1011 Uppsatser om Dog training - Sida 25 av 68
Prolog, Klimax och Katastrof - en återfallsförbrytares upplevelser och tankar om kriminalitet ur ett tidsperspektiv
The goal of this qualitative essay is to approach the knowledge of people who
commit crimes. From a development psychology point of view, questions relating
to childhood ang growth are some of the important subjects we choose to
discuss. Our purpose is also to reveal the linkage between criminal behavior
and different theories of the above mentioned perspective. To bridge the gap
between the general and the individual, our survey was based on profound
interviews with four inmates in prison. This offer an opportunity to capture
the individual´s inner thoughts, feelings and experience about the criminal
Scrum ? en fallstudie från lokala företags perspektiv
Through a case study, I wanted to find out what advantages and disadvantages local companies consider with scrum and what they think about its future. To find out what scrum is, I read the literature and scientific articles and then wrote surveys based on my thoughts. Further, I also wanted to find out if it?s possible to use scrum in a school environment and therefore I visited a high school class who used scrum in one of their projects. The result was good but could have been better as it requires more training of scrum to understand everything.
Fälttest av en ny metod att med objektiva mätmetoder karaktärisera egenskaperna hos ridunderlag- en pilotstudie. :
Research concerning footing and its contribution to injuries has been conducted primarily in racing Thoroughbreds. Studies in UK and Japan indicate that some specific factors could be responsible for an increase in performance-associated injuries. Researchers in Sweden have performed studies on Standardbred trotters. More research is needed to be done on equestrian sports since requirements on footing are not exactly the same in riding and trotting horses.
The lack of scientific evidence on the construction of equestrian surfaces has lead to anecdotal validation of designs.
The school as an arena for alcohol prevention : A study on how alcohol prevention / promotion can be carried out in upper level of compulsory school
The consumption of alcohol has stabilized in Sweden 2007, after several years of high increase. Despite the stabilization of the consumption the avaliability of alcohol has been raising, which constitute a big and in future years likely an increased risk in health among young people. The aim of the study was to describe how the staff on a secondary school works among pupils with alcohol prevention and promotion. Aquired knowledge are received from litterature, scentific articels and Internet to strength the relevance of the study. The school is an important arena in the work with alcoholprevention among pupils.
En kvantitativ studie om hur kultur på recept påverkar hälsan
Abstract: Elite soccer in combination with education is a unique and demanding task. The path towards a glory career in sports takes hard mental and physical training. The objectives in this study are 6 elite focused high school students studying high school education programs in combination with football profile. They are 3 of each gender. The purpose of the study was to find out more about their perspective of motivation and what makes them keep going towards a career in football in beside their education.The study is of empiric hermeneutic survey used qualitative method and interviewing to collect data.
Kognitiv träning vid depression
Depression är en vida utbredd sjukdom. Kognitiv träning skulle kunnavara en kostnadseffektiv och lättillgänglig intervention att bemötasjukdomen i ett tidigt skede. Tidigare forskning tyder på att kognitivträning har effekt på depression och kognitiva nedsättningar. Dennastudie ämnade undersöka om träning hemma skulle leda tillförbättringar av depression, och om dessa berodde på träningen i sig.Fyra deltagare med depressionssjukdomar genomförde träning medPaced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT). Studien hade en n=1-design med för- och eftermätningar, och kontroll genompseudointervention.
Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan
The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..
Uttalssvårigheter i svenska som andraspråk hos personer med thailändsks som primärspråk
The intention of this study is to compare difficulties of Swedish pronunciation of five second-language learners with Thai as mother tongue. Thereafter make a comparison with previous research in pronunciation difficulties in people with the same primary language to see if the deviations are similar. I used both recorded material/recordings which I analyzed as well as experiences from pronunciation training that I observed at SFI. The pronunciation difficulties were documented and entered in tables. The recordings consist of 25 Swedish words and a text performed by five informants. In my study, you can distinguish a pattern in my five informants pronunciation difficulties complying with Bannert informants who also have Thai as primary language.
