280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 1 av 19
Hur tränas hundar inom svenska brukshundklubbar? :
This is a descriptive paper based on a questionnaire- and literature study regarding how Dogs are trained, what type and frequency of injuries that occur as well as how the Dogs are best prepared for work. Using the results from the questionnaire, an overview is given on how members of Working dog clubs train their Dogs and what kind of injuries that occur most frequently. The average age among the Dogs included in the study was only about three years. This could indicate that older Dogs are not trained in the same extent as young Dogs. The results show that only a third of the dog owners warmed up their Dogs before training.
Utredning och uppföljning av adoptionshundars situation
There are some hazards associated with mediating Dogs for adoption to Sweden from foreigncountries. Contagion is considered to be one of them, but this report focuses solely on what adoptionsmay signify to the Dogs concerning animal welfare. The aim of this study is to investigate how thebusiness in Sweden is run and what this can imply to the adopted Dogs. Websites of the organizationswhich perform mediation of Dogs, has been examined to show which information is available. A webquestionnaire was sent to these organizations to learn more about their standard procedure.
Omplacering av hundar : ras, kön, boende och orsak
Many Dogs in Sweden are put up for adoption at the Swedish buy- and sales site?Blocket?. This because in Sweden, rescue shelters mostly takes in Dogs that have been confiscated by the police. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of Dogs that are put up for adoption and why owners put their dog up for adoption and also compare the results with those from other countries. 800 dog advertisements from ?Blocket? were collected in the study between January 31st and April 10th 2012.
Stress hos hund ? stressreducerande åtgärder på vårdavdelningen
Stress is common in today?s society, but the word stress has numerous connotations. The aim of this study was to investigate how Dogs are effected by stress and what the veterinary nurse can do to help Dogs to avoid or at least mitigate stress within the veterinary hospital. The goal was also to see how Dogs perceive the environment in the veterinary hospital and what behaviours Dogs demonstrate when they enter the hospital and during their stay.
Studies have shown that Dogs have a reluctant feeling on entering a veterinary hospital. They can feel stressed by coming to a new environment, as well as by being put in a cage with no control over what is going to happen to them.
Hur påverkas utbildade vårdhundar (Canis lupus familiaris) av sitt arbete inom humanvården?
Today therapy Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) service people more than ever and different categories of work places use therapy Dogs to help their caretakers. Many studies have been made on the positive effects in patients when they are given contact with a dog, but very little have been done on how the dog experience its situation and what kind of behaviour a therapy dog shows during its working days.
This work was made to investigate the behaviours that educated therapy Dogs in Sweden showed when they were in contact with a caretaker and to find out if the Dogs showed any signs of stress or some other kind of discomfort. To do this a survey was sent out to 17 educated therapy dog handlers in Sweden that together had 18 educated therapy Dogs. The survey contained 39 questions about the daily work of the therapy Dogs when they were together with caretakers and some questions about the therapy Dogs spare time. A question about what kind of dog breed the therapy dog handlers had were also in the survey to investigate if some breeds were more usual as therapy Dogs.
Sjukdomstillstånd associerade med monocytos hos svenska hundar : en retrospektiv journalstudie
Diseases associated with monocytosis in Swedish Dogs - a retrospective study.
The purpuse of this retrospective study is to determine which diseases are associated with pronounced monocytosis in Swedish Dogs. Records of 153 Dogs with monocytosis were evaluated. The most common cause was infectious diseases (49%) of which pyometra was seen in 23% of the cases, cystitis and fever of unknown origin each in 13% and gastroenteritis in 12%. Cortison treatment was the second most common cause with 29%. A sixth of the Dogs had non inflammatory diseases such as neoplasia, renal- and heartfailure.
Akut prostatit hos hund : en retrospektiv studie av ultraljudsbilden på 15 hundar med kliniska tecken på akut prostatit
Acute bacterial prostatitis is a common disease in older male Dogs. It gives symptoms such as fever, pain, tiredness, infertility, unwillingness to mate and sometimes symptoms from the urinary tract. It is common that you do an ultrasound exam on Dogs when you suspect prostatic changes.
In this study 15 Dogs diagnosed with acute prostatitis at the small animal clinic at SLU in Uppsala were examined. The clinical signs and the ultrasound pictures were put together in retrospect.
