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Sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar av betydelsefulla omvårdnadsbeteenden för att ge patienter en god omvårdnad.

AbstractThe aim with the study was to describe and to compare nurse students' views about importantcaring behaviors in order to give good caring. An empirical comparative study wasimplemented on a college in the middle of Sweden. Nurse students in the beginning and at theend of their education sorted and prioritized 50 caring behaviors (CARE-Q). The result showedthat the students' description of important caring behaviors has many similarities. However, theresult also showed that there were significant differences between the student-groups where thestudents at the beginning of their education rated several caring behavior as significant moreimportant than the students in the end of their education.

Närståendes delaktighet vid vård av äldre : -bemötande, tillgänglighet och information

Studies show that older is an increased proportion patients in hospital and that it is a patient group that can be difficult to communicate with because of older patients' often multiple disease picture. Relatives to the patient can be help for caregivers in the communication and the care of the patient. The aim with the study was to examine relative's experience of participation, meeting/support, accessibility and information on a geriatrics rehabilitation care unit. The study had a descriptive design and was designed as a questionnaire study. It was implemented on one geriatrics rehabilitation care unit on the countryside in central Sweden, belong to Uppsala University hospital.

Patienters uppfattning av ronden : integritet, information och delaktighet

ABSTRACT Background: The ward round is a collaboration between nurse, doctor and patient. A good collaboration and communication is essential to their interrelation. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate patients' comprehension in regard to integrity, information and participation during round. We also looked at differences about comprehension between men and women.  Methods: A questionnaire was answered by 34 patients in three wards at the University hospital in Uppsala. Results: The patients believed they could talk openly ?quite well? but they experienced it ?sometimes? disturbing to talk openly if other patients were in the room.

Individualiserad omvårdnad : Begreppsanalys ur ett omvårdnadsteoretiskt perspektiv

Individualiserad omvårdnad är något både patienter och sjukvårdspersonal strävar efter. För att legitimera individualiserad omvårdnad som eftersträvansvärd krävs dock en förankring av begreppet i omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur. Studiens syfte är att utifrån omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur undersöka:? Vad individualiserad omvårdnad är? Hur denna individualiserade omvårdnad beskrivs i omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur? Hur individualiserad omvårdnad kan uppnås? Hur omvårdnad kan se ut när den inte är individualiseradDatamaterialet består av omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur från sent 1800-tal fram till idag och resultatet visar att individualiserad omvårdnad är grunden för god omvårdnad. Denna goda och individualiserade omvårdnad skapas i en jämbördig relation mellan sjuksköterska och patient, en relation där sjuksköterskan lyssnar och kommunicerar.

Utveckling av analysmodul till Zenicor Medical Systems EKG-system

The mainpart of this thesis is about the developing of a new analysis tool to be used in Zenicor Medical Systems AB ECG-system. The primary task of the system is to simplify the ECG survey for patients who suffers from different kinds of arrythmias, for example heart fibrillation. With this system is it possible for the patients to do their ECG survey by them self at home and then send the signal with their telephone or mobilphone to a server. The equipment used to do the survey is not bigger than you can have it in a pocket and this results in a bigger flexibility for the patient. A doctor can connect to the server and analys the ECG-curve and follow up the patients condition..

Utveckling av vården genom eHälsa : En kvalitativ studie av hur ?min journal på nätet? formar framtidens vård

Today is what you could call a golden age for technological development in health care. Technology is given a bigger role in healthcare and serves not only as a support for health professionals in their daily work but also as a tool for the patient. With the help of eHealth services, patients are becoming more involved in their own care. This improves patient?s knowledge about their health, which in turn contributes to higher motivation to perform self-care.

Sjuksköterskans/Vårdpersonalens bemötande av patienter som tar emot svåra besked

Background: Health care is a strange place for the patient. To make this enviroment as good as possible, would the patient be well informed. The patient has right to know if it is a bad mews and often he/she needs caring after the information. Nurse´s basic responsibility is caring, for her/him it´s important to prevent the shock for the patient that can appear. Aim: Describe the nursing staff responses to the patient, using the patient´s perspective in relation to bad news. Method: A litterture review has been made with nine articles. Current research materials that meet the study´s purpose has been applied in databases and analyzed.

"Målsättningen är en nöjd värmlänning" : Vårdpersonalens syn på tillgänglighet, bemötande och kvalitet i patientmötet

We have made a qualitative study where we have chosen to interview a number of respondents consisting of ophthalmologists, eye nurses and patients. The purpose of the study was to examine employees' perceptions of patient-related status and treatment and quality, and meaningful participation in the work. The conducted interviews, we then sat in relation to how patients experienced the visit to the eye clinic and their perception of accessibility and hospitality. The result is then compared against the policy of the Title use of internally and we have also tried to explain what is happening with the help of various theorists. Theorist that we made use of is Maslow, Foucault, Deming (TQM) and Herzberg.

