959 Uppsatser om Distributed applications - Sida 20 av 64
Konstkritiken är död, länge leve konstkritiken!: Studie i publicitetens effekt på bedömning av modern konst
According to modern theory, PR is seen as something that creates value for majority of products. The art market is a market that is characterized by several actors in different value chains, where transparency is low and art critics, or PR creators, have a certain amount of impact on the view of art, at least had so historically. But how does PR vs. art galleries´ own marketing (art brochure) affect the view and price consideration of art and artists for non-expert art spectators? After performing a large quantitative study, we can conclude that PR has negative to no affect on the view of art and the artist compared to the case when the spectator did not receive any information prior to viewing an art piece.
En tvärsnittsstudie rörande den samtida förekomsten av privat- och publik självmedvetenhet, social ångest samt smärta hos grupper i en studentpopulation.
There is much research into the reasons why a temporary pain, in some individuals, becomes chronic. Many of the causal factors linked with pain also seems to coexist with social anxiety, public self-consciousness and, to some extent, private self-consciousness. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify possible patterns of self-consciousness (private and public), social anxiety and pain. This was done by a cross-sectional study in which a questionnaire was distributed to students at Örebro University. A total of 302 completed questionnaires were received.
Avståndets inverkan på styrningen: -en fallstudie hos Vin & Sprit
The aim of this thesis is to get a better understanding of how the management control system works at V&S Distillers. V&S Distillers went through an organizational change in the beginning of 2005. The marketing function went from being a country-driven to a category-driven organization. Among other things this resulted in increased cooperation between employees in different geographical locations. We aim to analyze how a geographical distance affects relations and the use of management control.
Sökfunktioner i Smartphones : Hur moderna sökfunktioner påverkat vårt sökbeteende
The purpose of this paper has been to identify which modern search functions user of Smartphones are using, why just these functions are being used, and how they have affected the way users acquire information. Modern search functions in this paper means searches that are not based on text, i.e. ways to search for information by other means than writing something into a search field. To identify this, two studies were conducted, one with a questionnaire being distributed with the help of Google Docs through social networks, and one with four interviews with users of modern search functions for Smartphones. The study showed that even though 76 % of Smartphone users are aware of at least one modern search function, only 29% uses one on a regular basis.
Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies
The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge about diet and dental caries.
Mobilapplikationer - Framtidens väg till kundlojalitet?
Utvecklingen på den teknologiska marknaden har kommit att påverka företag i en allt större utsträckning då marknadsföring på Internet blivit allt viktigare. Den ökade använd-ningen av smartphones har bidragit till att fler och fler människor ständigt är uppkopp-lade vilket i sin tur har öppnat upp för nya sätt för företag att skapa relationer och att inte-ragera med sina kunder. En bidragande faktor är sociala medier som har öppnat upp för interaktion där företag och kunder kan kommunicera med varandra. De har även öppnat upp för kommunikation kunder emellan, vilket både skapar positiv och negativ word of mouth. I takt med utvecklingen av den nya telefonin, har mobilapplikationer kommit att få en allt större betydelse som marknadsföringskanal.
Facilea : hjälpmedel för hemtjänsten
With help from Hälsoteknikcentrum the need for storage of medical items in the home care section has come to our attention by an investigation that Hälsoteknikcentrum did. Facilea and the nursing stuff at Eketånga home care have developed a product specified to improve the work situation for both the nursing staffs and the patients.The trolley is equipped with a special module to make the trolley more adjustable for the recipients and the nursing staffs needs and desires. The product also collect all the care items in one place. Which gives the care patient and its relatives a possibility to gather all the medical items in one place and don?t have to put these in bookshelves etcetera.After surveys, interviews and home visits a prototype was built.
Kastrering av frisk tik
In this work we have compiled results from various studies concerning medical conditions that may possibly be avoided by castration and the effects that may occur after castration of the healthy bitch. The work is a literature review but it also includes a summary on the age recommendations for castration of the healthy bitch, castration before or after the first heat and the castration method most commonly used of ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy. The summary is based on a questionnaire answered by personnel from 20 veterinary clinics and animal hospitals evenly distributed throughout Sweden.The summary showed that ovariohysterectomy was the most common method of castration and the recommendation in age ranged from 6-12 months. Regarding castration before or after the first heat 75% of the veterinary clinics and animal hospitals answered that they recommended castration after the first heat. Literature study shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages of castration of the healthy bitch and that it therefore is important that each bitch get a personal and individual evaluation before a decision is taken concerning a castration..
