864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 7 av 58
Småskalig elproduktion i Arvika
Arvika Fjärrvärme AB, a district heating company from Arvika, today cover 74 % of their total energy production with biofuel wich runs a 16 MW bioler giving process water at saturated liquid state.In recent years Vaporel AB has introduced a new tecnique that gives an external generation of steam after boilers. The concept is built on an adiabatic pressure drop of the saturated liquid in a so called Flashbox which makes a small part of the liquid to evaporate. The generated steam is lead into a turbine where electricity is in a conventional manner.The purpose with this rapport was to do a basic study for the specific system at Arvika where it?s possible to see the potential production of electricity that follows an installation of a flasbox.The final goal was to introduce an economic analysis of a flashox installation at given conditions.To reach our goals we have created a model in Excel where we used the given conditions at Arvika Fjärrvärme to do our calculations. The model has been tested at three different states, of process water returning to potboiler, to be able to decide the optimal operation for the system at present.The studies have resulted in a pressure of the processwater at 14,5 bar (at) and a pressuredrop to 9,5 bar (at) in the flashbox.
Energieffektivisering av ventilationssystemet i konsthallen Sandgrund Lars Lerin
Uppsala County has ambitious environmental aims for the planned residential area inÖstra Sala backe. In this thesis different energy sources have been evaluated todetermine which system that would be most favorable given currently availableinformation about the project. Planned energy usage has been divided into tap waterheating, space heating and power. Three base case scenarios were made with districtheating, small scale bio fuel and heat pump. Solar power and solar heating were thensimulated and the production from the two could individually be deducted from theenergy need in the base cases, constituting 9 different scenarios.
Solel och solvärme ur LCC-perspektiv för ett passiv-flerbostadshus
This master?s degree project concerns the combination of a multi dwelling passive house with solar energy for the generation of electricity and domestic hot water (DHW). Different alternatives with either solar thermal systems or photovoltaic (PV) systems are compared with two reference alternatives producing DHW from electricity or district heating. The economical comparison uses a life cycle cost (LCC) perspective based on the present value of expenditures for investment, energy and annual operating and maintenance.The energy yields from the solar energy systems were calculated by hand and with simulation software. Calculation and dimensioning of PV systems were carried out with a software called PVSYST.
Undersökning av luftkvaliteten vid småskalig biobränsleförbränning i två kommuner med modellsystemet VEDAIR
An Internet application, VEDAIR, for estimation of air quality in regions with small-scale combustion of bio fuel has been developed by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute with financing from Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The model contains user interface and a coupled model concept where concentrations of atmospheric pollutions are calculated for regional, urban and local contributions. In this report the model is described and a first study of air quality considering PM10 (particles with a diameter less than 10 µm) in two Swedish municipalities, Vänersborg and Gnosjö, is introduced.According to the result, there are areas with poor air quality even in smaller Swedish municipalities, mostly due to high emission from buildings with older wood heating furnace without hydraulic accumulator.In Vänersborg three areas were analysed in VEDAIR for the year 2003: Vargön, Mariedal and the downtown district. In the whole municipality the upper evaluation threshold for PM10, which is defined as 14 µg/m3 for annual average, was exceeded due to background contribution of particles. In all areas, however, the concentrations of PM10 were less than the environmental quality norms.
TILLFÄLLIGA EFFEKTTOPPAR I FJÄRRVÄRMEN : Kan man med hjälp av lagrad värme undvika att de uppstår i betonghus?
Climate and environmental issues is now high on the agenda. We live in a generation that must try to solve some major environmental problems. Buildings and habitations account for approximately 40 % of Sweden's total energy today. To reduce this figure, as needed, more research in the field of energy efficiency is required.This thesis concerns the heating of buildings. The load on district heating is heavy during certain times of the day.
Kombinerat system för ventilation och rumsuppvärmning : Parameterundersökning i simuleringsmodell för takvärmesystem
A large amount of our time is spent indoors in an artificial climate. To make the experience pleasant there are requirements on the ventilation and the heating system. At the present time the most common form of heating is a radiator system complemented with a ventilation system. A ceiling heating system with combined heating and ventilation can replace the two separated systems. The benefit with a ceiling heating solution is that it saves space since the radiator system is no longer needed.
Analys av fördelningssystem för bostadshus
The purpose of this project is to analyze earthing systems for houses. By practical measurements and theoretical analyzes consequences of possible faults, that can occur within the facility and in the low-voltage distribution network, is illustrated. The reason for this project is that nowadays one has to arrange with a main equipotential bonding system for buildings. Apart from that, if necessary, bathrooms must be provided with a supplementary equipotential bonding system.The practical measurements verify that potential differences in facilities may be due to voltage drops in the PEN conductor between the origin of the electrical installation and the power transformer.Based on the theoretical analyzes of possible faults, it is considered that the requirement for supplementary equipotential bonding systems for bathrooms in most cases can be questioned, when basic insulation, fault protection, residual current devise and main equipotential bonding system already provides an adequate level of protection.A PEN conductor loss may result in a situation where metallic parts attached to the equipotential bonding system starts working as earth electrodes. Equipotential bonding system may also increase the incidence of stray currents. If TN-C-S systems is provided with a local connection to earth a redundant system against PEN conductor loss is obtained.
