

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 18 av 251

Metod för analys av elförbrukning i hushåll

Warehouses are a key aspect of modern supply chains and play a vital role in the success or failure of businesses today. Figures from the USA indicate that the capital- and operating costs of warehouses represent about 22 % of a company?s logistics costs while figures from Europe indicate 25 % (Baker & Canessa, 2009). Because warehousing is such an important function within a company, the authors chose to focus on this in their thesis. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the significance of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and item identification with attention to logistic efficiency.

Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag

Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.

Finns det ett samband mellan börsnoterade företags resultat och dess värdering?

Background: What is a share and what determines the value of a company? This is a constant issue that many in the financial world are facing. Many argue that there has been some decoupling between stock valuation and how the company in question is developing operationally after the financial crisis that the world faced during 2008-2009.Problem: It is important to distinguish between the company and the share. A company that is good and well maintained may not be worth buying only because of it. The share is judged by other elements also.

Outsourcingrelationen med fokus på management control och de faktorer som påverkar beslutet att insourca

There is limited research done in the area of management control in the relationship between companies. This study investigates management control in outsourcing relationships and the decision to change sourcing strategy and to insource functions. The empirical research was conducted at an international company, which in this study has been anonymized. The research is mainly based on interviews. To extend and verify the conclusions drawn, another company, AB Ph.

En avpolitiserad politik? : en studie av hur jämställdhet konstrueras i SKL:s Program för hållbar jämställdhet

Gender equality is a political issue that has gained a lot of support in the last decades. Researchers have however pointed out that gender equality has a wide variety of understandings.SKL (Sveriges kommuner och landsting) is an organization that looks after the interests of local authorities and county councils in Sweden. SKL has by the government been granted 145 million Swedish crowns to support gender mainstreaming at a local level. During a period of three years, 2008-2010, funding has been given to 89 projects for this purpose.The aim of this study is to examine what meanings are given to the term ?gender equality? in these projects.

Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen "Mora of Sweden".

Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen ?Mora of Sweden? looks at how management and employees at the Swedish manufacturing company ?Mora of Sweden? perceive an ideal attractive company and what factors that determine one, as well as how these two groups perceive the situation at their own company. The main purpose of the essay is to compare the management?s point of view with that of the rest of the employee respondents? perspective. While doing so the author concludes that there are several factors such as how the employees feel about their physical working environment as well as their salary, of which the management lacks understanding or perceive differently and that there needs to be more of an open dialogue between the management and the employees..

En färdig trädgård : enkätundersökning om gruppbebyggda småhusträdgårdar

The main purpose with this master's thesis was to develop a survey with the intention to examine what expectations the JM AB:s customer had on a future garden and also to discuss if the lawn has a symbolic meaning in gardens. The lion's share of the thesis is based on a survey, aimed at people in the company's customer database. The intention was to examine what expectations they had on their future garden and if their expectations were met when they later bought a house from the company. The work also consists of interviews and visits to areas with newly built homes. I interpreted the result from my surveys as the lawn on its own being is a strong symbol for a garden and also signals a social status of the owner. To the company the pre made lawn on a role is a way of saving time and easily achieve what the customer request. The company wants to create a concept of a "preset-garden" that meets the company's vision as well as the expectations of the customer.

Yoigo säljer inte motorcyklar. Det är sanningen. : En beskrivning av de kritiska variablerna vid byggandet av en varumärkesidentitet.

This essay in how to create a brand identity is a result of a case study of the Spanish mobilephone company Xfera and their new brand ?Yoigo?. Our object was to identify the critical variables in the process of building a brand identity. To achieve this we collected data about the company through several interviews with respondents with good insight in the company. The critical variables that we obtained by analyzing the interviews are presented in an empirical driven model.

Dragleksak för Playsam

The report is a project in cooperation with the Swedish toy company Playsam. The assignment was to design a new toy to their range of products, a pull along toy in shape of a snail with a mechanical function. The research phase contains studies and analysis of the company, its identity, product range and its customers. The research phase includes all the information needed to complete the project. A number of concepts were presented for evaluation by the company.