Förekomst av kutana födoämnesreaktioner hos hund med atopisk dermatit :
There is no clear connection between cutaneous adverse reactions and atopic dermatitis in Dogs, however, reports show a prevalence of cutaneous adverse reactions in 2-30% of atopic Dogs. The purpose of this study was to record how many atopic Dogs that also were diagnosed with cutaneous adverse reactions. Journals of atopic Dogs in two Swedish animal hospitals, diagnosed between 1995 and June 2003, were examined. In the two animal hospitals, 188 journals were selected to match the criteria of atopic dermatitis according to this study. Of these Dogs, 86 were put on a strict food elimination dietary trial.
Omplacering av hundar : situationen i Sverige
I the year of 2008 there were more than 60 000 purebred Dogs newly registered in theSwedish Kennel Club. In addition there are a lot of mixed breed Dogs and in the year of2006 it was estimated that there were over 700 000 Dogs in Sweden. In today?s society it isnot unusual that people change their life situation by moving, getting a new job or startinga family. Because of this there is a risk of rehoming for Dogs owned by these people.In Sweden Dogs are among others rehomed by advertising or by rehoming organisations.
Hund som komparativ modell för autoimmuna sjukdomar :
In this essay dog as a compatible model were put against human. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes were compared between Dogs, human, cat and mouse. To evaluate dog as a model and study similarities and differences was the aim with this review.
Dog as a model contributes to understand mechanisms behind autoimmune diseases and showed clearly histological similarities between human and Dogs concerning the skin disease mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP)/cicatricial pemphgioid (CP). Further genetic evidence motivated the choice of using dog as a comprehensive model when the MHC-complex correlated with hypothyroiditis in Doberman dog as it does in human. Physiological similarities with low levels of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) together with high level of thyroid releasing hormone (TSH) were found in the same way as in human.
Mortalitet hos Newfoundland : med fokus på dilaterad kardiomyopati
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the second most common heart disease in Dogs. Since the disease is seen more frequently in certain breeds, among them Newfoundland Dogs, a genetic factor is suspected. This study was partly undertaken to investigate whether there is a significant sex predilection regarding DCM. Moreover, the difference in mean age of death between male Dogs and females with DCM was investigated, as well as males and females dying from DCM compared to dying from other reasons (i.e. without DCM).
Effekt av utfodring och motion för utveckling av diabetes mellitus hos gråhund och jämthund. :
This study is a follow up of a pilot study made 2004, that evaluated feeding, exercise and weight as possible risk factors for developing any kind of diabetes in Dogs. We have selected our material for a certain kind of DM that exists among Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds. These breeds are among the most common breeds affected by diabetes and this kind of DM almost exclusively affects intact bitches.
We performed a case- control study where the owners were interviewed over the phone. The owners of a total of 48 case Dogs and 58 control Dogs were contacted. The questions for the cases focused on the time before the diagnosis and the questions for the control Dogs focused on the dog´s adult life.
Huggormsbett hos hund i Sverige : en klinisk studie och litteraturöversikt
Every year many Dogs in Sweden are bitten by the adder, a venomous snake (Vipera berus). Despite the fact that adder bites are so common in Dogs there have been few investigations made that study the effects of treatment with glucocorticoids, a drug that is commonly used. We have carried out a literature study concerning adder bites in Dogs and a prospective study where case history, clinical signs and treatment have been recorded in Dogs that were presented at two veterinary hospitals after a confirmed or suspected adder bite. Fifty three Dogs were included in the study out of which 22 were treated with glucocorticoids. In our study, the group of Dogs treated with glucocorticoids was compared with the group of Dogs that did not receive glucocorticoid treatment by the owner or on arrival at the clinic.
Hund lämnad ensam i bil :
This project was initiated by a desire to improve our knowledge about animal welfare. It is a part of a series of projects involving the way Dogs are kept in today?s society.
The aim of this project was to investigate the dog?s behaviour when left alone in a parked car.
Progesteronrelaterad diabetes mellitus hos älghund :
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a relatively common endocrine disease in Dogs and is more common in certain breeds than others, e.g. Nordic spitz breeds. Within the Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound population, female Dogs are almost exclusively affected. The hypothesis in this study is that Swedish- and Norwegian Elkhounds develop DM during the progesterone phase of estrous (diestrous or pregnancy).
Medical records from 51 female Dogs of the breeds Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound were studied.