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Fysisk självkänsla hos barn och ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom
Background: It is common that children and adolecsents with Aspergers syndrome have impaired motor skills and are less physically active than neurotypical children and adolecsents. Studies conducted on neurotypical children shows that children and adolecsents who are regular physical active also have a good motor control and a good physical self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical self-esteem of children and adolescents with Aspergers syndrome. Study Group: 36 children and adolescents aged 9-15 years with a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome was asked to participate in the survey. 18 children, 16 boys and 2 girls, responded to the questionnarie about physical self-esteem which 17 of the answers could be used in the study.
Individers betydelse för kunskapsöverföring i en organisation : En studie om hinder och möjligheter till lärande på Metso Paper Karlstad AB
Companies learn through their employees. In this paper I make research into how knowledge transfer and learning occur at Metso Paper Karlstad AB, which is a partly project based organization.The result is that there are many factors that affect the knowledge transfer in a company. Knowledge transfer occurs mainly between individuals within the company, but also between departments and other actors outside the company. In the gaps between these actors, there is a risk that knowledge is not transferred, which is an obstacle to learning. A great deal of the knowledge transfer and the learning is carried out through individual?s own drive and motivation.
Hotellverksamheter på Makarska rivieran : en undersökning av dess kvalitet, servicenivå och tillgänglighet
Background and problem: In Croatia, the hotel industry has undergone difficult and unstable conditions since the 90s. Since 2001, however the results in the sector has improved due to increased investment in the renovation of facilities and construction of new hotels.Purpose: The study aims to examine hotel operations on the Makarska Riviera on the basis of tourist business perspective, and examine its quality, service and accessibility.Method: In this study we used a qualitative approach. The survey was conducted through structured interviews and a non-participant observation.Result and conclusions: Satisfied and fulfilled employees, in turn that the hotels will have satisfied customers and may have profitable operations. Many hotels aim at constantly working to improve profitability and customer satisfaction. When measuring customer satisfaction, many hotel owners felt that the service is good and that they have received a good response from their guests.
Välmående och olika träningsformer : Skillnader i välmående mellan de som tränar kondition, styrka och båda dessa träninsformer
Befolkningens fysiska aktivitet har minskat och psykiskt nedsatt välbefinnande har blivit ett folkhälsoproblem. Därför är denna uppsats intresserad och undersöka skillnader i välmående för grupper med olika träningsvanor. Detta för att om det finns någon träningsform som är högre associerad med högt välmående så kunde den rekommenderas för dem som vill öka och befästa välmående. Grupperna som valdes var de som tränar styrka, kondition eller båda två. Undersökningen var också intresserad av att se om det var någon skillnad på dem som utövade idrott i förening eller inte samt de som tränade styrketräning eller kondition med andra eller inte.
En glimt av hur barnsynen speglas inom två olika länder : En jämförande studie mellan en förskola i Sverige och en förskola i USA
In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.
Ultraljudsundersökning av aorta för abdominella aortaaneurysm
Bakgrund: Röntgensjuksköterskor får ingen verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i att utföra ultraljudsundersökningar av aorta med avseenden på abdominella aortaaneurysm och utför därför inga sådana undersökningar. Röntgensjuksköterskor har viss teoretisk utbildning inom ultraljud. Ungefär 1 000 personer avlider årligen i följder av abdominella aortaaneurysm. Det finns beräkningar som visar att cirka 30 000 av alla män och 6 000 av alla kvinnor i Sverige över 65 år har ett oupptäckt aortaaneurysm.Syfte: Att belysa hur omfattande teknisk träning röntgensjuksköterskor behöver för att utföra ultraljudsundersökning av aorta med avseende på förekomst av abdominella aortaaneurysm och att belysa behovet av den kompetensen.Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt valdes för att få en bild av forskningsläget. Översikten bygger på 14 artiklar ur databaserna PubMed, Scopus och Cinahl.Resultat: Det framgick att bland andra läkarstuderande och läkare utan tidigare erfarenhet av ultraljud i olika länder på kort tid har kunnat utbildas till ultraljudsoperatörer av aorta med avseende på förekomst av abdominella aortaaneurysm.
Sjuksköterskans syn på svårigheter i telefonrådgivning: En litteraturstudie. : Difficulties in telephone advice as perceived by registered nurses: A literature study.
Background.Telephone advice increases the accessibility to health care and the streamlined work at primary health care centres. The goal of telephone advice nursing is to give the caller a correct advice, adapted to the caller?s situation, in order to reach correct care level. However, registered nurse?s telephone advice includes risks for misjudgement.
Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan
Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children?s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students? teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make.