Motivation and Work -Investigation and Analysis of Motivation Factors at Work

Background: Employees acting towards company goals and having a strong desire to remain in the organisation are very important for the success of a company. In order to generate such organisational commitment of the employees, the knowledge about what motivates and satisfies them is essential. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyse the factors which motivate employees, under consideration of individual characteristics. Limitation: Age, gender, marital status, work area, position and the years a person has been working in the company represent the individual characteristics examined in this study. Realisation: Literature research as well as a practical survey consisting of mail questionnaires and personal interviews were carried out in order to best serve the purpose of this thesis.

Attityder hos råvaruleverantörer till ett sågverksföretag : en fallundersökning av leverantörer till J.G. Anderssons Söner AB i Kronobergs län

It has been even more important in the forest sector in recent years to look at the whole chain from suppliers to end users, to improve operations and improve performance and the profits of the company. The research and development have been concentrated on the buyer?s market and product development, probably because this research has capability to give an increased cash flow. But to obtain stability and continuity in the production and selling units, the suppliers should also be investigated. The aim of this thesis is to study a one company's existing suppliers of roundwood and investigate the differences and attitudes they have about the company offerings.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader: En kvalitetskostnadsuppföljning för produktion och eftermarknad. : En fallstudie vid Huddig AB

All companies wants? to be as profitable as possible. The company in question is one of the leaders in it´s field in Sweden. In order to increase profits as much as possible it is important to identify and eliminate eventual quality defect cost as far as possible.This study was performed in Huddig AB, and the purpose of this study is to try to develop a routine for monitoring the quality defect costs, and to improve communication and create feedback between production and aftermarket.In addition to an extensive literature review on quality defect costs most of the work have been conducted at the company. Own observations and interviews have been done with the staff to get a picture of the current situation and to try to come up with improvement proposals.During the study it was proved that much of the quality defect costs in essence, derived from the production, which is seen as positive because it is the easiest part of the company to improve.

Att leda och koordinera projektgrupper på distans

In recent decades, project based work form has taken a dominant role of work for many companies. Developments in the field have progressed rapidly and research has contributed to more efficient working practices. This study describes the elements that a project manager should keep in mind when he leads a project without actually being physically present, complex factors occurred and the basic approach to encounter them. The aim of this report is to examine factors that arise in the context of coordination at a distance and how companies, in their daily work, surpass these obstacles. The study does not include cultural differences, time zone differences and language differences, all very common in project management at distance.

Intranät : En teoriprövande studie tillämpad hos Sydved AB

During twelve weeks of practice experience at the company Sydved AB, I received the mission to develop a structure for the company?s internal communication. A part of this mission was to find out what the company?s employees thought of Sydveds internal communication and the most important; Sydveds intranet called ?Outlook?. Due to Sydveds plans of developing the intranet I designed and accomplished an inquiry-study to find out about the employee?s opinions on the company´s internal communication and in particular their intranet.The answers I want from this study are if I shaped the inquiry-study correctly the first time.

Event Marketing som Marknadsinstrument : En fallstudie om Skanska

As the title insinuate, this essay illustrate Event Marketing as a marketing instrument, and how it can be used as a tool to facilitate brandbuilding and improve relationships. We have come to the understanding that Event Marketing is in the course of constant development. It seems like Event Marketing as a marketing tool is starting to get its well-merited position in the marketing mix throughout the world, since companies and other organisations have realized that Event Marketing is a powerful tool for differentiation. We have also seen that Event Marketing in the business world lately has come to be more important for building and maintaining relationships, as well as carrying marketing messages.In this essay we discuss Event Marketing in three sections; brand, relationships, and customer experience. Among these topics, inter alia Integrated Marketing Communications, Sensory Marketing, and Service-dominant Logic are presented.

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