959 Uppsatser om Distributed applications - Sida 58 av 64
Underhåll av asfaltbeläggningar. Utvärdering med inriktning mot årskostnad och livslängd
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Solvärme för flerbostadshus. Utvärdering av EKSTA bostad ABs solvärmeanläggningar
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Utvärdering av samverkansbjälklag. Stålbjälklagskassett jämförd mot plattbärlag och håldäcksbjälklag
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Tillståndsprövning - för lantbruk med djurhållning : en intervju undersökning med länsstyrelserna i Kalmar- och Hallands län.
The task of making a correct application for B- activities is the foundry time consuming
task. Information and facts concerning your entire business activity shall be attached into
a description of environmental consequences, which will be the basis for the decision
making whether the activities shall be granted a permission to practise environmentally
hazardous actions or not.
When the Environmental Act were established 1999, the permission process became
more extensor. With this study I want to give an insight about how these applications are
made. The methods I have used to collect information are a study literature where the
Environmental Act has been the focus, and qualitative interviews with two County
Administrative Board. I used the Environmental Act to understand why permission is
needed and the interviews to give me insight in how the work is done.
My conclusion is that it is very unusual that an application is granted without
Projekteringshandbok i praktiken. En studie om hur en projekteringshandbok används och kan förbättras
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Sportturism : En studie om fotbolls-EM utifrån ett genusperspektiv
The main aims of this study is from a gender perspective identify possible reasons why so many men compared to women visited the European football Championship in Poland/Ukraine 2012. The study also aims to classify European Championship visitors from their primary purpose with the trip.To be able to answer the study's purpose and issues, it is important that we get an understanding of the phenomenon so that we can clearly express an opinion on this phenomena. This meant that we chose to use qualitative methods designed to give a deeper insight into what is being investigated. We made use of both deep, email and telephone interviews with our respondents. The six respondents are evenly distributed between the sexes.
ANALYS AV FLERBOSTADSHUS : Med inriktning på ytfördelningen över tiden
Currently, there are no clear statistics on how the floor plan and room size in apartment buildings has changed over time since the postwar period. The statistics available is average area per apartment which can be found on Statistics Sweden's website. This report has the aim to increase knowledge about how the Swedish home have changed over time.The questions that the report will answer are:For apartment buildings, how has the living area been distributed since the postwar period?Why has the area distribution changed over time?A survey of the houses built during 1950-2014 was made before questions could be answered. A case study was also made which a total of 90 apartments were analyzed and divided into three eras, the people´s home, the million programme and the neomodernism.
Laddningens påverkan på sprängskadeutbredningen
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Ekonomiska konsekvenser för energisparande åtgärder vid ombyggnad. Upprustning av miljonprogrammet
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Uppföljning av räckesreparationskostnader inom Vägverket Region Norr/Sydöst
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Mätning och undersökning av elkvalitén i elnätet på reningsverket GRYYAB, Göteborg
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Hydrauliken i Ångersjöns fosforfällor : bestämning av flödesvägar och åtgärdsförslag för optimal fosforbindning vid avloppsrening med reaktiva filter
Discharge of untreated wastewater leads to unnaturally high levels of nitrogen and
phosphorus in rivers, lakes and the sea, which results in unbalanced ecosystems with
eutrophication and lack of oxygen. Part of the phosphorus in surface waters is coming from
on-site wastewater treatment from scattered households with unsatisfactory purification.
Blast furnace slag is a by-product from iron production, and has in laboratory trials showed good phosphorus binding capacity. To test blast furnace slag as a reactive filter media for phosphorus separation in a full scale experiment, a wastewater treatment plant has been built behind the picnic area at Ångersjön alongside the road E4 in central-eastern Sweden. The plant contains two parallel lines, one with blast furnaces slag and the other with Filtralite-P as phosphorus sorbent. Both filters have showed decreasing phosphorus purification effect with time in spite of a low wastewater load.
Spin-off-fallstudier på Saab, Volvo Aero och Ericsson Microwave
Sweden is one of five nations in the world manufacturing fighter aircrafts. Highly advanced technology is needed in order to develop a fighter aircraft. When developing advanced technology, new applications, other than those initially intended occur, spin-off. Some of Sweden?s largest companies are spin-offs from the fighter aircraft industry.
Passivhusteknik i ett svenskt klimat - en byggnadsfysikalisk riskinventering och erfarenhetssammanställning av befintliga passivhusprojekt
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Samverkansanalys mellan påle och kohesionsjord. Studie av FE-programmet PLAXIS 3D FOUNDATION
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.