"Mentala barriärer" - hur kan de övervinnas? : En intervjustudie om hur musikpedagoger arbetar med mentala strategier
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån sociokulturellt perspektiv, utforska hur tre musikpedagoger beskriver att de använder sig av mentala träningsmetoder i sin undervisning. Vilka mentala träningsmetoder beskriver tre musikpedagoger att de använder sig av i sin undervisning? På vilka sätt beskrivs dessa metoder komma till användning?Studiens data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tre yrkesverksamma musikpedagoger som använder sig av mental träning på varierade sätt i sin pedagogiska verksamhet. I resultatet framkommer att ju mer utbildning i mental träning musikpedagogerna har, desto tydligare och mer uttalad strategi beskriver de. De beskrivna strategierna betraktas som generaliserbara lärandehjälpmedel som utgår från en grundidé.
Effekter av taktil beröringsmassage till patienter med smärta, oro och ångest.
BackgroundWhen women have breast pain this usually is not associated with myocardial infarction, which results in that they get less attention and wrong treatment. The nurse has an important role in informing and educating patients and families during hospitalization, which is usually short. Continuous training, written information and repetition for patient and family throughout the hospital stay are of considerable importance to clarify that the patient understands and to reduce the anxiety of being discharged.AimThe aim is to describe nurses' experiences of caring for older women with myocardial infarction.MethodsA qualitative method was used. The collection of data was done by six interviews with nurses in geriatric care and elderly care. Dataset has been processed based on a content analysis and divided into subcategories and main categories using meaningful units.ResultsNot having knowledge of older women with myocardial infarction was expressed as frustrating and nurses described how they were afraid to ask their colleagues.
This study consists of a comparison between a public and a private organization that works with people with mental unhealth. The first organization is an authority that conducts investigations to determine if their clients are qualified to receive some sort of help in their daily lives as a part of the Swedish welfare system. The private organization works with offering different kinds of daily activities for people with mental unhealth as a work-training program or to help them create a daily routine in their lives. Our purpose with this paper is to compare the work of the two different organizations based on their organizational framework to see what similarities and differences there are in their work and their chosen approach in meetings with their clients. Our chosen method is that of semi-structured qualitative interviews with three different employees in each organization.
"Allt jag gör lär jag mig ju av". En studie om kunskapskrav och kunnande i anslutning till audionomstudenters praktiska utbildning
The audiologists´ knowledge-domain is generally described as a unique combination of medical, technical, social and behavioural sciences. It gives prominence to the importance of an adequate education relating to the knowledge-demands the students´encounter during their trainee-period. However, an important question is if the educational content corresponds to the knowledge-demands during the training? Aim: This study aimed to identify the knowledge-demands of students during their trainee-period. Furthermore, to identify how the students´ actual knowledge was related to the encountered knowledge-demands.
Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie
The aim of this study was to describe how elderly?s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect older people's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote older people's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013.
Lågstadiet och skolbiblioteket : En undersökning bland skolledare och lärare på lågstadieskolor i Malmö.
The current curriculum requires a well functioning school library and an active use of it. In junior school grades 1-3 the children primarily learn basic skills. Knowledge about libraries and how to use them and different media is part of these skills. Therefore my intention was to investigate how school libraries in junior schools look, how they are used in the training and how they could be used in junior school education. I focus on the pedagogic role of the school library and the library as information center.I begin by going through what the school law and the curriculum say - or do not say - about the use of the school library.
Svensk flygstridsledning i en internationell kontext
Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till ökad förståelse för vilka utmaningar svensk flygstridsledning stårinför i utvecklandet av en internationellt fungerande flygstridsledning. Begreppet interoperabilitet har inledningsvisbeskrivits ur Försvarsmaktens perspektiv för att därefter ges en vidare tolkning genom MichaelCodners teorimodell. En enkätundersökning ställd till flygstridsledare visade att de viktigaste faktorer förinteroperabilitet på stridsteknisk nivå inte överensstämde med militärstrategiska nivåns tekniska fokus förinteroperabilitet.Flygstridsledarnas identifierade faktorer, stridsledningsteknik samt luftrumsprocedurer, utnyttjades vidare isyfte att klarlägga skillnaderna mellan svensk och brittisk flygstridsledning, samt hur dessa påverkar möjlighetenatt uppnå svensk interoperabel flygstridsledning. Analysen visar på avgörande skillnader mellansvensk och brittisk flygstridsledning. I huvudsak kan dessa skillnader hänföras till kulturella och beteendemässigafaktorer.Avgörande för att utveckla en interoperabel svensk stridsledning är tillgång till fullständig och aktuell dokumentationavseende taktik, metoder och procedurer, för både flygstridsledare och piloter.