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Information bibliotek företag En utvärdering av EU-projektet "ITF på biblioteken i östra Värmland"
This report is the result of an evaluation of a project, conducted by five regional libraries. Through a training course the project should inspire small and medium sized enterprises to use modern information technology and Internet when searching for information. To evaluate the project, qualitative interviews were conducted with five librarians and quantitative questionnaires were distributed to all the course participants. The evaluation shows that the project goals were met, apart from the number of course participants, which was much lower than anticipated. It also shows that the project resulted in an increase in information technology and competence at the libraries, and that the course participants profit from their increased knowledge in their daily work..
Ajuourhållning av ungskogsdata med hjälp av digitala flygbilder :
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible for SCA to update their stand register with use of digital aerial photos photographed with a Zeiss/Intergraph DMC. ?Updating? in this study implies the delineation of stands and estimating stand variables such as average stand height, volume density, stand volume, and tree species composition in order to identify stands which can be of current interest for thinning.
The study also includes how the aerial photo material and experience of the interpreter can influence the quality of the interpreted variables.
The aerial photo interpretations were made by both experienced and inexperienced interpreters.
A review of methods used to measuretemperamental characteristics in horses
Horses respond individually to challenges, and the possibility to use these reactions to evaluate equine temperament with an objective instrument would have several advantages. Horse welfare could be improved by making it possible to find individuals best suited for a specific use, and understanding of the development of abnormal behaviours, such as stereotypies, could be increased. Management routines and training could be adjusted tosuit each individual horse and it could facilitate the selection of individuals appropriate for breeding. There are also economic implications, as horse buyers consider temperament important and after evaluating temperament, money can be spent solely on specific horses with all the right qualities. During the last decade, many attempts have been made to measure different aspects of temperament in horses, and the first aim of this project was to look at these studies and see which methods were used and which temperamental characteristics they measured.
Metod för att hantera aggressioner
Studiens preciserade problem består av att undersöka vilka effekter Aggession Replacement Training (ART-metoden) ger, och om hur pedagoger kan möta, förebygga och hantera konflikter och aggressioner i skolan med hjälp av metoden. Genom litteratur, intervjuer, samt genom inhämtad kunskap om ART-metoden, redogör vi för hur pedagoger i den utvalda undersökningsgruppen kan arbeta förebyggande och hantera uppkomna konflikter. Slutsatsen vi kom fram till är, att man måste arbeta regelbundet med ART-metoden och ha tålamod om inte effekterna är omedelbart synliga. Pedagogerna skall arbeta med förebyggande åtgärder för att stärka individen och förbättra det psykosociala klimatet i gruppen och se de små men betydelsefulla förändringarna - effekterna..
Miljöbron - Går det att göra ett databassystem med begränsade resurser?
Miljöbron is a non-profit organization; their main purpose is to merge companies and students into different environmental projects. The projects can be an assignment, practical vocational training or degree thesis. Miljöbron is expanding and the demand from students and companies is rapidly growing. Because of the expansion, a large amount of information needs to be stored and managed in a structured database. Also the need of a interface that is structured and easy to use when managing information and Miljöbron?s statistics, for Miljöbron?s staff.
Kroppsuppfattning hos värnpliktiga män
Body awareness is a term that refers to a person´s perception and knowledge about his or her body. It includes proportion, size, weight, contour and image of ones body. The Ben- Tovim Walker Body Attitudes Questionnaire (BAQ) contains 44 questions concerning the different aspects of body awareness: Feeling fat, Body disparagement, Strength and fitness, Salience of weight, Attractiveness and Lower body fatness. The purpose of this study was to investigate body awareness among men in military recruit training. BAQ was distributed to fifty recruits for military service in Boden.
Hur upplevs en främre korsbandsskada som ådragits för mer än 10 år sedan påverka den skadade idag?
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how women who have incurred ACL injury for more than 10 years ago, feel that the injury affects them today.Method: A qualitative semi-structured interview survey with five women who 10- 28 years ago incurred the anterior cruciate ligament injuries when playing handball or soccer has been performed. The study has been inspired by a phenomenological concept of science, mainly by life-world concept. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main result: Some informants have experienced severe loss of physical ability in both daily living situations and in training, while others did not appreciably felt impacted in daily living and experienced great opportunities for physical activity. Limitations which emerged were restrictions in movement, joint stiffness, pain, swelling, and crepitations that led to the loss of physical ability. One respondent had been diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis.
Hur söker noviser information? En studie av noviser tillvägagångssätt vid informationssökning.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how novices set about when they search for information. Marchionini's information-seeking model is the theoretical starting point, which is supplemented by theories of other specialists within the field, such as Chowdhury; Harter; Large, Tedd and Hartley. As method a questionnaire survey was used. The questionnaire was sent to 96 students at IHM Business School in Gothenburg and 57 questionnaires were returned. The results show among other things that the majority of the students used highly interactive search strategies, and they did not plan their search before they carried out the search.
Social struktur och dominans hos hund
The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is the first species ever domesticated. They can develop a close bond towards other dogs, almost like a relationship among siblings, which can be a high valuable resource for good relations and cooperation?s.
Dominance in dogs is sometimes used to explain undesired behaviors and explained as a personality trait. Dominance though, is not a trait in a dog or a source for undesired behaviors, but can rather be explained as a relationship between individuals, were one of them receives more submissive signals from the other.
