

442 Uppsatser om Disaster Medicine - Sida 14 av 30

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse vid en medicinavdelning

Abstract:Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires a great deal of responsibility. Low job satisfaction and organisation changes affect their work negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate the nurses? job satisfaction and job situation.

Motstånd - inte tröst. En studie om förståelsen av motståndsbegreppet

Based on hermeneutic tradition, the goal of this thesis is to further my understanding of what the concept of resistance means in a psychoanalytical context today, primarily within clinical practice. My methodology has been to seek an understanding of the concept of resistance by reading excerpts from the original texts of Sigmund Freud, as well as conducting interviews with practicing psychoanalysts that focus on how they relate to the notion of resistance. The idea was to then present my understanding of these sources in relation to one another. The results suggest that an understanding of the concept of resistance in a clinical context is highlighted by a dichotomy between theory and practice..

Kommunikationsproblem på Apotek

The origin of the word ?communication? is the Latin word communicare, meaning to make common. The reason for our communication is to share thoughts, feelings and information, we want to affect and confirm.We are used to interpersonal communication, but even if we have had a lot of practice at it during our lives, we still find our selves facing misunderstandings and conflicts. The more people we meet during a day, the greater the chance is for interruptions in the communication.In pharmacy practice, good communication is vital for the client?s health and quality of life.

Klinisk termografi som diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid rörelsestörning hos häst :

Thermography is the assesment of the surface temperature of the horses body and it falls into the categori of physiological imaging. Thermography allows us to portray inflammation and changes in sympathetic tone in a graphical manner. The purpose of this study was to review thermography in equine medicine and to evaluate thermography as an aid in the diagnosis of lamness in horses. Thermography has been helpful to identyfy sprains, stress fractures, shin splints and soft tissue, tendon, ligamentous and nerv injuries and to monitor healing processes during rehabilitation. Routine thermography may reveal inflammatory responses prior to clinical signs. In present study thermograpy gave especially valuabel information in two cases. In one horse reduced blood flow in a. saphena due to a thrombosis were visualised and in the other horse bilateral thoracolumbal radiculopati was diagnosed.

3D-byggnadsmodeller utifrån takkonstruktioner : Lagring, hantering och bearbetning

A growing number of cities and municipalities in Sweden begin to work with city models in 3D. For the most part the models are used for visualizations of ongoing planning processes, but also for the analysis of noise, shadow studies and environmental disaster simulations.Gothenburg continues to develop the use of 3D maps in municipal operations and is demanding a way to create building elements (walls), which generates in 3D buildings, from roof constructions that are mapped from the primary map. A method has been investigated in the present study. The results are then presented as a 3D model of buildings, along with a terrain map that will facilitate the localization of the area. The created 3D buildings are then compared with roof-data from the primary map to see how well they harmonize with each other.

Integrativ vård : En undersökning av hälsovinster - egen upplevd hälsa, för patienter som erhållit antroposofisk vård på Vidarklinikens öppenvårdsmottagning i Norrköping

Introduktion: WHO betonar vikten av att integrera traditionell- och komplementärmedicin i nationella hälsovårdssystem. I Sverige förekommer integrativ medicin med antroposofisk inriktning på Vidarkliniken i Järna.Syfte: Att studera förändringar av självskattat hälsotillstånd hos patienter som erhållit antroposofisk vård på Vidarklinikens öppenvårdsmottagning i Norrköping.Metod: En kvantitativ metod med enkäter till 26 patienter på Vidarklinikens öppenvårdsmottagning i Norrköping, konsekutiv datainsamling. Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet skattades med hjälp av EQ-5D (rörlighet, hygien, aktivitet, smärta och oro) och EQ-VAS (totalt hälsotillstånd) samt två enkäter, konstruerade för denna studie, med VAS-skalor för sömnkvalitet, fysiskt tillstånd, psykiskt tillstånd och förutsättningar att hantera sin livssituation, samt patienternas beskrivning av måluppfyllelse. Därutöver undersöktes patienternas sjukskrivningsgrad och läkemedelsförbrukning.Resultat: Patienterna hade mycket varierande diagnoser och ofta sammansatt problematik. Vanligast var utmattning, fibromyalgi och smärta.

Relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandlingEn fallstudie av ett litet företag i krisberedskapsbranschen

Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandling. Den kommer även att försöka genomlysa till viken grad en relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi är genomförbar, samt hur detta kan vidareutvecklas för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. För att uppfylla detta syfte har en fallstudie av företaget SWEDE (Swedish Emergency Disaster Equipment), vilket verkar inom ett nischsegment av sjukvårdssektorn, närmare bestämt akutsjukvård/sanering genomförts. Fallstudien har genom en kvalitativ metod med utgångspunkt i grunderna inom modern relationsmarknadsföring undersökt vilka problem, samt möjligheter ett företag på en marknad vilken kontrolleras av Lagen om offentlig upphandling ställs inför.Vidare har andra teorier som stakeholder mapping varit en teoretisk grund för att identifiera viktiga aktörer och deras roll i den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen. De grundprinciper vilka Lagen om offentlig upphandling bygger på har presenterats och diskuterats ur fallföretagets synvinkel för att se hur de kan tänkas begränsa eller möjliggöra en framgångsrik relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi.Utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna, vilka haft för avsikt att skapa en djupare förståelse för det studerade problemområdet, drar jag slutsatsen att fallföretaget strävar efter att använda sig av relationsmarknadsföring i den mån det är möjligt utan att bryta mot Lagen om offentlig upphandling, då detta riskerar att resultera i juridiska påföljder.

