280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 9 av 19
En pilotstudie för validering av den svenska versionen av CMPS-SF ? gradering av akut postoperativ smärta hos hund vid ortopedisk kirurgi och mjukdelskirurgi
One of many difficult issues in veterinary medicine is the assessment of an animal's experience of pain. As a licensed veterinary nurse in Sweden you are obligated by law to work by the concept of evidence based medicine. To achieve this the author of this study sees the need for standardized methods of pain assessment. A Swedish version of Short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) has recently been translated and developed. Furthermore, a psychometric validation needs to be performed to ensure its validity and reliability.
Rabies, dogs and education : A cross-sectional study on the knowledge, attitude and practice in school children in Tamil Nadu
Although known and feared for thousands of years, rabies remains a real and present threat to thousands of people, especially in low- and middle income countries. In India, rabies is an endemic disease, causing human deaths every year. The primary mode of transmission is through the bite of an infected dog. Fighting the disease in the dog population through vaccinations remains the most efficient way to eradicate the disease. The knowledge of rabies
in India is unsatisfactory, as a lot of people lack awareness about the severity of the disease and the importance of washing the bitten area and seeking medical attention for post exposure prophylaxis when bitten by a dog.
Vårdhundens betydelse för personer med demens
At two nursing homes for people with dementia a qualitative study was performed. The purpose was to investigate the therapy dog?s meaning to people with dementia from their perspective. Two women and five men with dementia were interviewed, everyone being somewhere between 60 and 87 years of age. All but one had previously owned a dog at some point in their lives.
Rehabilitering med eller utan simning av korsbandsopererade hundar
This study examines what effect swimming has on the rehabilitation, compared with only
resting after a cranial cruciate ligament surgery. It consists of a literature study, an inquiry
study and a visit to a rehabilitation centre.
The inquiry study shows that ten weeks after a cranial cruciate ligament repair, the
lameness has disappeared in a greater number of Dogs among those that undergo
swimming as physiotherapy compared with those that do not swim. Literature shows that
swimming has a positive effect on the result after surgery. The thigh circumference
increases faster, the limb function improves more and the range of motion gets larger.
Dogs should therefore be recommended swimming as rehabilitation after surgery for a
rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament..
Mikroorganismer och antibiotikaresistens vid otitis externa hos hund. :
Canine otitis externa is a common reason for a visit to the vet. Predisposing
factors often complicate treatment and may result in a chronic disease
progression. All otic preparation for topical use in Fass Vet contain antibiotics,
corticosteroids and a fungicide. Sixty cerumen samples from Dogs with external
otitis, sent to the Department of Bacteriology at SVA, were categorised according
to their profile of isolated microorganisms. Staphylococcus intermedius alone or
together with Malassezia pachydermatis were the most common organisms found.
Fifteen percent of the samples contained M.
Skiljer sig hundvalpars lekbeteende åt mellan raser och kön? :
There are many theories why animals play but none have jet been proven. During observation on Canids, play seems to be important when they learn to control the intensity of the bite and to facilitate the social structure within a group. When Dogs play they perform behaviours that otherwise are used during hunting, reproduction and aggression that in another context would be for example hostile. The dog is one of the species that we humans have domesticated and they have been exposed to an intense and concentrated breeding so they can function in different areas, for example herding and hunting. This breeding has resulted in that the pure bred Dogs can be very different between the breeds.
Renal dysplasi hos engelsk cocker spaniel :
Renal dysplasi (RD) is a congenital chronic renal disease affecting young Dogs. It is a rather common disease that occurs in a large number of Dogs and in some breeds there is a familiar incidence or suspected hereditary background. Both the etiology and pathogenesis are still unknown, but a theory about the cause of RD is that the two components that form the kidney, the uretheric bud and the metanephrogenic blastema, don´t interact normally in the embryo. Kidneys affected by RD contain fetal (immature) structures that are inappropriate for the state of development/age of the dog and abnormal structures caused by an abnormal differentiation. Affected Dogs usually are under .
