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Energisystem med utnyttjande av restprodukter för gödsling av Salixodling för energiproduktion : studier av kretslopprojektet i Enköping och dess applicering på en kommun i Ryssland.
The purpose of this work is to study a circulation project in Enköping municipality, where the society?s rest products are used to make beneficial products. In Enköping the rest products from waste treatment plants and private sewers are used to fertilize and irrigate Salix plantations that later are harvested and burned at the local combined heating and power plant, ENA Energy AB, to produce electricity and heat. Possibilities to apply this kind of project ona municipality in Russia are also explored.Guryevsk municipality in Kaliningrad region was chosen since there is a need to improve energy systems and reduce emissions to water and air. This municipality strives to become environmentally friendly.
Energieffektiviserande åtgärder i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus
In Sweden, a big part of the energy use is used in the housing sector. Political goals and targets are set up which the housing sector needs to work towards. Apartment buildings are a major part of the housing sector in Sweden and therefore reduction of energy use in these kinds of buildings are key to lower the energy use in Sweden. But there are not only political incentives to reduce the energy use. Some energy?saving measures are directly profitable and should thus be performed.
Staden mellan visionerna och asfalten: En studie av politiska idéer och visioner om staden ur ett rumsligt perspektiv
Urban planning is not only a matter of architectural trends; it is first and foremost political. This thesis seeks to understand the links between political ideas and visions for the city and the physical structure of the city. The study aims to construct a model to help understand these links, a helpful tool in analysing a city, focusing on the one hand at the physical structure of what I call "The City as a Welfare Provider" and on the other hand at "The City as a Growth Engine". It also sets out to test this model in an empirical study of Stockholm and the soon-to-be built district of Norra Station in the same city.The analysis shows that Stockholm has ambitions to be a welfare provider to its citizens, but have also adopted to a discourse of interurban competition which stresses the importance for the city to enhance economical growth. What is interesting is that the physical structures promoted in the planning documents of Stockholm are nearly exclusively those associated with the model of "The City as a Growth Engine"..
Fysisk aktivitet : två skolor, två arbetssätt, en rektor
The purpose of this study is to examine how two different primary schools with the same school management district work with daily physical activity. We have chosen to conduct our investigation based on interviews. Through the interviews, we can highlight the teacher´s and principal´s interpretations of the concept regarding physical activity and find out the school´s arguments and working methods for pupil´s physical activity. These two schools work with physical activity in two different ways and the study describes the teacher´s and principal's choice of approach. Since our training is directed towards the younger ages, school years 1-3, we chose to interview teachers who work in these classes.
Distriktssköterskans roll vid empowerment hos äldre individer med diabetes typ 2 : Systematisk Litteraturstudie
Distriktssköterskans roll är av stor betydelse vid införandet av ett empowerment baserat förhållningssätt gentemot den äldre individen med diabetes typ 2. Empowerment är ett begrepp som uppkommit i samband den humanistiska människosynen och används i syfte att öka patienternas egenvårdsförmåga och självstyre i skötseln av sin diabetes. Livskvalitén ökar av individens delaktighet och självbestämmande, att själv kunna ansvara för sin sjukdom med stöd av distriktssköterskan. Empowerment baserad utbildning i grupp vid återkommande träffar för att få riklig kunskap om diabetes typ 2, med möjlighet till individuella träffar där individerna skapar sina egna mål är av största vikt för att bedriva egenvård. Lagar och författningar som styr distriktssköterskans arbete genomsyras av humanism.
Grovkrossning av stubbar : en produktivitetsstudie
The Swedish parliament has decided that Sweden should increase its usage of renewable fuel sources to a level of 50% of the total energy consumption in Sweden by the year 2020. One way to reach that goal may be to increase the usage of stumps as a bio-fuel. In Sweden stump harvesting is possible on about 5-10% of the total harvested area and thus contribute with 1,3 - 2,6 TWh per year. An increase stump harvest doesn't come without its drawbacks for the environment. When harvesting stumps a tracked excavator is used to pry the stumps from the ground and then cut the stumps into smaller pieces.
