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Digital kommunikation i förskolan : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur digitala medier kan anvä?ndas fö?r kommunikation mellan hem och fö?rskola
This study aims to research how digital media can be used for communication and information management between teachers at preschools and children?s homes. To get an understanding of this we have investigated which channels are being used and for what purposes. The interest has also been to explore preschool teachers and caregivers? attitudes towards digital communication in preschools.A qualitative case study of comparative nature has been conducted, where two preschools were selected because of their use and non-use of digital media for communication with caregivers.
Den svenska debatten om Natos bombningar av Jugoslavien 1999
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.
Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av Boussignac CPAP inom prehospital vård
Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.
Vägen till kvinnligt ledarskap
AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.
Konsten att bemästra ett scenframträdande : En kvalitativ studie av professionella klassiska sångares mentala hantering av scenframträdanden
Denna studie syftar till att utveckla kunskap om hur professionella klassiska sångare förbereder sig och hanterar scenframträdanden. Studiens frågeställningar har varit hur klassiska sångare uppfattar vikten av mental förberedelse inför scenframträdanden och vilka funktioner de uppfattar att mental träning och scenisk beredskap har inom sångutbildning på olika nivåer. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar använde jag mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra professionella klassiska sångare.Resultatet visar att informanterna lägger stor vikt på instuderingsprocessen i sin mentala förberedelse inför ett scenframträdande. Instuderingen ska påbörjas i god tid innan en konsert och genomföras metodiskt med fokus på teknik, text, musik och scenisk utformning. Studien visade också att informanterna hade tydliga rutiner under konsert-/föreställningsdagen.
"Vi både möts och inte möts" - En kvalitativ studie om politikers syn på samverkan med teamchefer inom äldreomsorgen "We both meet and don`t meet" - A gualitative study on politics vision on cooperation with supervisor in old-age care
While conducting our practical training we experienced how the structure and the complexity of the municipal administration could, from a white-collar workers perspective, become a limitation and burden for efficient work. Deriving from this experience we found an interest in how politicians reasoned with regards to their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care. Kouzes och Micos (1979) ?Theory of organizational behavior in human service? became our point of departure. Their framework was therefore the foundation for our research and work throughout this paper.
Our aim with this research was to examine how politicians viewed their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care.
Underlag för implementering av lean : För Atlas Copco Craelius AB
The Production Manager at Atlas Copco AB Craelius wants to adopt a lean approach to become more competitive. This thesis is an exploratory study of the subject and what it means for the business activity and its implementation process.The objective is to provide a basic understanding of lean to the company, and what this means for Atlas Copco AB Craelius. The report describes the industrial revolution in brief. This is because the company itself must understand where certain ways of looking at production management is derived from. Furthermore, it provides an understanding of Lean's origins.
Bättre koncentration och skoltrivsel genom avslappningaträning. En studie i skolår 2.
Gauffin, Kerstin & Willysson, Ann-Charlotte. (2006). Bättre koncentration och skoltrivsel genom avslappningsträning. En studie i skolår 2. (Improvement of Concentration and Classroom Atmosphere through Relaxation Training.
Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team
This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.
Professionellt gränsarbete en jämförande studie om socionomer och psykologer som legitimerade familjeterapeuter
The purpose of this comparative study is to investigate how certified family therapeuts, with base professions psychologist and social counsellor respectively, construct boundaries through language. The study aims to demonstrate and analyse how the two professions present each other, through similarities and differences. For the purpose of definition and elucidation, the study comprises five main themes (see Appendix). The first theme is concerned with motives for choosing a professional career in family therapy. The second theme investigates conceptions of the professional role, while the third theme looks at professional practise and the implications of family therapy work.
Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorg
This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-up company that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if the market for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence a research of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within the public sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older. This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demands on the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.
Fastighetsvärdering enligt IAS 40 vid ett förändrat ränteläge : en studie av fyra börsnoterade fastighetsbolag åren 2005-2007
I dagens samhälle ökar våldsbrotten bland ungdomar och våld, hot, mobbning och vandalism är vanligt förekommande. Vi har valt att titta på aggressioner hos ungdomar ur olika perspektiv, främst inlärningsteori och kognitiv teori. Samhället behöver ge ungdomar verktyg för att kunna agera annorlunda än med aggression i olika situationer, ett sätt är behandlingsmetoden ART. ART (Aggression Replacement Training) är en behandlingsmodell som syftar till att ge personer sociala alternativ till ilska och aggressioner. Genom ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer på två SIS-institutioner, där ungdomar med tung social problematik är placerade genom LVU och LSU, har vi försökt komma underfund med vad ungdomarna som genomgått behandlingen har för åsikter om den och om de själva tror sig kunna ha nytta av behandlingen även i framtiden.
Implementering av entreprenöriellt lärande
The implementation problem refers to the situation when political decisions are not implemented as intended by the decision makers. In this thesis I examine how one part of the new school reform GY11 has been implemented in Social Science in high school in Sweden. The part that interests me is entrepreneurial learning. Using implementation theory, and the actor properties understand, can and will, as described by Lennart Lundquist, I have interviewed five high school Social Science teachers in Malmö and Lund. The result was that they all understood the concept of entrepreneurial learning.
Upplevelser av svenska Försvarsmaktens mentala och praktiska förberedelser inför stressrelaterat insatsarbete
Militärförband utsätts för olika stressmoment i sitt arbete på insats och de behöver optimal förberedelse inför detta, annars kan det få katastrofala följder. Föreliggande studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen för den praktiska och mentala förberedelse Försvarsmaktens anställda får inför utlandstjänstgöring och hur den hjälper dem att hantera de olika stressmomenten, samt att bidra med förståelse för hur man kan utveckla denna förberedelse ytterligare. Studien baserades på djupintervjuer med åtta deltagare som tjänstgjort i Afghanistan och analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade på hur socialt stöd, kamratskap, erfarenhet, mental beredskap, praktisk träning och utbildning gynnar individer i sammanhang med psykologisk stress medan oro för anhöriga och maktlöshet missgynnar, även om det till stor del är individuellt. Detta diskuteras i termer av stress, anpassning, brister, konsekvenser och utvecklingsmöjligheter..
Stjälpa eller hjälpa? : En undersökning om yrkesverksamma lärares inställning till läxor
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.