The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle
One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).
Periodisk fasta i kombination med styrketräning ökar muskelmassa och minskar fettvikt hos yngre vuxna
SammanfattningBakgrund: Dagens stillasittande livsstil med ökat intag av energigivande ämnen resulterar i ett konstant anabolt hormonellt påslag. Detta leder till ökad övervikt och andra välfärdssjukdomar. Det rekommenderas att individer håller sig till en hög måltidsfrekvens med jämna mellanrum under dagen. Detta har börjat ifrågasättas med konkurrerande alternativ som involverar en tidigare samhällslivsstil så långt som 10 000 år sedan, då måltidsfrekvensen inte kunde planeras på samma sätt som idag.Syfte: Syftet är att under sju veckor undersöka effekten av två stycken veckovisa 24-timmars periodiska förbud mot intag av energigivande ämnen, med implementering av fysisk styrketräning och dess effekt på lean body mass (LBM) och fettvikt hos yngre individer.Metod: Två separata 24-timmars perioder av fasta i samband med tre separata styrketräningstillfällen genomfördes per vecka under sju veckor. Kroppsmått gällande kroppsfett i procent, fettvikt i kilogram (kg), kroppsdimensioner i centimeter (cm), LBM och total kroppsvikt i kg togs innan och efter studiens genomförande.
En jämförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för Behandling av strokepatienter.
Örebro UniversitetInstitutionen för hälsovetenskap och medicin Arbetsterapi Arbetes art: Uppsatsarbete omfattande 15 högskolepoäng, inom ämnet arbetsterapi.Svensk Titel: En jämförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för behandling av strokepatienterEngelsk titel: A comparison between the Bobath method and other interventions for stroke patientsFörfattare: Maryam Tondkar MogadamHandledare: Marie HolmefurDatum: 2012-05-03 SammanfattningBakgrund: Bobath behandlingsmetod utvecklades i England på 1940-talet för patienter med hjärnskador. I denna behandlingsmetod ska patienter lära sig att kontrollera sina onormala rörelser och muskelspasticitet.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra Bobathmetoden med andra interventionsmetoder för att kunna se vilken behandlingsmetod som har bättre effekt för strokepatienter.Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes i databasen AMED, PubMed och Cinahl för att ta fram aktuell forskning inom detta område. Artiklarna som kom fram är kvantitativa och Randomiserade Kontrollerade studier.Resultat: Resultatet av studierna visar att Bobathmetoden har positiv effekt för att klara aktiviteter i dagliga livet. Bobathmetoden visar förbättring från akuta fasen till efter behandling i ADL aktiviteter. Studierna visar att Motor Relearning Programme, Arm Basis training och Balance Performance Monitor träning har bättre effekt än Bobathmetoden i ADL aktiviteter.Arm Basis training, Motor Relearning Programme och Bobathmetoden förbättrade handfunktionen över tiden.
Developing landscapes : a conceptual proposal for an Agroforestry Training Centre in Musoma, Tanzania, based on a field study
In this thesis we propose a conceptual plan for thedevelopment of an Agroforestry Training Centre (ATC)in Musoma, Tanzania. The aim is to make a proposalto support peasant education in agroforestry. How canan ATC in Musoma be developed into a stimulatingand educational park suitable for teaching agroforestrymethods to peasant farmers and other potential users?To answer that a field study was conducted to investigatehow our client Vi Agroforestry Programme (Vi) and thetarget groups of the client can benefit from the site.The thesis begins with a short explanation of thecontext, in which the ATC plays a part followed by amethodology chapter. Next are three chapters presentedwhich introduce the reader to the research conductedbefore starting the proposal, these include: results ofliterature studies, study of precedents, and results of fieldstudy.
Sex on the table. The formation of a wide-ranging sex education
There is a settled stereotype for women and men which give them different possibilities in our society. The schools, which are one of the most important sources of knowledge, have a great possibility to influence. This is the reason why we are interested in how the schools are working with a project, which we will call X henceforth. What was the purpose with the project and what does it contain? What is missing in the former education, since the project was started? Are there any obstacles or prerequisite in the design of the project or in the school teaching on the basis of X? We have done interviews in the gathering of empirical material to find out all the answers to our questions.
Från kunskapens öar till den ömsesidiga insiktens fastland
Från kunskapens öar till den ömsesidiga insiktens fastland Ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete för en personalutbildning med förankring i praktiken Anne Johansson Olsson Sammanfattning Denna uppsats redovisar ett utvecklingsarbete kring utformandet av en så kallad arbetsplatsanpassad utbildning. Arbetet bedrevs i samverkan mellan Transkulturellt Centrum (TC) i Stockholms Läns Landsting och Lina Hage samt Wasa vårdcentraler i Södertälje. Projektet syftade till att via inledande arbete, inventering av utbildningsbehov, utbildningsplanering, genomförande och utvärdering skapa en modell för en utbildning med fokus på vårdpersonalens möte med patienter som har erfarenhet av migration. Vårdcentralerna stod i början av 2007, i begrepp att inleda ett arbete med en delvis ny patientgrupp, asylsökande och nyanlända flyktingar samt anhöriginvandrare. Arbetet innebar ett förbättrat och utvidgat mottagande med erbjudande om hälsosamtal och till de asylsökande även en primärvård som motsvarade den övriga befolkningens.