Framtagning av nytt mätsystem för mätning av energiförbrukning i mikrovågsugnar
The report describes a measuring method for analysis of energy consumption measurement in microwave ovens. Concurrently that the awareness of the environment evolves the demands are growing for more power saving products. This is also counting within the Home Appliance business, which is Whirlpools business area. Whirlpool is therefore interested of launching microwave ovens with documented low power consumption. To be able to implement this, both asserted measuring equipment, that fulfils all demands, and a standard procedure is required.
Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera
The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on international adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.
Utvärdering av laddningskoncept för lastbilsbatterier
When drivers overnight in the truck lots of electric energy is consumed by heaters, fans, lights and other extra equipment. If the engine is not running, this energy is taken from the lead/acid batteries of the truck which then needs to be recharged during operating hours. The fact that the charge acceptance of the lead/acid batteries is dependent on the temperature makes it hard to fully recharge the batteries at lower temperatures. A negative charge balance can lead to starting problems within a few days use in cold climate.In this thesis work, the effects of different battery charging concept are evaluated on the most common Scania battery (175Ah). A battery model is implemented in Matlab and some simulations of charging are made.
Arenainvesteringar i Stockholm : En studie av sex arenor.
The modern arena as we know it today has its origins from about 100 years ago. Since then a lot of aspects have been changed and developed. Arenas built in the same age tend to have the same features and configurations and can therefore be categorized into different generations. Stockholm is represented in each generation but the fourth that constitutes arenas of the early 21st century. Besides that there has been several arena constructions built through the entire 20th century and now most recently in 2010s.The overall motive behind arena investments can be categorized into two types.
Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö
Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.
Ny Falkenberg ? En skenföreteelse? : Om Falkenbergs svaga urbaniseringsprocess och dess roll som stad i Hallands medeltid
This essay deals with the weak and unstable urbanization process of the town Falkenberg. The aim has been to explore how a new town could be established just a kilometre away from the town (Old) Falkenberg and what kind of meaning the town had in relationship to the towns Halmstad and Varberg. This was made through the study of the political situation in Denmark and Sweden during the 15th century and through a comparison of the town churches. The archaeological material of Falkenberg is very small and thus I had to trust the available historical literature about the town.Not much of the oldest history of the town is known, but a conflict between the landed aristocratic family Thott and the king Kristian I in Denmark has been interpreted as a reason to the establishing of the town. In conclusion the survey showed that the king probably established New Falkenberg in purpose to limit the trading possibilities of Thott and to, at the same time, increase his own power in the district.
Hägnutnyttjande hos Aldabrasköldpaddor (Geochelone gigantea) på Parken Zoo
Reptiles are animals than have been neglected in the research for all times. Some people have the opinion that these animals have fewer needs and demand less from their caretakers. The Aldabra Giant Tortoise lives on the Aldabra atoll outside the coast of Tanzania. The Aldabra tortoise population has varied throughout the years, but today the population is around 100.000 animals.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the enclosure utilization of two Aldabra tortoises, a male and a female, at Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster: Verktyg och certifieringssystem.
Denna rapport behandlar utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster på stadsdelsnivå. Eftersom ökad urbanisering leder till ökad belastning på urbana ekosystem är det viktigt att både exploatering och etablering av grönområden sker på ett hållbart sätt där ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska faktorer inkluderas. Detta kan delvis uppnås genom att villkor i verktyg och certifieringssystem inkluderar aspekter för urbana ekosystemtjänster. Det undersökts hur certifieringssystemen BREEAM Communities och CASBEE for Urban Development samt verktyget Grönytefaktormetoden behandlar sådana urbana ekosystemtjänster. Analysen utgår från en föreslagen kategorisering av urbana ekosystemtjänster.
Social taggning: En studie av en webb 2.0 tjänst i OPAC
The aim of this thesis is to study social tagging in an OPAC by looking at the tags of Ann Arbor District Library?s catalogue. In this thesis I analyse the possibilities of social tagging. The main questions to be answered are what is the distribution of tags in different categories, what are the differences between fiction and non-fiction and how do the social tags differ from the terms of the professional indexing practice. Studying 500 tags I find that subject matter was the most frequent category for tags assigned to fiction and non-fiction.