What influence does Tai Chi have on the risk for falling among elder?
Background: 2007 there was 42 000 fall related accidents in Sweden and they are expected to increase the next few years. Fall among elders results in both increasing economically costs and suffering, but they can be prevented. For example has physical exercise shown an increasing effect on the risk for falls. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate what influence Tai Chi has on the risk for falling among elder. Method: A literature review was conducted where eleven scientific articles were analysed with inspiration of the content analysis.
Urvalskriteriernas prognostiska validitet för studieresultatet vid officersprogrammet
Undersökningen syftar till att jämföra två olika urvalssystem för officersprogrammet. För detta syfte ställs det gamla respektive det nya urvalssystemet mot kadetternas studieresultat. Urvalskriterierna till dessa urvalssystem korreleras mot studieresultatet i en korrelationsmatris. Därefter undersöks de uppmätta sambanden medelst semi-partiala korrelationsmått och konfidensintervall. Detta skapar belägg för att det föregående urvalssystemet var effektivare än den nya för att välja ut kadetter med förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen.
Kunskapssammanställning om behandlingsmetoder i ungdomsvården : En jämförande studie om tre metoder
The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the knowledge of three of the treatment methods used in youth welfare and this is accomplished through a knowledge review. This study contains an analysis of three different treatment methods described in eleven different peer reviewed articles. The articles are all internationally published between the years 2006 to 2012 and they are all effectiveness evaluations. The articles deal with treatment methods concerning Motivational interviewing (MI), Aggression Replacement Training (ART) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and these are three of the most common in youth welfare in Sweden. There is not much knowledge of Swedish conditions and that is why this study focuses on international research.
Hästens, Equus caballus, termiska komfort - hur kan djurskyddskontrollanter bedöma hästens välfärd?
This review paper summaries scientific research about horse thermoregulation and the consequences of using a blanket. Horse owners put blankets on their horses to protect them when they are clipped, to protect them from bugs, to keep them clean and so on. This can have consequences for the horse which their owners might be unaware of. I have tried to answer following questions by searching the available scientific literature;
? How can the horse maintain thermoregulation?
? Is there a risk of suffering when horses wear a blanket?
? Is there a risk of suffering when horses do not wear a blanket?
? How can animal inspectors estimate the welfare of horses when they wear or do not wear a blanket?
My result shows that horses who wear a blanket have an increased risk of becoming overheated, develop a chafing, have an increased exposure hazard and have a restrained natural behaviour.
Arbete med läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolans tidigare skolår : Två pedagoger berättar om sina arbetssätt
The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.
International APU (Workplace training)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att försöka hitta de eventuella positiva effekter som kunde tänkas uppstå vid genomförande av arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning internationellt (utlands APU) för att i en förlängning kunna använda det som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för de elever som studerar på Allhamra gymnasieskolas industriprogram. Materialet till undersökningen grundar sig på rapporter från Utbildningsdepartementet och intervjuer från elever på Allhamra gymnasieskolas industriprogram.
Metoden som valdes var kvalitativa intervjuer med halvstrukturerad intervjuform och ett fenomenografisk beskrivande perspektiv användes vid återgivande av informanternas svar där en hermeneutisk tolkning av intervjuerna gjordes. Det slutliga deltagarantalet uppgick till åtta personer.
Resultatredovisningen och resultatsammanfattningen visar att informanter som har genomfört utlands APU har fått yrkesmässig utveckling därmed nya kunskaper, de har även förbättrat sina språkkunskaper och fått ett stärkt självförtroende Det framkom även idéer hur studiemotivationen kan förbättras..
Det löser sig! : Förberedelsens betydelse för gymnasieelevers lärande vid kemilaborationer
Laboratory work is a big part of chemistry education in high school. During our student training placement we have noticed that the laboratory work is not fully utilized to develop students´ chemistry knowledge. This problem made us want to investigate how the laboratory work in chemistry could be set, to become more meaningful for students. We introduced two preparation methods, and examined the outcome of students learning experiences and their acquisition of chemistry knowledge. This was examined both through surveys and observation.