Behandling av bensår ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv

Swedish studies have shown that more people than expected have problems with leg ulcers and that the yearly cost for treatment per patient is approximately 26 500kr. Since the elderly population is on the rise, there is a need to highlight this growing problem, to make sure that proper assessment tools are used and to improve the standard of care given to patients with leg ulcers. The aim was to show what a difference the nurse can make to patients with leg ulcers. With all types of wounds it is imperative to establish if there is any underlying reasons since certain illnesses can cause more wounds or delay the healing process. The doctor is responsible for making the diagnosis and to prescribe the correct treatment whereas the nurse?s responsibility is for the nursing care and its documentation.

Tryggare kan ingen vara - Trygghetens betydelse i relationen patient-sjuksköterska inom psykiatrisk vård

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vikten av att sjuksköterskan kan skapa en god relation och inge trygghet till en patient som vårdas inom psykiatrisk vård. Vad det är som skapar denna trygghet i relationen mellan patient och vårdgivare? Litteraturstudien behandlar tio vetenskapliga artiklar, vars data analyserats enligt Fribergs principer för kvalitativa studier. Under resultatanalysen framträdde fyra teman kring att etablera trygghet; vad som främjar respektive hämmar trygghetskänslan ur patientens och sjuksköterskans perspektiv. Båda parter påverkar relationens kvalitet och klimat, och sjuksköterskan har i sin professionella yrkesroll större möjlighet och ansvar att upprätta och vidmakthålla en god relation än vad som kan åläggas en patient.

Kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient. En viktig del i vårdmötet

Kommunikation är en central del i vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient. Det finns flera anledningar till att kommunikationen måste fungera, för att patienten ska få möjlighet att vara delaktig i vården och för att få information om behandling.Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga vad som påverkar kommunikationen mellansjuksköterska och patient. Metoden är en litteraturstudie baserad på 13 artiklar somvi fick fram via sökning i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och Scopus.Kvalitetsgranskning har utförts utifrån kriterier utformade efter Willman, Stolt ochBahtsevanis (2011) mall. Resultatet I resultatet framkom fyra teman:kommunikation nödvändig för att bygga en relation, kommunikationen är intepersoncentrerad, patientens syn på kommunikation och kommunikationshinder.Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskorna har kunskap om hur kommunikation skallutföras. För att kommunikationen ska vara så god som möjligt krävs en relationmellan sjuksköterska och patient.

Diagnos av ansvarstagande : En Studie av accountability inom DN och UNT:s medicinjournalistik.

AbstractTitel: Diagnosing accountability, a study of accountability of UNT and DN?s medical journalism  ( Diagnos av ansvarstagande, en studie av accountability inom DN och UNT:s medicinjournalistik)Number of pages: 45 (59 including enclosures)Author: Alexandra JohanssonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication studies C Period: Fall 2008 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To evaluate the quality of medical journalism in DN and UNT according to the theories of accountability and responsibility in the media.Material/Methods: The materials and methods used in this thesis are 14 articles from DN and 14 articles from UNT that have been analyzed according to the criterion set forth by Media Doctors, an Australian media accountability system.Main Results: The results showed that DN scored an average of 57% ?satisfactory? and UNT scored an average of 52% ?satisfactory? of Media Doctors rating scale. Strengths were an educational tone and an insightful review of the newest findings in the scientific community. Weaknesses were poor transparency and a tendency to neglect full disclosure of the scientific findings and sources. Focus was also show to be on research and not on information for potential patients.

Intresse och närvaro : Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans närvaro i vårdandet

Background: Research shows that the nurse?s presence has a great significance for the relationship between patient and nurse. By this, the nurse can gain a greater understanding for the patient?s situation and thus have an opportunity to influence the patient?s health processes.Problem: Today?s focus on the technology and lack of time in healthcare can create a stress which can make it more difficult for the nurse to prove presence to the patient.Aim: To describe patients? experiences of the nurse?s presence in healthcare.Method: A qualitative approach, where Evans descriptive synthesis has been used. Eleven previously published qualitative, caring science, articles has been used in the synthesis.Results: The synthesis revealed two themes.

Den terapeutiska relationen : Samspelet mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten med ätstörning

En terapeutisk relation är viktig i omvårdnaden av patienter med ätstörningar och det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan är medveten om dess betydelse i omvårdnaden. Syftet var att undersöka hur en terapeutisk relation skapas samt dess betydelse i omvårdnaden mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten med ätstörning. För sjuksköterskor kan det vara utmanande att etablera en terapeutisk relation till patienter med ätstörningar, då det är vanligt att dessa patienter inte har sjukdomsinsikt. Sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av olika strategier och verktyg för att skapa en terapeutisk relation och en vårdande miljö. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades.

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

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