864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 26 av 58
Mätning av träddelar och flis på Dåvamyran, Umeå energi :
The moisture content in 10 deliveries of tree parts and 10 deliveries of wood residues were measured with different methods to analyze the quality of procedure used at Dåvamyran today. At the same time a survey was made on the measure procedures used at heating plants in Sweden
The majority of the heating plants in Sweden use weight and moisture content as base for payment but at some plants only volume. The moisture content is usually estimated by drying wood chips in an oven but few plants a visual estimation is used. At few plants moisture content is estimated spectroscopicily. The techniques using near infra read light and other electromagnetic are still at a test stage.
The methods of measurement used today are quit unreliable for the individual deliveries and there is a risk for systematic mistakes.
Projektcontrollerns roll vid styrning av anläggningsprojekt ? en studie inom ABB AB
Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva och analysera projektcontrollerns roll inom de projektintensiva enheterna FACTS och Substations på ABB AB. Studien bygger på tre personliga intervjuer utförda med projektcontrollers samt sex platsannonser som analyserats. Teorin består av två delar, dels projektaspekten och dels controlleraspekten. Första delen behandlar vad ett projekt är och vad det innebär att jobb i projektform. Andra delen, controlleraspekten, handlar om controllers ursprung kontra dagens roll och dess arbetsuppgifter.
Energieffektivisering genom förvärmning av flis till kokare med sekundärvärme
The Swedish pulp and paper industry meets higher demand for energy efficiencyi mprovements with increasing energy prices and changes in the Swedish renewable energy certificate system. One action of energy efficiency improvement is by using secondary heat, that otherwise would have been treated as waste heat, for use in a system with lower temperature demands. The aim of this Master´s thesis is to identify possible secondary heat sources in a typical Swedish pulp and paper mill and to investigate what economic benefits the secondary heat will provide when being used for pre heating of wood chips to a kraft digester.The Master´s thesis focuses on three secondary heat sources; dry warm air, warm water and moisture saturated warm air located inside the pulp or paper mill. Two types of kraft digesters are simulated within this study, a typical Scandinavian digester and a modern twin vessel steam phase digester.Due to quality aspects and low temperature level drying is the drying technology with dry warm air rejected. Using warm water in direct contact with wood chips increases the quantity of water to the evaporation plant and thus reduced pulp or paper production and is therefore also rejected.
Att bygga för att synas - city branding i stadsplaneringen :
Spectacular buildings and categorized districts are becoming more common elements in cities. In many cases, they are the result of city branding, which means choosing a city image and dealing with it like a brand to profile and compete against other cities. This essay study what impact on and roll in urban planning the trend might have. The first part relies on literary studies and describes what has been written about city branding. The globalization, the experience economy, urban management, urbanization and the theory of the creative class are pointed out as driving forces of the popularity and the spread of city branding.
På vilket sätt arbetar en Barn- och utbildningsförvaltning i en kommun med ett arbetssätt som motsvarar problembaserat lärande? : In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method as fulfil a problem based l
AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before it´s can be said totally fulfilled.
Fjärrvärmeanslutna passivhus : Fallstudie av värmelaster och innetemperaturer i fyra flerbostadshus
Intresset kring lågenergibyggnader blir allt större och så kallade passivhus, med god isolering, hög lufttäthet och värmeåtervinning, byggs i allt större utsträckning i Sverige och andra europeiska länder. Vissa frågetecken har dock uppkommit kring inomhusklimatet i husen och risken för både under- och övertemperaturer. En annan viktig aspekt är hur husens egenskaper påverkar värmelasterna och hur detta i sin tur påverkar energiförsörjningssystemet. I detta examensarbete undersöks dessa båda aspekter ? värmelastegenskaper och innetemperaturer ? i fyra likadana nybyggda flerbostadshus i Falkenberg.
Det energisnåla isoleringsmaterialet
This bachelor essay is divided into two parts, the first being a construction of a single-familyhouse and the second an in-depth study of five different isolation materials, analysed from anenergy perspective.The first part, the construction of the single-family house, has been created from knowledgeacquired during three years of studying at KTH Royal institute of Technology in Stockholm, inthe program Architecture and the Built Environment. The constructed house is a one-floorhouse of 137m2with façade plaster, situated in Borlänge, Sweden. The house has a wooden framewhich is built on a on sight cast concrete foundation, on the ground. The house?s roof is a gableroof, which has an angle of 24 degrees.
