280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 10 av 19
Jämförande studie av normal ERG-svar hos tre olika hundraser :
The purpose of this study was to compare normal electroretinographies (ERGs) from three different canine breeds in order to evaluate if there were any marked similarities or differences between these breeds as to ERG responses. It is known that healthy Dogs from different breeds but also Dogs within the same breed but in different age categories may have different appearances of their ERG responses. This may be a problem when evaluating if an ERG is normal or not from a dog within a breed not previously examined. Because of this it is important to obtain normal values for each breed and age group in order to be able to use these for later comparisons of ERGs obtained from individuals affected with various retinal diseases.
In this study we have chosen to examine Dogs within the three breeds: Labrador Retriever (LR), English Springer Spaniel (ESS) and Chinese Crested Dog (CCD). All of these breeds may be affected with hereditary retinal diseases such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA).
It is possible that ERG-responses vary due to a number of different factors.
Övervikt hos hund : andel överviktiga, riskfaktorer, konsekvenser samt hur övervikt kan förebyggas och förekomsten minskas
Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder, and is defined as an accumulation of excessive amounts of adipose tissue in the body. Obesity is a condition where an animal exceeds its optimum body weight by more than 10-25%.
Risk factors associated with obesity may include breed, age, castration or high energy intake relative to energy consumption. The consequences of obesity are believed to be metabolic and hormonal changes, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, orthopedic problems, tumors and premature death. Prevention and early detection of obesity leads to better health care.
Analys av prostaglandin F2? -metabolit i blodet : indikativt för pyometra hos tik?
Pyometra (chronic purulent uterine inflammation) is a common disease in middle-aged and older intact bitches. The disease most frequently occurs in metoestrus and previous research studies have shown that both hormones and bacteria are involved in the development of the disease.
Analysis of the blood levels of prostaglandin metabolite 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2? (PG-metabolite) has previously been shown to be clinically useful in the differentiation of canine uterine diseases such as pyometra and mucometra. The PG-metabolite concentration has also been correlated to severity in pyometra as determined by hospitalisation length. The purpose of the present study was to investigate if blood levels of PG-metabolite can differentiate uterine diseases such as pyometra from other diseases in female Dogs.
Idiopatisk epilepsi hos hund
Epilepsy describes a neurologically caused condition which involves seizures. Epilepsy can be classified according to different types of causes and the nature of seizures can vary. Medication for epilepsy in Dogs is limited in comparison with human medicine.
Idiopathic epilepsy is the most common neurological disease and one of the most common genetic diseases in Dogs. Because epilepsy has a higher prevalence in certain breeds, there is reason to suspect that it is a hereditary disease.
The inheritance of idiopathic epilepsy is for most breeds not determined, except for a few variants of the disease.
Hunden-människans bästa arbetskamrat? : En kvalitativ studie om hundens inverkan på arbetsmiljön
The study examines the meaning of having a dog in the workplace of personnel who work with therapy. The purpose was to examine the personnel?s view of Dogs in their work envi-ronment. The study uses two theories. One is ?psychosocial work environment? and the other theory used is ?symbolic interactionism?.
Hundfoder mot hjärnans åldrande ? kan det fungera?
Due to better nutrition, veterinary and overall care, pet Dogs? lifespan has increased. With more old Dogs we see more health problems associated with age, among those cognitive decline, leading to deficits in learning and memory, disorientation, anxiety and other altered behaviors. Cognitive decline can have severe negative impacts on the life of both dog and owner, when the dog for example forgets being housetrained or starts being awake at night.
Two pet food manufacturers have developed food with specific ingredients in order to improve cognitive functions or delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Hill?s Pet Nutrition has developed a dog food with supplements of a broad spectrum of antioxidants and mitochondrial nutrients, aiming to diminish oxidative damage in the brain, thereby maintaining brain function and improving learning ability.
Genetisk och etologisk analys av vallningsbeteende hos border collie :
The ability of a dog to perform some kind of practical work, for example hunting or herding, depends among other things on its behavioural characteristics. In animal breeding it is not always easy though to select for behavioural traits. It may, for example, be difficult to identify traits that are not only heritable but also of importance for the Dogs' ability to perform the practical work of interest. Moreover, it is often difficult to accomplish accurate measurements of behavioural traits. When selecting Dogs for breeding, it is usually preferable to evaluate them using an objective and standardized bahavioural test, rather than results from field trials.
Klosjukdomar hos hund : en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie i den Svenska Riesenschnauzerpopulationen
Various problems with nail disorders have been noticed in the Swedish population of Giant Schnauzer, but the frequencies of these problems are unknown. This could be due to the fact that bad nail quality has several differential diagnoses and lack of diagnostic criteria and diagnostic codes for nail disorders. The main purpose of this study is to review different types of claw defects and diseases of the nail bed in Dogs, and to classify and evaluate the proportions in the Swedish Giant Schnauzer population.
The nail is a specialized part of the skin. The quick will strengthen and protect the third phalang against the surrounding.
