

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 7 av 251

Kommunikationens roll för långsiktig överlevnad : En studie om små och medelstora företag i den svenska modebranschen

Background: The Swedish fashion industry grows steadily, today it?s populated by many small and medium sized companies. Due to the big clothing chains dominant position small businesses risks to be ousted out of the fashion industry.Smaller companies may find it difficult to reach out to the customer by traditional advertising because their budgets are often smaller. It is therefore important for smaller companies to create loyal customers. If the smaller sized businesses in the fashion industry do not follow the rapid developments in society and focus on building strong brands and relationships, they will have problems with surviving in the long run.Problem definition: Which communicative factors are important in the choice of brand strategy to create a long-term survival for small and medium-sized companies in the fashion industry?Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to analyse and evaluate the brand as a communications tool for building a brand image.Method: The data which is being used in the essay is collected from interviews with companies and survey of each company's existing and potential customers.Theoretical perspective: Relationship Marketing Perspective and Transaction Marketing PerspectiveTheories: Brand Strategies, Total Communication, Brand Equity, Involvement Theory, Service Value Profit Chain.Empiric: The empirical data is primary data gathered from interviews with a representative for each company and from the questionnaires distributed to the customers of each company.Analysis: The analysis is an interpretation of the empirical material collected from interviews with each company and customers survey.

Koncernbidrag med avdragsrätt efter omstruktureringar inom koncerner

By means of group contributions the legislator has made it easier for company groups to transfer profits from a parent company to a subsidiary. A parent company can choose to reconstruct by acquire a company, create a subsidiary or perform a partial fission. The choice can affect the possibility for a parent company to perform a group contribution with deduction right.The parent company has to own more than 90 percent of the subsidiary?s shares for a whole taxation year or since the subsidiary began to carry out any economic activity in order to perform group contributions with deduction right. If a subsidiary is acquired, it has to be owned for a whole taxation year before group contributions with deduction right can be made, unless the acquired company never has carried out any economic activity before.

Lönearbetet, Arbetslösheten och Möllevången : En studie i arbetslöshetens vardag och dess platser

The study is divided into three parts ? the development of wage labour towards becoming the dominant norm in society, how this norm is challenged in a specific geographical context, and lastly a study of two unemployed individuals and their everyday activities, what and especially why certain behaviour occurs. The main purpose with the text is to study unemployed people in a specific geographical context in a overall society where wage labour is thought to be the norm. Questions that is being asked is how the unemployed individual works in a society where wage labour is the dominant activity for the day. This is connected to a study of Möllevången, a district of Malmö, where the wage labour norm can be thought of as being challenged.

Kjoltyg och magiska skönhetsunder: en jämförande diskursanalys av hur journalisterna på Slitz och Veckorevyn representerar kvinnan

The purpose of this study is to compare how the male journalists of the Slitz magazine and the female journalists of Veckorevyn represent the female sex. Slitz is dominated by sensual, sexy pictures of women. The texts describe the women on the basis of the journalists opinions. The women themselves do not get the same opportunities as the journalists to tell the readers who they are. Slitz magazine objectify women, they seem to be aware of it and do not hide their purpose.

Intern Marknadsföring : En fallstudie inom ett tillverkande företag

This thesis discusses taxation of benefits, which shareholders and company leaders can enjoy from close corporations. The Government said in the government bill lead- ing to the amendments regarding taxation of benefits, that it should be the possibility alone to enjoy benefits that should be the reason to impose taxes on company lead- ers. The Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has agreed to that statement. In other words, it isn?t necessary that someone actually enjoys the company?s assets for pri- vate use, it is enough that they have the right of disposal of them in order to be taxed.

Sexuell dominans : En kvalitativ studie av fyra sexuellt dominanta kvinnor

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur fyra sexuellt dominanta kvinnor uppfattar sin sexualitet. Särskilt inriktar den sig på hur kvinnorna definierar sig som sexuellt dominanta och vad dominans innebär för dem sexuellt men också till vardags och generellt. Vidare undersöks hur informanterna uppfattar sin sexuella dominans i relation till sin identitet och sitt identitetsskapande överlag. För att kunna verkställa syftet har fyra kvinnor intervjuats som alla definierar sig som sexuellt dominanta på ett eller annat vis. Fortsättningsvis inriktar sig uppsatsen på kvinnor som utövar sin sexuella dominans via aktiviteter och uttryck för dominans vanliga inom bdsm..

Ett omöjligt uppdrag? Konstruktioner av läraryrket i Lärarförbundets facktidning

This study sets out to investigate how the roll of the teacher is constructed in the Swedish Teachers? Unions trade publication. Based on the theory of social constructionism we have used the method of critical discourse analysis to establish dominant trends and patterns in how the roll of teacher is constructed in editorials in Swedish Lärarnas Tidning. We have established that the conflict between a modernist school tradition and a postmodern society has resulted in a dominant, traditional teacher discourse which is being simultaneously challenged by both a market-orientated discourse and a professionalization discourse. Furthermore, we attempt to highlight how these ?ideal? constructions can create problems in terms of identity construction for teachers.

