

442 Uppsatser om Disaster Medicine - Sida 16 av 30

Behandlingsmetoder mot övervikt och fetma hos barn

Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is increasing. Diseases which earlier occurred exclusively among adults are now also observed among children. There is an urgent need for new treatments that can change this negative trend. The aim of this study was to describe existing treatments for obesity among children in the age of 6-12 and the effect of those treatments. This descriptive literature study is based on 17 research articles published between 2000 and 2007 from different parts in the world.

Homosexualitet i tre klassifikationssystem under tre decennier: Ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv på SAB, UDK och DDC.

The aim of this masters thesis is to, from a queertheoretical point of view, examine the possibilities to classify the subject homosexuality in three different classification systems. The three systems that have been analysed is the Swedish classification system SAB, the Universal Decimal Classification UDC and Dewey Decimal Classification DDC. The analysed editions are updates from the beginning of the 1970´s until today. The emphasis has been on how well the systems correspond to the changing society. We found several differences between the three systems, but also some resemblances.

Nervsjukdomar - Nästa stora satsning : Kartläggning av forskningsanslag i Sverige inomnaturvetenskap, medicin och life science

The aim with this project was to investigate how research grants in Sweden are distributed inthe selected fields; natural science, medicine and life science. Our client Olink producesdetection kits for biomarkers and our goal with this study was to give an indication of apossible new market area for their products. Three foundations were included in the study;VINNOVA, Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) and Stiftelsen för strategiskforskning (Swedish foundation for strategic research). Nearly a thousand research grantswere analysed which included a total of 4,92 billion Swedish kronor. Seven selecteduniversities were contacted; Chalmers tekniska högskola, Karolinska Institutet, Kungligatekniska högskolan, Linköpings universitet, Lunds universitetet, Sverigeslantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala universitet.

Hur är det att leva med ADHD? Tankar och funderingar från ungdomar

The purpose of this study was to examine young persons' experiences of life with ADHD. Semi structured interviews were done with four boys age 14-18 years, diagnosed with ADHD. The interviews followed a guide that consisted of themes with questions. The themes examined were: diagnosis, school, home, social and personal issues and how these themes are connected to ADHD. The results indicate that it is hard to live with ADHD.

Säker läkemedelshantering - Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan

Läkemedelshanteringen är ett av sjuksköterskans ansvarsområden inom hälso- och sjukvården. Utifrån kunskap och lagar skall den bedrivas på ett patientsäkert sätt men trots det sker läkemedelshanteringsfel vilket innebär risker i patientsäkerheten.Syftet med studien var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar säkerheten i samband med sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visade att vanliga läkemedelshanteringsfel är utebliven dos, fel administreringstid, fel dos, fel administreringssätt, fel läkemedel och läkemedel till fel patient. Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering är felaktiga och dåligt skrivna läkemedelsordinationer, distraktion under läkemedelshanteringen, bristande rutiner samt införande av ny teknologi.

Motiverande samtal som metod för ökad närvaro i gymnasieskolan?

Effektiviteten av manualiserad Motivational Interviewing prövades i en experimentell design. Gymnasieelever med hög frånvaro (n=89) blockrandomiserades till antingen två sessioner Motivational Interviewing eller någon av de två kontrollgrupperna, som erhöll validerande samtal respektive ingen intervention. Den beroende variabeln utgjordes av förändring i frånvaro som rapporterades av de deltagande skolorna. Utöver detta användes School Refusal Assessment Scale för att undersöka orsaker till frånvaron. University of Rhode Island Change Assessment användes för att mäta motivation enligt Prochaska och DiClementes förändringsmodell.

Antibiotic resistance associated with bacteria in irrigation water : a case study of irrigation ponds in Southern Sweden

The focus of this project was to characterize the occurrence of ESBL-­?producing bacteria in two irrigation water ponds in Southern Sweden. Samples were taken from two ponds nearby each other, from which analyses were made based on levels of community and individual isolates. Community samples were used for attempts for characterization of resistance patterns in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade. in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade..

Double integrating spheres: A method for assessment of optical properties of biological tissues

The determination of the optical properties of biological tissue is an important issue in laser medicine. The optical properties define the tissue´s absorption and scattering behaviour, and can be expressed by quantities such as the albedo, the optical thickness and the anisotropy coefficient. During this project, a measurement system for the determination of the optical properties was built up. The system consists of a double integrating sphere set-up to perform the necessary reflection and transmission measurements, and a computer algorithm to calculate the optical properties from the measured data. This algorithm is called Inverse Adding Doubling method, and is based on a one-dimensional transport model.

Akutvårdsavdelning och intensivvårdsavdelning - utformning, arbetsuppgifter och vad behöver finnas på plats?

