sinhemort. Resultatet visar på en betydande skillnad i alkoholkonsumtionmellan de två grupperna, vilket tyder på ett samband mellan flyttenfrån hemorten och alkoholkonsumtion..

Över tröskeln : Ett nytt boendefenomen

Ett lågtröskelboende vänder sig till individer med missbruks- och boendeproblematik där intentionen är att erbjuda individen stöd i dennes alkoholproblematik samt en trygghet i boendet utan att ställa krav på nykterhet. Studiens syfte var att undersöka fenomenet: upplevelsen av att bo på ett lågtröskelboende utifrån ett brukarperspektiv, samt vad flytten till lågtröskelboendet har inneburit för de boendes livskvalitet. I analysen användes ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv med livsvärldsteorin som utgångspunkt. Resultatet visar studiens fenomen som existentiell samhörighet i alkoholmissbruk. Den delade alkohol- och boendeproblematiken gör att de boende upplever sig som jämlika med varandra, vilket också skapar en känsla av gemenskap och tillhörighet.

Tillämpningen av 13 § LVM : erfarenheter och uppfattningar bland yrkesverksamma

The aim of this essay was to look into and compare the experiences and opinions about the practice of 13 § LVM among persons that, through their profession, use the law.The questions we have been asking were; what experiences and opinions the individuals have about the paragraph in general, what they think about the cases when no application for LVM is made after a client has been taken in charge as directed by 13 § LVM, and of the fact that the majority of cases of LVM are initiated by the same paragraph. Another question was how the individuals think about the legal security in connection to 13 § LVM.The methods used are qualitative and we have interviewed individuals from different fields of social work that comes in contact with drug abusers.The findings from these studies include that care made out of the clients' free will is the main reason why an application is not made. It is also the reason to why many LVM initiates as directed by 13 § LVM for the reason that the districts above all try to help the clients without force. The economical aspects are repeatedly mentioned as another reason to the problems appeared in connection with 13 § LVM..

Högskolestudenter och alkohol : Akademisk locus of control i förhållande till alkoholrelaterade studieproblem

Studenter är bland de som konsumerar mest alkohol i Sverige. Hög alkoholkonsumtion och extern akademisk locus of control (ALC) har liknande negativ effekter på studier. Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan alkoholkonsumtion, ALC och alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. 120 studenter, varav 91 var kvinnor, deltog genom att besvara en enkät bestående av The Academic Locus of Control Scale for College Students, the AUDIT Alcohol Consumption Questions och en egenkonstruerad skala som mätte alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. Data analyserades med en 2 (riskbruk/ickeriskbruk) x 2 (extern ALC/intern ALC) ANOVA för oberoende mätningar.

"I chose not to choose life, I chose something else" : Film och droger: en tematisk fallstudie av spelfilmer med ett historiskt och psykoanalytiskt perspektiv

Ever since the birth of the film medium, stories about drugs and addiction have been produced. There is a fascination with the lifestyle, the effects of drugs and the ways in which it can be portrayed on the screen. The thesis starts off by giving an historical context, ranging from the late 19th Century and up until today, describing how the society and the public have treated the subject and how the narrative mirrors these attitudes. The purpose of the thesis is to take a closer look at this recurrent theme. Eleven fictional films produced between the 1980?s and 2000?s have been chosen and psychoanalytical film theory is used to analyze the ways in which the addict is represented; how filmic disgust and the abject makes the characters tread over physical and social boundaries and how the effect of the drug have the character tread over mental boundaries through dreams and hallucinations..

Klientinflytande vid fastighetsvärdering

The aim of this study was to examine young adult cannabis users? attitudes towards cannabis and their perception of the normalization of cannabis. The purpose was also to explore how their views of cannabis correspond with norms regarding cannabis. This study is based on interviews with five young adult cannabis users. The theoretical framework is based on Parker?s normalization thesis, Goffman?s notion of stigma, Becker?s definition of outsiders and the definition of social identity developed by Stone.

Hur kan de inte se att jag är muslim? : En intervjustudie med sex ungdomar med bosniskt ursprung om religiös identitet.

