280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 6 av 19
Värmeslag hos hund : Förebyggande åtgärder, djurägarråd och omvårdnad
The objective of the essay was to identify the nursing care required by a dog suffering from heat stroke and how to educate and advice the owners how to start treating their dog and prevent the condition from occurring in the first place.
The essay is based on a literature study. Several databases were searched for scientific research to try find answers to the issues. Keywords concerning the subject were used and mixed in different combinations to sort out the suitable studies.
The results of the study indicate that the dog should be cooled by the owner directly after detection. The most crucial issue is to reduce the body temperature as quickly as possible or the morbidity will worsen.
Slithållfastheten för dentin och cement i förhållande till emalj in vivo hos häst
The female dog has a unique reproductive endocrinology, with high levels of progesterone throughout the 70-day long luteal phase. In this project, markers of glucose metabolism were studied and compared from the aspects of breed group and time in oestral cycle. The parameters studied were: glucose, insulin, progesterone, fructosamine and the newly introduced analysis of HbA1c. Hba1c was also further evaluated and discussed as a diagnostic tool in canine medicine.No differences in terms of glucose markers were found between a group of purebreed Dogs of various breeds compared to a group of Dogs with high risk of dioestrus diabetes, namely the Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds.No differences were found between the two sample occasions, anoestrus and dioestrus, concluding that there is no need for relating test results to the time of the oestrous cycle in middle-aged intact female Dogs.There were statistically significant higher values of all glucose markers in diabetic Dogs than in non-diabetic Dogs. When it came to HbA1c, however, there was a larger overlap between the two groups, compared to fructosamine.
Kronisk mitralisinsufficiens hos hund : samband mellan graden av klaffinsufficiens och det arteriella blodtrycket
Myxomatous mitral valve disease is a common disease in older Dogs of small- to medium-size breeds. The mitral valve, and less commonly the tricuspid valve may be affected which causes them to leak blood from the ventricle to the atrium of the heart during systole. With increasing severity of mitral valve leakage the forward stroke volume ejected into the aorta decreases, which may lead to an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary vein resulting in pulmonary edema. A decrease in cardiac output may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, but the body may respond in order to normalize the blood pressure. Franzén showed in 2007 that the systolic blood pressure was increased in Dogs with severe mitral insufficiency.
Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem
Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding Dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.
Diabetes hos hund : utfodring, motion och vikt som möjliga predisponerande faktorer
This is a study of some risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Dogs. As a pilot study it is meant to give information to be used in a planned later, larger and better controlled study. The present study hypothesized that suboptimal feeding (high percentage of homemade and table foods), lack of activity and overweight contribute to the risk of DM. Twenty consecutive Dogs diagnosed with DM at the Veterinary University Clinic in Uppsala between 2000 ? 2003 were chosen as the experimental group.
Metadon till hund : klinisk farmakologi
Methadone is frequently used as an analgesic drug for Dogs although there are very few studies describing the pharmacokinetics of methadone in this species. In man methadone has a long half-life and there are considerable differences in pharmacokinetics between individuals. The dose interval is lengthened when the drug is used fore longer periods of time due to prolonged half-life. Therefore the drug dose must be adjusted individually. The purpose of this study was to study the fundamental pharmacokinetics of methadone in Dogs, and to find an optimal drug dosage.
Hur det brachycephaliska utseendet påverkar hundarnas hälsa :
The aim with this paper was to find out how the brachycephalic look affects the health of Dogs that have these features. Due to limitations in size, it was decided to concentrate on five common brachycephalic breeds in Sweden. Research methods included literature studies, questionnaires, a written interview and online sources. From the results it can be concluded that the way these Dogs are built has a large influence on their health, particularly when it comes to respiration and giving birth.
Extrem hundavel : ett välfärdsproblem för dagens rashundar
For centuries inbreeding has been used to refine traits in Dogs, making desired traits more hereditary and thereby, different breeds have been invented. Breed standards have been written for each of these breeds, describing in detail the different characteristics of each breed. When humans start to choose which animal to breed from, so called artificial selection, taste is put before function and the laws of nature, the natural selection, cease to apply. During this development, pedigree Dogs have gone towards more and more extreme exterior characteristics and the Dogs may have inherited various, more or less, severe problems for example compromised vision, impaired ability to move and difficulties to breathe. However they can still survive and reproduce because humans provide them with the conditions to do so.