Hereditär nefrit hos bullterrier i Sverige :
Bull terrier hereditary nephritis is caused by a mutation that leads to an inadequate synthesis of collagen type IV, which is an important component in the basement membranes. The inheritance of the mutation is autosomal dominant in bull terriers and progression to renal failure takes variable time, from several months to ten years.
Proteinuria is the first clinical sign of the disease and the diagnosis is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy of renal tissue where typical ultrastructural changes in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), thickening and multilaminar splitting are found.
This study was performed in order to find out the occurrence of hereditary nephritis in bull terriers in Sweden through examination of urine samples and renal tissue and comparisons with how the disease is described in the literature. Urine samples from 76 Swedish bull terriers were collected and examined for proteinuria.
Musiken ler, bilden skriker : En analys av ?anempathetic music? i film
Denna kandidatuppsats avhandlar tre stycken analyser av tre stycken filmscener frånfilmerna A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs och Watchmen, tre stycken exempel påscener där så kallad anempathetic music används. Denna form av musik kan beskrivassom att den distanserar sig från vad som händer i den rörliga bilden genom att förmedladen motsatta känslan, till exempel om musiken är glad och lättsam medan en våldtäktsker i bild. Denna uppsats analyserar i dessa tre analysexempel vad sådan filmmusikkan bidra med för berättarfunktioner och meningspotential i filmexemplens narrativ.Resultaten från analysen visade på att musiken i de tre valda analysexemplen bidrar tillökad reflektion hos publiken och hur detta möjliggör för att anempathetic music kan sessom empathetic mot publiken och deras tolkning av filmscenernas narrativ..
Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract of dog and wolf : isolation, identification and characterization of L. reuteri
Since the first wolf was taken as a companion animal a lot have happened with the biology of these animals. Is it possible that changes in the gut microbiota of the domestic dog are involved in the increasing numbers of animals with gastrointestinal disorders? Probiotics have been proven to promote the immune system of Dogs by increasing concentrations of neutrophils and monocytes, decreasing the fragility of erythrocytes and increasing the serum IgG concentrations. Probiotics have also been shown to improve the fecal consistency, fecal dry matter and defecation frequency of Dogs. The aim of this study was to find out if the bacterial counts in the gut of Dogs differed from the gut of wolves, with the focus on lactobacilli.
Jämförelse av olika smärtskalor vid klinisk bedömning av postoperativ smärta hos hund
SammanfattningI arbetet beskrivs olika beteenden och fysiologiska förändringar som kan indikera smärta hos hund. Det finns också en kort beskrivning av tre smärtbedömningskalor: Visuell analog skala (VAS) Glasgow Composite Pain Scale Short Form (GCPS) och University of Melbourne Pain Scale (MPS). Dessa skalor har utvecklats som verktyg för att gradera smärta. VAS har tagits fram för humanvården och de andra är utvecklade för bedömning av postoperativ smärta hos hund. Arbetet innehåller också en mindre studie, där skalorna jämförs mot varandra.
Diabetes hos hund : en uppföljning av behandlade hundar ur ett djurägarperspektiv
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders among
Dogs. The disorder has a complex background, and successful treatment requires a
well-functioning co-operation between pet owners and the veterinarian. The
purpose of this study is to investigate the owners? perspective of diabetic
treatments offered, and to estimate expected length of survival post-insulin
therapy. The research findings are based on a survey mailed to 77 pet owners,
whose Dogs were diagnosed with diabetes between 1999 and 2003 at the small
animal clinic of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
The median survival for the Dogs that underwent insulin treatment was 31 months,
Kraftig anemi hos tax :
The Clinical Pathology Laboratory at SLU in Uppsala has analysed several blood samples from Dachshunds with severe anemia. As there are no previous studies on this topic, a study was performed to evaluate if Dachshunds are more prone to severe anemia compared with other breeds. In addition, a retrospective case study on Dachshunds with severe anemia was done to search for common risk factors or diseases. Hemoglobin values in samples from 1272 Dachshunds and 2269 German Shepherds analyzed from September 1994 to October 2007 were used to compare the frequency of severe anemia in Dachshund and German shepherd. The samples were identified by laboratory information system.
Tracheas dimension hos Engelsk Bulldog : en retrospektiv radiologisk pilotstudie på svenska hundar
There is desire to evaluate the tracheal diameter in the Swedish population of English Bulldog, a breed with breathing disorders, and if possible use it as a criteria for breeding in the hope of improving the life situation for these Dogs. The Swedish Kennel Club has together with the Swedish Club for English Bulldog and veterinarians presented a five year radiological study that has the purpose to give an average look on how the tracheal situation is in the population. The trachea will be evaluated through two different methods, both measuring two distances in the thorax. The first one compares the tracheal diameter to the height of the cranial opening of the thorax, and the second one to the width of the third rib. With the measured distances one will calculate a quotient and compares it to the reference values.This study is designed to get a preliminary evaluation, based on the 65 Dogs that were available on the time for the study, with measurements done by two persons on three different occasions each.