

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 9 av 251

Arbetsgivarvarumärken - En studie av Lindahl Advokatbyrå

In sectors with high skill requirements, recruiting is a core part of a company's development. Initially, the companies attract talented employees by creating an interest in the organization. Further, the challenge remains to match potential workers expectations with the company?s requirements and conditions. This is crucial since an unsuccessful recruitment involves high costs.

Grus i maskineriet : en fallstudie om förbättringspotential

Grus i maskineriet ? en fallstudie om förbättringspotentialVäxeln AB, a company that provide sales, service and repair of industry gears, has contacted the authors of the essay and asked us to investigate in which areas of the company that has improvement potential. Persistent improvement is a recurring and up-to-date issue that many business leaders not put enough resources on. A big problem in many companies is the issue that there is no comprehensive view and therefore some of the workers tend to not follow the routines that are required for the whole system to work.The goal with the essay is to give Växeln AB advice on to which areas in the company that have improvement potential.We have used a qualitative method with mainly semi-structured interviews which has led to an inductive approach. 13 co-workers that work in different areas of Växeln AB have taken part in the interviews.

Framtidens apotek : En fallstudie av ett apoteks interna marknadsföring

Background: Around the world, markets deregulates, which leads to increased competition. Meetings between the consumer and the employees of a company determine how the customer perceives the company and / or its brand. This has result in that many companies have realized the importance of internal using the same marketing skills that are used externally. In 2009, pharmacy market went from being a monopoly market to be a regulated competitive market.Problem: Is there any internal conditions for a private company, whose culture and structure was formed under a state monopoly, to create a strong corporate brand?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to, through a case study, analyze and evaluate the internal marketing in a company which has undergone a change of ownership and retained the same staff.Method: Through interviews with key personnel and staff , data was gathered for the case study, which means that the method is qualitative.

Staying Astonishing

This thesis is a case study with a qualitative approach. The company examined is The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) making user interfaces for mobile phones. The company has had a growth of 1453% from 2002 until 2006. We have examined what are the key factors for keeping innovation while growing. The most significant factor not supporting innovation within the case company is the will to take calculated risks.

Närliten blir stor : ett företag på väg ut på den globala marknaden

This is a study about a company in Norrköping, called Stadium AB, and its first steps into the global market. We have studied how the conditions of the company have changed during their expansion. This study is not written from the viewpoint of business economics, it is rather a study from a cultural and social studies perspective. The study deals with subjects such as the globalization of society, organizational theories and leadership. The empiric material consists of Stadium?s staff magazine Tracks, the company?s swedish homepage on the Internet and an interview with Sussi Calås-Jonsson, Chief of the Department of Information at Stadium AB.

Vilande Bolag : Beskattning av fåmansföretag

Title: Dormant companies ? Taxation of closely held companiesProblem: Many companies are facing a business transfer and fall within a smaller company with a few owners and therefore that tax jurisdiction is current. They risk facing high taxes but it can be avoid by setting the company in an inactive status for five years.Purpose: The purpose is to describe the inactive company rules and the verdict from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court. Also to investigate how this verdict will affect company sellers.Method: Based on a case study and by analyzing the Swedish Law conclusions has been determinate.Result: A dormant company must be inactive for five years, and then the company can benefit from a different taxation. The owner and it´s relatives can´t be active in the company during this five year period.

Picea mariana ((P. Mill.) B.P.S), P. abies (L.), Pinus contorta (Dougl.) och P. sylvestris (L.) : en jämförelse av produktion och potentiell kvalitet hos försöksbestånd i Jämtlands län

Swedish forests are dominated by just two conifer species Norway spruce and Scotch pine. They are not able to achieve the highest possible production or fulfill industry demands for raw materials. The introduction of exotic conifers can potentially meet these shortcomings and present a relevant solution. This study was conducted in a block experiment with ten blocks planted in 1987 by SCA in North Sweden. The objective of the block experiment was to study if Black spruce is an appropriate alternative to Lodgepole pine, Norway spruce and Scotch pine on different site classes.

Den rådande tolkningen av samma eller likartad verksamhet : Konsekvenser vid generationsskiften i fåmansföretag

On the 26th of January 2010, the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden gave five rulings which greatly affect the possibility to keep a close company within a family by transferring the ownership of the company to the next generation. The five rulings concern the interpretation of the prerequisite, same or similar activity, which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.    The prerequisite is fulfilled when an entire or parts of a business is transferred to another close company and the receiving company?s business activity is within the framework of the transferring company?s business activity or when the companies have a similar connection. Depending on which shares that are being evaluated, the prerequisite can refer to both the shares in the receiving or the transferring company. When the prerequisite is fulfilled, a standardized amount of the business income will be taxed as capital gains and the surplus will be taxed as earned income.

Varumärkning för småföretag

In this degree project a study of the importance of a graphic identity to companies has been done. A questionnaire among small companies in Dalarna has beenmade. From this, three sets of graphic profile-program have been formed andthese are suitable for new companies. Finally a practical application has been made on Greenfield in Mora, a graphic profile has been designed.To cause an identity is to prove that someone or something exists by individualizingand distinguish. Every individual or company has its qualities or charasteristics.The way to a desirable identity is going by a corporate identity-program that containsthe companies strategies, people, products, buildings, trademarks, graphic design.

Teknik i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om teknikexperiment i förskolan

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

Varbergs besökscentrum - Nybyggnation

This report deals with activities that from a CSR perspective are considered to create a shared value for a medium-sized construction company in Sweden. The CSR definition used in the report is the European Commission?s since it reflects the valuecreating aspects of CSR, in contrast to the traditional philanthropic aspect of CSR.Companies in the building construction industry have difficulties identifying activities that create value in society and in the company. The aim with the project is to, from a CSR perspective, identify and evaluate value creating activities in a building construction company. The activities will be evaluated with respect to competitiveness and how they can be implemented into an organization.

Samspel mellan elever med autism och utvecklingsstörning

ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.


ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.

Generationsskifte i familjeägda bolag : Med inriktning på arv och testamente

Swedish family companies are facing a tremendous change in the form of generation changes because of the large part of owners that are about to retire. If all 45 000 to 50 000 family companies ceases to exist, Sweden looses a significant part of business trade.There are numbers of different methods for an older generation of owners to transfer their companies to a younger generation such as inheritance, gift, will, internal stock transfer, division?s etc., where inheritance is the most complex area. That an owner of a company dies without any plan for the future of the company is not preferable because the rules of legal successions occur. The law system regarding inheritance is usually not a good method since the surviving wife, who has the primary right to the inheritance, may not be interested in the company.

Kundbibehållande och lönsamma kundrelationer genom relationsmarknadsföring: fallstudier på JOB media och Polardörren AB

This thesis focuses on RM and customer relationships and tries to answer two research questions: how firms can retain customers and how to generate profitable customer relationships by using relationship marketing. We conducted case studies on JOB media, a company in Luleå, and Polardörren, a company in Öjebyn, Piteå. Our research has revealed that in many ways our case study companies conform in major ways to the theory in this particular area. However there are differences between how these two firms go about in regard to customer retention and establishing profitable customer relationship. We have discovered that JOB media, which is a service company is more inclined to maintaining close and long-term relationships with its customers.

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