Den geografiska, funktionella och processorienterade organisationen : en fallstudie av Holmen Skog, SCA Skog och Sydkraft Vattenkraft
This thesis reports on a case study of two different organisational forms in the Swedish
forest industry; the geographic and the functional organisation. The work in the
geographic organisation is carried out within districts under the supervision of an overall responible district manager, where as in the functional organisation the work has been divided into functions headed by function managers. Forest magement, logging and wood
purchases are examples of such functions. The general idea of the functional organisation
is having the functions working over a larger geographic unit, without subdividing
district boundaries of the region. Also a third organisational form of current interest for the forest industry; the process orientated organisation, is analyzed in the case study.
Here, a company outside the forest industry has been analyzed, since no forest company
was considered to have made as much progress of changing organisation to process
In the report I present the results from qualitative interviews, where I give the reader a
picture of the motives behind each organisational form, what the form implies for some
of the company?s interested parties and the organisations? views on future organisational
Social hållbarhet och attraktionsfaktorer i en urban kontext. Fallstudie över Malmös nya stadsdel Hyllie
Do new, attractive neighborhoods meet the requirements of being socially sustainable? This essay is based on the potential conflicts between the pursuit of social sustainability, while the theory of the creative class influence city planning. Social sustainability is difficult to measure, but implies broadly that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities. A city or region that aims to attract a certain type of people by providing what they ask for, might pay less attention and spend less resources on the rest of the population. Socially sustainable - for whom? The new district Hyllie in southern Malmö stands in focus, and the paper seeks to identify how different operators in Malmö defines the concept of social sustainability, how it is implemented in the design of Hyllie, and if any potential conflicts may arise.Interviews with the following informants; representants from the Office for City Planning in Malmö, the nonprofit organization Sustainable Development Skåne, the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malmö and the company Skanska Öresund have constituted the main methodology, among with reading and analyzing existing documents and policies relating to the development of Hyllie.
Produktion av Pyrolysolja från kvistrejekt
Fast pyrolysis is a method for converting biomass into three energy rich products: char, gas and bio-oil, where the latter is most interesting. Pyrolysis is an endothermic process where biomass is heated in an anaerobic environment and, with the right operating conditions, up to 80 %wt bio-oil can be extracted. Key parameters for fast pyrolysis are: stable reactor temperature (~500°C), short residue time for gas in the reactor (<2 s) and a very high heating rate for the biomass. Today there are several different process solutions for fast pyrolysis, where fluidized beds and rotating cones are most developed. Bio-oil has compared to fossil oil: lower heating value, low pH and also polymerizes with time. Because of this upgrading is desirable for increasing competitiveness.
Ingen är utanför alla är inne : en studie om hur skolungdomar i ett segregerat område kan uppleva villkoren för sin utveckling av en självbild.
This study aims to describe the conditions, of which some youths who live in a segregated area in Sweden, see as important for their development of an identity. The study have been conducted in a manner where we put the youths own words in focus. The youths are in charge of deciding what they regard as important for their own development of their own identity. In this study we assume certain contexts, of which we base the study. These contexts include the society, the urban districts, the school, the family, and the language.
Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi
This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.
Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845
Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization. Results show that concepts of confidence and trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings. Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability.
Fortsatt gran eller självföryngrad björk efter stormfällning? : en ekonomisk analys
The southern part of Sweden, Skåne, is frequently exposed to storms causing great damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stands. A storm during the winter 1999/2000 raised the attention of the problem. A lot of forest owners got large areas of spruce stands wind thrown during this storm. Can naturally regenerated birch (Betula sp.) be an alternative on these wind-exposed sites? This was the main question I was facing when discussilig the problems with Esben Möller Madsen, Söderåsens forest district.
The aim of this master thesis was to present an economic analysis of Norway spruce versus
Energihushållning och varsamhet för äldre byggnader : Chefsbostaden i Strömsholm, ett timmerhus från 1900-talets början
This report is the result of a degree project in building engineering, at an advanced level. The project evaluated a building from a technical and historical point of view, and focused on its energy consumption, particularly the energy used for heating. The building in question was a small apartment building in Strömsholm, Sweden. It was made in 1902, from vertical logs, a not so common form of the traditional log house. The goal of the project was to evaluate if the energy consumption could be reduced in accordance with building preservation regulations, that is without damaging any of the building?s cultural or historical values.The building was surveyed with the help of archive and literature studies, interviews and inspections.