Primär ciliär dyskinesi som orsak till kronisk lungsjukdom hos hund : en litteraturstudie och fallpresentation
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an important but unusual cause of chronic respiratory disease of young Dogs. The purpuse of this paper is to study and present internationally publicated papers on PCD in Dogs and present three Dogs, in which PCD was suspected.
PCD has been reported in many dog breeds as well as in people. In Dogs an humans, PCD is caused by inborn genetical defects which causes structural and functional abnormalities of cilia in the respiratory organs and other cilia in the body. Situs inversus occurs in about half the cases in people and probably in Dogs as well. Respiratory signs usually predominate.
Dog bite incidence and associated risk factors : a cross-sectional study on school children in Tamil Nadu
Dog bites pose a threat to public health globally and can lead to infection, disfigurement, incapacity, post-traumatic stress syndrome and even death. In geographical areas where rabies is endemic, bites from infected Dogs account for over 90% of the human rabies cases.
Children have been proven to be at a greater risk of being bitten by Dogs and subsequently contracting rabies than adults. In this cross-sectional study, a school survey was undertaken in association with a rabies awareness campaign in India, to investigate the dog bite incidence and various risk factors associated with dog bites as well as assessing the knowledge of safe interaction with Dogs among children in the age group 10-18 years. A total of 1295
questionnaires were collected. 43.2 % (n=556) out of the respondents were boys and 56.8 % (n=731) were girls with a mean age of 14 years.
Hypotermi vid anestesi av hund
The reasons for hypothermia during general anaesthesia are many and varied. The lowered body temperature causes negative physiological effects and leads to discomfort for the animal during the recovery period. This student report is a combination of field study and literature review. In the field study the changes in ambient temperature and the rectal temperature of Dogs were monitored during general anaesthesia. The purpose of the study was to see if the body temperature of Dogs was reduced during general anaesthesia.
Uppvisande av agitativt beteende hos hund under buprenorfinpåverkan
The intention of this study is to investigate possible excitation on Dogs due to buprenorphine treatment. The reason for it to be about buprenorphine and not any other opioid is due to its relevance being one of the most popular opioids in animal care, as well as the authors own experience with what seems to be buprenorphine induced excitation in her own dog. The study consists of a literature review and an internet based survey containing thirty questions sent out to twelve animal clinics and animal hospitals. Significant agitative effects on behavior has been found in studies on horses, sheep, goats, rats and mice, but no one shows the effects of buprenorphine on Dogs. The literature on opiod effects on dog behavior seems sparse.
Träning av motorisk/postural kontroll
Humans and Dogs are both mammals. One of the differences between the two species is that man walk on two legs and Dogs on four legs. There are also differences in the nerve system between the two species. The human nerve system is supposed to provide opportunity for fine motor tasks- while the nerve system of the dog is more focused on the ability to perform locomotor tasks. Humans need to increase their motor control and postural control when affected by various conditions and diseases.
Farmakogenomikens betydelse för individvariationen avseende biverkningar och resultat vid Paclitaxel behandling av hund
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the treatment results and adverse drug effects for 14 Dogs receiving a new paclitaxel preparat named Paccal vet. The evaluated Dogs are chosen to enter a pharmacogenomical study. Therefore, this paper intends to give an introduction to pharmacogenomics. Finally this study also aims at finding the homologue genesequenses in Dogs to seven genes that are important for metabolism of paclitaxel in humans.
Materials and metods
The Dogs went through 2-4 cycles of paclitaxel treatment, they received a new water-soluble formula named Paccal vet, at dosages of 100-150mg/m2. Treatment results and adverse effects are listed for each dog in table 1.
Dräktighetsdiabetes hos hund :
This article presents a retrospective case study combined with a review of the current literature concerning canine gestational diabetes. A total of 14 cases have been collected from six different clinics in Sweden. There are few previously published reports on canine gestational diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is a disease that rarely occurs in pregnant bitches. The condition is due to the rise of progesterone that occurs during the estrus cycle.