Bevingad service? : En fallstudie av företaget Ving och dess kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compare if a charter company's attitude and vision of service can be reconciled with the attitudes and visions that the customers have in the same area. In order to carry out the study a qualitative approach is used. The data has been collected by interviews, focus groups and observations. The framework is theories on the subject of customer satisfaction, quality of service at customer meetings, Self-Service technologies, quality assurance and gap in service.The study has concluded that the approach to service is relatively equal between the company and customers, but the future visions differ. Focus group participants have been thinking bigger and further into the future, while the company focuses more on specific functions.

Möjlighet till flyttning av juridiska personers säte inom EU : Finns det behov av ytterligare harmonisering?

The freedom of establishment is a fundamental right on the internal market which enables companies to take up and pursue activity in other member states, ?host states?, in a non discriminatory way. In situations where a company wishes to use the right to establish in a host state, complications will be discovered since the member states are applying different principles for deciding the nationality of a company. Since the Treaty of the Function of the European Union recognize both principles, and both of the legal areas company law and European international private law lack harmonization regarding companies wishing to perform such a transaction, the situation today brings the possibility that such a company could be covered by the legal system of several member states, or maybe no legal system at all.The Court of Justice of the European Union has through case law contributed to make the scope of the freedom of establishment a little bit clearer but there are still difficulties regarding situations when a company wishes to transfer its seat to another member state with a change of nationality. Today?s measures, for example the SE-company, is not enough to satisfy the companies wishing to transfer their seat to another member state.

Image follows structure

Background: The business market today is characterized by tough competition amongst the competitors to capture consumers? interest and money. One marketing tool companies can use to achieve this is the company?s image. The customer buys not only a product, but also the image that the company or the product is associated with.

Förmånsbeskattning av dispositionsrätter till tillgångar i fåmansföretag

This thesis discusses taxation of benefits, which shareholders and company leaders can enjoy from close corporations. The Government said in the government bill lead- ing to the amendments regarding taxation of benefits, that it should be the possibility alone to enjoy benefits that should be the reason to impose taxes on company lead- ers. The Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has agreed to that statement. In other words, it isn?t necessary that someone actually enjoys the company?s assets for pri- vate use, it is enough that they have the right of disposal of them in order to be taxed.

Hur företagskulturen påverkar designers arbetssätt : En fallstudie på ett IT-företag

Through a case study at an IT company we have attempted to ascertain how a company's organizational culture affects its designers' way of working. By examining what ?type? of designers the employees are and how this is reflected in their work, we hope to have correctly determined what their organizational culture looks like and thereby have achieved a plausible result in our study.Aside from two interviews with the company's CEO, we also performed eight observations at the company, where we tried to blend in with the employees, to better determine their way of working together.We have found that the designers' trust in their own instincts has led them to rarely act on feedback from clients ? they only pick out the proposals which have a ?mainstream? potential. We have also discovered that their design approach is something they don't feel inclined to discuss amongst themselves. As it is often ?indescribable?, they go with their intuition and unspoken design conventions..

Och vinnaren är? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av Stora journalistprisets vinnare 1966-2014

Title: And the winner is?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: (34)In this study the winners of Sweden's most prestigious journalism award Stora journalistpriset are characterized in the search for the dominant award winner.To find the dominant award winner we used a quantitative method, where we gathered information about the previous winners between the years of 1966-2014. Gender, age at the time of the award, whether they won individually or in groups, their employer at the time of the award, subject of the winning material and where it was first published, were the variables. A total of 268 award winners were characterized from these variables and a statistic analysis were made.The statistic analysis showed that there has been a dominant group among the award winners.Between the years of 1966-2014 the typical award winner was a man between 31-40 years old, who worked individually for public service. The winning material was mainly published in the printed press.

Kundlönsamhet: en fallstudie av handelsföretaget Wiberger

The aim of this thesis is to examine the customer profitability in a wholesale company. A case study of Eugen Wiberger AB has been conducted. Firstly the authors have examined the current perception of the company regarding their customer profitability and the results of their calculation of the customer profitability. Secondly an Activity-Based Costing analysis has been performed and has been compared to the perception in the case company. The conclusions are that the smaller customers are the least profitable, and in some cases unprofitable, whereas the larger customers are profitable.

Företagsrekonstruktion : En rättslig analys av franchiseförhållandet vid en rekonstruktion

A company reconstruction is an alternative procedure, for companies in payment difficulty, to receivership. Those in any kind of relationship with the ailing company ends up in a dif- ficult situation at a company reconstruction, as in any case when someone is in financial difficulties. Not only is there a risk for the providers not to get paid, the costumers are also at risk if the reconstruction company does not fulfil their agreement. These kinds of rela- tionships are controlled by a contractual relationship. Therefore the regulation has to con- tain how to deal with these contracts when the ailing company no longer can fulfil its obli- gations of the contract.

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