MOLNU : Att utveckla ett gemensamt gränssnitt
Climate and environmental issues is now high on the agenda. We live in a generation that must try to solve some major environmental problems. Buildings and habitations account for approximately 40 % of Sweden's total energy today. To reduce this figure, as needed, more research in the field of energy efficiency is required.This thesis concerns the heating of buildings. The load on district heating is heavy during certain times of the day.
Lantbrukaren som energiproducent : en fallstudie i energisatsningar inom lantbruket
The intrest and development of bioenergy and energy from renewable sources in Sweden has increased rapidly over the last few years. There are a whole lot of alternatives for those who would like to venture and invest in renewable energy production.
Production of renewable energy opens up many opportunities for forestry and farming to venture a new branch of production, on basis of the primary production. Several of the new energy sources grows on farmland or in the forest. The opportunities exist in the primary products, as well as in refining and reselling, in the value chain of energy.
The starting-point is the Farmer as an energyproducer. This master thesis studies the nature of farmer-own firms, who has invested in production of renewable energy.
En systemlösning för en framtida fjärrvärmeutbyggnad i Täby : ur Fortum Värmes perspektiv
At the moment in central Täby there are small district heating network operated by
Fortum Heat. The distribution network has an annual heat demand of about 70
GWh, which is supported by the network's two plants, Galten and Farmen.
Täby as a region is rapidly growing and there are grand plans to develop the area.
Estimated market potential for a future district heating expansion in Täby is very
high and as early as in 2007 Täby decided to invest in a large-scale expansion. In
autumn 2009 Täby did a procurement process, known as the ?Täby initiative?, to
find a partner that could implement those expansion plans. To secure a cheap basic
production the partner also need to build a power plant at Hagby recycling center.
Despite high interest during initial state of the process, only one procurement offer
were received and Täby suspended the contract in March the following year.
Pilotinstallation av fast och fjärravläst nätstationsmätning : Identifiering av för- och nackdelar med nätstationsmätning, Mälarenergi Elnät AB
Today?s electrical grid companies understand that better knowledge of and information about their grid can help realize a smart grid network. One way to gain better knowledge and information about the low voltage network is to install measuring equipment on the substation transformer´s secondary low voltage side that measures the low voltage network losses for that specific substation. By doing so, grid companies can, due to the calculation of the low voltage network losses, identify and address issues such as illegal power dissipation, unmeasured power outtakes, and unsatisfied technical documentation for the substations low voltage network.During 2012, Mälarenergi Elnät AB had a total electrical network loss (both medium and low voltage network losses included) of three to four percent of their total distributed electrical volume. Converting this energy volume into a monetary figure this accounts for a loss of around 30 million Swedish crowns.
Enegiutredning Hotell Princess
This report will show the energy usage of Hotel Princess in Sandviken, Sweden. When the hotel changed owner an examination of the hotels heating, ventilation and sanitary systems were done. The report showed flaws in the ventilation system, and is why the new owner wanted a closer look at the energy use of the hotel. The original building was built in the 1930s and two major extensions have been built, one in the 1950s and the most recent in the 1980s. An assumption made is that the building parts were built to the restrictions during the time. Activities on the hotel include sleep over, conference, night club, massage and swimming in the hotels pool section.
Projektering av småhus med solvärme som huvudkälla
In this report a study has been done regarding different heating systems on which are the mostcomprehensive with solar heating systems. The report has also been focusing if solar power can beused as a primary heating source for supplying more than 50 % of the buildings total heatingproduction. The University of Dalarna constructed a demo-house for this purpose and according tocalculations the total solar usage is more than 50 %. This house has been made for referenceregarding the design of the heating system of property 5:37.Further studies have been made to compare different heating systems that are compatible with asolar system, where the compared systems purpose is to be independent of direct using electricity. Asystem of this design is regarded as sustainable according to environmental as economic issues.
Att förmedla trygghet : En studie om distriktssköterskor och derasrelation till patienter
Background One of the main demands on Swedish and global health care in general is to meet the patient?s need for safety. By general health care law this also comprises district nurses? field of responsibility. Although there are numerous studies describing the concept of safety and its different shapes, no research could be found exploring how safety is, or supposed to be, mediated by district nurses? in a Swedish context.
Lagring av kyla i bergrum : Undersökning av ett nedlagt oljebergrum
This thesis considers the use of an oldrock cavern as thermal energy storage.With a large system of differentchillers a model was created to find anappropriate future system. There aremainly two trajectories to take. Eitheran installation of chillers needs to bemade or the rock cavern can be used tomeet the future demand of districtcooling in Solna, Sweden. Additionallythis thesis investigates the possibleuse of different techniques to utilizethe phase change energy of water.Simulation shows that it?s possible toutilize the phase-change energy of afluid; however it?s not economicallyfeasible due to the thermodynamiceffects on the Carnot cycle.