Hör upp!!
In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user
interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to
identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements.
As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst
students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity,
which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is
located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an
arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from
my theoretical assumption about room and sound.
The result was a rule-based agent for notification of
email, which primarily uses sound as interaction style..
Elektronisk handel och självreglering -möjligheterna att via självreglering skapa ett förtroende för och främja utvecklingen av elektronisk handel?
To business owners and consumers electronic commerce means new conditions and possibilities. Often and specially at the Internet information between consumers and sellers is asymmetrically distributed. Among the consumers there is a shortage of confidence in electronic commerce. In order of a positive development of electronic commerce it´s important to find a solution to the shortage of confidence. Confidence may be created by legislation or by self- regulation.
Transformativt ledarskap - en förutsättning för produktivt teamklimat och egeneffektivitet?
In the faster growing pace of changes and competition in the global economy, factors promoting group effectiveness are of interest. How do components of leadershipstyle, especially transformational, team climate and selfefficacy correlate? To answer this question 3 questionnaires regarding leadershipstyle (MLQ), team climate (TCI-Short) and selfefficacy (self developed) were distributed to employees of a Swedish installation company (108 participants). Moderate positive correlations were found between climate and selfefficacy and between varying elements of leadership and selfefficacy. The leadership behaviour Contingent Reward correlated moderately with all climate dimensions and strongly with selfefficay.
Förtroende i ansvarsfördelade organisationer : En kvalitativ fallstudie hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende
Titel: En kvalitativ fallstudie hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende i organisationer med fördelat ansvar Nivå: Kandidatuppsats Författare: Jens Bergvik och Hanna Eriksson Handledare: Stig Sörling och Tomas Källquist Datum: 2015 ? januari Syfte: Enligt tidigare forskning är förtroende grunden för många av organisationens resultat och basen i fungerade relationer och samarbeten. Sambandet mellan förtroende och den ansvarsfördelade organisationen är identifierad men saknar praktisk forskning, då en ansvarsfördelad organisation kräver samarbete beroende på att många har befogenhet till ansvar och beslutsmakt. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att ge en ökad förståelse för hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende samt att belysa förtroendets roll i ansvarsfördelade organisationer. Metod: Studien har utgått från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och fenomenet som studerats ses vara av socialkonstruktivistisk art. Med hjälp av deduktion har teori och empiri arbetats fram där grunden för studien har varit i form av en fallstudie som antar ett kvalitativt angreppssätt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat & slutsats: Studien tyder på att förtroende är svårt att beskriva då det uppfattas som en abstrakt fenomen och därav avsaknaden av konkreta verktyg.
Vindskador vid stickväg i 1:a och 2:a gallring i Boxholm, Östergötland : i stormen Pers fotspår
Wind damages next to strip roads in 1st and 2nd thinning in Boxholm, Östergötland
Anneli Fransson, SLU, inst f sydsvensk skogsvetenskap, Examensarbete no 108
Wind damage is something we are all familiar with since the storms Gudrun (2005) and Per (2007). Research about strip roads and wind damage is very limited. It is commonly known that the trees next to the strip roads more often fall whit heavy winds, and the purpose of this thesis was to verify this statement. Data was collected from first- and second thinnings at Boxholms Skogar AB, Östergötland. In first thinnings data was collected from both spruce and pine stands and second thinnings only data from spruce stands was collected.
Hyllningsmusik till Karl XI : En studie kring 18 tillfälleskompositioner
This paper is a study of 18 extant pieces of panegyrical music for the Swedish king Karl XI (1655?1697). The compositions are preserved in two forms. There are a few contemporary prints, but the largest amount of music is preserved as manuscripts in the Dübencollection (Uppsala University Library). The paper focuses on four different aspects of the production of these 18 compositions.
Standardisering och optimering av packningsprocess
This is a thesis performed at GEMS PET Systems AB in Uppsala. GEMS PET Systems AB is a company within GE Healthcare. GEMS PET Systems develops and manufactures equipment for manufacturing of radioactive isotopes for PET which is a scanner used in medical applications. The systems includes an accelerator of cyclotron type and other support equipment. One system is shipped in two or three containers depending on order configuration.