Animals can be ill and need veterinary care for many reasons. The conditions can be more or less emergent, some can even be life-threatening. When an animal is in a life-threatening condition you can save the animals life just by having the right equipment near-by and ready to be used. This literature-study help you, as an active working veterinary nurse, with which these conditions are that can show up in your emergency ward and what you should have near-by to give animals with acute life-threatening conditions the care they need. The author also looked at work tasks at the emergency ward and found out that in Sweden it is not defined who can and/or should execute them. Interviews were also done with nine of the largest small-animal hospitals in Sweden to compare the studies found with the Swedish emergency wards.

Mindfulnessbaserad Rökavvänjning i Grupp: en explorativ studie

The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a mindfulness- and acceptance-based smoking cessation program in group (MRG). MRG was developed into an intervention consisting of 6 group sessions during 35 days including individual homework assignments. 8 of 10 participants completed the program. In order to evaluate the effect of MRG a quasi-experimental design with pretest and double posttest (second posttest at 1 month) was chosen. At second posttest, 50 percent (of 8 completers) were non-smokers, and the rest showed a decrease in smoking at a rate between 45 and 75 percent.

Att förbereda sig för det oförutsägbara. : Hur en medelstor resebyrå hanterar en internationell kris.

Internationella händelser såsom 11 september och tsunamikatastrofen har förändrat förutsättningarna för resebranschen på många sätt. Bland annat har ett ökat säkerhetstänkande hos resenärer manat fram ett paradigmskifte gällande synen på krishantering. Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för och kartlägga hur en medelstor resebyrå hanterade den internationella kris som uppkom i samband med tsunamikatastrofen. De förutsättningar som gäller för utarbetandet av en god krishanteringsplan beskrivs och förslag ges på hur företaget bör arbeta i framtiden när det gäller krishantering.Forskningsbidraget med denna uppsats blir således att utifrån ett organisatoriskt perspektiv undersöka i vilken mån en krishanteringsplan förbättrar förutsättningarna för krishantering. Undersökningen har genomförts i form av en fallstudie, där tillvägagångssättet varit en kvalitativ ansats.

Behovet alltid större än möjligheterna : En fallstudie av de drabbade kommunernas kriskommunikation i samband med branden i Västmanland

The tsunami in Thailand in 2004, 9/11 and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005 are all reminders that no organization is immune to crises, which also means that all organizations should be prepared and know how to handle a crisis if one was to occur. A case study has been conducted, on a crisis regarding a fire that occurred on the 31st of July 2014 in Västmanland, Sweden. Through Qualitative interviews empirical data was gathered and then analyzed together with our theories and previous research. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the municipalities affected and the County Administrative Board of Sweden handled and communicated with/to the public during the fire that spread in Västmanland 2014. Our study shows that a risk analysis and analysis of surroundings is crucial in anticipating a crisis event and that it is essential for organizations to undergo training to prepare organization members on how to handle a crisis. Another conclusion is that the need for information is large during a crisis event and grows throughout the entire course of the crisis. The crisis that we studied had a lack of information, but at the same time the public?s need for information is a need that can?t be satisfied during a crisis.

Att systematiskt hantera kunskap vid planering av ny infrastruktur : En fallstudie om skyfallsskador på riksväg 90 i Kramfors kommun

Natural disasters are becoming more common due to climate change and it is important to adapt the society and its infrastructure to withstand events such as extreme rainfall. Precipitation is an important climatic factor affecting the transport and annually generates the cost of millions in damages, over the past 40 years heavy rain has increased and will continue to increase in the future. The extreme rainfall that occurred in Kramfors municipality in September 2013 led to flooding and destroyed several roads, including highway 90, which recently both had been rebuilt and given a new stretch of road. Extreme rainfall had also occurred in the municipality earlier.  The aim of the thesis was to examine how the Swedish Transport Administration handles new knowledge gained after natural disasters and how this is used in the planning of new roads.

Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En kvalitativ studie ur ett patientperspektiv

BACKGROUND: Exercise on Prescription (EoP) means that a doctor writes out a customized form of exercise to the patient instead of medicine, or in combination with medication. The activity becomes a part of the treatment. Since many today do not follow recommendations for physical activity occurs in the long term a number of public health diseases. EoP promotes health and prevents disease. AIM: The aim of this paper is toexamine whether EoP from a patient perspective perceived to be an efficient and effective method of treatment.

Sjukhusbiblioteket som en resurs hur tillgodoses sjuksköterskors informationsbehov genom bibliotekets tjänster vid Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to find out what are the information needs of the nurses and if the hospital library can satisfy these needs, and see how the hospital library reaches the nurses with their information provision. The main questions are: what kinds of service exist at the hospital library? What kinds of needs have the nurses concerning the hospital library? How are the needs satisfied by the hospital library? What marketing strategies are used by the hospital library to reach out to the nurses? Is it enough to achieve the goal? The method in this study was a case study with the emphasis on the qualitative interviews. The study was conducted at the hospital library at Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus in Borås. The interviews concerned the nurses views on the hospital library, information needs and marketing.

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