Utvärdering av möjligheten att införa en plattform för djurägarinitierad dödsfallsrapportering av hundar samt därpå baserad forskning och avelsurval
There are about 700 000 Dogs in Sweden. Roughly 70 % of the Dogs are purebred and registered in the database at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC). The database includes records of birth date, pedigree, offspring and results from e.g. veterinary examinations related to genetic health programs.Every year approximately 10% of the Dogs die; most are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dog mortality data is stored as digital medical records at animal clinics and in insurance databases.Dog owners tend to register their puppy in the SKC, but they rarely report that the dog has passed away.
Rovdjursproblematik i Sverige med fokus på varg och får. Vilka lösningar finns?
The Swedish wolf population is like continue to grow and this will eventually lead to an increase in the predation of livestock. In Sweden carnivore attacks happen most frequent on sheep farms and the majority of these attacks are performed by wolves. Because of this, the main focus in this study is on the sheep and wolf problematic.
It is not only the direct killing of livestock that affects the animals and their owners in a negative way. It has also been shown that livestock that lives close to carnivores sometimes change their behaviour in a way that will affect their ability to reproduce and to forage efficiently.
Kvantitativ RT-PCR-analys för detektion av pigmentrelaterade transkript i hårrötter från hund :
Malignant melanoma represents 4-7% of all canine neoplasms and they are the most common malignant tumors of the oral cavity and digits. These tumors are often aggressive and metastasize quickly. To date there is no effective treatment and survival times are short. Most Dogs are euthanized due to complications caused by metastases. Melanin pigment is a hallmark of melanomas and is usually present in large amounts in these tumors.
Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar
Physical rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in veterinary nursing. To build a physical rehabilitation center for Dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical rehabilitation center for Dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.
Flotation therapy for downer cows : a retrospective study of cases treated with flotation therapy at the Large animal clinic at the Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire at Université de Montréal
There are about 700 000 Dogs in Sweden. Roughly 70 % of the Dogs are purebred and registered in the database at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC). The database includes records of birth date, pedigree, offspring and results from e.g. veterinary examinations related to genetic health programs.Every year approximately 10% of the Dogs die; most are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dog mortality data is stored as digital medical records at animal clinics and in insurance databases.Dog owners tend to register their puppy in the SKC, but they rarely report that the dog has passed away.
En grav är mer än bara en grav... En metodutveckling av tafonomi som redskap att förstå olika anläggningar med djur
This paper deals with a taphonomic study of contexts with osteological material of dog (C. familiaris L.) from the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Sweden and Zealand, Denmark. The general aim is to develop and test a method to try to understand the activity behind and define specific archaeological structures. My questions also regards to wether a taphonomic analysis of the material could be used to identify treatments as wrapping and contraction of the Dogs, but also dismembering and other preparations of the body. The study focuses on the relation between the space of decomposition, disarti-culation of the joints, evidence of wall effect, cutmarks, weathering and signs of postdepositional arrangements.The analysis is based on contexts from the materials Hornborgasjön, Vedbæk, Skateholm I and II, Sjöholmen, Ertebølle, Bökeberg, Bredasten, Löddesborg, Bergsvägen and Röekillorna, dating from early Maglemose culture to Neolithic Battle axe culture.The analysis shows that a closer study of taphonomic processes can be used to identify different structures as graves, offerings, religious and non religious contexts or parts of animals, probably put into the ground as waste.
Malassezia otit hos hund : utvärdering av lokal behandling med betametason, ekonazol respektive ättiks- och borsyrelösning
Malassezia otitis in Dogs is a common cause of visit to a veterinary service. In otitis externa due to Malassezia overgrowth the dog has a higher number of yeast organisms and/or a local inflammatory response to the micro organism. Common clinical signs include pruritus, erythema, swelling and increased exudate production. Clinical symptoms and results from cytology of ear swabs from the ear canal is the mainstay for diagnosis. Any underlying condition has to be identified and corrected to avoid relapse.
The treatment options for infective otitis externa are based upon topical administration of eardrops containing antibiotics, steroids and antifungals.
Profylaktisk hundtandvård i hemmet
Toothbrushing is the best available method in remaining or restore dental health in Dogs. This report treats different aspects about toothbrushing and other dental home care treatments in Dogs. Questions like why the dog?s teeth should be brushed, what effects toothbrushing have on dental health and how the teeth can be brushed are treated. Furthermore complements to toothbrushing are treated, the options and their effects.