The purpose of this essay was to examine the role of religious beliefs, actions and practice in young people's own description of their identity. An additional goal was to examine how young people describe their identity in relation to their primary and secondary socialization. A qualitative method was used with semi - structured interviews and six young people between the ages of 18 and 23 were interviewed.            The interview results show that three out of the six young people think of themselves as religious while the remaining three emphasize that they are secularized Muslims. The results also show that the young people emphasize that the celebration of feasts in the family is the main focus.  Four out of the six young people point out that they are themselves among friends, their families and in the mosque, while the remaining two feel a communion with their Muslim friends and people in the mosque.       Three out of the six young people consume alcohol and eat pork, while the remaining three refrain from this. The young people emphasize that their beliefs are a personal matter between themselves and God, and that their actions don't define them as being Muslims or non-Muslims..

Alkolås: trygghet eller kontroll

Alkolås är en teknik som gör att fordonet inte går att starta om föraren har alkohol i utandningsluftet. Vissa alkolås som hittills använts är utrustade med en minnensfunktion som regelbundet töms och bearbetas i ett särskillt pc-bearbetat dataprogram. Syftet med undersökningen var att utreda vart gränsen går till att kränka den personliga integriteten för att öka trafiksäkerheten med hjälp av alkolås, samt att utreda attityden till alkolås. Undersökningen är baserad på enkäter som besvarats av Luleå Lokaltrafik, Pitetaxi och Testplats Botnia. Ett problem med alkolås är att individen inte har kunskap om alkolåsets funktioner, och de integritetsproblem som kan uppkomma.

Lokalbefolkning och turister - tillsammans eller separerade? : En studie om turismens sociokulturella effekter.

This study investigates how the host community of Tenerife perceives the socio-cultural effects of tourism on the island. The method chosen for the study was qualitative interviews which were performed with six respondents, each born in Spain, living permanently in Tenerife and employed within service-related occupations. The interview material was interpreted and handled according to a hermeneutic approach. The results of the study showed that the respondents had an over-all positive perception of tourism. Perceived positive socio-cultural effects were related to cultural and linguistic influences.

Är mormonrörelsen en religiös sekt? : en analys utifrån sektteorier om mormonernas organisation och tro

My aim for this essay is to investigate if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a religious sect, on the basis of literature and information about the Mormons organisation and their religious standpoints. My conclusion is that Mormon Church is a religious sect. Their organisation has several sect characteristics according to sect definitions; see for example Göran Gustafsson (2000), Mikael Rothstein (1997) and Bryan R. Wilson (1970). Other researchers in religious studies think that the Mormon Church is not a sect but a cult.

Sprit är bäst på händerna/ Alcohol is best used on hands

Bakgrund: Ett av de effektivaste sätten att förhindra vidare utveckling av vårdrelaterade infektioner anses vara utbildning av vårdpersonal i basal vårdhygien samt att undersöka hur följsamheten till denna kunskap efterlevs. Syfte: Var med denna studie att undersöka skillnaderna i tillämpningen av följsamheten till basal vårdhygien mellan legitimerade sjuksköterskor och utbildade undersköterskor som ingår i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet. Metod: En strukturerad observationsstudie utförd på ett universitetssjukhus där utbildade undersköterskor och legitimerade sjuksköterskor valdes att observeras. En enkätundersökning genomfördes för att undersöka om och hur personalen äger kunskaper för de riktlinjer observationerna grundar sig på. Resultat: Handdesinfektion utfördes sämre före patientkontakt än efter för båda yrkeskategorierna. Följsamheten till användning av handskar var hög då bägge yrkesgrupperna använde dessa i nästintill alla arbetsmoment där indikation förelåg.

Äldres svårigheter med och attityder till att inta flera läkemedel

The purpose of the literature study was to describe older people´s difficulties and attitudes to take several drugs. Literature has been sought in two large databases and included literature is selected, quality assessed and analyzed, based on the study purpose and questions. The authors conducted a descriptive literature review of qualitative and quantitative articles. Difficulties to access different types of pharmaceutical packaging, or to remember when to take their medicines are difficulties the elderly encounter. Cultural and socioeconomic differences become apparent.

Att sälja ett beteende : En undersökning av en social marknadsföringskampanj

AbstractCommunication and information has become a large industry in today?s society. More and more organisations use these means as tools of influence. Non-profit organization?s campaigns, which aim to change a behavior, often have a political responsibility and it is therefore important that these are carefully planned and carried through.

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