Nyhetens behag: En textanalytisk studie av litteratur som bygger på nyhetshändelser

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine literature on current media events. We see a close relationship between this literature and the media society where we relate Manuel Castells theory of the network society. In this thesis we have chosen books which give different views on three major media events in Sweden: 1 the assassination of Anna Lindh, the former Swedish Minister for foreign Affairs; 2 the Knutby murder and; 3 the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. These books combine fact and fiction in their writing which in media science is called faction. This form of writing has similarities to genres like new journalism and documentarism and can be problematic for the reader in terms of genre expectations because of the mix of fact and fiction.

Katastrofhantering i kapitalets förlovade land : Den amerikanska statens hantering av Dust Bowl och orkanen Katrina

In this thesis, I enquire into how the USA ? our world?s wealthiest and most powerful nation ?  and its federal government has dealt with two of its most severe natural disasters: the drought and dust storms that plagued the Great Plains during the 1930?s, i.e. the Dust Bowl, and Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall in late August 2005. I attempt to identify differences and similarities and analyze if and, in that case, how the hegemonic politico-economic paradigm affected the federal management of these crises. This comparison is made relevant by the fact that two differing paradigms were at play during these events. In the thirties, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched his ?New Deal?, a series of counter cyclical measures in line with the Keynesian school of economics, as a response to the overwhelming economic depression as well as the raging drought.

Örter - en nisch? :

A tight economy and a keen competition force the Swedish agricultur to do a structural rationalization. The quantity of farmers is less but the units are growing. How to make money I think some kind of niche is necessary. In my examwork I have locked how to farm herbaceous plant and the marking of herb to feedstuff for horses. Today health food and alternative medicine are accepted to use and there is an increase in demand. The Swedish market for herbaceous plants to horses is small and the products are mostly imported. But there is a group of consumers who is willing to pay a higer price for Swedish cultivated herbs. The only way to find out which herbaceous plants I could cultivate is to make a test cultivate. I think that the market for herbaceous plants is growing.

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

Dystopi och jordens undergång : En genreanalys av dystopiska inslag i fiktiv film

This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman?s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research.

Neuropsykologisk studie av benign barnepilepsi med centrotemporala spikes

Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes - BCECTS is a common neurological syndrome but the possible cognitive effects are still relatively unknown. In the study 12 children with the diagnose BCECTS, 9 boys and 3 girls between the ages of 5,5 and 13,5 years, were examined. An extensive battery of neuropsychological tests were administered. The results indicates normal cognitive functioning as compared to the normal population, with one exception; an aspect of attention. But the results also indicate several negatively effected performances when compared to the cognitive g-factor of each child.

Hjärtfrekvensens förändring vid sinläggning av undervisningskor vid institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper :

It?s been noted that cows held at the section of ruminant medicine and epidemiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (IME), used for the education of veterinary students, have a lower heart rate than what is considered normal for ruminants. In this investigation the heart rates of seven lactating cows were recorded continuously during the period around drying off. The first recording took place at the farm from where the cows were bought, and then their heart rate was monitored after their arrival at IME and further on until they were completely dried off. The results were then compared to the heart rate of seven already dried off cows from the same farm.

Från naturkatastrofdrabbat kaos till rofylld solpaus : En studie om hur reseföretag marknadsför en krisdrabbad destination

Syftet med vår studie är att först ta reda på hur reseföretag har han-terat en katastrofsituation på en destination för att sedan kunna hitta strategier som ter sig lämpliga kring marknadsföringsarbetet för att locka tillbaka resenärer till den drabbade destinationen. Vi har valt att fokusera vår uppsats kring tsunamikatastrofen 2004 och hur olika reseföretag har gått till väga för att vinna tillbaka sina kunders förtroende.Vi har i denna uppsats valt att använda oss utav en kvalitativ me-tod med en abduktiv och fenomenologisk ansats då vårt syfte är att undersöka fenomenet tsunamikatastrofen 2004 i Thailand och ta reda på hur reseföretag har hanterat katastrofsituationen. Den abduktiva ansatsen har varit central under arbetets gång då vi har kompletterat teorin allt eftersom empirin vuxit fram. Vår empiri består av fem stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har stor erfarenhet och kompetens inom det undersökta området.Vi har utgått från en modell som förklarar hur återhämtnings-processen för en destination bör gå till och implementerat denna modell på reseföretag. De marknadsföringsfaktorer som vi under uppsatsens gång sett vara extra vitala är relationen med kunder samt relationen med media för att kunna återhämta sig efter en kris.

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